# Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Michael Dvorkin and contributors. # # Fat Free CRM is freely distributable under the terms of MIT license. # See MIT-LICENSE file or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ require 'spec_helper' describe "/users/update" do include UsersHelper before do login_and_assign assign(:user, @user = current_user) end describe "no errors:" do it "should flip [Edit Profile] form" do render expect(rendered).to include("crm.flip_form('edit_profile')") end it "should update Welcome, user!" do render expect(rendered).to include("$('#welcome_username').html('#{@user.first_name}')") end it "should update actual user profile information" do render expect(rendered).to include("$('#profile').html") end end # no errors describe "validation errors :" do before do @user.errors.add(:first_name) end it "should redraw the [Edit Profile] form and shake it" do render expect(rendered).to include("$('#edit_profile').html") expect(rendered).to include(%/$('#edit_profile').effect("shake"/) expect(rendered).to include("$('#user_email').focus();") end end # errors end