# frozen_string_literal: true require "bundler" require "rails/generators" require "rails/generators/rails/app/app_generator" require "decidim/generators" require_relative "install_generator" module Decidim module Generators # Generates a Rails app and installs decidim to it. Uses the default Rails # generator for most of the work. # # Remember that, for how generators work, actions are executed based on the # definition order of the public methods. class AppGenerator < Rails::Generators::AppGenerator hide! def source_paths [ self.class.source_root, Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.source_root ] end source_root File.expand_path("app_templates", __dir__) class_option :app_name, type: :string, default: nil, desc: "The name of the app" class_option :path, type: :string, default: nil, desc: "Path to the gem" class_option :edge, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Use GitHub's edge version from develop branch" class_option :branch, type: :string, default: nil, desc: "Use a specific branch from GitHub's version" class_option :repository, type: :string, default: "https://github.com/decidim/decidim.git", desc: "Use a specific GIT repository (valid in conjunction with --edge or --branch)" class_option :recreate_db, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Recreate test database" class_option :seed_db, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Seed test database" class_option :skip_bundle, type: :boolean, default: true, # this is to avoid installing gems in this step yet (done by InstallGenerator) desc: "Don't run bundle install" class_option :skip_gemfile, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Don't generate a Gemfile for the application" class_option :demo, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Generate demo authorization handlers" class_option :profiling, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Add the necessary gems to profile the app" class_option :force_ssl, type: :string, default: "true", desc: "Doesn't force to use ssl" class_option :locales, type: :string, default: "", desc: "Force the available locales to the ones specified. Separate with comas" class_option :storage, type: :string, default: "local", desc: "Setup the Gemfile with the appropiate gem to handle a storage provider. Supported options are: local (default), s3, gcs, azure" class_option :queue, type: :string, default: "", desc: "Setup the Gemfile with the appropiate gem to handle a queue adapter provider. Supported options are: (empty, does nothing) and sidekiq" class_option :skip_webpack_install, type: :boolean, default: true, desc: "Don't run Webpack install" def database_yml template "database.yml.erb", "config/database.yml", force: true end def decidim_controller template "decidim_controller.rb.erb", "app/controllers/decidim_controller.rb", force: true end def docker template "Dockerfile.erb", "Dockerfile" template "docker-compose.yml.erb", "docker-compose.yml" end def etherpad template "docker-compose-etherpad.yml", "docker-compose-etherpad.yml" end def cable_yml template "cable.yml.erb", "config/cable.yml", force: true end def readme template "README.md.erb", "README.md", force: true end def license template "LICENSE-AGPLv3.txt", "LICENSE-AGPLv3.txt" end def gemfile return if options[:skip_gemfile] if branch.present? get target_gemfile, "Gemfile", force: true get "#{target_gemfile}.lock", "Gemfile.lock", force: true else copy_file target_gemfile, "Gemfile", force: true copy_file "#{target_gemfile}.lock", "Gemfile.lock", force: true end gsub_file "Gemfile", /gem "#{current_gem}".*/, "gem \"#{current_gem}\", #{gem_modifier}" return unless current_gem == "decidim" gsub_file "Gemfile", /gem "decidim-dev".*/, "gem \"decidim-dev\", #{gem_modifier}" %w(conferences consultations elections initiatives templates).each do |component| if options[:demo] gsub_file "Gemfile", /gem "decidim-#{component}".*/, "gem \"decidim-#{component}\", #{gem_modifier}" else gsub_file "Gemfile", /gem "decidim-#{component}".*/, "# gem \"decidim-#{component}\", #{gem_modifier}" end end end def add_storage_provider template "storage.yml.erb", "config/storage.yml", force: true providers = options[:storage].split(",") abort("#{providers} is not supported as storage provider, please use local, s3, gcs or azure") unless (providers - %w(local s3 gcs azure)).empty? gsub_file "config/environments/production.rb", /config.active_storage.service = :local/, "config.active_storage.service = Rails.application.secrets.dig(:storage, :provider) || :local" add_production_gems do gem "aws-sdk-s3", require: false if providers.include?("s3") gem "azure-storage-blob", require: false if providers.include?("azure") gem "google-cloud-storage", "~> 1.11", require: false if providers.include?("gcs") end end def add_queue_adapter adapter = options[:queue] abort("#{adapter} is not supported as a queue adapter, please use sidekiq for the moment") unless adapter.in?(["", "sidekiq"]) return unless adapter == "sidekiq" template "sidekiq.yml.erb", "config/sidekiq.yml", force: true gsub_file "config/environments/production.rb", /# config.active_job.queue_adapter = :resque/, "config.active_job.queue_adapter = ENV['QUEUE_ADAPTER'] if ENV['QUEUE_ADAPTER'].present?" prepend_file "config/routes.rb", "require \"sidekiq/web\"\n\n" route <<~RUBY authenticate :user, ->(u) { u.admin? } do mount Sidekiq::Web => "/sidekiq" end RUBY add_production_gems do gem "sidekiq" end end def add_production_gems(&block) return if options[:skip_gemfile] if block @production_gems ||= [] @production_gems << block elsif @production_gems.present? gem_group :production do @production_gems.map(&:call) end end end def tweak_bootsnap gsub_file "config/boot.rb", %r{require 'bootsnap/setup'.*$}, <<~RUBY.rstrip require "bootsnap" env = ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || "development" Bootsnap.setup( cache_dir: File.expand_path(File.join("..", "tmp", "cache"), __dir__), development_mode: env == "development", load_path_cache: true, compile_cache_iseq: !ENV["SIMPLECOV"], compile_cache_yaml: true ) RUBY end def tweak_spring return unless File.exist?("config/spring.rb") prepend_to_file "config/spring.rb", "require \"decidim/spring\"\n\n" end def add_ignore_uploads append_file ".gitignore", "\n# Ignore public uploads\npublic/uploads" unless options["skip_git"] end def remove_default_error_pages remove_file "public/404.html" remove_file "public/500.html" end def decidim_initializer copy_file "initializer.rb", "config/initializers/decidim.rb" gsub_file "config/environments/production.rb", /config.log_level = :info/, "config.log_level = %w(debug info warn error fatal).include?(ENV['RAILS_LOG_LEVEL']) ? ENV['RAILS_LOG_LEVEL'] : :info" gsub_file "config/environments/production.rb", %r{# config.asset_host = 'http://assets.example.com'}, "config.asset_host = ENV['RAILS_ASSET_HOST'] if ENV['RAILS_ASSET_HOST'].present?" if options[:force_ssl] == "false" gsub_file "config/initializers/decidim.rb", /# config.force_ssl = true/, "config.force_ssl = false" end return if options[:locales].blank? gsub_file "config/initializers/decidim.rb", /#{Regexp.escape("# config.available_locales = %w(en ca es)")}/, "config.available_locales = %w(#{options[:locales].gsub(",", " ")})" gsub_file "config/initializers/decidim.rb", /#{Regexp.escape("config.available_locales = Rails.application.secrets.decidim[:available_locales].presence || [:en]")}/, "# config.available_locales = Rails.application.secrets.decidim[:available_locales].presence || [:en]" end def authorization_handler return unless options[:demo] copy_file "dummy_authorization_handler.rb", "app/services/dummy_authorization_handler.rb" copy_file "another_dummy_authorization_handler.rb", "app/services/another_dummy_authorization_handler.rb" copy_file "verifications_initializer.rb", "config/initializers/decidim_verifications.rb" end def sms_gateway return unless options[:demo] gsub_file "config/initializers/decidim.rb", /# config.sms_gateway_service = "MySMSGatewayService"/, "config.sms_gateway_service = 'Decidim::Verifications::Sms::ExampleGateway'" end def budgets_workflows return unless options[:demo] copy_file "budgets_workflow_random.rb", "lib/budgets_workflow_random.rb" copy_file "budgets_workflow_random.en.yml", "config/locales/budgets_workflow_random.en.yml" copy_file "budgets_initializer.rb", "config/initializers/decidim_budgets.rb" end def timestamp_service return unless options[:demo] gsub_file "config/initializers/decidim.rb", /# config.timestamp_service = "MyTimestampService"/, "config.timestamp_service = \"Decidim::Initiatives::DummyTimestamp\"" end def pdf_signature_service return unless options[:demo] gsub_file "config/initializers/decidim.rb", /# config.pdf_signature_service = "MyPDFSignatureService"/, "config.pdf_signature_service = \"Decidim::Initiatives::PdfSignatureExample\"" end def machine_translation_service return unless options[:demo] gsub_file "config/initializers/decidim.rb", /# config.machine_translation_service = "MyTranslationService"/, "config.machine_translation_service = 'Decidim::Dev::DummyTranslator'" end def install Decidim::Generators::InstallGenerator.start( [ "--recreate_db=#{options[:recreate_db]}", "--seed_db=#{options[:seed_db]}", "--skip_gemfile=#{options[:skip_gemfile]}", "--app_name=#{app_name}", "--profiling=#{options[:profiling]}" ] ) end private def gem_modifier @gem_modifier ||= if options[:path] %(path: "#{options[:path]}") elsif branch.present? %(git: "#{repository}", branch: "#{branch}") else %("#{Decidim::Generators.version}") end end def branch return if options[:path] @branch ||= options[:edge] ? Decidim::Generators.edge_git_branch : options[:branch].presence end def repository @repository ||= options[:repository] || "https://github.com/decidim/decidim.git" end def app_name options[:app_name] || super end def app_const_base app_name.gsub(/\W/, "_").squeeze("_").camelize end def current_gem return "decidim" unless options[:path] @current_gem ||= File.read(gemspec).match(/name\s*=\s*['"](?.*)["']/)[:name] end def gemspec File.expand_path(Dir.glob("*.gemspec", base: expanded_path).first, expanded_path) end def target_gemfile root = if options[:path] expanded_path elsif branch.present? "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/decidim/decidim/#{branch}/decidim-generators" else root_path end File.join(root, "Gemfile") end def expanded_path File.expand_path(options[:path]) end def root_path File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", ".."), __dir__) end end end end