require 'mosql' require 'optparse' require 'yaml' require 'logger' module MoSQL class CLI include MoSQL::Logging BATCH = 1000 attr_reader :args, :options, :tailer def cli = end def initialize(args) @args = args @options = [] @done = false setup_signal_handlers end def setup_signal_handlers %w[TERM INT USR2].each do |sig| Signal.trap(sig) do"Got SIG#{sig}. Preparing to exit...") @streamer.stop end end end def parse_args @options = { :collections => 'collections.yml', :sql => 'postgres:///', :mongo => 'mongodb://localhost', :verbose => 0 } optparse = do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [options] " opts.on('-h', '--help', "Display this message") do puts opts exit(0) end opts.on('-v', "Increase verbosity") do @options[:verbose] += 1 end opts.on("-c", "--collections [collections.yml]", "Collection map YAML file") do |file| @options[:collections] = file end opts.on("--sql [sqluri]", "SQL server to connect to") do |uri| @options[:sql] = uri end opts.on("--mongo [mongouri]", "Mongo connection string") do |uri| @options[:mongo] = uri end opts.on("--schema [schema]", "PostgreSQL 'schema' to namespace tables") do |schema| @options[:schema] = schema end opts.on("--ignore-delete", "Ignore delete operations when tailing") do @options[:ignore_delete] = true end opts.on("--only-db [dbname]", "Don't scan for mongo dbs, just use the one specified") do |dbname| @options[:dbname] = dbname end opts.on("--tail-from [timestamp]", "Start tailing from the specified UNIX timestamp") do |ts| @options[:tail_from] = ts end opts.on("--service [service]", "Service name to use when storing tailing state") do |service| @options[:service] = service end opts.on("--skip-tail", "Don't tail the oplog, just do the initial import") do @options[:skip_tail] = true end opts.on("--reimport", "Force a data re-import") do @options[:reimport] = true end opts.on("--no-drop-tables", "Don't drop the table if it exists during the initial import") do @options[:no_drop_tables] = true end opts.on("--unsafe", "Ignore rows that cause errors on insert") do @options[:unsafe] = true end end optparse.parse!(@args) log ='Stripe') log.outputters = if options[:verbose] >= 1 log.level = Log4r::DEBUG else log.level = Log4r::INFO end end def connect_mongo @mongo = Mongo::MongoClient.from_uri(options[:mongo]) config = @mongo['admin'].command(:ismaster => 1) if !config['setName'] && !options[:skip_tail] log.warn("`#{options[:mongo]}' is not a replset.") log.warn("Will run the initial import, then stop.") log.warn("Pass `--skip-tail' to suppress this warning.") options[:skip_tail] = true end options[:service] ||= config['setName'] end def connect_sql @sql =, options[:sql], options[:schema]) if options[:verbose] >= 2 @sql.db.sql_log_level = :debug @sql.db.loggers <<$stderr) end end def load_collections collections = YAML.load_file(@options[:collections]) begin @schema = rescue MoSQL::SchemaError => e log.error("Error parsing collection map `#{@options[:collections]}':") log.error(e.to_s) exit(1) end end def run parse_args load_collections connect_sql connect_mongo metadata_table = MoSQL::Tailer.create_table(@sql.db, 'mosql_tailers') @tailer =[@mongo], :existing, metadata_table, :service => options[:service]) @streamer = => @options, :tailer => @tailer, :mongo => @mongo, :sql => @sql, :schema => @schema) @streamer.import unless options[:skip_tail] @streamer.optail end end end end