# encoding: UTF-8 module Alchemy class Page < ActiveRecord::Base RESERVED_URLNAMES = %w(admin messages) acts_as_nested_set(:dependent => :destroy) stampable has_many :folded_pages has_many :cells, :dependent => :destroy has_many :elements, :dependent => :destroy, :order => :position has_and_belongs_to_many :to_be_sweeped_elements, :class_name => 'Alchemy::Element', :uniq => true, :join_table => 'alchemy_elements_alchemy_pages' belongs_to :language validates_presence_of :name validates_presence_of :page_layout, :unless => :systempage? validates_presence_of :parent_id, :if => proc { Page.count > 1 } validates_length_of :urlname, :minimum => 3, :if => :urlname_entered? validates_uniqueness_of :urlname, :scope => [:language_id, :layoutpage], :if => :urlname_entered? validates :urlname, :exclusion => { :in => RESERVED_URLNAMES } attr_accessor :do_not_autogenerate attr_accessor :do_not_sweep attr_accessor :do_not_validate_language before_validation :set_url_name, :if => :contentpage? before_save :set_title, :if => :contentpage?, :unless => proc { |page| !page.title.blank? } before_save :set_language_code, :unless => :systempage? before_save :set_restrictions_to_child_pages, :if => proc { |page| page.contentpage? && page.restricted_changed? } before_save :inherit_restricted_status, :if => proc { |page| page.contentpage? && page.parent && page.parent.restricted? } after_create :autogenerate_elements, :unless => proc { |page| page.systempage? || page.do_not_autogenerate } after_create :create_cells, :unless => :systempage? scope :language_roots, where(:language_root => true) scope :layoutpages, where(:layoutpage => true) scope :all_locked, where(:locked => true) scope :all_locked_by, lambda { |user| where(:locked => true, :locked_by => user.id) } scope :not_locked, where(:locked => false) scope :visible, where(:visible => true) scope :published, where(:public => true) scope :accessable, where(:restricted => false) scope :restricted, where(:restricted => true) scope :not_restricted, where(:restricted => false) scope :public_language_roots, lambda { where(:language_root => true).where("`alchemy_pages`.`language_code` IN ('#{Language.all_codes_for_published.join('\',\'')}')").where(:public => true) } scope :all_last_edited_from, lambda { |user| where(:updater_id => user.id).order('`alchemy_pages`.`updated_at` DESC').limit(5) } # Returns all pages that have the given language_id scope :with_language, lambda { |language_id| where(:language_id => language_id) } scope :contentpages, where(:layoutpage => [false, nil]).where("`alchemy_pages`.`parent_id` IS NOT NULL") # Returns all pages that are not locked and public. # Used for flushing all page caches at once. scope :flushables, not_locked.published.contentpages scope :searchables, not_restricted.published.contentpages # Finds selected elements from page. # # Options are: # # :only => Array of element names # Returns only elements with given names # :except => Array of element names # Returns all elements except the ones with given names # :count => Integer # Limit the count of returned elements # :offset => Integer # Starts with an offset while returning elements # :random => Boolean # Returning elements randomly shuffled # :from_cell => Cell or String # Returning elements from given cell # # Returns only public elements by default. # Pass true as second argument to get all elements. # def find_selected_elements(options = {}, show_non_public = false) if options[:from_cell].class.name == 'Alchemy::Cell' elements = options[:from_cell].elements elsif !options[:from_cell].blank? && options[:from_cell].class.name == 'String' cell = cells.find_by_name(options[:from_cell]) elements = cell ? cell.elements : nil else elements = self.elements.not_in_cell end if !options[:only].blank? elements = elements.named(options[:only]) elsif !options[:except].blank? elements = elements.excluded(options[:except]) end elements = elements.offset(options[:offset]).limit(options[:count]) elements = elements.order("RAND()") if options[:random] if show_non_public elements else elements.published end end def find_elements(options = {}, show_non_public = false) #:nodoc: # TODO: What is this? A Kind of proxy method? Why not rendering the elements directly if you already have them???? if !options[:collection].blank? && options[:collection].is_a?(Array) return options[:collection] else find_selected_elements(options, show_non_public) end end # Returns all elements that should be feeded via rss. # # Define feedable elements in your +page_layouts.yml+: # # - name: news # feed: true # feed_elements: [element_name, element_2_name] # def feed_elements elements.find_all_by_name(definition['feed_elements']) end def elements_grouped_by_cells group = ::ActiveSupport::OrderedHash.new self.cells.each { |cell| group[cell] = cell.elements.not_trashed } if element_names_not_in_cell.any? group[Cell.new({:name => 'for_other_elements'})] = elements.not_trashed.not_in_cell end return group end def element_names_from_cells cell_definitions.collect { |c| c['elements'] }.flatten.uniq end def element_names_not_in_cell layout_description['elements'].uniq - element_names_from_cells end # Finds the previous page on the same structure level. Otherwise it returns nil. # Options: # => :restricted => boolean (standard: nil) - next restricted page (true), skip restricted pages (false), ignore restriction (nil) # => :public => boolean (standard: true) - next public page (true), skip public pages (false) def previous_page(options = {}) default_options = { :restricted => nil, :public => true } options = default_options.merge(options) find_next_or_previous_page("previous", options) end # Finds the next page on the same structure level. Otherwise it returns nil. # Options: # => :restricted => boolean (standard: nil) - next restricted page (true), skip restricted pages (false), ignore restriction (nil) # => :public => boolean (standard: true) - next public page (true), skip public pages (false) def next_page(options = {}) default_options = { :restricted => nil, :public => true } options = default_options.merge(options) find_next_or_previous_page("next", options) end def find_first_public(page) if(page.public == true) return page end page.children.each do |child| result = find_first_public(child) if(result!=nil) return result end end return nil end def name_entered? !self.name.blank? end def urlname_entered? !self.urlname.blank? end def set_url_name self.urlname = convert_url_name((self.urlname.blank? ? self.name : self.urlname)) end def set_title self.title = self.name end def show_in_navigation? if visible? return true end return false end def lock(user) self.locked = true self.locked_by = user.id self.save(:validate => false) end def unlock self.locked = false self.locked_by = nil self.do_not_sweep = true self.save end def public_elements self.elements.select{ |m| m.public? } end # Returns the name of the creator of this page. def creator @page_creator ||= User.find_by_id(creator_id) return I18n.t('unknown') if @page_creator.nil? @page_creator.name end # Returns the name of the last updater of this page. def updater @page_updater = User.find_by_id(updater_id) return I18n.t('unknown') if @page_updater.nil? @page_updater.name end # Returns the name of the user currently editing this page. def current_editor @current_editor = User.find_by_id(locked_by) return I18n.t('unknown') if @current_editor.nil? @current_editor.name end def locker User.find_by_id(self.locked_by) end def fold(user_id, status) folded_page = FoldedPage.find_or_create_by_user_id_and_page_id(user_id, self.id) folded_page.update_attributes(:folded => status) folded_page.save end def folded?(user_id) folded_page = FoldedPage.find_by_user_id_and_page_id(user_id, self.id) return false if folded_page.nil? folded_page.folded end def elements_by_type type elements.select{|m| type.include? m.name} end # Returns the translated explanation of seven the page stati. # TODO: Let I18n do this! def humanized_status case self.status when 0 return I18n.t('page_status_visible_public_locked') when 1 return I18n.t('page_status_visible_unpublic_locked') when 2 return I18n.t('page_status_invisible_public_locked') when 3 return I18n.t('page_status_invisible_unpublic_locked') when 4 return I18n.t('page_status_visible_public') when 5 return I18n.t('page_status_visible_unpublic') when 6 return I18n.t('page_status_invisible_public') when 7 return I18n.t('page_status_invisible_unpublic') end end # Returns the status code. Used by humanized_status and the page status icon inside the sitemap rendered by Pages.index. def status if self.locked if self.public? && self.visible? return 0 elsif !self.public? && self.visible? return 1 elsif self.public? && !self.visible? return 2 elsif !self.public? && !self.visible? return 3 end else if self.public? && self.visible? return 4 elsif !self.public? && self.visible? return 5 elsif self.public? && !self.visible? return 6 elsif !self.public? && !self.visible? return 7 end end end def has_controller? !PageLayout.get(self.page_layout).nil? && !PageLayout.get(self.page_layout)["controller"].blank? end def controller_and_action if self.has_controller? {:controller => self.layout_description["controller"], :action => self.layout_description["action"]} end end # Returns the self#page_layout description from config/alchemy/page_layouts.yml file. def layout_description return {} if self.systempage? description = PageLayout.get(self.page_layout) if description.nil? raise "Description could not be found for page layout named #{self.page_layout}. Please check page_layouts.yml file." else description end end alias_method :definition, :layout_description def cell_definitions cell_names = self.layout_description['cells'] return [] if cell_names.blank? Cell.all_definitions_for(cell_names) end # Returns translated name of the pages page_layout value. # Page layout names are defined inside the config/alchemy/page_layouts.yml file. # Translate the name in your config/locales language yml file. def layout_display_name I18n.t(self.page_layout, :scope => :page_layout_names) end def renamed? self.name_was != self.name || self.urlname_was != self.urlname end def changed_publicity? self.public_was != self.public end def set_restrictions_to_child_pages descendants.each do |child| child.update_attribute(:restricted, self.restricted?) end end def inherit_restricted_status self.restricted = parent.restricted? end def contains_feed? definition["feed"] end # Returns true or false if the pages layout_description for config/alchemy/page_layouts.yml contains redirects_to_external: true def redirects_to_external? definition["redirects_to_external"] end def first_public_child self.children.where(:public => true).limit(1).first end def self.language_root_for(language_id) self.language_roots.find_by_language_id(language_id) end # Creates a copy of source (a Page object) and does a copy of all elements depending to source. # You can pass any kind of Page#attributes as a difference to source. # Notice: It prevents the element auto_generator from running. def self.copy(source, differences = {}) attributes = source.attributes.symbolize_keys.merge(differences) attributes.merge!( :do_not_autogenerate => true, :do_not_sweep => true, :visible => false, :public => false, :locked => false, :locked_by => nil ) page = self.new(attributes.except(:id, :updated_at, :created_at, :created_id, :updater_id, :lft, :rgt, :depth)) if page.save # copy the page´s cells source.cells.each do |cell| new_cell = Cell.create(:name => cell.name, :page_id => page.id) end # copy the page´s elements source.elements.each do |element| # detect cell for element # if cell is nil also pass nil to element.cell_id cell = nil cell = page.cells.detect{ |c| c.name == element.cell.name } if element.cell new_element = Element.copy(element, :page_id => page.id, :cell_id => (cell.blank? ? nil : cell.id)) new_element.move_to_bottom end return page else raise page.errors.full_messages end end # Gets the language_root page for page def get_language_root return self if self.language_root page = self while page.parent do page = page.parent break if page.language_root? end return page end def self.layout_root_for(language_id) where({:parent_id => Page.root.id, :layoutpage => true, :language_id => language_id}).limit(1).first end def self.find_or_create_layout_root_for(language_id) layoutroot = layout_root_for(language_id) return layoutroot if layoutroot language = Language.find(language_id) layoutroot = Page.new({ :name => "Layoutroot for #{language.name}", :layoutpage => true, :language => language, :do_not_autogenerate => true }) if layoutroot.save(:validate => false) layoutroot.move_to_child_of(Page.root) return layoutroot else raise "Layout root for #{language.name} could not be created" end end def self.all_from_clipboard(clipboard) return [] if clipboard.blank? self.find_all_by_id(clipboard.collect { |i| i[:id] }) end def self.all_from_clipboard_for_select(clipboard, language_id, layoutpage = false) return [] if clipboard.blank? clipboard_pages = self.all_from_clipboard(clipboard) allowed_page_layouts = Alchemy::PageLayout.selectable_layouts(language_id, layoutpage) allowed_page_layout_names = allowed_page_layouts.collect{ |p| p['name'] } clipboard_pages.select { |cp| allowed_page_layout_names.include?(cp.page_layout) } end def copy_children_to(new_parent) self.children.each do |child| next if child == new_parent new_child = Page.copy(child, { :language_id => new_parent.language_id, :language_code => new_parent.language_code, :name => child.name + ' (' + I18n.t('Copy') + ')', :urlname => child.redirects_to_external? ? child.urlname : '', :title => '' }) new_child.move_to_child_of(new_parent) child.copy_children_to(new_child) unless child.children.blank? end end # Returns true or false if the page has a page_layout that has cells. def can_have_cells? !definition['cells'].blank? end def has_cells? cells.any? end def self.link_target_options options = [ [I18n.t('default', :scope => :link_target_options), ''] ] link_target_options = Config.get(:link_target_options) link_target_options.each do |option| options << [I18n.t(option, :scope => :link_target_options), option] end options end def locker_name return I18n.t('unknown') if self.locker.nil? self.locker.name end def rootpage? !self.new_record? && self.parent_id.blank? end def systempage? return true if Page.root.nil? rootpage? || (self.parent_id == Page.root.id && !self.language_root?) end def contentpage? !systempage? && !redirects_to_external? && !layoutpage? end def self.rootpage self.root end private def find_next_or_previous_page(direction = "next", options = {}) if direction == "previous" step_direction = ["pages.lft < ?", self.lft] order_direction = "lft DESC" else step_direction = ["pages.lft > ?", self.lft] order_direction = "lft" end conditions = Page.merge_conditions( {:parent_id => self.parent_id}, {:public => options[:public]}, step_direction ) if !options[:restricted].nil? conditions = Page.merge_conditions(conditions, {:restricted => options[:restricted]}) end return Page.where(conditions).order(order_direction).limit(1) end # Converts the given nbame into an url friendly string # Names shorter than 3 will be filled with dashes, so it does not collidate with the language code. def convert_url_name(name) url_name = name.gsub(/[äÄ]/, 'ae').gsub(/[üÜ]/, 'ue').gsub(/[öÖ]/, 'oe').parameterize url_name = ('-' * (3 - url_name.length)) + url_name if url_name.length < 3 return url_name end # Looks in the layout_descripion, if there are elements to autogenerate. # If so, it generates them. def autogenerate_elements elements = self.layout_description["autogenerate"] unless (elements.blank?) elements.each do |element| element = Element.create_from_scratch({'page_id' => self.id, 'name' => element}) element.move_to_bottom if element end end end def set_language_code return false if self.language.blank? self.language_code = self.language.code end def create_cells return false if !can_have_cells? definition['cells'].each do |cellname| cells.create({:name => cellname}) end end end end