class Object # GIVES US THE ABILITY TO ADD DYNMAIC CLASS METHODS TO THE STATUSES MODULE.... # def metaclass class << self; self; end end end module EntityStatus extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods def entity_status(column_name="status",status_array = [], options = { destroyed_status: nil}) status_array = (status_array.count > 0) ? status_array : %W(pending open closed) if options[:destroyed_status] status_array << options[:destroyed_status] self.set_default_scope(column_name, options[:destroyed_status]) define_method 'destroyed_status' do options[:destroyed_status] end end self.create_statuses_method(column_name.to_s.pluralize,status_array) status_array.each do |st| self.create_finder_methods(column_name,st) # add dynamic state setters based on the status string # example: Post.first.pending #=> 'pending' define_method st do self.send("#{column_name}=".to_sym,st.to_s) self end # Add boolean state checks based on the status string # example: Post.first.pending? #=> true define_method "#{st}?" do (self.send(column_name) == st) ? true :false end end end def set_default_scope(column_name,destroyed_status) self.default_scope {where.not(column_name.to_sym => destroyed_status)} # klass = self.to_s # metaclass.instance_eval do # default_scope where.not(column_name.to_sym => destroyed_status) # end end def create_statuses_method(name,statuses) klass = self.to_s metaclass.instance_eval do # attr_accessor :statuses # @@statuses = statuses define_method(name){ return statuses } end end def create_finder_methods(column_name,name) klass = self.to_s metaclass.instance_eval do define_method(name){ where(column_name.to_sym => name) } end end end module InstanceMethods def dependant_state_update(state) self.update_attributes status: state self.reflections.each do |rel| if rel.last.klass.method_defined? :dependant_state_update if rel.last.options[:dependent] == :destroy items = [] + self.send( items.each do |item| item.dependant_state_update state end end end end end end def self.included(receiver) receiver.extend ClassMethods receiver.send :include, InstanceMethods receiver.entity_status if receiver.respond_to? :entity_status if receiver.method_defined?(:attr_accessible) receiver.attr_accessible :status receiver.attr_accessible :destroyed_status # receiver.after_create :default_status end end end