class CatalogController < ApplicationController include Blacklight::Catalog helper Openseadragon::OpenseadragonHelper before_action :set_paper_trail_whodunnit configure_blacklight do |config| ## Default parameters to send to solr for all search-like requests. See also SolrHelper#solr_search_params config.default_solr_params = { qt: 'search', rows: 10, fl: '*' } ## Default parameters to send on single-document requests to Solr. These settings are the Blackligt defaults (see SolrHelper#solr_doc_params) or ## parameters included in the Blacklight document requestHandler. # # config.default_document_solr_params = { # :qt => 'document', # ## These are hard-coded in the blacklight 'document' requestHandler # # :fl => '*', # # :rows => 1 # # :q => '{!raw f=id v=$id}' # } # solr field configuration for search results/index views config.index.title_field = 'full_title_tesim' config.index.display_type_field = 'content_metadata_type_ssm' config.index.thumbnail_field = Spotlight::Engine.config.thumbnail_field = [:index_header, :index] config.view.slideshow.partials = [:index] = :content_metadata_image_iiif_info_ssm, :openseadragon) # solr fields that will be treated as facets by the blacklight application # The ordering of the field names is the order of the display # # Setting a limit will trigger Blacklight's 'more' facet values link. # * If left unset, then all facet values returned by solr will be displayed. # * If set to an integer, then "f.somefield.facet.limit" will be added to # solr request, with actual solr request being +1 your configured limit -- # you configure the number of items you actually want _displayed_ in a page. # * If set to 'true', then no additional parameters will be sent to solr, # but any 'sniffed' request limit parameters will be used for paging, with # paging at requested limit -1. Can sniff from facet.limit or # f.specific_field.facet.limit solr request params. This 'true' config # can be used if you set limits in :default_solr_params, or as defaults # on the solr side in the request handler itself. Request handler defaults # sniffing requires solr requests to be made with "echoParams=all", for # app code to actually have it echo'd back to see it. # # :show may be set to false if you don't want the facet to be drawn in the # facet bar config.add_facet_field 'genre_ssim', label: I18n.t(''), limit: true config.add_facet_field 'personal_name_ssm', label: I18n.t(''), limit: true config.add_facet_field 'corporate_name_ssm', label: I18n.t(''), limit: true config.add_facet_field 'subject_geographic_ssim', label: I18n.t('') config.add_facet_field 'subject_temporal_ssim', label: I18n.t('') config.add_facet_field 'language_ssim', label: I18n.t('') # Have BL send all facet field names to Solr, which has been the default # previously. Simply remove these lines if you'd rather use Solr request # handler defaults, or have no facets. config.add_facet_fields_to_solr_request! # solr fields to be displayed in the index (search results) view # The ordering of the field names is the order of the display config.add_index_field 'language_ssm', label: I18n.t('') config.add_index_field 'abstract_tesim', label: I18n.t('') config.add_index_field 'note_mapuse_tesim', label: I18n.t('') config.add_index_field 'note_source_tesim', label: I18n.t('') config.add_index_field 'subject_geographic_tesim', label: I18n.t('') config.add_index_field 'subject_temporal_tesim', label: I18n.t('') # solr fields to be displayed in the show (single result) view # The ordering of the field names is the order of the display config.add_show_field 'note_phys_desc_tesim', label: I18n.t('') config.add_show_field 'note_source_tesim', label: I18n.t('') config.add_show_field 'note_desc_note_tesim', label: I18n.t('') config.add_show_field 'note_references_tesim', label: I18n.t('') config.add_show_field 'note_provenance_tesim', label: I18n.t('') config.add_show_field 'note_page_num_tesim', label: I18n.t('') config.add_show_field 'subject_geographic_tesim', label: I18n.t('') config.add_show_field 'subject_temporal_tesim', label: I18n.t('') config.add_show_field 'personal_name_ssm', label: I18n.t('') config.add_show_field 'corporate_name_ssm', label: I18n.t('') config.add_search_field 'all_fields', label: I18n.t('') config.add_search_field 'title', label: I18n.t(''), solr_parameters: { qf: 'full_title_tesim', pf: 'full_title_tesim' } config.add_search_field 'author', label: I18n.t(''), solr_parameters: { qf: '${qf_author}', pf: '${pf_author}' } config.add_sort_field 'relevance', sort: 'score desc, sort_title_ssi asc', label: I18n.t('') config.add_sort_field 'title', sort: 'sort_title_ssi asc', label: I18n.t('') config.add_sort_field 'type', sort: 'sort_type_ssi asc', label: I18n.t('') config.add_sort_field 'source', sort: 'sort_source_ssi asc', label: I18n.t('') config.add_sort_field 'identifier', sort: 'id asc', label: I18n.t('') config.add_sort_field 'date', sort: 'sort_date_dtsi desc', label: I18n.t('') end end