require "nexussw/lxd/driver/mixins/helpers/wait" require "nexussw/lxd/transport/cli" require "tempfile" require "yaml" require "json" module NexusSW module LXD class Driver module Mixins module CLI def initialize(inner_transport, driver_options = {}) @inner_transport = inner_transport @driver_options = driver_options || {} end attr_reader :inner_transport, :driver_options def transport_for(container_name) inner_transport, container_name, info: YAML.load(inner_transport.execute("lxc info").error!.stdout) end def create_container(container_name, container_options = {}) autostart = (container_options.delete(:autostart) != false) if container_exists? container_name start_container(container_name) if autostart return container_name end cline = "lxc launch #{image_alias(container_options)} #{container_name}" profiles = container_options[:profiles] || [] profiles.each { |p| cline += " -p #{p}" } configs = container_options[:config] || {} configs.each { |k, v| cline += " -c #{k}=#{v}" } if !autostart || container_options[:devices] # append to the cline to avoid potential lag between create & stop cline += " && lxc stop -f #{container_name}" cline = ["sh", "-c", cline] # There's no guarantee that inner_transport is running a shell for the && operator end inner_transport.execute(cline).error! if container_options[:devices] update_container(container_name, devices: container_options[:devices]) start_container(container_name) if autostart else wait_for_status container_name, "running" if autostart end container_name end def update_container(container_name, container_options) raise NexusSW::LXD::RestAPI::Error::NotFound, "Container (#{container_name}) does not exist" unless container_exists? container_name configs = container_options[:config] devices = container_options[:devices] profiles = container_options[:profiles] existing = container(container_name) if configs configs.each do |k, v| if v.nil? next unless existing[:config][k] inner_transport.execute("lxc config unset #{container_name} #{k}").error! else next if existing[:config][k] == v inner_transport.execute("lxc config set #{container_name} #{k} #{v}").error! end end end if devices devices.each do |name, device| cmd = "add" if device.nil? next unless existing[:devices].include? name inner_transport.execute("lxc config device remove #{container_name} #{name}").error! next elsif existing[:devices].include?(name) cmd = "set" if existing[:devices][name][:type] != device[:type] inner_transport.execute("lxc config device remove #{container_name} #{name}").error! cmd = "add" end end if cmd == "add" cline = "lxc config device add #{container_name} #{name} #{device[:type]}" device.each do |k, v| cline << " #{k}=#{v}" end inner_transport.execute(cline).error! else device.each do |k, v| next if k == :type next if v == existing[:devices][name][k] inner_transport.execute("lxc config device set #{container_name} #{name} #{k} #{v}").error! end end end end if profiles inner_transport.execute("lxc profile assign #{container_name} #{profiles.join(",")}").error! unless profiles == existing[:profiles] end container container_name end def start_container(container_id) return if container_status(container_id) == "running" inner_transport.execute("lxc start #{container_id}").error! wait_for_status container_id, "running" end def stop_container(container_id, options = {}) options ||= {} # default behavior: no timeout or retries. These functions are up to the consumer's context and not really 'sane' defaults return if container_status(container_id) == "stopped" return inner_transport.execute("lxc stop #{container_id} --force", capture: false).error! if options[:force] LXD.with_timeout_and_retries(options) do return if container_status(container_id) == "stopped" timeout = " --timeout=#{options[:retry_interval]}" if options[:retry_interval] retval = inner_transport.execute("lxc stop #{container_id}#{timeout || ''}", capture: false) begin retval.error! rescue => e return if container_status(container_id) == "stopped" # can't distinguish between timeout, or other error. # but if the status call is not popping a 404, and we're not stopped, then a retry is worth it raise if timeout # rubocop:disable Style/RaiseArgs raise end end wait_for_status container_id, "stopped" end def delete_container(container_id) return unless container_exists? container_id inner_transport.execute("lxc delete #{container_id} --force", capture: false).error! end def container_status(container_id) STATUS_CODES[container(container_id)[:status_code].to_i] end # YAML is not supported until somewhere in the feature branch # the YAML return has :state and :container at the root level # the JSON return has no :container (:container is root) # and has :state underneath that # (CLI Only) and :state is only available if the container is running def container_state(container_id) res = inner_transport.execute("lxc list #{container_id} --format=json") res.error! JSON.parse(res.stdout).each do |c| return LXD.symbolize_keys(c["state"]) if c["name"] == container_id end nil end def container(container_id) res = inner_transport.execute("lxc list #{container_id} --format=json") res.error! JSON.parse(res.stdout).each do |c| return Driver.convert_bools(LXD.symbolize_keys(c.reject { |k, _| k == "state" })) if c["name"] == container_id end nil end def container_exists?(container_id) return true if container_status(container_id) false rescue false end include Helpers::WaitMixin protected def wait_for_status(container_id, newstatus) loop do status = container_status(container_id) return if status == newstatus NIO::WebSocket.logger.debug "#{container_id} status = '#{status}'. Waiting for '#{newstatus}'" sleep 0.5 end end private def remote_for!(url, protocol = "lxd") raise "Protocol is required" unless protocol # protect me from accidentally slipping in a nil # normalize the url and 'require' protocol to protect against a scenario: # 1) user only specifies without specifying the protocol # 2) the rest of this function would blindly add that without saying the protocol # 3) 'lxc remote add' would add that remote, but defaults to the lxd protocol and appends ':8443' to the saved url # 4) the next time this function is called we would not match that same entry due to the ':8443' # 5) ultimately resulting in us adding a new remote EVERY time this function is called port = url.split(":", 3)[2] url += ":8443" unless port || protocol != "lxd" remotes = begin YAML.load(inner_transport.read_file("~/.config/lxc/config.yml")) || {} rescue {} end # make sure these default entries are available to us even if config.yml isn't created yet # and i've seen instances where these defaults don't live in the config.yml remotes = { "remotes" => { "images" => { "addr" => "" }, "ubuntu" => { "addr" => "" }, "ubuntu-daily" => { "addr" => "" }, } }.merge remotes max = 0 remotes["remotes"].each do |remote, data| return remote.to_s if data["addr"] == url num = remote.to_s.split("-", 2)[1] if remote.to_s.start_with? "images-" max = num.to_i if num && num.to_i > max end remote = "images-#{max + 1}" inner_transport.execute("lxc remote add #{remote} #{url} --accept-certificate --protocol=#{protocol}").error! remote end def image(properties, remote = "") return nil unless properties && properties.any? cline = "lxc image list #{remote} --format=json" properties.each { |k, v| cline += " #{k}=#{v}" } res = inner_transport.execute cline res.error! res = JSON.parse(res.stdout) return res[0]["fingerprint"] if res.any? end def image_alias(container_options) remote = container_options[:server] ? remote_for!(container_options[:server], container_options[:protocol] || "lxd") + ":" : "" name = container_options[:alias] name ||= container_options[:fingerprint] name ||= image(container_options[:properties], remote) raise "No image parameters. One of alias, fingerprint, or properties must be specified (The CLI interface does not support empty containers)" unless name "#{remote}#{name}" end end end end end end