require 'spec_helper' describe FrontMatterParser do let(:sample) { {'title' => 'hello'} } it 'has a version number' do expect(FrontMatterParser::VERSION).to_not be_nil end describe "#parse" do context "when the string has both front matter and content" do let(:string) { %Q( --- title: hello --- Content) } let(:parsed) { FrontMatterParser.parse(string) } it "parses the front matter as a hash" do expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq(sample) end it "parses the content as a string" do expect(parsed.content).to eq("Content") end end context "when the string only has front matter" do let(:string) { %Q( --- title: hello --- ) } let(:parsed) { FrontMatterParser.parse(string) } it "parses the front matter as a hash" do expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq(sample) end it "parses the content as an empty string" do expect(parsed.content).to eq('') end end context "when an empty front matter is supplied" do let(:string) { %Q(Hello) } let(:parsed) { FrontMatterParser.parse(string) } it "parses the front matter as an empty hash" do expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq({}) end it "parses the content as the whole string" do expect(parsed.content).to eq(string) end end context "when an empty string is supplied" do let(:parsed) { FrontMatterParser.parse('') } it "parses the front matter as an empty hash" do expect(parsed.front_matter).to eq({}) end it "parses the content as an empty string" do expect(parsed.content).to eq('') end end context "when the end multiline comment delimiter is provided but not the start one" do it "raises an ArgumentError" do string = %Q( Content) expect {FrontMatterParser.parse(string, end_comment: '-->')}.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end describe "#parse_file" do context "when autodetect is true" do { slim: ['slim', nil, '/', nil], coffee: ['coffee', '#', nil, nil], html: ['html', nil, ''], haml: ['haml', nil, '-#', nil], liquid: ['liquid', nil, '<% comment %>', '<% endcomment %>'], sass: ['sass', '//', nil, nil], scss: ['scss', '//', nil, nil], md: ['md', nil, nil, nil], }.each_pair do |format, prop| it "can detect a #{format} file" do expect(FrontMatterParser).to receive(:parse).with("../fixtures/example.#{prop[0]}", __FILE__)), comment: prop[1], start_comment: prop[2], end_comment: prop[3]) FrontMatterParser.parse_file(File.expand_path("../fixtures/example.#{prop[0]}", __FILE__), autodetct: true) end end context "when the file extension is unknown" do it "raises a RuntimeError" do expect {FrontMatterParser.parse_file(File.expand_path('../fixtures/', __FILE__), autodetect: true)}.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end end context "when autodetect is false" do it "calls #parse with the content of the file and given comment delimiters" do expect(FrontMatterParser).to receive(:parse).with('../fixtures/', __FILE__)), comment: nil, start_comment: nil, end_comment: nil) FrontMatterParser.parse_file(File.expand_path('../fixtures/', __FILE__), autodetect: false) end end end end describe "the front matter" do let(:sample) { {'title' => 'hello'} } it "can be indented" do string = %Q( --- title: hello --- Content) expect(FrontMatterParser.parse(string).front_matter).to eq(sample) end it "can have each line commented" do string = %Q( #--- #title: hello #--- Content) expect(FrontMatterParser.parse(string, comment: '#').front_matter).to eq(sample) end it "can be indented after the comment delimiter" do string = %Q( # --- # title: hello # --- Content) expect(FrontMatterParser.parse(string, comment: '#').front_matter).to eq(sample) end it "can be between a multiline comment" do string = %Q( Content) expect(FrontMatterParser.parse(string, start_comment: '').front_matter).to eq(sample) end it "can have the multiline comment delimiters indented" do string = %Q( Content) expect(FrontMatterParser.parse(string, start_comment: '').front_matter).to eq(sample) end it "can have empty lines between the multiline comment delimiters and the front matter" do string = %Q( Content) expect(FrontMatterParser.parse(string, start_comment: '').front_matter).to eq(sample) end it "can have multiline comment delimited by indentation" do string = %Q( / --- title: hello --- Content) expect(FrontMatterParser.parse(string, start_comment: '/').front_matter).to eq(sample) end end