// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require("views/toolbar"); /** @class NavigationBars do Great Things. They transition themselves (fade in/out) and all children (swoosh left/right). They accept isSwipeLeft and isSwipeRight views that handle, well, swiping. In short, they are neat. @extends SC.ToolbarView @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.NavigationBarView = SC.ToolbarView.extend(SC.Gesturable, { gestures: ["swipeGesture"], swipeGesture: SC.SwipeGesture, init: function() { sc_super(); if (!SC.Animatable) { SC.Logger.error( "NavigationBarView requires SC.Animatable. " + "Please make your app or framework require the animation framework. CRASH." ); } }, /** @private Mixies in animatable and the navigation bar transitions. */ mixinAnimatable: function() { this.mixin(SC.Animatable); this.transitions = this.navigationTransitions; }, /** The default navigation transitions. */ navigationTransitions: { opacity: { duration: 0.25, action: "didFinishTransition" } }, /** The default style (opacity is 1) */ style: { opacity: 1 }, // // GESTURE SUPPORT // swipe: function(gesture, touch, direction) { var lookingFor = (direction === SC.SWIPE_LEFT) ? "isSwipeLeft" : "isSwipeRight", cv = this.get("childViews"), child, idx, len = cv.get("length"); // loop through the children for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { child = cv[idx]; // see if this is the view we are looking for if (child.get(lookingFor)) { // just give it touch responder and end right away, just like ScrollView. Good times, eh? touch.makeTouchResponder(child); touch.end(); return; } } }, // // BUILD IN/OUT // // for various reasons, including the fact that mixing in init is VERY BAD, we do this lazily. resetBuild: function() { if (!this.isAnimatable) this.mixinAnimatable(); }, // callback didFinishTransition: function() { if (this.isBuildingIn) { // and please continue this.buildInDidFinish(); } else if (this.isBuildingOut) this.buildOutDidFinish(); }, preBuildIn: function() { // first, fade this view out this.disableAnimation(); this.adjust("opacity", 0).updateLayout(); this.enableAnimation(); // now, loop over child views var cv = this.get("childViews"), child, idx, len = cv.get("length"); for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { child = cv[idx]; // if the child disables navigation transitions, skip if (child.disableNavigationTransition) continue; // make sure the navigation stuff is mixed in as needed if (!child._nv_mixedIn) this.mixinNavigationChild(child); // now, set the initial state, which is either to the left or to the right 100px. child.disableAnimation(); child.transform(this.buildDirection === SC.TO_LEFT ? 100 : -100); child.enableAnimation(); } }, buildIn: function() { // first, we do the precursor this.preBuildIn(); // then, we queue the actual animation this.invokeLater("startBuildIn", 10); }, startBuildIn: function() { this.adjust("opacity", 1); // get our frame, because we use it when computing child frames. var cv = this.get("childViews"), child, idx, len = cv.get("length"); for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { child = cv[idx]; if (child.disableNavigationTransition) continue; child.transform(0); } }, buildOut: function() { this.adjust("opacity", 0); var cv = this.get("childViews"), child, idx, len = cv.get("length"); for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { child = cv[idx]; if (child.disableNavigationTransition) continue; if (!child._nv_mixedIn) this.mixinNavigationChild(child); child.transform(this.buildDirection === SC.TO_LEFT ? -100 : 100); } }, /* CHILD VIEWS */ mixinNavigationChild: function(child) { if (child.isAnimatable) return; // mix in animatable child.mixin(SC.Animatable); // mix in the transitions (and the "natural" layout) child.mixin({ transitions: { transform: {timing: SC.Animatable.TRANSITION_EASE_IN_OUT, duration: 0.25} }, naturalLayout: child.get("layout"), transform: function(pos) { if (SC.platform.supportsCSS3DTransforms) { this.adjust("transform", "translate3d(" + pos + "px,0px,0px)"); } else { this.adjust("transform", "translate(" + pos + "px,0px)"); } } }); // and mark as having mixed in. child._nv_mixedIn = YES; } });