Given /^I do not want cucumber stories$/ do @use_cucumber = false end Given /^I want cucumber stories$/ do @use_cucumber = true end Given /^I do not want reek$/ do @use_reek = false end Given /^I want reek$/ do @use_reek = true end Given /^I do not want roodi$/ do @use_roodi = false end Given /^I want roodi$/ do @use_roodi = true end And /^I do not want rubyforge setup$/ do @use_rubyforge = false end And /^I want rubyforge setup$/ do @use_rubyforge = true end Given /^I want to use yard instead of rdoc$/ do @documentation_framework = "yard" end Given /^I want to use rdoc instead of yard$/ do @documentation_framework = "rdoc" end Given /^I intend to test with (\w+)$/ do |testing_framework| @testing_framework = testing_framework.to_sym end Given /^I have configured git sanely$/ do @user_email = '' @user_name = 'foo' @github_user = 'technicalpickles' @github_token = 'zomgtoken' Jeweler::Generator.any_instance.stubs(:read_git_config). returns({ '' => @user_name, '' => @user_email, 'github.user' => @github_user, 'github.token' => @github_token}) end Given /^I set JEWELER_OPTS env variable to "(.*)"$/ do |val| ENV['JEWELER_OPTS'] = val end When /^I generate a (.*)project named '((?:\w|-|_)+)' that is '([^']*)'$/ do |testing_framework, name, summary| When "I generate a #{testing_framework}project named '#{name}' that is '#{summary}' and described as ''" end When /^I generate a (.*)project named '((?:\w|-|_)+)' that is '([^']*)' and described as '([^']*)'$/ do |testing_framework, name, summary, description| @name = name @summary = summary @description = description testing_framework = testing_framework.squeeze.strip unless testing_framework.blank? @testing_framework = testing_framework.to_sym end arguments = ['--directory', "#{@working_dir}/#{@name}", '--summary', @summary, '--description', @description, @use_cucumber ? '--cucumber' : nil, @testing_framework ? "--#{@testing_framework}" : nil, @use_rubyforge ? '--rubyforge' : nil, @use_roodi ? '--roodi' : nil, @use_reek ? '--reek' : nil, @documentation_framework ? "--#{@documentation_framework}" : nil, @name].compact @stdout = OutputCatcher.catch_out do! *arguments end @repo =, @name)) end Then /^a directory named '(.*)' is created$/ do |directory| directory = File.join(@working_dir, directory) assert File.exists?(directory), "#{directory} did not exist" assert, "#{directory} is not a directory" end Then "cucumber directories are created" do Then "a directory named 'the-perfect-gem/features' is created" Then "a directory named 'the-perfect-gem/features/support' is created" Then "a directory named 'the-perfect-gem/features/step_definitions' is created" end Then /^a file named '(.*)' is created$/ do |file| file = File.join(@working_dir, file) assert File.exists?(file), "#{file} expected to exist, but did not" assert File.file?(file), "#{file} expected to be a file, but is not" end Then /^a file named '(.*)' is not created$/ do |file| file = File.join(@working_dir, file) assert ! File.exists?(file), "#{file} expected to not exist, but did" end Then /^a sane '.gitignore' is created$/ do Then "a file named 'the-perfect-gem/.gitignore' is created" Then "'coverage' is ignored by git" Then "'*.sw?' is ignored by git" Then "'.DS_Store' is ignored by git" Then "'rdoc' is ignored by git" Then "'pkg' is ignored by git" end Then /^'(.*)' is ignored by git$/ do |git_ignore| @gitignore_content ||=, @name, '.gitignore')) assert_match git_ignore, @gitignore_content end Then /^Rakefile has '(.*)' for the (.*) (.*)$/ do |value, task_class, field| @rakefile_content ||=, @name, 'Rakefile')) block_variable, task_block = yank_task_info(@rakefile_content, task_class) #raise "Found in #{task_class}: #{block_variable.inspect}: #{task_block.inspect}" assert_match /#{block_variable}\.#{field} = (%Q\{|"|')#{Regexp.escape(value)}(\}|"|')/, task_block end Then /^Rakefile has '(.*)' in the Rcov::RcovTask libs$/ do |libs| @rakefile_content ||=, @name, 'Rakefile')) block_variable, task_block = yank_task_info(@rakefile_content, 'Rcov::RcovTask') assert_match "#{block_variable}.libs << '#{libs}'", @rakefile_content end Then /^'(.*)' contains '(.*)'$/ do |file, expected_string| contents =, @name, file)) assert_match expected_string, contents end Then /^'(.*)' mentions copyright belonging to me in (\d{4})$/ do |file, year| contents =, @name, file)) assert_match "Copyright (c) #{year} #{@user_name}", contents end Then /^'(.*)' mentions copyright belonging to me in the current year$/ do |file| current_year = Then "'#{file}' mentions copyright belonging to me in #{current_year}" end Then /^LICENSE has the copyright as belonging to '(.*)' in '(\d{4})'$/ do |copyright_holder, year| Then "a file named 'the-perfect-gem/LICENSE' is created" @license_content ||=, @name, 'LICENSE')) assert_match copyright_holder, @license_content assert_match year, @license_content end Then /^'(.*)' should define '(.*)' as a subclass of '(.*)'$/ do |file, class_name, superclass_name| @test_content =, @name, file))) assert_match "class #{class_name} < #{superclass_name}", @test_content end Then /^'(.*)' should describe '(.*)'$/ do |file, describe_name| @spec_content ||=, @name, file))) assert_match %Q{describe "#{describe_name}" do}, @spec_content end Then /^'(.*)' requires '(.*)'$/ do |file, lib| content =, @name, file)) assert_match /require ['"]#{Regexp.escape(lib)}['"]/, content end Then /^'(.*)' does not require '(.*)'$/ do |file, lib| content =, @name, file)) assert_no_match /require ['"]#{Regexp.escape(lib)}['"]/, content end Then /^Rakefile does not require '(.*)'$/ do |file| Then "'Rakefile' does not require '#{file}'" end Then /^Rakefile requires '(.*)'$/ do |file| Then "'Rakefile' requires '#{file}'" end Then /^Rakefile does not instantiate a (.*)$/ do |task_name| content =, @name, 'Rakefile')) assert_no_match /#{task_name}/, content end Then /^Rakefile instantiates a (.*)$/ do |task_name| content =, @name, 'Rakefile')) assert_match /#{task_name}/, content end Then /^'test\/test_helper\.rb' should autorun tests$/ do content =, @name, 'test/test_helper.rb')) assert_match "Mini::Test.autorun", content end Then /^cucumber world extends "(.*)"$/ do |module_to_extend| content =, @name, 'features', 'support', 'env.rb')) assert_match "World(#{module_to_extend})", content end Then /^'features\/support\/env\.rb' sets up features to use test\/unit assertions$/ do end Then /^'features\/support\/env\.rb' sets up features to use minitest assertions$/ do content =, @name, 'features', 'support', 'env.rb')) assert_match "world.extend(Mini::Test::Assertions)", content end Then /^git repository has '(.*)' remote$/ do |remote| remote = @repo.remotes.first assert_equal 'origin', end Then /^git repository '(.*)' remote should be '(.*)'/ do |remote, remote_url| remote = @repo.remotes.first assert_equal '', remote.url end Then /^a commit with the message '(.*)' is made$/ do |message| assert_match message, @repo.log.first.message end Then /^'(.*)' was checked in$/ do |file| status = @repo.status[file] assert_not_nil status, "wasn't able to get status for #{file}" assert ! status.untracked, "#{file} was untracked" assert_nil status.type, "#{file} had a type. it should have been nil" end Then /^no files are (\w+)$/ do |type| assert_equal 0, @repo.status.send(type).size end Then /^Rakefile has "(.*)" as the default task$/ do |task| @rakefile_content ||=, @name, 'Rakefile')) assert_match "task :default => :#{task}", @rakefile_content end After do ENV['JEWELER_OPTS'] = nil FileUtils.rm_rf @working_dir if @working_dir end