# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'shopify_cli'
require 'fileutils'
require 'rbconfig'

module ShopifyCli
  # Context captures a lot about the current running command. It captures the
  # environment, output, system and file operations. It is useful to have the
  # context especially in tests so that you have a single access point to these
  # resoures.
  class Context
    class << self
      attr_reader :messages

      # adds a new set of messages to be used by the CLI. The messages are expected to be a hash of symbols, and
      # multiple levels are allowed. When fetching messages a dot notation is used to separate different levels. See
      # Context::message for more information.
      # #### Parameters
      # * `messages` - Hash containing the new keys to register
      def load_messages(messages)
        @messages ||= {}
        @messages = @messages.merge(messages) do |key|
          Context.new.abort("Message key '#{key}' already exists and cannot be registered") if @messages.key?(key)

      # returns the user-facing messages for the given key. Returns the key if no message is available.
      # #### Parameters
      # * `key` - a symbol representing the message
      # * `params` - the parameters to format the string with
      def message(key, *params)
        key_parts = key.split('.').map(&:to_sym)
        str = Context.messages.dig(*key_parts)
        str ? str % params : key

    # is the directory root that the current command is running in. If you want to
    # simulate a `cd` for the file operations, you can change this variable.
    attr_accessor :root
    # is an accessor for environment variables. These variables are also added to
    # any command run by the context.
    attr_accessor :env

    def initialize(root: Dir.pwd, env: ($original_env || ENV).clone) # :nodoc:
      self.root = root
      self.env = env

    # will return which operating system that the cli is running on [:mac, :linux]
    def os
      host = uname
      return :mac if /darwin/.match(host)
      return :linux if /linux/.match(host)

    # will return true if the cli is running on an apple computer.
    def mac?
      os == :mac

    # will return true if the cli is running on a linux distro
    def linux?
      os == :linux

    # will return true if the cli is being run from an installation, and not a
    # development instance. The gem installation will not have a 'test' directory.
    # See `#development?` for checking for development environment.
    def system?
      !Dir.exist?(File.join(ShopifyCli::ROOT, 'test'))

    # will return true if the cli is running on your development instance.
    def development?
      !system? && !testing?

    # will return true while tests are running, either locally or on CI
    def testing?
      ci? || ENV['TEST']

    # will return true if the cli is being tested on CI
    def ci?

    # get a environment variable value by name.
    # #### Parameters
    # * `name` - the name of the environment variable that you want to fetch
    # #### Returns
    # * `value` - will return the value, or nil if the variable does not exist
    def getenv(name)
      v = @env[name]
      v == '' ? nil : v

    # set a environment variable value by name.
    # #### Parameters
    # * `key` - the name of the environment variable that you want to set
    # * `value` - the value of the variable
    def setenv(key, value)
      @env[key] = value

    # will write/overwrite a file with the provided contents, relative to the context root
    # unless the file path is absolute.
    # #### Parameters
    # * `fname` - filename of the file that you are writing, relative to root unless it is absolute.
    # * `content` - the body contents of the file that you are writing
    # #### Example
    #   @ctx.write('new.txt', 'hello world')
    def write(fname, content)
      File.write(ctx_path(fname), content)

    # will change directories and update the root, the filepath is relative to the command root unless absolute
    # #### Parameters
    # * `path` - the file path to a directory, relative to the context root to remove from the FS
    def chdir(path)
      self.root = ctx_path(path)

    # checks if a directory exists, the filepath is relative to the command root unless absolute
    # #### Parameters
    # * `path` - the file path to a directory, relative to the context root to remove from the FS
    def dir_exist?(path)

    # checks if a file exists, the filepath is relative to the command root unless absolute
    # #### Parameters
    # * `path` - the file path to a file, relative to the context root to remove from the FS
    def file_exist?(path)

    # will recursively copy a directory from the FS, the filepath is relative to the command
    # root unless absolute
    # #### Parameters
    # * `from` - the path of the original file
    # * `to` - the destination path
    def cp_r(from, to)
      FileUtils.cp_r(ctx_path(from), ctx_path(to))

    # will copy a directory from the FS, the filepath is relative to the command
    # root unless absolute
    # #### Parameters
    # * `from` - the path of the original file
    # * `to` - the destination path
    def cp(from, to)
      FileUtils.cp(ctx_path(from), ctx_path(to))

    # will rename a file from one place to another, relative to the command root
    # unless the path is absolute.
    # #### Parameters
    # * `from` - the path of the original file
    # * `to` - the destination path
    def rename(from, to)
      File.rename(ctx_path(from), ctx_path(to))

    # will remove a plain file from the FS, the filepath is relative to the command
    # root unless absolute.
    # #### Parameters
    # * `fname` - the file path relative to the context root to remove from the FS
    def rm(fname)

    # will remove a directory from the FS, the filepath is relative to the command
    # root unless absolute
    # #### Parameters
    # * `fname` - the file path to a directory, relative to the context root to remove from the FS
    def rm_r(fname)

    # will force remove a directory from the FS, the filepath is relative to the command
    # root unless absolute
    # #### Parameters
    # * `fname` - the file path to a directory, relative to the context root to remove from the FS
    def rm_rf(fname)

    # will create a directory, recursively if it does not exist. So if you create
    # a directory `foo/bar/dun`, this will also create the directories `foo` and
    # `foo/bar` if they do not exist. The path will be made relative to the command
    # root unless absolute
    # #### Parameters
    # * `path` - file path of the directory that you want to create
    def mkdir_p(path)

    # will output to the console a link for the user to either copy/paste
    # or click on.
    # #### Parameters
    # * `uri` - a http URI to open in a browser
    def open_url!(uri)
      help = message('core.context.open_url', uri)

    # will output a message, prefixed by a yellow star, indicating that task
    # started.
    # #### Parameters
    # * `text` - a string message to output
    def print_task(text)
      puts "{{yellow:*}} #{text}"

    # a wrapper around Kernel.puts to allow for easy formatting
    # #### Parameters
    # * `text` - a string message to output
    def puts(*args)

    # outputs a message, prefixed by a checkmark indicating that something completed
    # #### Parameters
    # * `text` - a string message to output
    def done(text)
      puts("{{v}} #{text}")

    # aborts the current running command and outputs an error message, prefixed
    # by a red x
    # #### Parameters
    # * `text` - a string message to output
    def abort(text)
      raise ShopifyCli::Abort, "{{x}} #{text}"

    # outputs a message, prefixed by a red `DEBUG` tag. This will only output to
    # the console if you have `DEBUG=1` set in your shell environment.
    # #### Parameters
    # * `text` - a string message to output
    def debug(text)
      puts("{{red:DEBUG}} #{text}") if getenv('DEBUG')

    # proxy call to Context.message.
    # #### Parameters
    # * `key` - a symbol representing the message
    # * `params` - the parameters to format the string with
    def message(key, *params)
      Context.message(key, *params)

    # will grab the host info of the computer running the cli. This indicates the
    # computer architecture and operating system
    def uname
      @uname ||= RbConfig::CONFIG["host"]

    # Execute a command in the user's environment
    # Outputs result of the command without capturing it
    # #### Parameters
    # - `*args`: A splat of arguments evaluated as a command. (e.g. `'rm', folder` is equivalent to `rm #{folder}`)
    # - `**kwargs`: additional keyword arguments to pass to Process.spawn
    # #### Returns
    # - `status`: boolean success status of the command execution
    # #### Usage
    #   stat = @ctx.system('ls', 'a_folder')
    def system(*args, **kwargs)
      CLI::Kit::System.system(*args, env: @env, **kwargs)

    # Execute a command in the user's environment
    # This is meant to be largely equivalent to backticks, only with the env passed in.
    # Captures the results of the command without output to the console
    # #### Parameters
    # - `*args`: A splat of arguments evaluated as a command. (e.g. `'rm', folder` is equivalent to `rm #{folder}`)
    # - `**kwargs`: additional arguments to pass to Open3.capture2
    # #### Returns
    # - `output`: output (STDOUT) of the command execution
    # - `status`: boolean success status of the command execution
    # #### Usage
    #   out, stat = @ctx.capture2('ls', 'a_folder')
    def capture2(*args, **kwargs)
      CLI::Kit::System.capture2(*args, env: @env, **kwargs)

    # Execute a command in the user's environment
    # This is meant to be largely equivalent to backticks, only with the env passed in.
    # Captures the results of the command without output to the console
    # #### Parameters
    # - `*args`: A splat of arguments evaluated as a command. (e.g. `'rm', folder` is equivalent to `rm #{folder}`)
    # - `**kwargs`: additional arguments to pass to Open3.capture2e
    # #### Returns
    # - `output`: output (STDOUT merged with STDERR) of the command execution
    # - `status`: boolean success status of the command execution
    # #### Usage
    #   out_and_err, stat = @ctx.capture2e('ls', 'a_folder')
    def capture2e(*args, **kwargs)
      CLI::Kit::System.capture2e(*args, env: @env, **kwargs)

    # Execute a command in the user's environment
    # This is meant to be largely equivalent to backticks, only with the env passed in.
    # Captures the results of the command without output to the console
    # #### Parameters
    # - `*args`: A splat of arguments evaluated as a command. (e.g. `'rm', folder` is equivalent to `rm #{folder}`)
    # - `**kwargs`: additional arguments to pass to Open3.capture3
    # #### Returns
    # - `output`: STDOUT of the command execution
    # - `error`: STDERR of the command execution
    # - `status`: boolean success status of the command execution
    # #### Usage
    #   out, err, stat = @ctx.capture3('ls', 'a_folder')
    def capture3(*args, **kwargs)
      CLI::Kit::System.capture3(*args, env: @env, **kwargs)

    # captures the info signal (ctrl-T) and provide a handler to it.
    # #### Example
    #   @ctx.on_siginfo do
    #     @ctx.open_url!("http://google.com")
    #   end
    def on_siginfo
      # Reset any previous SIGINFO handling we had so the only action we take is the given block
      trap('INFO', 'DEFAULT')

      fork do
          r, w = IO.pipe
          @signal = false
          trap('SIGINFO') do
            @signal = true
          while r.read(1)
            next unless @signal
            @signal = false
        rescue Interrupt


    def ctx_path(fname)
      require 'pathname'
      if Pathname.new(fname).absolute?
        File.join(root, fname)