# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: true # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/pry-byebug/all/pry-byebug.rbi # # pry-byebug-3.8.0 module PryByebug def check_file_context(target, msg = nil); end def current_remote_server; end def current_remote_server=(arg0); end def file_context?(target); end def self.check_file_context(target, msg = nil); end def self.file_context?(target); end end module PryByebug::Helpers end module PryByebug::Helpers::Location def current_file(source = nil); end def self.current_file(source = nil); end end module Byebug end class Byebug::PryProcessor < Byebug::CommandProcessor def at_breakpoint(breakpoint); end def at_end; end def at_line; end def at_return(_return_value); end def bold(*args, &block); end def n_hits(breakpoint); end def output(*args, &block); end def perform(action, options = nil); end def perform_backtrace(_options); end def perform_down(options); end def perform_finish(*arg0); end def perform_frame(options); end def perform_next(options); end def perform_step(options); end def perform_up(options); end def pry; end def pry=(arg0); end def resume_pry; end def run(&_block); end def self.start; end extend Forwardable end class Pry def self.start_with_pry_byebug(target = nil, options = nil); end def self.start_without_pry_byebug(target = nil, options = nil); end end module PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation def breakout_navigation(action, options = nil); end end class PryByebug::BacktraceCommand < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end include PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation end module PryByebug::Helpers::Multiline def check_multiline_context; end end class PryByebug::NextCommand < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end include PryByebug::Helpers::Multiline include PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation end class PryByebug::StepCommand < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end include PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation end module PryByebug::Helpers::Breakpoints def bold_puts(msg); end def breakpoints; end def max_width; end def print_breakpoints_header; end def print_full_breakpoint(breakpoint); end def print_short_breakpoint(breakpoint); end end class PryByebug::ContinueCommand < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end include PryByebug::Helpers::Breakpoints include PryByebug::Helpers::Location include PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation end class PryByebug::FinishCommand < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end include PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation end class PryByebug::UpCommand < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end include PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation end class PryByebug::DownCommand < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end include PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation end class PryByebug::FrameCommand < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end include PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation end module Pry::Byebug end module Pry::Byebug::Breakpoints def add_file(file, line, expression = nil); end def add_method(method, expression = nil); end def breakpoints; end def change(id, expression = nil); end def change_status(id, enabled = nil); end def delete(id); end def delete_all; end def disable(id); end def disable_all; end def each(&block); end def enable(id); end def find_by_id(id); end def last; end def size; end def to_a; end def validate_expression(exp); end extend Enumerable extend Pry::Byebug::Breakpoints end class Pry::Byebug::Breakpoints::FileBreakpoint < SimpleDelegator def source_code; end def to_s; end end class Pry::Byebug::Breakpoints::MethodBreakpoint < SimpleDelegator def initialize(byebug_bp, method); end def source_code; end def to_s; end end class PryByebug::BreakCommand < Pry::ClassCommand def add_breakpoint(place, condition); end def new_breakpoint; end def option_to_method(option); end def options(opt); end def print_all; end def process; end def process_condition; end def process_delete; end def process_delete_all; end def process_disable; end def process_disable_all; end def process_enable; end def process_show; end include PryByebug::Helpers::Breakpoints include PryByebug::Helpers::Location include PryByebug::Helpers::Multiline end class PryByebug::ExitAllCommand < Pry::Command::ExitAll def process; end end