Ñò ›ˆQc@€sLdZddklZddklZddkZdefd„ƒYZdS(sDHelper class for metadata parsing from flags and reading from files.iÿÿÿÿ(twith_statement(tappNtMetadataFlagsProcessorcB€s eZdZd„Zd„ZRS(sAHelper class for processing flags and building the metadata list.cC€s?tidgdd|ƒtidgdd|ƒ||_dS(Ntmetadatas™Metadata to be made available within the VM environment via the local metadata server. This should be in the form key:value. Metadata keys must be uniquet flag_valuestmetadata_from_files½Metadata to be made available within the VM environment via the local metadata server. The value is loaded from a file. This should be in the form key:filename. Metadata keys must be unique(tflagstDEFINE_multistringt_flags(tselfR((s]/Users/riccardo/git/gcloud/packages/gcutil-1.7.1/lib/google_compute_engine/gcutil/metadata.pyt__init__s  c €s¥h}d„‰‡fd†}‡fd†}||ii|ƒ||ii|ƒg}|ig}t|iƒƒD]!\}}|h|d6|d6qv~ƒ|S(séGather the list of metadata dictionaries based on the parsed flag values. Returns: A list of 'key'/'value' dictionaries defining the metadata. Raises: app.UsageError: If the parsed flag values are malformed. cS€s(||jotid|ƒ‚ndS(s3Raises KeyError if key is already in metadata_dict.sLThe key '%s' has been specified more than once. Metadata keys must be uniqueN(Rt UsageError(tkeyt metadata_dict((s]/Users/riccardo/git/gcloud/packages/gcutil-1.7.1/lib/google_compute_engine/gcutil/metadata.pytCheckKey9s  c€s’x‹|D]ƒ}d|jotid|ƒ‚n|iddƒ}|d}ˆ||ƒd}t|ƒdjo|d}|||s