require 'rubygems' require 'open-uri' require "highline/import" require 'httpclient' require 'github_api' require 'json/pure' require 'colorize' require 'git_reflow/version.rb' unless defined?(GitReflow::VERSION) require 'git_reflow/config' require 'git_reflow/git_server' require 'git_reflow/git_server/git_hub' require 'git_reflow/git_server/bit_bucket' require 'git_reflow/os_detector' require 'git_reflow/sandbox' require 'git_reflow/git_helpers' module GitReflow include Sandbox include GitHelpers extend self LGTM = /lgtm|looks good to me|:\+1:|:thumbsup:|:shipit:/i def status(destination_branch) pull_request = git_server.find_open_pull_request( :from => current_branch, :to => destination_branch ) if pull_request.nil? puts "\n[notice] No pull request exists for #{current_branch} -> #{destination_branch}" puts "[notice] Run 'git reflow review #{destination_branch}' to start the review process" else puts "Here's the status of your review:" pull_request.display_pull_request_summary ask_to_open_in_browser(pull_request.html_url) end end def review(options = {}) options['base'] ||= 'master' fetch_destination options['base'] begin push_current_branch existing_pull_request = git_server.find_open_pull_request( from: current_branch, to: options['base'] ) if existing_pull_request puts "A pull request already exists for these branches:" existing_pull_request.display_pull_request_summary ask_to_open_in_browser(existing_pull_request.html_url) else pull_request = git_server.create_pull_request(title: options['title'], body: options['body'], head: "#{remote_user}:#{current_branch}", base: options['base']) puts "Successfully created pull request ##{pull_request.number}: #{pull_request.title}\nPull Request URL: #{pull_request.html_url}\n" ask_to_open_in_browser(pull_request.html_url) end rescue Github::Error::UnprocessableEntity => e puts "Github Error: #{e.to_s}" rescue StandardError => e puts "\nError: #{e.inspect}" end end def deliver(options = {}) feature_branch = current_branch base_branch = options['base'] || 'master' fetch_destination(base_branch) update_destination(feature_branch) begin existing_pull_request = git_server.find_open_pull_request( :from => current_branch, :to => base_branch ) if existing_pull_request.nil? say "No pull request exists for #{remote_user}:#{current_branch}\nPlease submit your branch for review first with \`git reflow review\`", :deliver_halted else commit_message = if "#{existing_pull_request.description}".length > 0 existing_pull_request.description else "#{get_first_commit_message}" end if existing_pull_request.good_to_merge?(force: options['skip_lgtm']) puts "Merging pull request ##{existing_pull_request.number}: '#{existing_pull_request.title}', from '#{existing_pull_request.feature_branch_name}' into '#{existing_pull_request.base_branch_name}'" update_destination(base_branch) merge_feature_branch(feature_branch, :destination_branch => base_branch, :pull_request_number => existing_pull_request.number, :lgtm_authors => existing_pull_request.approvals, :message => commit_message) committed = run_command_with_label 'git commit', with_system: true if committed say "Merge complete!", :success # check if user always wants to push and cleanup, otherwise ask always_deploy_and_cleanup = GitReflow::Config.get('reflow.always-deploy-and-cleanup') == "true" deploy_and_cleanup = always_deploy_and_cleanup || (ask "Would you like to push this branch to your remote repo and cleanup your feature branch? ") =~ /^y/i if deploy_and_cleanup run_command_with_label "git push origin #{base_branch}" run_command_with_label "git push origin :#{feature_branch}" run_command_with_label "git branch -D #{feature_branch}" puts "Nice job buddy." else puts "Cleanup halted. Local changes were not pushed to remote repo.".colorize(:red) puts "To reset and go back to your branch run \`git reset --hard origin/#{base_branch} && git checkout #{feature_branch}\`" end else say "There were problems commiting your feature... please check the errors above and try again.", :error end elsif !existing_pull_request.build_status.nil? and existing_pull_request.build_status != "success" say "#{}: #{}", :deliver_halted elsif existing_pull_request.reviewers_pending_response.count > 0 say "You still need a LGTM from: #{existing_pull_request.reviewers_pending_response.join(', ')}", :deliver_halted else say "Your code has not been reviewed yet.", :deliver_halted end end rescue Github::Error::UnprocessableEntity => e errors = JSON.parse(e.response_message[:body]) error_messages = errors["errors"].collect {|error| "GitHub Error: #{error["message"].gsub(/^base\s/, '')}" unless error["message"].nil?}.compact.join("\n") puts "Github Error: #{error_messages}" end end def deploy(destination_server) deploy_command = GitReflow::Config.get("reflow.deploy-to-#{destination_server}-command", local: true) # first check is to allow for automated setup if deploy_command.empty? deploy_command = ask("Enter the command you use to deploy to #{destination_server} (leaving blank will skip deployment)") end # second check is to see if the user wants to skip if deploy_command.empty? say "Skipping deployment..." false else GitReflow::Config.set("reflow.deploy-to-#{destination_server}-command", deploy_command, local: true) run_command_with_label(deploy_command, with_system: true) end end def git_server @git_server ||= GitServer.connect provider: GitReflow::Config.get('reflow.git-server').strip, silent: true end end