# encoding: UTF-8 require 'spec_helper' module Beaker describe Logger do let(:my_io) { StringIO.new } let(:logger) { Logger.new(my_io, :quiet => true) } let(:test_dir) { 'tmp/tests' } let(:dummy_prefix) { 'dummy' } context '#convert' do let(:valid_utf8) { "/etc/puppet/modules\n├── jimmy-appleseed (\e[0;36mv1.1.0\e[0m)\n├── jimmy-crakorn (\e[0;36mv0.4.0\e[0m)\n└── jimmy-thelock (\e[0;36mv1.0.0\e[0m)\n" } let(:invalid_utf8) {"/etc/puppet/modules\n├── jimmy-appleseed (\e[0;36mv1.1.0\e[0m)\n├── jimmy-crakorn (\e[0;36mv0.4.0\e[0m)\n└── jimmy-thelock (\e[0;36mv1.0.0\e[0m)\xAD\n"} it 'preserves valid utf-8 strings' do expect( logger.convert(valid_utf8) ).to be === valid_utf8 end it 'strips out invalid utf-8 characters' do #this is 1.9 behavior only if RUBY_VERSION.to_f >= 1.9 expect( logger.convert(invalid_utf8) ).to be === valid_utf8 else pending "not supported in ruby 1.8 (using #{RUBY_VERSION})" end end end context '#generate_dated_log_folder' do it 'generates path for a given timestamp' do input_time = Time.new(2014, 6, 2, 16, 31, 22, '-07:00') expect( Logger.generate_dated_log_folder(test_dir, dummy_prefix, input_time) ).to be === File.join(test_dir, dummy_prefix, '2014-06-02_16_31_22') end it 'generates directory for a given timestamp' do input_time = Time.new(2011, 6, 10, 13, 7, 55, '-09:00') expect( File.directory? Logger.generate_dated_log_folder(test_dir, dummy_prefix, input_time) ).to be_truthy end it 'generates nested directories if given as a log_prefix' do input_time = Time.new(2011, 6, 10, 13, 7, 55, '-09:00') prefix = 'a/man/a/plan/a/canal/panama' expect( File.directory? Logger.generate_dated_log_folder(test_dir, prefix, input_time) ).to be_truthy end end context '#prefix_log_line' do def prefix_log_line_test_compare_helper(in_test, out_answer, step_in_loop=1) logger.instance_variable_set( :@line_prefix_length, 0 ) step_in_loop.times { logger.step_in() } expect( logger.prefix_log_line(in_test) ).to be === out_answer logger.instance_variable_set( :@line_prefix_length, 0 ) end it 'can be successfully called with a arrays' do line_arg = ['who done that', 'who wears da pants'] answer_list = line_arg.map { |item| " " + item } prefix_log_line_test_compare_helper(line_arg, answer_list) end it 'removes carriage returns' do line_arg = " \r\n god doing this sucked" answer = " \n god doing this sucked" prefix_log_line_test_compare_helper(line_arg, answer) end it 'includes a newline at the end if it was on the input' do line_arg = "why should this matter\n" answer = " why should this matter\n" prefix_log_line_test_compare_helper(line_arg, answer) end it 'prepends multiple lines in one string' do line_arg = "\n\nwhy should this matter\n" answer = " \n \n why should this matter\n" prefix_log_line_test_compare_helper(line_arg, answer) end it 'can be nested' do line_arg = "\n\nwhy should this matter" answer = " \n \n why should this matter" prefix_log_line_test_compare_helper(line_arg, answer, 3) end end context '#step_* methods' do it 'steps in correctly (simple case)' do logger.instance_variable_set( :@line_prefix_length, 0 ) logger.step_in() expect( logger.instance_variable_get( :@line_prefix_length ) ).to be === 2 expect( logger.line_prefix ).to be === ' ' logger.instance_variable_set( :@line_prefix_length, 0 ) end it 'sets length correctly in mixed scenario ' do logger.instance_variable_set( :@line_prefix_length, 0 ) logger.step_in() logger.step_in() logger.step_out() logger.step_in() logger.step_in() logger.step_out() expect( logger.instance_variable_get( :@line_prefix_length ) ).to be === 4 expect( logger.line_prefix ).to be === ' ' logger.instance_variable_set( :@line_prefix_length, 0 ) end it 'can be unevenly stepped out, will remain at base: 0' do logger.instance_variable_set( :@line_prefix_length, 0 ) logger.step_in() 10.times { logger.step_out() } expect( logger.instance_variable_get( :@line_prefix_length ) ).to be === 0 expect( logger.line_prefix ).to be === '' end end context 'new' do it 'does not duplicate STDOUT when directly passed to it' do stdout_logger = Logger.new STDOUT expect( stdout_logger.destinations.size ).to be === 1 end context 'default for' do its(:destinations) { should include(STDOUT) } its(:color) { should be_nil } its(:log_level) { should be :verbose } end context 'log_colors' do original_build_number = ENV['BUILD_NUMBER'] before :each do ENV['BUILD_NUMBER'] = nil end after :each do ENV['BUILD_NUMER'] = original_build_number end it 'should have the default log_colors' do expect(logger.log_colors).to be == { :error=> Beaker::Logger::RED, :warn=> Beaker::Logger::BRIGHT_RED, :success=> Beaker::Logger::MAGENTA, :notify=> Beaker::Logger::BLUE, :info=> Beaker::Logger::GREEN, :debug=> Beaker::Logger::WHITE, :trace=> Beaker::Logger::BRIGHT_YELLOW, :perf=> Beaker::Logger::BRIGHT_MAGENTA, :host=> Beaker::Logger::YELLOW } end context 'when passing in log_color options' do let(:log_colors) { { :error => "\e[00;30m" } } let(:logger) { Logger.new(my_io, :quiet => true, :log_colors => log_colors) } it 'should override the specified log colors' do expect(logger.log_colors[:error]).to be == Beaker::Logger::BLACK end it 'should leave other colors as the default' do expect(logger.log_colors[:warn]).to be == Beaker::Logger::BRIGHT_RED end end context 'with CI detected' do before :each do ENV['BUILD_NUMBER'] = 'bob' end context 'when using the default log colors' do it 'should override notify with NORMAL' do expect(logger.log_colors[:notify]).to be == Beaker::Logger::NORMAL end it 'should override info with NORMAL' do expect(logger.log_colors[:info]).to be == Beaker::Logger::NORMAL end end context 'when overriding default log colors' do let(:log_colors) { { :error => "\e[00;30m" } } let(:logger) { Logger.new(my_io, :quiet => true, :log_colors => log_colors) } it 'should override the specified log colors' do expect(logger.log_colors[:error]).to be == Beaker::Logger::BLACK end it 'should not override notify with NORMAL' do expect(logger.log_colors[:notify]).not_to be == Beaker::Logger::NORMAL end it 'should not override info with NORMAL' do expect(logger.log_colors[:notify]).not_to be == Beaker::Logger::NORMAL end end end end end context 'it can' do it 'open/create a file when a string is given to add_destination' do logger.add_destination 'my_tmp_file' expect( File.exists?( 'my_tmp_file' ) ).to be_truthy io = logger.destinations.select {|d| d.respond_to? :path }.first expect( io.path ).to match /my_tmp_file/ end it 'remove destinations with the remove_destinations method' do logger.add_destination 'my_file' logger.remove_destination my_io logger.remove_destination 'my_file' expect( logger.destinations ).to be_empty end it 'strip colors from arrays of input' do stripped = logger.strip_colors_from [ "\e[00;30m text! \e[00;00m" ] expect( stripped ).to be === [ ' text! ' ] end it 'colors strings if @color is set' do colorized_logger = Logger.new my_io, :color => true, :quiet => true expect( my_io ).to receive( :print ).with "\e[00;30m" expect( my_io ).to receive( :print ) expect( my_io ).to receive( :puts ).with 'my string' colorized_logger.optionally_color "\e[00;30m", 'my string' end context 'at trace log_level' do subject( :trace_logger ) { Logger.new( my_io, :log_level => 'trace', :quiet => true, :color => true ) } its( :is_debug? ) { should be_truthy } its( :is_trace? ) { should be_truthy } its( :is_warn? ) { should be_truthy } context 'but print' do before do allow( my_io ).to receive :puts expect( my_io ).to receive( :print ).at_least :twice end it( 'warnings' ) { trace_logger.warn 'IMA WARNING!' } it( 'successes' ) { trace_logger.success 'SUCCESS!' } it( 'errors' ) { trace_logger.error 'ERROR!' } it( 'host_output' ) { trace_logger.host_output 'ERROR!' } it( 'debugs' ) { trace_logger.debug 'DEBUGGING!' } it( 'traces' ) { trace_logger.trace 'TRACING!' } end end context 'at verbose log_level' do subject( :verbose_logger ) { Logger.new( my_io, :log_level => 'verbose', :quiet => true, :color => true ) } its( :is_trace? ) { should be_falsy } its( :is_debug? ) { should be_falsy } its( :is_verbose? ) { should be_truthy } its( :is_warn? ) { should be_truthy } context 'but print' do before do allow( my_io ).to receive :puts expect( my_io ).to receive( :print ).at_least :twice end it( 'warnings' ) { verbose_logger.warn 'IMA WARNING!' } it( 'successes' ) { verbose_logger.success 'SUCCESS!' } it( 'errors' ) { verbose_logger.error 'ERROR!' } it( 'host_output' ) { verbose_logger.host_output 'ERROR!' } it( 'debugs' ) { verbose_logger.debug 'NOT DEBUGGING!' } end end context 'at debug log_level' do subject( :debug_logger ) { Logger.new( my_io, :log_level => 'debug', :quiet => true, :color => true ) } its( :is_trace? ) { should be_falsy } its( :is_debug? ) { should be_truthy } its( :is_warn? ) { should be_truthy } context 'successfully print' do before do allow( my_io ).to receive :puts expect( my_io ).to receive( :print ).at_least :twice end it( 'warnings' ) { debug_logger.warn 'IMA WARNING!' } it( 'debugs' ) { debug_logger.debug 'IMA DEBUGGING!' } it( 'successes' ) { debug_logger.success 'SUCCESS!' } it( 'errors' ) { debug_logger.error 'ERROR!' } it( 'host_output' ) { debug_logger.host_output 'ERROR!' } end end context 'at info log_level' do subject( :info_logger ) { Logger.new( my_io, :log_level => :info, :quiet => true, :color => true ) } its( :is_debug? ) { should be_falsy } its( :is_trace? ) { should be_falsy } context 'skip' do before do expect( my_io ).to_not receive :puts expect( my_io ).to_not receive :print end it( 'debugs' ) { info_logger.debug 'NOT DEBUGGING!' } it( 'traces' ) { info_logger.debug 'NOT TRACING!' } end context 'but print' do before do expect( my_io ).to receive :puts expect( my_io ).to receive( :print ).twice end it( 'successes' ) { info_logger.success 'SUCCESS!' } it( 'notifications' ) { info_logger.notify 'NOTFIY!' } it( 'errors' ) { info_logger.error 'ERROR!' } end end context 'SUT output logging' do context 'host output logging' do subject( :host_output ) { Logger.new( my_io, :log_level => :verbose, :quiet => true, :color => true )} it 'should output GREY when @color is set to true' do colorized_logger = host_output expect( my_io ).to receive( :print ).with "\e[01;30m" expect( my_io ).to receive( :print ) expect( my_io ).to receive( :puts ).with 'my string' colorized_logger.optionally_color "\e[01;30m", 'my string' end end context 'color host output' do subject( :color_host_output ) { Logger.new( my_io, :log_level => :verbose, :quiet => true, :color => true )} it 'colors host_output' do colorized_logger = color_host_output expect( my_io ).to receive( :print ).with "" expect( my_io ).to receive( :puts ).with 'my string' colorized_logger.optionally_color "", 'my string' end end end end end end