require 'English' module FakeFS # FakeFs Dir class class Dir include Enumerable attr_reader :path def self._check_for_valid_file(path) raise Errno::ENOENT, path.to_s unless FileSystem.find(path) end def initialize(string) self.class._check_for_valid_file(string) @path = FileSystem.normalize_path(string) @open = true @pointer = 0 @contents = ['.', '..'] + FileSystem.find(@path).entries @inode = end def close @open = false @pointer = nil @contents = nil nil end def each if block_given? while (f = read) yield f end else { |entry| entry_to_relative_path(entry) }.each end end def children each.to_a end def pos @pointer end def pos=(integer) @pointer = integer end def read raise IOError, 'closed directory' unless @pointer entry = @contents[@pointer] @pointer += 1 entry_to_relative_path(entry) if entry end def rewind @pointer = 0 end def seek(integer) raise IOError, 'closed directory' if @pointer.nil? @pointer = integer @contents[integer] end def self.[](*pattern) glob pattern end def self.exist?(path) File.exist?(path) && end def self.chdir(dir, &blk) FileSystem.chdir(dir, &blk) end def self.chroot(_string) raise NotImplementedError end def self.delete(string) _check_for_valid_file(string) raise Errno::ENOTEMPTY, string.to_s unless FileSystem.find(string).empty? FileSystem.delete(string) end def self.entries(dirname, _options = nil) _check_for_valid_file(dirname) { |file| File.basename(file) } end def self.children(dirname, _options = nil) entries(dirname) - ['.', '..'] end def self.each_child(dirname, &_block) do |dir| dir.each do |file| next if ['.', '..'].include?(file) yield file end end end if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.4' def self.empty?(dirname) _check_for_valid_file(dirname) if <= 2 else false end end end def self.foreach(dirname, &_block) do |dir| dir.each do |file| yield file end end end def self.glob(pattern, _flags = 0, flags: _flags, base: nil, sort: true, &block) # rubocop:disable Lint/UnderscorePrefixedVariableName pwd = FileSystem.normalize_path(base || Dir.pwd) matches_for_pattern = lambda do |matcher| matched = [FileSystem.find_with_glob(matcher, flags, true, dir: pwd) || []] do |e| pwd_regex = %r{\A#{pwd.gsub('+') { '\+' }}/?} if pwd.match(%r{\A/?\z}) || !e.to_s.match(pwd_regex) e.to_s else e.to_s.match(pwd_regex).post_match end end matched.sort! if sort matched end files = if pattern.is_a?(Array) do |matcher| matcher end.flatten else pattern end block_given? ? files.each { |file| } : files end def self.home(user = nil) RealDir.home(user) end def self.mkdir(string, _integer = 0) FileUtils.mkdir(string) end def, &_block) dir = if block_given? result = yield(dir) dir.close result else dir end end def self.tmpdir '/tmp' end def self.pwd FileSystem.current_dir.to_s end # Tmpname module module Tmpname # :nodoc: module_function def tmpdir Dir.tmpdir end def make_tmpname(prefix_suffix, suffix) case prefix_suffix when String prefix = prefix_suffix suffix = '' when Array prefix = prefix_suffix[0] suffix = prefix_suffix[1] else raise ArgumentError, "unexpected prefix_suffix: #{prefix_suffix.inspect}" end t ='%Y%m%d') path = "#{prefix}#{t}-#{$$}-#{rand(0x100000000).to_s(36)}" path << "-#{suffix}" if suffix path << suffix end def create(basename, *rest) if (opts = Hash.try_convert(rest[-1])) opts = opts.dup if rest.pop.equal?(opts) max_try = opts.delete(:max_try) else opts = {} end tmpdir, = *rest tmpdir ||= self.tmpdir Dir.mkdir(tmpdir) unless Dir.exist?(tmpdir) n = nil begin path = File.join(tmpdir, make_tmpname(basename, n)) yield(path, n, opts) rescue Errno::EEXIST n ||= 0 n += 1 retry if !max_try || n < max_try raise "cannot generate temporary name using `#{basename}' " \ "under `#{tmpdir}'" end path end end def ino @inode.inode_num end # This code has been borrowed from Rubinius def self.mktmpdir(prefix_suffix = nil, tmpdir = nil) case prefix_suffix when nil prefix = 'd' suffix = '' when String prefix = prefix_suffix suffix = '' when Array prefix = prefix_suffix[0] suffix = prefix_suffix[1] else raise ArgumentError, "unexpected prefix_suffix: #{prefix_suffix.inspect}" end t ='%Y%m%d') n = nil begin path = "#{tmpdir}/#{prefix}#{t}-#{$$}-#{rand(0x100000000).to_s(36)}" path << "-#{n}" if n path << suffix mkdir(path, 0o700) rescue Errno::EEXIST n ||= 0 n += 1 retry end if block_given? begin yield path ensure require 'fileutils' # This here was using FileUtils.remove_entry_secure instead of just # .rm_r. However, the security concerns that apply to # .rm_r/.remove_entry_secure shouldn't apply to a test fake # filesystem. :^) FileUtils.rm_r path end else path end end private def entry_to_relative_path(entry) filename = entry.to_s filename.start_with?("#{path}/") ? filename[path.size + 1..-1] : filename end class << self alias getwd pwd alias rmdir delete alias unlink delete end end end