module RunLoop module CLI require 'thor' class Simctl < Thor require 'run_loop' require 'run_loop/cli/errors' attr_reader :simctl desc 'tail', 'Tail the log file of the booted simulator' def tail tail_simulator_logs end no_commands do def tail_simulator_logs paths = do |simulator| log_file_path = simulator.simulator_log_file_path if log_file_path && File.exist?(log_file_path) log_file_path else nil end end.compact args = ["-n", "1000", "-F"] + paths exec("tail", *args) end end desc 'booted', 'Prints details about the booted simulator' def booted device = booted_device if device.nil? version = xcode.version puts "No simulator for active Xcode (version #{version}) is booted." else puts device end end desc 'doctor', 'EXPERIMENTAL: Prepare the CoreSimulator environment for testing' method_option 'debug', :desc => 'Enable debug logging.', :aliases => '-v', :required => false, :default => false, :type => :boolean method_option 'device', :desc => 'The simulator UDID or name.', :aliases => '-d', :required => false, :type => :string def doctor debug = options[:debug] device = options[:device] manage_processes if device RunLoop::Environment.with_debugging(debug) do RunLoop::CoreSimulator.erase(device) launch_simulator(device, xcode) end else RunLoop::Environment.with_debugging(debug) do erase_and_launch_each_simulator end end end no_commands do def erase_and_launch_each_simulator simctl.simulators.each do |simulator| RunLoop::CoreSimulator.erase(simulator) launch_simulator(simulator, xcode) end end def launch_simulator(simulator, xcode) core_sim =, nil, {:xcode => xcode}) core_sim.launch_simulator end end desc 'manage-processes', 'Manage CoreSimulator processes by quiting stale processes' method_option 'debug', :desc => 'Enable debug logging.', :aliases => '-v', :required => false, :default => false, :type => :boolean def manage_processes debug = options[:debug] original_value = ENV['DEBUG'] ENV['DEBUG'] = '1' if debug begin RunLoop::CoreSimulator.terminate_core_simulator_processes ensure ENV['DEBUG'] = original_value if debug end end no_commands do def simctl @simctl ||= end def xcode @xcode ||= end def xcrun @xcrun ||= end def booted_device simctl.simulators.detect(nil) do |device| device.state == 'Booted' end end end desc 'install --app [OPTIONS]', 'Installs an app on a device.' method_option 'app', :desc => 'Path to a .app bundle to launch on simulator.', :aliases => '-a', :required => true, :type => :string method_option 'device', :desc => 'The simulator UDID or name.', :aliases => '-d', :required => false, :type => :string method_option 'debug', :desc => 'Enable debug logging.', :aliases => '-v', :required => false, :default => false, :type => :boolean method_option 'reset-app-sandbox', :desc => 'If the app is already installed, erase the app data.', :aliases => '-r', :default => false, :type => :boolean method_option 'force', :desc => 'Force a re-install the existing app. Deprecated 1.5.6.', :aliases => '-f', :required => false, :default => false, :type => :boolean def install debug = options[:debug] device = expect_device(options) app = expect_app(options, device) core_sim =, app) RunLoop::Environment.with_debugging(debug) do if options['reset-app-sandbox'] if core_sim.app_is_installed? RunLoop.log_debug('Resetting the app sandbox') core_sim.uninstall_app_and_sandbox else RunLoop.log_debug('App is not installed; skipping sandbox reset') end end core_sim.install end end desc "erase ", "Erases the simulator" method_option 'debug', :desc => 'Enable debug logging.', :aliases => '-v', :required => false, :default => false, :type => :boolean def erase(simulator=nil) debug = options[:debug] RunLoop::Environment.with_debugging(debug) do if !simulator identifier = RunLoop::Core.default_simulator(xcode) else identifier = simulator end options = {simctl: simctl, xcode: xcode} device = RunLoop::Device.device_with_identifier(identifier, options) RunLoop::CoreSimulator.erase(device, options) end end desc "launch ", "Launches the simulator" method_option 'debug', :desc => 'Enable debug logging.', :aliases => '-v', :required => false, :default => false, :type => :boolean def launch(simulator=nil) debug = options[:debug] RunLoop::Environment.with_debugging(debug) do if !simulator identifier = RunLoop::Core.default_simulator(xcode) else identifier = simulator end options = {simctl: simctl, xcode: xcode} device = RunLoop::Device.device_with_identifier(identifier, options) core_sim =, nil) core_sim.launch_simulator end end no_commands do def expect_device(options) device_from_options = options[:device] simulators = simctl.simulators if device_from_options.nil? default_name = RunLoop::Core.default_simulator device = simulators.find do |sim| sim.instruments_identifier(xcode) == default_name end if device.nil? raise RunLoop::CLI::ValidationError, "Could not find a simulator with name that matches '#{device_from_options}'" end else device = simulators.find do |sim| sim.udid == device_from_options || sim.instruments_identifier(xcode) == device_from_options end if device.nil? raise RunLoop::CLI::ValidationError, "Could not find a simulator with name or UDID that matches '#{device_from_options}'" end end device end def expect_app(options, device_obj) app_bundle_path = options[:app] unless File.exist?(app_bundle_path) raise RunLoop::CLI::ValidationError, "Expected '#{app_bundle_path}' to exist." end unless raise RunLoop::CLI::ValidationError, "Expected '#{app_bundle_path}' to be a directory." end unless File.extname(app_bundle_path) == '.app' raise RunLoop::CLI::ValidationError, "Expected '#{app_bundle_path}' to end in .app." end app = begin app.bundle_identifier app.executable_name rescue RuntimeError => e raise RunLoop::CLI::ValidationError, e.message end lipo = begin lipo.expect_compatible_arch(device_obj) rescue RunLoop::IncompatibleArchitecture => e raise RunLoop::CLI::ValidationError, e.message end app end end end end end