require 'spec_helper' describe "adding an item using the provided bookmarklet" do let(:exhibit) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit) } let(:curator) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit_curator, exhibit: exhibit) } let(:search) { exhibit.searches.first } before { login_as curator } it "should have an exhibit-specific bookmarklet" do visit spotlight.admin_exhibit_catalog_index_path(exhibit) click_link "Add New Items" expect(page).to have_content "Drag this button to the bookmarks toolbar in your web browser" expect(page).to have_link "#{exhibit.title} - Blacklight widget" end it "should trigger the bookmarklet" do # magic. end it "should submit the form to create a new item" do Spotlight::Resource.any_instance.stub(:reindex) visit spotlight.new_exhibit_resource_path(exhibit, popup: true, resource: { url: "info:url" }) expect(page).to have_content "Add Resource" expect(first('#resource_url', visible: false).value).to eq 'info:url' click_button "Create Resource" expect(Spotlight::Resource.last.url).to eq "info:url" end end