# Support for adding tags to daily log posts and miscellaneous fixes to date
# display
require 'fileutils'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'set'
require 'pathname'
require 'uri'
module Jekyll
class ProjectPage < Page
def initialize(site, base, dir)
@site = site
@base = base
@dir = dir
@name = 'index.html'
@path = site.layouts["project-home"].path
self.read_yaml("", "") # uses path from above first
self.data['title'] = "Projects"
class CategoryPageGenerator < Generator
safe true
def generate(site)
if site.layouts.key? 'project-home'
dir = site.config['project-dir'] || 'projects'
site.pages << ProjectPage.new(site, site.source, dir)
# Pre-render
# This is the first step. When posts are built, this block goes through and
# reads the markdown line by line to identify log entries by looking for headers
# followed by a parseable date. It then extracts the project tags that follow
# the date and constructs a hash/dict mapping log entries by their html ids
# (in the standard YYYYMMDD format) to an array of project tags. This block also
# removes the project tags and pretty formats things.
Jekyll::Hooks.register :posts, :pre_render do |post|
in_code_block = false
entrymap = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = Set.new }
converted_lines = post.content.split("\n").map do |line|
# skip code blocks
in_code_block = !in_code_block if line.match(/^```/)
next line if in_code_block
# drop lines that aren't markdown headers
matched = line.match(/^(#+) /)
next line unless matched
# drop headers that don't start with dates
DateTime.parse(line.strip) rescue next line
# pretty format dates
date = DateTime.parse(line.strip)
iddate = date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
displaydate = date.strftime("%a, %b %e")
# extract project tags
tags = line.strip.scan(/#([a-zA-Z0-9._-]{3,} ?)/)
# if project tags are detected for this entry then add it to the hash
if tags.length > 0
tags.each { |tag| entrymap[iddate].add(tag[0].strip) }
# replace markdown header with this nice html
# sort the hash so posts will be laid out chronologically on the project page
entrymap = Hash[ entrymap.sort_by { |key, val| key } ]
# save the hash for later processing
post.site.data["entrymap"] = entrymap
post.content = converted_lines.join("\n")
# Post-render
# This is the second step. Once the posts are converted to HTML, this block is
# called. It goes through and splits up each post into separate log entries and
# inserts the HTML version of these log entries into a hash that maps projects
# to entry HTMLs. It also goes and fixes relative links in the log entries so
# that images work once the HTML is copied over to the projects folder.
Jekyll::Hooks.register :posts, :post_render do |post|
# if this post has entries with project tags
if post.site.data["entrymap"].length > 0
# attempt to load a hash mapping tags to ids from the site data
if post.site.data["tagmap"] == nil
tagmap = {}
tagmap = post.site.data["tagmap"]
# create new array if key doesn't exist (default dictionary)
tagmap.default_proc = proc { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
doc = Nokogiri::HTML post.content
# iterate over each entry and its associated tags
post.site.data["entrymap"].each do |entry, tags|
new_node_set = Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet.new(doc)
orig = doc.at_css("h3.log-entry[id=\"#{entry}\"]")
new_node_set << orig
node = orig.next
# continue until we run out of sibling nodes or we hit the next log entry
while !node.nil? && node["class"] != "log-entry"
new_node_set << node
node = node.next
tags.each do |tag|
dir = post.site.config['projects_dir'] || 'projects'
old_path = post.url # convert to relative url since post.url is absolute
old_path[0] = ''
fix_links(new_node_set, old_path, File.join(dir, tag)) # fix rel links
content = new_node_set.to_html
# fix checkboxes
content.gsub! '
[ ]', '
content.gsub! '
[x]', '
post.site.data["tagmap"] = tagmap
# Post-write
# This is the last step. Once the posts are all written, we can build the
# project pages. This works by taking the mapping of projects to HTML fragments
# from previously and generating new pages for each project and injecting the
# HTML fragments into their respective pages.
Jekyll::Hooks.register :site, :post_write do |site|
dir = site.config['projects_dir'] || 'projects'
dest = site.config["destination"]
if site.data.key?("tagmap")
# load in the all generated HTML for the project page, we're going to clone
# this and inject our new content into it to avoid having to deal with liquid
template = File.read(File.join(dest, dir, 'index.html'))
doc = Nokogiri::HTML template
site.data["tagmap"].each_key do |tag|
path = File.join(dest, dir, tag)
FileUtils.mkdir_p path
File.open(File.join(path, "index.html"), 'w') do |f|
# inject new title
doc.at_css('h1.post-title').inner_html = "Project ##{tag} ↩"
# construct one body of HTML from all the separate fragments
new_node_set = Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet.new(doc)
site.data["tagmap"][tag].each do |content|
new_node_set << Nokogiri::HTML::fragment(content)
content = doc.at_css('div.post-content')
# skeletonize page and inject new content
content.children.remove rescue nil
content << new_node_set.to_html
content << ""
# fixes relative paths for the new tag files
def fix_links(doc, old_path, new_path)
# figure out relative link mapping
prefix = Pathname.new(old_path).relative_path_from(Pathname.new(new_path))
url_tags = {
'img' => 'src',
'script' => 'src',
'a' => 'href'
# grab all url links
doc.search(url_tags.keys.join(',')).each do |node|
url_param = url_tags[node.name]
src = node[url_param]
unless src.empty?
path = Pathname.new(src)
uri = URI.parse(src)
# only fix relative links and non http calls
if path.relative? && !%w( http https ).include?(uri.scheme)
node[url_param] = (prefix+path).to_s