<% template = @template if defined?(@template) %> dir="rtl"<% end %>> Abstractio 4 <% if template[:options][:customizer_used] %> <% else %> <% end %>

Welcome to Abstractio

This is version <%= template[:options][:version] %>.

The Grid

This is a twelve column section in a row. Each of these includes a div.panel element so you can see where the columns are - it's not required at all for the grid.

Six columns

Six columns

Four columns

Four columns

Four columns


Getting Started

We're stoked you want to try Abstractio! To get going, this file (index.html) includes some basic styles you can modify, play around with, or totally destroy to get going.

Other Resources

Once you've exhausted the fun in this document, you should check out:

<% if template[:options][:customizer_used] %> <% else %> <% template[:options][:javascripts].each do |f| %> <% end %> <% end %>