== master == 0.3.1 / 2008-10-26 * Fix the initial state not getting set when the state attribute is mass-assigned but protected * Change how the base module is included to prevent namespacing conflicts == 0.3.0 / 2008-09-07 * No longer allow additional arguments to be passed into event actions * Add support for can_#{event}? for checking whether an event can be fired based on the current state of the record * Don't use callbacks for performing transitions * Fix state machines in subclasses not knowing what states/events/transitions were defined by superclasses * Replace all before/after_exit/enter/loopback callback hooks and :before/:after options for events with before_transition/after_transition callbacks, e.g. before_transition :from => 'parked', :do => :lock_doors # was before_exit :parked, :lock_doors after_transition :on => 'ignite', :do => :turn_on_radio # was event :ignite, :after => :turn_on_radio do * Always save when an event is fired even if it results in a loopback [Jürgen Strobel] * Ensure initial state callbacks are invoked in the proper order when an event is fired on a new record * Add before_loopback and after_loopback hooks [Jürgen Strobel] == 0.2.1 / 2008-07-05 * Add more descriptive exceptions * Assume the default state attribute is "state" if one is not provided * Add :except_from option for transitions if you want to blacklist states * Add PluginAWeek::StateMachine::Machine#states * Add PluginAWeek::StateMachine::Event#transitions * Allow creating transitions with no from state (effectively allowing the transition for *any* from state) * Reduce the number of objects created for each transition == 0.2.0 / 2008-06-29 * Add a non-bang version of events (e.g. park) that will return a boolean value for success * Raise an exception if the bang version of events are used (e.g. park!) and no transition is successful * Change callbacks to act a little more like ActiveRecord * Avoid using string evaluation for dynamic methods == 0.1.1 / 2008-06-22 * Remove log files from gems == 0.1.0 / 2008-05-05 * Completely rewritten from scratch * Renamed to state_machine * Removed database dependencies * Removed models in favor of an attribute-agnostic design * Use ActiveSupport::Callbacks instead of eval_call * Remove dry_transaction_rollbacks dependencies * Added functional tests * Updated documentation == 0.0.1 / 2007-09-26 * Add dependency on custom_callbacks * Move test fixtures out of the test application root directory * Improve documentation * Remove the StateExtension module in favor of adding singleton methods to the stateful class * Convert dos newlines to unix newlines * Fix error message when a given event can't be found in the database * Add before_#{action} and #{action} callbacks when an event is performed * All state and event callbacks can now explicitly return false in order to cancel the action * Refactor ActiveState callback creation * Refactor unit tests so that they use mock classes instead of themselves * Allow force_reload option to be set in the state association * Don't save the entire model when updating the state_id * Raise exception if a class tries to define a state more than once * Add tests for PluginAWeek::Has::States::ActiveState * Refactor active state/active event creation * Fix owner_type not being set correctly in active states/events of subclasses * Allow subclasses to override the initial state * Fix problem with migrations using default null when column cannot be null * Moved deadline support into a separate plugin (has_state_deadlines). * Added many more unit tests. * Simplified many of the interfaces for maintainability. * Added support for turning off recording state changes. * Removed the short_description and long_description columns, in favor of an optional human_name column. * Fixed not overriding the correct equality methods in the StateTransition class. * Added to_sym to State and Event. * State#name and Event#name now return the string version of the name instead of the symbol version. * Added State#human_name and Event#human_name to automatically figure out what the human name is if it isn't specified in the table. * Updated manual rollbacks to use the new Rails edge api (ActiveRecord::Rollback exception). * Moved StateExtension class into a separate file in order to help keep the has_state files clean. * Renamed InvalidState and InvalidEvent exceptions to StateNotFound and EventNotFound in order to follow the ActiveRecord convention (i.e. RecordNotFound). * Added StateNotActive and EventNotActive exceptions to help differentiate between states which don't exist and states which weren't defined in the class. * Added support for defining callbacks like so: def before_exit_parked end def after_enter_idling end * Added support for defining callbacks using class methods: before_exit_parked :fasten_seatbelt * Added event callbacks after the transition has occurred (e.g. after_park) * State callbacks no longer receive any of the arguments that were provided in the event action * Updated license to include our names.