cmdline-fu ==================== CLI based front end for [ commandlinefu ]( ). commandlinefu is community based repository for usefull commandline such as one-liner or complex `find`, `openssl`, `mysql`... command. This script scrape available TAG from site's top page with `hpricot` for supporting query based on TAG. TAGS file are stored to `~/.cmdline-fu.tags`. Install ---------------------------------- gem install cmdline-fu Sample Configuration("~/.cmdline-fu.conf") ---------------------------------- { #-------------------------------------------------------- # Proxy setting. you can overwrite this # with HTTP_PROXY environment variable #-------------------------------------------------------- # :http_proxy_ => '', #-------------------------------------------------------- # Disable colorized output #-------------------------------------------------------- #:colorize => false, #-------------------------------------------------------- # Supported colors are... # black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white #-------------------------------------------------------- :color_match => 'yellow', :color_desc => 'cyan', :color_footer => 'green', #-------------------------------------------------------- # Web Browser command used such as 'cmdline-fu browse o'. #-------------------------------------------------------- # for linux :browse_cmd => 'firefox', # :browse_cmd => 'google-chrome', # Mac OSX's default # :browse_cmd => 'open', } Usage ---------------------------------- cmdline-fu COMMAND [PAGE] [o] [-n] COMMAND: list_tag [MATCHER], browse, using WORD, by USER, tagged TAG, matching WORD PAGE: 1-999 (defaut: 1) o: open in browser -n: not colorize Example ---------------------------------- cmdline-fu renew_tag cmdline-fu list_tag cmdline-fu list_tag vm cmdline-fu browse cmdline-fu browse o cmdline-fu using find cmdline-fu by t9md cmdline-fu tagged install cmdline-fu matching find Abbreviation ---------------------------------- Unique abbreviation for command is supported. cmdline-fu r cmdline-fu l cmdline-fu l vm cmdline-fu br cmdline-fu u find 2 cmdline-fu u find 2 o cmdline-fu by t9md cmdline-fu t install cmdline-fu m find Copyright ==================== Copyright (c) 2010 t9md. See LICENSE.txt for further details.