require 'rubygems' require 'fileutils' require 'highline' require 'active_support' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' require 'bcdatabase' HL = module Bcdatabase::Commands class Base protected def self.usage(use) "usage: #{UTILITY_NAME} #{use}" end def self.help_message(use) msg = [ "#{command_name}: #{summary}", usage(use), "" ] yield msg if block_given? msg.join("\n") end end class Epass < Base def initialize(argv) @streaming = argv[-1] == '-' end def self.summary "Generate epasswords from individual database passwords" end def help_message("epass [-]") do |msg| msg << "With no arguments, interactively prompts for passwords and" msg << " prints the corresponding epassword entry." msg << "" msg << "If the last argument is -, reads a newline-separated list" msg << " of passwords from standard in and prints the corresponding " msg << " epasswords to standard out." end end def main @streaming ? streamed : interactive end private def streamed $stdin.readlines.each do |line| puts Bcdatabase.encrypt(line.chomp) end 0 end def interactive begin loop do pass = HL.ask("Password (^C to end): ") do |q| q.echo = false end puts " epassword: #{Bcdatabase.encrypt(pass)}" end rescue Interrupt puts "\nQuit" end 0 end end class Encrypt < Base def initialize(argv) @input = argv.shift @output = argv.shift end def self.summary "Encrypts all the password entries in a bcdatabase YAML file" end def help_message("encrypt [inputfile [outputfile]]") do |msg| msg << "Specifically, this command finds all the keys named 'password'" msg << " in the input YAML and substitutes appropriate 'epassword'" msg << " keys." msg << "" msg << "If inputfile is specified, the source will be that file." msg << " If not, the source will be standard in." msg << "" msg << "If inputfile and outputfile are specified, the new file" msg << " will be written to the output file. Otherwise the output" msg << " will go to standard out. Input and output may be the same" msg << " file." msg << "" msg << "You can't read from standard in and write to a file directly; " msg << " use shell file redirection if you need to do that." end end def main inio = if @input open(@input, "r") else $stdin end # try to preserve the order by replacing everything using regexes contents = contents.gsub!(/\bpassword:(\s*)(\S+)\s*?$/) { "epassword:#{$1}#{Bcdatabase.encrypt($2)}" } outio = if @output open(@output, "w") else $stdout end outio.write(contents) outio.close 0 end end class Help < Base def initialize(argv) @cmd = argv.shift end def self.summary "List commands or display help for one; e.g. #{UTILITY_NAME} help epass" end def help_message "help [command name]" end def main if @cmd klass = Bcdatabase::Commands[@cmd] if klass msg = klass.respond_to?(:help) ? : klass.summary $stderr.puts msg else $stderr.puts "Unknown command #{@cmd}" return 1 end else $stderr.puts end 0 end end class GenKey < Base def initialize(argv) @stream = argv[-1] == '-' end def self.summary "Generate a key for bcdatabase to use" end def help_message("gen-key [-]") do |msg| msg << "By default, the key will be generated in " msg << " #{Bcdatabase.pass_file}. If the last argument to this" msg << " command is -, the key will be generated to standard out" msg << " instead." msg << "" msg << "CAUTION: writing to #{Bcdatabase.pass_file} may overwrite" msg << " an existing bcdatabase key. If that happens, you will" msg << " need to reencrypt all the epasswords on this machine." end end def main key = random_key(128) outio = if @stream $stdout else file = Bcdatabase.pass_file if File.exist?(file) sure = HL.ask("This operation will overwrite the existing pass file.\n Are you sure you want to do that? ", %w{yes no}) do |q| = :down end unless sure == 'yes' exit(0) end end open(file, "w") end outio.write key outio.close 0 end private def random_key(length) k = "" # This is probably not going to work in ruby 1.9 until k.size == length; k << rand(126 - 32) + 32; end k end end class << self def help all_help = commands.collect { |c| [c.command_name, c.summary] }.sort_by { |p| p[0] } max_name_length = all_help.collect { |a| a[0].size }.max msg = Base.usage " [args]\n" msg << "Utility for bcdatabase #{Bcdatabase::VERSION}\n" msg << "Commands:\n" msg << all_help.collect { |name, help| " %#{max_name_length + 1}s %s" % [name, help] }.join("\n") end # Lists all the commands def commands constants.reject { |cs| cs == "Base" }.collect { |cs| const_get(cs) }.select { |c| c.kind_of? Class } end # Locates the command class for a user-entered command name. # Returns nil if the name is invalid. def command(command_name) begin klassname = command_name.gsub('-', '_').camelize Bcdatabase::Commands.const_get "#{klassname}" rescue NameError nil end end alias :[] :command end end class Class def command_name name.gsub( + "::", '').underscore.gsub("_", '-') end end