define("dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/_ConditionExpr", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/array" ], function(declare, lang, array){ var _ConditionExpr = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.filter._ConditionExpr", null, { // summary: // The most abstract class for all condition expressions. // A condition expression can be applied on a data row (e.g. an item in a store) // and generate a result condition expression. // tags: // abstract _name: "expr", applyRow: function(/* data item */datarow,/* function(row,colArg) */getter){ // summary: // *Unimplemented Interface* // Apply this condition expression on the given datarow, return a result expression. // taqs: // public extension // datarow: object // A data item of a store. // getter: function(datarow, colArg) // A user defined function that extract cell data from *datarow*. // *colArg* is an argument that provides a kind of column information. // It is defined by user in the constructor of a _DataExpr object. // returns: // MUST return a _ConditionExpr object throw new Error("_ConditionExpr.applyRow: unimplemented interface"); }, toObject: function(){ // summary: // Convert this data expression to a simple object. Mainly used for serialization. // tags: // public extension // returns: // An object for serialization. return {}; //Object }, getName: function(){ // summary: // Get the name of this kind of expression. // tags: // public extension // returns: // the name of this kind of expression return this._name; //String } }); var _DataExpr = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.filter._DataExpr", _ConditionExpr, { // summary: // The most abstract class for all data expressions. // A _DataExpr is a condition expression for a single data value. // If the data value to be represent is a pure value (literal value, like string/number/Date/...) // this _DataExpr is nothing more than a simple wrapper. // If the data value to be represent is in a store, then _DataExpr is responsible to extract it // from the store when this condition is applied to a data row. // _value: [private] anything // _colArg: [private] anything _name: "data", constructor: function(/* anything */dataValue,/* bool */isColumn, /* object */convertArgs){ // summary: // If a _DataExpr is constructed with only one argument, this argument is regarded as a pure value. // If the second argument is exactly a boolean true (no implict type transformation, // so as to allow derived classes accept more arguments while retain *isColumn* to be optional), // then this _DataExpr represents a column, and it's applyRow method is not a no-op. // dataValue: anything // If *isColumn* is a boolean true, then it should be a kind of column information, like field name // or column index. Otherwise, it is regarded as a pure value, and the getValue method will simply // return it. // isColumn: boolean? // Optional. To specify whether this _DataExpr represents a column or a pure value. this._convertArgs = convertArgs || {}; if(lang.isFunction(this._convertArgs.convert)){ this._convertData = lang.hitch(this._convertArgs.scope, this._convertArgs.convert); } if(isColumn){ this._colArg = dataValue; }else{ this._value = this._convertData(dataValue, this._convertArgs); } }, getValue: function(){ // summary: // If this is a pure value wrapper, simply return the value. // Otherwise (it's a column), return is undefined. // tags: // public // returns: // the value of this data expression. return this._value; //String }, applyRow: function(/* data item */datarow,/* function(row,colIdx) */getter){ // summary: // Implement _ConditionExpr.applyRow. // If this is a pure value, simply return self. // Otherwise, extract the cell data from datarow using the given getter function, // and then convert this cell data to a _DataExpr and return the expression. return typeof this._colArg == "undefined" ? this : //_ConditionExpr new (lang.getObject(this.declaredClass))( this._convertData(getter(datarow, this._colArg), this._convertArgs) ); }, _convertData: function(/* anything */dataValue){ // tags: // protected extension // dataValue: anything // This argument should come from a store. return dataValue; }, toObject: function(){ // summary: // Overrided from _ConditionExpr.toObject return { //String op: this.getName(), data: this._colArg === undefined ? this._value : this._colArg, isCol: this._colArg !== undefined }; } }); var _OperatorExpr = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.filter._OperatorExpr", _ConditionExpr, { // summary: // The most abstract class for all operator expressions. // An operator expression is a _ConditionExpr that represents an operation. _name: "operator", constructor: function(/* Array|operand1,operand2,... */){ // summary: // The arguments are operands (or an array of operands, if the first argument // is an Array) of this operator, ordering from left to right. // Every operand should be a _ConditionExpr. if(lang.isArray(arguments[0])){ this._operands = arguments[0]; }else{ this._operands = []; for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i){ this._operands.push(arguments[i]); } } }, toObject: function(){ // summary: // Overrided from _ConditionExpr.toObject return { //Object op: this.getName(), data:,function(operand){ return operand.toObject(); }) }; } }); var _UniOpExpr = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.filter._UniOpExpr", _OperatorExpr, { // summary: // The most abstract class for all uni-operator expressions. // A uni-operator expression is an _OperatorExpr that only allow one operand. _name: "uniOperator", applyRow: function(/* data item */datarow,/* function(row,colArg) */getter){ // summary: // Implement _ConditionExpr.applyRow. // Apply the restriction of "only one operand" and confirm the operand is a valid _ConditionExpr. // Then do the calculation of this operator. if(!(this._operands[0] instanceof _ConditionExpr)){ throw new Error("_UniOpExpr: operand is not expression."); } return this._calculate(this._operands[0],datarow,getter); //_ConditionExpr }, _calculate: function(/* _ConditionExpr */operand,/* data item*/datarow,/* function(row,colArg) */getter){ // summary: // *Unimplemented Interface* // Do the actrual work of applyRow here. // tags: // protected extension // operand: _ConditionExpr // datarow: object // getter: function(row,colArg) // returns: // MUST return a _ConditionExpr object. throw new Error("_UniOpExpr._calculate: unimplemented interface"); } }); var _BiOpExpr = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.filter._BiOpExpr", _OperatorExpr, { // summary: // The most abstract class for all bi-operator expressions. // A bi-operator expression is an _OperatorExpr that allow and only allow two operands. _name: "biOperator", applyRow: function(/* data item */datarow,/* function(row,colArg) */getter){ // summary: // Implement _ConditionExpr.applyRow. // Apply the restriction of "two operands" and confirm operands are valid _ConditionExpr's. if(!(this._operands[0] instanceof _ConditionExpr)){ throw new Error("_BiOpExpr: left operand is not expression."); }else if(!(this._operands[1] instanceof _ConditionExpr)){ throw new Error("_BiOpExpr: right operand is not expression."); } return this._calculate(this._operands[0],this._operands[1],datarow,getter); }, _calculate: function(/* _ConditionExpr */left_operand,/* _ConditionExpr */right_operand,/* data item*/datarow,/* function(row,colArg) */getter){ // summary: // *Unimplemented Interface* // Do the actrual work of applyRow here. // tags: // protected extension // left_operand: _ConditionExpr // right_operand: _ConditionExpr // datarow: object // getter: function(row,colArg) // returns: // MUST return a _ConditionExpr object. throw new Error("_BiOpExpr._calculate: unimplemented interface"); } }); return { _ConditionExpr: _ConditionExpr, _DataExpr: _DataExpr, _OperatorExpr: _OperatorExpr, _UniOpExpr: _UniOpExpr, _BiOpExpr: _BiOpExpr }; });