Feature: How to Overcome Your Fear of Authority Scenario: run the main script with the auth token set in the env Given the "SEMAPHORE_AUTH_TOKEN" env variable is set When I run `git-semaphore --check-auth` in a git working dir Then the exit status should be 0 And the stderr should contain exactly: """ """ Scenario: run the main script with the auth token set in git config Given "semaphore.authtoken" git config is set for git repo "blegga" When I run `git-semaphore --check-auth` in "blegga" directory Then the exit status should be 0 And the stderr should contain exactly: """ """ Scenario: run the main script with the auth token not set in the env Given the "SEMAPHORE_AUTH_TOKEN" env variable is not set And "semaphore.authtoken" git config is not set for git repo "blegga" When I run `git-semaphore --check-auth` in "blegga" directory Then the exit status should be 255 And the stderr should contain exactly: """ Please set - and export - the SEMAPHORE_AUTH_TOKEN env variable Alternatively, set semaphore.authtoken in your local git config """