#!/usr/bin/ruby require "generic_app/version" require "string_in_file" require "line_containing" ENV['DIR_MAIN'] = File.expand_path("../../", __FILE__) module GenericApp # Create app, stick with SQLite database in development def self.sq (subdir_name) self.git_clone (subdir_name) self.guard_file (subdir_name) self.app_views_password (subdir_name) self.guard_file (subdir_name) self.add_scripts (subdir_name) # Also used in the add-on procedure self.add_notes (subdir_name) self.add_readme (subdir_name) self.update_gitignore (subdir_name) # Also used in the add-on procedure self.git_init (subdir_name) end def self.git_clone (subdir_name) puts "*************************************************" puts "Downloading the Sample App from railstutorial.org" t1 = Thread.new { system("git clone https://github.com/mhartl/sample_app_3rd_edition.git #{subdir_name}") system("cd #{subdir_name} && git checkout remotes/origin/account-activation-password-reset") } t1.join end def self.guard_file (subdir_name) puts "*************************************************************" puts "Setting the Guardfile to automatically run tests upon startup" str_guard_orig = "all_on_start: false" str_guard_new = "all_on_start: true" StringInFile.replace(str_guard_orig, str_guard_new, "#{subdir_name}/Guardfile") end def self.app_views_password (subdir_name) puts "*********************************************************************************" puts "Advising users to use a password management program to create and store passwords" str1 = "" str2a = "" str2b = "\nUsing the same password for all of your accounts is risky." str2b += "\nLimiting yourself to passwords that you can easily remember is risky." str2b += "\nYou should use a password management program like KeePassX" str2b += "\nto create much better passwords AND store them in encrypted form.
" str2 = str2a + str2b StringInFile.replace(str1, str2, "#{subdir_name}/app/views/users/new.html.erb") StringInFile.replace(str1, str2, "#{subdir_name}/app/views/users/edit.html.erb") StringInFile.replace(str1, str2, "#{subdir_name}/app/views/password_resets/new.html.erb") StringInFile.replace(str1, str2, "#{subdir_name}/app/views/password_resets/edit.html.erb") end def self.git_init (subdir_name) puts "****************" puts "Initializing Git" t1 = Thread.new { $stdout = File.new( '/dev/null', 'w' ) system("cd #{subdir_name} && rm -rf .git") system("cd #{subdir_name} && git init") system("cd #{subdir_name} && git add .") system("cd #{subdir_name} && git commit -m 'Initial commit' >/dev/null") $stdout = STDOUT } t1.join end def self.add_scripts (subdir_name) puts "*******************" puts "Adding Bash scripts" system("cp -r #{ENV['DIR_MAIN']}/to_add/*.sh #{subdir_name}") system("cd #{subdir_name} && sh list_files.sh") end def self.add_notes (subdir_name) puts "*****************************" puts "Adding notes on MVC structure" system("mkdir -p #{subdir_name}/notes") system("cp -r #{ENV['DIR_MAIN']}/to_add/notes/* #{subdir_name}/notes") end def self.add_readme (subdir_name) puts "*****************************" puts "Adding README" system("cp -r #{ENV['DIR_MAIN']}/to_add/README.md #{subdir_name}") end def self.update_gitignore (subdir_name) puts "*******************" puts "Updating .gitignore" if StringInFile.present("tmp*","#{subdir_name}/.gitignore") == false command = 'echo "\ntmp*" >> ' command += "#{subdir_name}/.gitignore" system(command) end if StringInFile.present(".DS_Store","#{subdir_name}/.gitignore") == false command = 'echo "\n.DS_Store" >> ' command += "#{subdir_name}/.gitignore" system(command) end end # Create app, use PostgreSQL instead of SQLite # NOTE: Three databases are used: development, testing, and production. # NOTE: Each database has the same username and password. # INPUT PARAMETERS: # Name of directory containing the app # Database root name # Name of environmental variable used to store the username # Name of environmental variable used to store the password # Username # Password def self.pg (subdir_name, db_rootname_x, var_store_username, var_store_password, username_x, password_x) self.sq (subdir_name) self.pg_gemfile (subdir_name) self.pg_remove_sqlite (subdir_name) t1 = Thread.new { self.set_pg_params(subdir_name, db_rootname_x, var_store_username, var_store_password, username_x, password_x) } t1.join self.git_init (subdir_name) end def self.pg_gemfile (subdir_name) puts "**************************************************************************" puts "Updating the Gemfile (PostgreSQL for development, testing, and production)" LineContaining.delete("sqlite", "#{subdir_name}/Gemfile") LineContaining.delete("gem 'pg'", "#{subdir_name}/Gemfile") open("#{subdir_name}/Gemfile", 'a') {|f| f << "\n\ngem 'pg'\n" f << "gem 'figaro', '1.1.0'\n" } end def self.pg_remove_sqlite (subdir_name) system("rm #{subdir_name}/db/*.sqlite") end def self.set_pg_params (subdir_name, db_rootname_x, var_store_username, var_store_password, username_x, password_x) system("cp -r #{ENV['DIR_MAIN']}/to_add_pg/* #{subdir_name}") puts "*********************************************" puts "Setting up the PostgreSQL database parameters" # NOTE: These environmental variables are temporary and only used here. ENV['APP_DB_NAME_DEV'] = "#{db_rootname_x}_dev" ENV['APP_DB_NAME_TEST'] = "#{db_rootname_x}_test" ENV['APP_DB_NAME_PRO'] = "#{db_rootname_x}_pro" ENV['APP_DB_USER'] = username_x ENV['APP_DB_PASS'] = password_x system(%q{sudo -u postgres psql -c"CREATE ROLE $APP_DB_USER WITH CREATEDB LOGIN PASSWORD '$APP_DB_PASS';"}) # Development database system(%q{sudo -u postgres psql -c"CREATE DATABASE $APP_DB_NAME_DEV WITH OWNER=$APP_DB_USER;"}) system("wait") # Testing database system(%q{sudo -u postgres psql -c"CREATE DATABASE $APP_DB_NAME_TEST WITH OWNER=$APP_DB_USER;"}) system("wait") # Production database system(%q{sudo -u postgres psql -c"CREATE DATABASE $APP_DB_NAME_PRO WITH OWNER=$APP_DB_USER;"}) system("wait") puts "****************************************" puts "rm #{subdir_name}/config/application.yml" system ("rm #{subdir_name}/config/application.yml") puts "**************************************************" puts "Using Figaro to create initial configuration files" system("cd #{subdir_name} && figaro install") puts puts "*********************************" puts "Setting up config/application.yml" open("#{subdir_name}/config/application.yml", 'a') { |f| f << "\n\n" f << 'VAR_STORE_USERNAME: "USERNAME123"' f << "\n" f << 'VAR_STORE_PASSWORD: "PASSWORD123"' } StringInFile.replace("VAR_STORE_USERNAME", var_store_username, "#{subdir_name}/config/application.yml") StringInFile.replace("USERNAME123", username_x, "#{subdir_name}/config/application.yml") StringInFile.replace("VAR_STORE_PASSWORD", var_store_password, "#{subdir_name}/config/application.yml") StringInFile.replace("PASSWORD123", password_x, "#{subdir_name}/config/application.yml") puts puts "******************************" puts "Setting up config/database.yml" system("cp -r #{ENV['DIR_MAIN']}/to_add_pg/* #{subdir_name}") StringInFile.replace("VAR_STORE_USERNAME", var_store_username, "#{subdir_name}/config/database.yml") StringInFile.replace("VAR_STORE_PASSWORD", var_store_password, "#{subdir_name}/config/database.yml") StringInFile.replace("DB_NAME_DEV", ENV['APP_DB_NAME_DEV'], "#{subdir_name}/config/database.yml") StringInFile.replace("DB_NAME_TEST", ENV['APP_DB_NAME_TEST'], "#{subdir_name}/config/database.yml") StringInFile.replace("DB_NAME_PRO", ENV['APP_DB_NAME_PRO'], "#{subdir_name}/config/database.yml") puts puts "*************************************" puts "POSTGRESQL PUBLIC DATABASE PARAMETERS" puts "This information is stored in the config/database.yml file" puts "Database Name (development): #{ENV['APP_DB_NAME_DEV']}" puts "Database Name (testing): #{ENV['APP_DB_NAME_TEST']}" puts "Database Name (production): #{ENV['APP_DB_NAME_PRO']}" puts "Name of Environmental Variable Containing The Username: #{var_store_username}" puts "Name of Environmental Variable Containing the Password: #{var_store_password}" puts puts "**************************************" puts "POSTGRESQL PRIVATE DATABASE PARAMETERS" puts "This information is stored in the config/application.yml file." puts "The config/application.yml file is ignored by Git, which keeps it private." puts "Be sure you have this information saved in KeePassX." puts "Username: #{username_x}" puts "Password: #{password_x}" end end