require 'ldap' require 'ldap/ldif' require 'ldap/schema' module LDAP unless const_defined?(:LDAP_OPT_ERROR_NUMBER) LDAP_OPT_ERROR_NUMBER = 0x0031 end class Mod unless instance_method(:to_s) alias_method :original_to_s, :to_s def to_s inspect end end alias_method :_initialize, :initialize def initialize(op, type, vals) if (VERSION.split(/\./).collect {|x| x.to_i} <=> [0, 9, 7]) <= 0 @op, @type, @vals = op, type, vals # to protect from GC end _initialize(op, type, vals) end end IMPLEMENT_SPECIFIC_ERRORS = {} { 0x51 => "SERVER_DOWN", 0x52 => "LOCAL_ERROR", 0x53 => "ENCODING_ERROR", 0x54 => "DECODING_ERROR", 0x55 => "TIMEOUT", 0x56 => "AUTH_UNKNOWN", 0x57 => "FILTER_ERROR", 0x58 => "USER_CANCELLED", 0x59 => "PARAM_ERROR", 0x5a => "NO_MEMORY", 0x5b => "CONNECT_ERROR", 0x5c => "NOT_SUPPORTED", 0x5d => "CONTROL_NOT_FOUND", 0x5e => "NO_RESULTS_RETURNED", 0x5f => "MORE_RESULTS_TO_RETURN", 0x60 => "CLIENT_LOOP", 0x61 => "REFERRAL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", }.each do |code, name| IMPLEMENT_SPECIFIC_ERRORS[code] = ActiveLdap::LdapError.define(code, name, self) end class Conn begin instance_method(:search_ext) @@have_search_ext = true rescue NameError @@have_search_ext = false end def search_with_limit(base, scope, filter, attributes, limit, &block) if @@have_search_ext search_ext(base, scope, filter, attributes, false, nil, nil, 0, 0, limit || 0, &block) else i = 0 search(base, scope, filter, attributes) do |entry| i += 1 break if limit and limit <= i end end end def failed? not end def error_code code = err code = get_option(LDAP_OPT_ERROR_NUMBER) if code end def error_message if failed? LDAP.err2string(error_code) else nil end end def assert_error_code return unless failed? code = error_code message = error_message klass = ActiveLdap::LdapError::ERRORS[code] klass ||= IMPLEMENT_SPECIFIC_ERRORS[code] if klass.nil? and message == "Can't contact LDAP server" klass = ActiveLdap::ConnectionError end klass ||= ActiveLdap::LdapError raise klass, message end end end