#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w abort "rubinius does not support features required by zentest" if defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE =~ /rbx/ $TESTING = true require 'rubygems' require 'minitest/autorun' # I do this so I can still run ZenTest against the tests and itself... require 'zentest' unless defined? $ZENTEST # These are just classes set up for quick testing. # TODO: need to test a compound class name Mod::Cls class Cls1 # ZenTest SKIP def meth1; end def self.meth2; end end class TestCls1 # ZenTest SKIP def setup; end def teardown; end def test_meth1; end def test_meth2; assert(true, "something"); end end class SuperDuper # ZenTest SKIP def self.cls_inherited; end def inherited; end def overridden; end end class LowlyOne < SuperDuper # ZenTest SKIP def self.cls_xtended; end def overridden; end def xtended; end # renamed because maglev defines it globally :/ def pretty_print; end def pretty_print_cycle; end end # This is the good case where there are no missing methods on either side. class Blah0 def missingtest; end def notmissing1; end def notmissing2; end # found by zentest on testcase1.rb def missingimpl; end end class TestBlah0 def setup; end def teardown; end def test_notmissing1 assert(true, "a test") end def test_notmissing2_ext1 assert(true, "a test") end def test_notmissing2_ext2 flunk("a failed test") end def test_missingimpl; end def test_missingtest; end end class Blah1 def missingtest; end def notmissing1; end def notmissing2; end end class TestBlah1 def test_notmissing1; end def test_notmissing2_ext1; end def test_notmissing2_ext2; end def test_missingimpl; Blah1.new.missingimpl; end def test_integration_blah1; end def test_integration_blah2; end def test_integration_blah3; end end module Something2 class Blah2 def missingtest; end def notmissing1; end def notmissing2; end end end module TestSomething2 class TestBlah2 def test_notmissing1; end def test_notmissing2_ext1; end def test_notmissing2_ext2; end def test_missingimpl; end end end # only test classes class TestBlah3 def test_missingimpl; end end # only regular classes class Blah4 def missingtest1; end def missingtest2; end end # subclassing a builtin class class MyHash5 < Hash def []; end def missingtest1; end end # nested class module MyModule6 class MyClass6 def []; end def missingtest1; end end end # nested class module MyModule7; end # in 1.9+ you'll not need this class MyModule7::MyClass7 def []; end def missingtest1; end end class MyClass8 def self.foobar; end def MyClass8.foobaz; end end class TestTrueClass; end class TestZenTest < Minitest::Test def setup @tester = ZenTest.new() end ############################################################ # Utility Methods def util_simple_setup @tester.klasses = { "Something" => { "method1" => true, "method1!" => true, "method1=" => true, "method1?" => true, "attrib" => true, "attrib=" => true, "equal?" => true, "self.method3" => true, "self.[]" => true, }, } @tester.test_klasses = { "TestSomething" => { "test_class_method4" => true, "test_method2" => true, "setup" => true, "teardown" => true, "test_class_index" => true, }, } @tester.inherited_methods = @tester.test_klasses.merge(@tester.klasses) @generated_code = " require 'minitest/autorun' class Something def self.method4(*args) raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write self.method4' end def method2(*args) raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write method2' end end class TestSomething < Minitest::Test def test_class_method3 raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_class_method3' end def test_attrib raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_attrib' end def test_attrib_equals raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_attrib_equals' end def test_equal_eh raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_equal_eh' end def test_method1 raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_method1' end def test_method1_bang raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_method1_bang' end def test_method1_eh raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_method1_eh' end def test_method1_equals raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_method1_equals' end end # Number of errors detected: 10 " end ############################################################ # Accessors & Adders: def test_initialize refute_nil(@tester, "Tester must be initialized") # TODO: should do more at this stage end ############################################################ # Converters and Testers: def test_is_test_class # classes assert(@tester.is_test_class(TestCls1), "All test classes must start with Test") assert(!@tester.is_test_class(Cls1), "Classes not starting with Test must not be test classes") # strings assert(@tester.is_test_class("TestCls1"), "All test classes must start with Test") assert(@tester.is_test_class("TestMod::TestCls1"), "All test modules must start with test as well") assert(!@tester.is_test_class("Cls1"), "Classes not starting with Test must not be test classes") assert(!@tester.is_test_class("NotTestMod::TestCls1"), "Modules not starting with Test must not be test classes") assert(!@tester.is_test_class("NotTestMod::NotTestCls1"), "All names must start with Test to be test classes") end def test_is_test_class_reversed old = $r $r = true assert(@tester.is_test_class("Cls1Test"), "Reversed: All test classes must end with Test") assert(@tester.is_test_class("ModTest::Cls1Test"), "Reversed: All test classes must end with Test") assert(!@tester.is_test_class("TestMod::TestCls1"), "Reversed: All test classes must end with Test") $r = old end def test_convert_class_name assert_equal('Cls1', @tester.convert_class_name(TestCls1)) assert_equal('TestCls1', @tester.convert_class_name(Cls1)) assert_equal('Cls1', @tester.convert_class_name('TestCls1')) assert_equal('TestCls1', @tester.convert_class_name('Cls1')) assert_equal('TestModule::TestCls1', @tester.convert_class_name('Module::Cls1')) assert_equal('Module::Cls1', @tester.convert_class_name('TestModule::TestCls1')) end def test_convert_class_name_reversed old = $r $r = true assert_equal('Cls1', @tester.convert_class_name("Cls1Test")) assert_equal('Cls1Test', @tester.convert_class_name(Cls1)) assert_equal('Cls1', @tester.convert_class_name('Cls1Test')) assert_equal('Cls1Test', @tester.convert_class_name('Cls1')) assert_equal('ModuleTest::Cls1Test', @tester.convert_class_name('Module::Cls1')) assert_equal('Module::Cls1', @tester.convert_class_name('ModuleTest::Cls1Test')) $r = old end ############################################################ # Missing Classes and Methods: def test_missing_methods_empty missing = @tester.missing_methods assert_equal({}, missing) end def test_add_missing_method_normal @tester.add_missing_method("SomeClass", "some_method") missing = @tester.missing_methods assert_equal({"SomeClass" => { "some_method" => true } }, missing) end def test_add_missing_method_duplicates @tester.add_missing_method("SomeClass", "some_method") @tester.add_missing_method("SomeClass", "some_method") @tester.add_missing_method("SomeClass", "some_method") missing = @tester.missing_methods assert_equal({"SomeClass" => { "some_method" => true } }, missing) end def test_analyze_simple self.util_simple_setup @tester.analyze missing = @tester.missing_methods expected = { "Something" => { "method2" => true, "self.method4" => true, }, "TestSomething" => { "test_class_method3" => true, "test_attrib" => true, "test_attrib_equals" => true, "test_equal_eh" => true, "test_method1" => true, "test_method1_eh"=>true, "test_method1_bang"=>true, "test_method1_equals"=>true, } } assert_equal(expected, missing) end def test_create_method list = @tester.create_method(" ", 1, "wobble") assert_equal([" def wobble(*args)", " raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write wobble'", " end"],list) end def test_methods_and_tests @tester.process_class("ZenTest") @tester.process_class("TestZenTest") m,t = @tester.methods_and_tests("ZenTest", "TestZenTest") assert(m.include?("methods_and_tests")) assert(t.include?("test_methods_and_tests")) end def test_generate_code_simple self.util_simple_setup @tester.analyze str = @tester.generate_code[1..-1].join("\n") exp = @generated_code assert_equal(exp, str) end def test_get_class_good assert_equal(Object, @tester.get_class("Object")) end def test_get_class_bad assert_nil(@tester.get_class("ZZZObject")) end def test_get_inherited_methods_for_subclass expect = { "inherited" => true, "overridden" => true } result = @tester.get_inherited_methods_for("LowlyOne", false) assert_equal(expect, result) end def test_get_inherited_methods_for_subclass_full expect = Object.instance_methods + %w( inherited overridden ) expect.map! { |m| m.to_s } result = @tester.get_inherited_methods_for("LowlyOne", true) assert_equal(expect.sort, result.keys.sort) end def test_get_inherited_methods_for_superclass expect = { } result = @tester.get_inherited_methods_for("SuperDuper", false) assert_equal(expect.keys.sort, result.keys.sort) end def test_get_inherited_methods_for_superclass_full expect = Object.instance_methods.map { |m| m.to_s } result = @tester.get_inherited_methods_for("SuperDuper", true) assert_equal(expect.sort, result.keys.sort) end def test_get_methods_for_subclass expect = { "self.cls_xtended" => true, "overridden" => true, "xtended" => true } result = @tester.get_methods_for("LowlyOne") assert_equal(expect, result) end def test_get_methods_for_subclass_full expect = { "self.cls_inherited" => true, "self.cls_xtended" => true, "overridden" => true, "xtended" => true } result = @tester.get_methods_for("LowlyOne", true) assert_equal(expect, result) end def test_get_methods_for_superclass expect = { "self.cls_inherited" => true, "overridden" => true, "inherited" => true } result = @tester.get_methods_for("SuperDuper") assert_equal(expect, result) end def test_result self.util_simple_setup @tester.analyze @tester.generate_code str = @tester.result.split($/, 2).last exp = @generated_code assert_equal(exp, str) end def test_load_file skip 'Need to write test_load_file' end def test_scan_files skip 'Need to write test_scan_files' end def test_process_class assert_equal({}, @tester.klasses) assert_equal({}, @tester.test_klasses) assert_equal({}, @tester.inherited_methods["SuperDuper"]) @tester.process_class("SuperDuper") assert_equal({"SuperDuper"=> { "self.cls_inherited"=>true, "inherited"=>true, "overridden"=>true}}, @tester.klasses) assert_equal({}, @tester.test_klasses) assert_equal({}, @tester.inherited_methods["SuperDuper"]) end def test_klasses_equals self.util_simple_setup assert_equal({"Something"=> { "self.method3"=>true, "equal?"=>true, "attrib="=>true, "self.[]"=>true, "method1"=>true, "method1="=>true, "method1?"=>true, "method1!"=>true, "attrib"=>true}}, @tester.klasses) @tester.klasses= {"whoopie" => {}} assert_equal({"whoopie"=> {}}, @tester.klasses) end # REFACTOR: this should probably be cleaned up and on ZenTest side def util_testcase(*klasses) zentest = ZenTest.new klasses.each do |klass| zentest.process_class(klass) end zentest.analyze zentest.generate_code return zentest.result.split("\n")[1..-1].join("\n") end def test_testcase0 expected = '# Number of errors detected: 0' assert_equal expected, util_testcase("Blah0", "TestBlah0") end HEADER = "\nrequire 'minitest/autorun'\n\n" def test_testcase1 expected = "#{HEADER}class Blah1\n def missingimpl(*args)\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write missingimpl'\n end\nend\n\nclass TestBlah1 < Minitest::Test\n def test_missingtest\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_missingtest'\n end\nend\n\n# Number of errors detected: 2" assert_equal expected, util_testcase("Blah1", "TestBlah1") end def test_testcase2 expected = "#{HEADER}class Something2::Blah2\n def missingimpl(*args)\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write missingimpl'\n end\nend\n\nclass TestSomething2::TestBlah2 < Minitest::Test\n def test_missingtest\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_missingtest'\n end\nend\n\n# Number of errors detected: 2" assert_equal expected, util_testcase("Something2::Blah2", "TestSomething2::TestBlah2") end def test_testcase3 expected = "#{HEADER}class Blah3\n def missingimpl(*args)\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write missingimpl'\n end\nend\n\n# Number of errors detected: 1" assert_equal expected, util_testcase("TestBlah3") end def test_testcase4 expected = "#{HEADER}class TestBlah4 < Minitest::Test\n def test_missingtest1\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_missingtest1'\n end\n\n def test_missingtest2\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_missingtest2'\n end\nend\n\n# Number of errors detected: 3" assert_equal expected, util_testcase("Blah4") end def test_testcase5 expected = "#{HEADER}class TestMyHash5 < Minitest::Test\n def test_index\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_index'\n end\n\n def test_missingtest1\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_missingtest1'\n end\nend\n\n# Number of errors detected: 3" assert_equal expected, util_testcase("MyHash5") end def test_testcase6 expected = "#{HEADER}class TestMyModule6::TestMyClass6 < Minitest::Test\n def test_index\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_index'\n end\n\n def test_missingtest1\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_missingtest1'\n end\nend\n\n# Number of errors detected: 3" assert_equal expected, util_testcase("MyModule6::MyClass6") end def test_testcase7 expected = "#{HEADER}class TestMyModule7::TestMyClass7 < Minitest::Test\n def test_index\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_index'\n end\n\n def test_missingtest1\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_missingtest1'\n end\nend\n\n# Number of errors detected: 3" assert_equal expected, util_testcase("MyModule7::MyClass7") end def test_testcase8 expected = "#{HEADER}class TestMyClass8 < Minitest::Test\n def test_class_foobar\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_class_foobar'\n end\n\n def test_class_foobaz\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_class_foobaz'\n end\nend\n\n# Number of errors detected: 3" assert_equal expected, util_testcase("MyClass8") end def test_testcase9 # stupid YAML is breaking my tests. Enters via Test::Rails. order dependent. if defined? YAML then TrueClass.send :remove_method, :taguri, :taguri=, :to_yaml rescue nil end pims = TrueClass.public_instance_methods(false) TrueClass.send :remove_method, :inspect if pims.include? :inspect # 2.0 only is_ruby_23 = RUBY_VERSION >= "2.3" count = "4" extra = "" if is_ruby_23 then count = "5" extra = " def test_equals3\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_equals3'\n end\n\n" end expected = "#{HEADER}class TestTrueClass < Minitest::Test\n def test_and\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_and'\n end\n\n def test_carat\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_carat'\n end\n\n#{extra} def test_or\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_or'\n end\n\n def test_to_s\n raise NotImplementedError, 'Need to write test_to_s'\n end\nend\n\n# Number of errors detected: #{count}" assert_equal expected, util_testcase("TestTrueClass") end end