#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'fileutils' require 'pathname' require 'active_support' require 'rbconfig' RUBY = File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']).sub(/.*\s.*/m, '"\&"') Signal.trap("INT") { puts; exit } hobo_src = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../hobo_files/plugin") USAGE = "USAGE: hobo Options: --user-model --db-create # Run rake db:create:all --hobo-src -d | --database # e.g. mysql, sqlite -r | --rails # rails version to use -n | --no-rails # don't run 'rails'. Assumes app-path=='.' --invite-only # add features for an invite-only website (admin site, no signup) " ### Nasty stuff needed for Windows :-( ### if Config::CONFIG["arch"] =~ /win32/ require "win32/registry" def system(command) win = Win32API.new("crtdll", "system", ['P'], 'L').Call(command) end end ### end nasty stuff ### def command(*s) com = s.join(' ') puts "--> #{com}" ok = system(com) exit(1) unless ok end user_model = "user" create_db = false run_rails = true invite_only = "" while true case arg_name = ARGV.shift when "--user-model" arg = ARGV.shift user_model = arg == "false" ? nil : arg when "--db-create" create_db = true when "--hobo-src" hobo_src = ARGV.shift hobo_src = "../" + hobo_src unless Pathname.new(hobo_src).absolute? when "-d", "--database" database_type = ARGV.shift when "-r", "--rails" rails_version = ARGV.shift when "-n", "--no-rails" run_rails = false when "--invite-only" invite_only = "--invite-only" when "--help" puts USAGE exit else app_path = arg_name break end end if run_rails==false && app_path.nil? app_path = '.' end if !ARGV.empty? || app_path.nil? puts USAGE exit 1 end if run_rails puts "\nGenerating Rails app...\n" opts = [] if rails_version opts << "_#{rails_version}_" # else # if `rails -v`.split[1].split(".").slice(0,2)!=['2', '3'] # puts "Rails 2.3 required!" # exit 2 # end end opts << "-d #{database_type}" if database_type system("#{RUBY} -S rails #{opts * ' '} #{app_path}") end Dir.chdir(app_path) do gen = "#{RUBY} #{File.join('script', 'generate')}" plugin = "#{RUBY} #{File.join('script', 'plugin')}" FileUtils.touch("public/stylesheets/application.css") puts "\nInitialising Hobo...\n" command(gen, "hobo --add-gem --add-routes") puts "\nInstalling Hobo Rapid and default theme...\n" command("#{gen} hobo_rapid --import-tags #{invite_only}") if user_model puts "\nCreating #{user_model} model and controller...\n" command("#{gen} hobo_user_model #{user_model} #{invite_only}") command("#{gen} hobo_user_controller #{user_model} #{invite_only}") end puts "\nCreating standard pages...\n" command("#{gen} hobo_front_controller front --delete-index --add-routes #{invite_only}") if create_db puts "\nCreating databases" command("#{RUBY} -S rake db:create:all") end end if invite_only.present? puts %( Invite-only website If you wish to prevent all access to the site to non-members, add 'before_filter :login_required' to the relevant controllers, e.g. to prevent all access to the site, add include Hobo::AuthenticationSupport before_filter :login_required to application_controller.rb (note that the include statement is not required for hobo_controllers) NOTE: You might want to sign up as the administrator before adding this! ) end