require 'mittsu/math' module Mittsu class Vector3 attr_reader :x, :y, :z def initialize(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) @x = x.to_f @y = y.to_f @z = z.to_f end def x=(value) @x = value.to_f end def y=(value) @y = value.to_f end def z=(value) @z = value.to_f end def set(x, y, z) @x = x.to_f @y = y.to_f @z = z.to_f self end def []=(index, value) return @x = value.to_f if index == 0 || index == :x return @y = value.to_f if index == 1 || index == :y return @z = value.to_f if index == 2 || index == :z raise IndexError end def [](index) return @x if index == 0 || index == :x return @y if index == 1 || index == :y return @z if index == 2 || index == :z raise IndexError end def copy(v) @x = v.x @y = v.y @z = v.z self end def add(v) @x += v.x @y += v.y @z += v.z self end def add_scalar(s) @x += s @y += s @z += s self end def add_vectors(a, b) @x = a.x + b.x @y = a.y + b.y @z = a.z + b.z self end def sub(v) @x -= v.x @y -= v.y @z -= v.z self end def sub_scalar(s) @x -= s @y -= s @z -= s self end def sub_vectors(a, b) @x = a.x - b.x @y = a.y - b.y @z = a.z - b.z self end def multiply(v) @x *= v.x @y *= v.y @z *= v.z self end def multiply_scalar(scalar) @x *= scalar @y *= scalar @z *= scalar self end def multiply_vectors(a, b) @x = a.x * b.x @y = a.y * b.y @z = a.z * b.z self end def apply_euler(euler) quaternion = self.apply_quaternion(quaternion.set_from_euler(euler)) self end def apply_axis_angle(axis, angle) quaternion = self.apply_quaternion(quaternion.set_from_axis_angle(axis, angle)) self end def apply_matrix3(m) x = @x y = @y z = @z e = m.elements @x = e[0] * x + e[3] * y + e[6] * z @y = e[1] * x + e[4] * y + e[7] * z @z = e[2] * x + e[5] * y + e[8] * z self end def apply_matrix4(m) # input: THREE.Matrix4 affine matrix xx, yy, zz = @x, @y, @z e = m.elements @x = e[0] * xx + e[4] * yy + e[8] * zz + e[12] @y = e[1] * xx + e[5] * yy + e[9] * zz + e[13] @z = e[2] * xx + e[6] * yy + e[10] * zz + e[14] self end def apply_projection(m) # input: THREE.Matrix4 projection matrix _x, _y, _z = @x, @y, @z e = m.elements d = 1.0 / (e[3] * _x + e[7] * _y + e[11] * _z + e[15]) # perspective divide @x = (e[0] * _x + e[4] * _y + e[8] * _z + e[12]) * d @y = (e[1] * _x + e[5] * _y + e[9] * _z + e[13]) * d @z = (e[2] * _x + e[6] * _y + e[10] * _z + e[14]) * d self end def apply_quaternion(q) x = @x y = @y z = @z qx = q.x qy = q.y qz = q.z qw = q.w # calculate quat * vector ix = qw * x + qy * z - qz * y iy = qw * y + qz * x - qx * z iz = qw * z + qx * y - qy * x iw = - qx * x - qy * y - qz * z # calculate result * inverse quat @x = ix * qw + iw * - qx + iy * - qz - iz * - qy @y = iy * qw + iw * - qy + iz * - qx - ix * - qz @z = iz * qw + iw * - qz + ix * - qy - iy * - qx self end def project(camera) matrix = matrix.multiply_matrices(camera.projection_matrix, matrix.get_inverse(camera.matrix_world)) self.apply_projection(matrix) end def unproject(camera) matrix = matrix.multiply_matrices(camera.matrix_world, matrix.inverse(camera.projection_matrix)) self.apply_projection(matrix) end def transform_direction(m) # input: THREE.Matrix4 affine matrix # vector interpreted as a direction x = @x, y = @y, z = @z e = m.elements @x = e[0] * x + e[4] * y + e[8] * z @y = e[1] * x + e[5] * y + e[9] * z @z = e[2] * x + e[6] * y + e[10] * z self.normalize self end def divide(v) @x /= v.x @y /= v.y @z /= v.z self end def divide_scalar(scalar) if scalar != 0 invScalar = 1.0 / scalar @x *= invScalar @y *= invScalar @z *= invScalar else @x = 0 @y = 0 @z = 0 end self end def min(v) if @x > v.x @x = v.x end if @y > v.y @y = v.y end if @z > v.z @z = v.z end self end def max(v) if @x < v.x @x = v.x end if @y < v.y @y = v.y end if @z < v.z @z = v.z end self end def clamp(min, max) @x = Math.clamp(@x, min.x, max.x) @y = Math.clamp(@y, min.y, max.y) @z = Math.clamp(@z, min.z, max.z) self end def clamp_scalar(min, max) @x = Math.clamp(@x, min, max) @y = Math.clamp(@y, min, max) @z = Math.clamp(@z, min, max) self end def floor @x = @x.floor.to_f @y = @y.floor.to_f @z = @z.floor.to_f self end def ceil @x = @x.ceil.to_f @y = @y.ceil.to_f @z = @z.ceil.to_f self end def round @x = @x.round.to_f @y = @y.round.to_f @z = @z.round.to_f self end def round_to_zero @x = (@x < 0) ? @x.ceil.to_f : @x.floor.to_f @y = (@y < 0) ? @y.ceil.to_f : @y.floor.to_f @z = (@z < 0) ? @z.ceil.to_f : @z.floor.to_f self end def negate @x = - @x @y = - @y @z = - @z self end def dot(v) @x * v.x + @y * v.y + @z * v.z end def length_sq end def length Math.sqrt(length_sq) end def length_manhattan @x.abs + @y.abs + @z.abs end def normalize self.divide_scalar(self.length) end def set_length(l) old_length = self.length if old_length != 0 && l != old_length self.multiply_scalar(l / old_length) end self end def lerp(v, alpha) @x += (v.x - @x) * alpha @y += (v.y - @y) * alpha @z += (v.z - @z) * alpha self end def lerp_vectors(v1, v2, alpha) self.sub_vectors(v2, v1).multiply_scalar(alpha).add(v1) self end def cross(v) x, y, z = @x, @y, @z @x = y * v.z - z * v.y @y = z * v.x - x * v.z @z = x * v.y - y * v.x self end def cross_vectors(a, b) ax, ay, az = a.x, a.y, a.z bx, by, bz = b.x, b.y, b.z @x = ay * bz - az * by @y = az * bx - ax * bz @z = ax * by - ay * bx self end def project_on_vector(vector) v1 = v1.copy(vector).normalize dot = self.copy(v1).multiply_scalar(dot) end def project_on_plane(plane_normal) v1 = v1.copy(self).project_on_vector(plane_normal) self.sub(v1) end def reflect(normal) # reflect incident vector off plane orthogonal to normal # normal is assumed to have unit length v1 = self.sub(v1.copy(normal).multiply_scalar(2.0 * end def angle_to(v) theta = / (self.length * v.length) # clamp, to handle numerical problems Math.acos(Math.clamp(theta, -1.0, 1.0)) end def distance_to(v) Math.sqrt(self.distance_to_squared(v)) end def distance_to_squared(v) dx = @x - v.x dy = @y - v.y dz = @z - v.z dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz end def set_from_matrix_position(m) @x = m.elements[12] @y = m.elements[13] @z = m.elements[14] self end def set_from_matrix_scale(m) sx = self.set(m.elements[0], m.elements[1], m.elements[ 2]).length sy = self.set(m.elements[4], m.elements[5], m.elements[ 6]).length sz = self.set(m.elements[8], m.elements[9], m.elements[10]).length @x = sx @y = sy @z = sz self end def set_from_matrix_column(index, matrix) offset = index * 4 me = matrix.elements @x = me[offset] @y = me[offset + 1] @z = me[offset + 2] self end def ==(v) ((v.x == @x) && (v.y == @y) && (v.z == @z)) end def fromArray(array, offset = 0) @x = array[offset] @y = array[offset + 1] @z = array[offset + 2] self end def to_array(array = [], offset = 0) array[offset] = @x array[offset + 1] = @y array[offset + 2] = @z array end def to_a self.to_array end def from_attribute(attribute, index, offse = 0) index = index * attribute.itemSize + offset @x = attribute.array[index] @y = attribute.array[index + 1] @z = attribute.array[index + 2] self end def clone, @y, @z) end def to_s "[#{x}, #{y}, #{z}]" end end end