/* _/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Created by David Kaneda Documentation and issue tracking on GitHub Special thanks to Jonathan Stark and pinch/zoom (c) 2010 by jQTouch project members. See LICENSE.txt for license. $Revision: 164 $ $Date: Tue Mar 22 17:42:13 EDT 2011 $ $LastChangedBy: jonathanstark $ */ (function($) { $.jQTouch = function(options) { // Initialize internal jQT variables var $body, $head=$('head'), initialPageId='', hist=[], newPageCount=0, jQTSettings={}, currentPage='', orientation='portrait', tapReady=true, lastTime=0, lastAnimationTime=0, touchSelectors=[], publicObj={}, tapBuffer=351, extensions=$.jQTouch.prototype.extensions, animations=[], hairExtensions='', defaults = { addGlossToIcon: true, backSelector: '.back, .cancel, .goback', cacheGetRequests: true, debug: false, fallback2dAnimation: 'fade', fixedViewport: true, formSelector: 'form', fullScreen: true, fullScreenClass: 'fullscreen', hoverDelay: 50, icon: null, icon4: null, // experimental moveThreshold: 10, preloadImages: false, pressDelay: 1000, startupScreen: null, statusBar: 'default', // other options: black-translucent, black submitSelector: '.submit', touchSelector: 'a, .touch', useAnimations: true, useFastTouch: true, // experimental animations: [ // highest to lowest priority {selector:'.cube', name:'cubeleft', is3d:true}, {selector:'.cubeleft', name:'cubeleft', is3d:true}, {selector:'.cuberight', name:'cuberight', is3d:true}, {selector:'.dissolve', name:'dissolve', is3d:false}, {selector:'.fade', name:'fade', is3d:false}, {selector:'.flip', name:'flipleft', is3d:true}, {selector:'.flipleft', name:'flipleft', is3d:true}, {selector:'.flipright', name:'flipright', is3d:true}, {selector:'.pop', name:'pop', is3d:true}, {selector:'.slide', name:'slideleft', is3d:false}, {selector:'.slidedown', name:'slidedown', is3d:false}, {selector:'.slideleft', name:'slideleft', is3d:false}, {selector:'.slideright', name:'slideright', is3d:false}, {selector:'.slideup', name:'slideup', is3d:false}, {selector:'.swap', name:'swapleft', is3d:true}, {selector:'#jqt > * > ul li a', name:'slideleft', is3d:false} ] }; function _debug(message) { now = (new Date).getTime(); delta = now - lastTime; lastTime = now; if (jQTSettings.debug) { if (message) { _log(delta + ': ' + message); } else { _log(delta + ': ' + 'Called ' + arguments.callee.caller.name); } } } function _log(message) { if (window.console !== undefined) { console.log(message); } } function addAnimation(animation) { _debug(); if (typeof(animation.selector) === 'string' && typeof(animation.name) === 'string') { animations.push(animation); } } function addPageToHistory(page, animation) { _debug(); hist.unshift({ page: page, animation: animation, hash: '#' + page.attr('id'), id: page.attr('id') }); } function clickHandler(e) { _debug(); if (!tapReady) { _debug('ClickHandler handler aborted because tap is not ready'); e.preventDefault(); return false; } // Figure out whether to prevent default var $el = $(e.target); // Find the nearest tappable ancestor if (!$el.is(touchSelectors.join(', '))) { var $el = $(e.target).closest(touchSelectors.join(', ')); } // Prevent default if we found an internal link (relative or absolute) if ($el && $el.attr('href') && !$el.isExternalLink()) { _debug('Need to prevent default click behavior'); e.preventDefault(); } else { _debug('No need to prevent default click behavior'); } // Trigger a tap event if touchstart is not on the job if ($.support.touch) { _debug('Not converting click to a tap event because touch handler is on the job'); } else { _debug('Converting click event to a tap event'); $(e.target).trigger('tap', e); } } function doNavigation(fromPage, toPage, animation, goingBack) { _debug(); // Error check for target page if (toPage.length === 0) { $.fn.unselect(); _debug('Target element is missing.'); return false; } // Error check for fromPage===toPage if (toPage.hasClass('current')) { $.fn.unselect(); _debug('You are already on the page you are trying to navigate to.'); return false; } // Collapse the keyboard $(':focus').blur(); // Position the incoming page so toolbar is at top of viewport regardless of scroll position on from page // toPage.css('top', window.pageYOffset); fromPage.trigger('pageAnimationStart', { direction: 'out' }); toPage.trigger('pageAnimationStart', { direction: 'in' }); if ($.support.animationEvents && animation && jQTSettings.useAnimations) { tapReady = false; // Fail over to 2d animation if need be if (!$.support.transform3d && animation.is3d) { animation.name = jQTSettings.fallback2dAnimation; } // Reverse animation if need be var finalAnimationName; if (goingBack) { if (animation.name.indexOf('left') > 0) { finalAnimationName = animation.name.replace(/left/, 'right'); } else if (animation.name.indexOf('right') > 0) { finalAnimationName = animation.name.replace(/right/, 'left'); } else if (animation.name.indexOf('up') > 0) { finalAnimationName = animation.name.replace(/up/, 'down'); } else if (animation.name.indexOf('down') > 0) { finalAnimationName = animation.name.replace(/down/, 'up'); } else { finalAnimationName = animation.name; } } else { finalAnimationName = animation.name; } // _debug('finalAnimationName is ' + finalAnimationName); // Bind internal "cleanup" callback fromPage.bind('webkitAnimationEnd', navigationEndHandler); fromPage.bind('webkitTransitionEnd', navigationEndHandler); // Trigger animations scrollTo(0, 0); toPage.addClass(finalAnimationName + ' in current'); fromPage.addClass(finalAnimationName + ' out'); } else { toPage.addClass('current'); navigationEndHandler(); } // Define private navigationEnd callback function navigationEndHandler(event) { _debug(); if ($.support.animationEvents && animation && jQTSettings.useAnimations) { fromPage.unbind('webkitAnimationEnd', navigationEndHandler); fromPage.unbind('webkitTransitionEnd', navigationEndHandler); fromPage.removeClass(finalAnimationName + ' out current'); toPage.removeClass(finalAnimationName + ' in'); // scrollTo(0, 0); // toPage.css('top', 0); } else { fromPage.removeClass(finalAnimationName + ' out current'); } // Housekeeping currentPage = toPage; if (goingBack) { hist.shift(); } else { addPageToHistory(currentPage, animation); } fromPage.unselect(); lastAnimationTime = (new Date()).getTime(); setHash(currentPage.attr('id')); tapReady = true; // Trigger custom events toPage.trigger('pageAnimationEnd', {direction:'in', animation:animation}); fromPage.trigger('pageAnimationEnd', {direction:'out', animation:animation}); } // We's out return true; } function getOrientation() { _debug(); return orientation; } function goBack() { _debug(); // Error checking if (hist.length < 1 ) { _debug('History is empty.'); } if (hist.length === 1 ) { _debug('You are on the first panel.'); } var from = hist[0], to = hist[1]; if (doNavigation(from.page, to.page, from.animation, true)) { return publicObj; } else { _debug('Could not go back.'); return false; } } function goTo(toPage, animation, reverse) { _debug(); if (reverse) { _log('The reverse parameter of the goTo() function has been deprecated.'); } var fromPage = hist[0].page; if (typeof animation === 'string') { for (var i=0, max=animations.length; i < max; i++) { if (animations[i].name === animation) { animation = animations[i]; break; } } } if (typeof(toPage) === 'string') { var nextPage = $(toPage); if (nextPage.length < 1) { showPageByHref(toPage, { 'animation': animation }); return; } else { toPage = nextPage; } } if (doNavigation(fromPage, toPage, animation)) { return publicObj; } else { _debug('Could not animate pages.'); return false; } } function hashChangeHandler(e) { _debug(); if (hist[1] === undefined) { _debug('There is no previous page in history'); } else { if(location.hash === hist[1].hash) { goBack(); } else { _debug(location.hash + ' !== ' + hist[1].hash); } } } function init(options) { _debug(); jQTSettings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); // Preload images if (jQTSettings.preloadImages) { for (var i = jQTSettings.preloadImages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { (new Image()).src = jQTSettings.preloadImages[i]; }; } // Set appropriate icon (retina display stuff is experimental) if (jQTSettings.icon || jQTSettings.icon4) { var precomposed, appropriateIcon; if (jQTSettings.icon4 && window.devicePixelRatio && window.devicePixelRatio === 2) { appropriateIcon = jQTSettings.icon4; } else if (jQTSettings.icon) { appropriateIcon = jQTSettings.icon; } else { appropriateIcon = false; } if (appropriateIcon) { precomposed = (jQTSettings.addGlossToIcon) ? '' : '-precomposed'; hairExtensions += ''; } } // Set startup screen if (jQTSettings.startupScreen) { hairExtensions += ''; } // Set viewport if (jQTSettings.fixedViewport) { hairExtensions += ''; } // Set full-screen if (jQTSettings.fullScreen) { hairExtensions += ''; if (jQTSettings.statusBar) { hairExtensions += ''; } } // Attach hair extensions if (hairExtensions) { $head.prepend(hairExtensions); } } function insertPages(nodes, animation) { _debug(); var targetPage = null; $(nodes).each(function(index, node) { var $node = $(this); if (!$node.attr('id')) { $node.attr('id', 'page-' + (++newPageCount)); } // Remove any existing instance $('#' + $node.attr('id')).remove(); $body.trigger('pageInserted', {page: $node.appendTo($body)}); if ($node.hasClass('current') || !targetPage) { targetPage = $node; } }); if (targetPage !== null) { goTo(targetPage, animation); return targetPage; } else { return false; } } function mousedownHandler(e) { var timeDiff = (new Date()).getTime() - lastAnimationTime; if (timeDiff < tapBuffer) { return false; } } function orientationChangeHandler() { _debug(); orientation = Math.abs(window.orientation) == 90 ? 'landscape' : 'portrait'; $body.removeClass('portrait landscape').addClass(orientation).trigger('turn', {orientation: orientation}); } function setHash(hash) { _debug('setHash is off at the moment'); return; // Trim leading # if need be hash = hash.replace(/^#/, ''), // Remove listener window.onhashchange = null; // Change hash location.hash = '#' + hash; // Add listener window.onhashchange = hashChangeHandler; } function showPageByHref(href, options) { _debug(); var defaults = { data: null, method: 'GET', animation: null, callback: null, $referrer: null }; var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); if (href != '#') { $.ajax({ url: href, data: settings.data, type: settings.method, success: function (data, textStatus) { var firstPage = insertPages(data, settings.animation); if (firstPage) { if (settings.method == 'GET' && jQTSettings.cacheGetRequests === true && settings.$referrer) { settings.$referrer.attr('href', '#' + firstPage.attr('id')); } if (settings.callback) { settings.callback(true); } } }, error: function (data) { if (settings.$referrer) { settings.$referrer.unselect(); } if (settings.callback) { settings.callback(false); } } }); } else if (settings.$referrer) { settings.$referrer.unselect(); } } function submitHandler(e, callback) { _debug(); $(':focus').blur(); e.preventDefault(); var $form = (typeof(e)==='string') ? $(e).eq(0) : (e.target ? $(e.target) : $(e)); _debug($form.attr('action')); if ($form.length && $form.is(jQTSettings.formSelector) && $form.attr('action')) { showPageByHref($form.attr('action'), { data: $form.serialize(), method: $form.attr('method') || "POST", animation: animations[0] || null, callback: callback }); return false; } return false; } function submitParentForm($el) { _debug(); var $form = $el.closest('form'); if ($form.length === 0) { _debug('No parent form found'); } else { _debug('About to submit parent form'); var evt = $.Event('submit'); evt.preventDefault(); $form.trigger(evt); return false; } return true; } function supportForAnimationEvents() { _debug(); return (typeof WebKitAnimationEvent != 'undefined'); } function supportForCssMatrix() { _debug(); return (typeof WebKitCSSMatrix != 'undefined'); } function supportForTouchEvents() { _debug(); // If dev wants fast touch off, shut off touch whether device supports it or not if (!jQTSettings.useFastTouch) { return false } // Dev must want touch, so check for support if (typeof TouchEvent != 'undefined') { if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mobile') > -1) { // Grrrr... return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }; function supportForTransform3d() { _debug(); var head, body, style, div, result; head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; body = document.body; style = document.createElement('style'); style.textContent = '@media (transform-3d),(-o-transform-3d),(-moz-transform-3d),(-ms-transform-3d),(-webkit-transform-3d),(modernizr){#jqtTestFor3dSupport{height:3px}}'; div = document.createElement('div'); div.id = 'jqtTestFor3dSupport'; // Add to the page head.appendChild(style); body.appendChild(div); // Check the result result = div.offsetHeight === 3; // Clean up style.parentNode.removeChild(style); div.parentNode.removeChild(div); // Pass back result // _debug('Support for 3d transforms: ' + result); return result; }; function tapHandler(e){ _debug(); if (!tapReady) { _debug('Tap is not ready'); return false; } // Grab the target element var $el = $(e.target); // Find the nearest tappable ancestor if (!$el.is(touchSelectors.join(', '))) { var $el = $(e.target).closest(touchSelectors.join(', ')); } // Make sure we have a tappable element if (!$el.length || !$el.attr('href')) { _debug('Could not find a link related to tapped element'); return false; } // Init some vars var target = $el.attr('target'), hash = $el.attr('hash'), animation = null; if ($el.isExternalLink()) { $el.unselect(); return true; } else if ($el.is(jQTSettings.backSelector)) { // User clicked or tapped a back button goBack(hash); } else if ($el.is(jQTSettings.submitSelector)) { // User clicked or tapped a submit element submitParentForm($el); } else if (target === '_webapp') { // User clicked or tapped an internal link, fullscreen mode window.location = $el.attr('href'); return false; } else if ($el.attr('href') === '#') { // Allow tap on item with no href $el.unselect(); return true; } else { // Figure out the animation to use for (var i=0, max=animations.length; i < max; i++) { if ($el.is(animations[i].selector)) { animation = animations[i]; break; } }; if (!animation) { _log('Animation could not be found. Using slideleft.'); animation = 'slideleft'; } if (hash && hash !== '#') { // Internal href $el.addClass('active'); goTo($(hash).data('referrer', $el), animation, $el.hasClass('reverse')); return false; } else { // External href $el.addClass('loading active'); showPageByHref($el.attr('href'), { animation: animation, callback: function() { $el.removeClass('loading'); setTimeout($.fn.unselect, 250, $el); }, $referrer: $el }); return false; } } } function touchStartHandler(e) { _debug(); if (!tapReady) { _debug('TouchStart handler aborted because tap is not ready'); e.preventDefault(); return false; } var $el = $(e.target); // Error check if (!$el.length) { _debug('Could not find target of touchstart event.'); return; } var startTime = (new Date).getTime(), hoverTimeout = null, pressTimeout = null, touch, startX, startY, deltaX = 0, deltaY = 0, deltaT = 0; if (event.changedTouches && event.changedTouches.length) { touch = event.changedTouches[0]; startX = touch.pageX; startY = touch.pageY; } // Prep the element $el.bind('touchmove',touchMoveHandler).bind('touchend',touchEndHandler).bind('touchcancel',touchCancelHandler); hoverTimeout = setTimeout(function() { $el.makeActive(); }, jQTSettings.hoverDelay); pressTimeout = setTimeout(function() { $el.unbind('touchmove',touchMoveHandler).unbind('touchend',touchEndHandler).unbind('touchcancel',touchCancelHandler); $el.unselect(); clearTimeout(hoverTimeout); $el.trigger('press'); }, jQTSettings.pressDelay); // Private touch functions function touchCancelHandler(e) { _debug(); clearTimeout(hoverTimeout); $el.unselect(); $el.unbind('touchmove',touchMoveHandler).unbind('touchend',touchEndHandler).unbind('touchcancel',touchCancelHandler); } function touchEndHandler(e) { _debug(); // updateChanges(); $el.unbind('touchend',touchEndHandler).unbind('touchcancel',touchCancelHandler); clearTimeout(hoverTimeout); clearTimeout(pressTimeout); if (Math.abs(deltaX) < jQTSettings.moveThreshold && Math.abs(deltaY) < jQTSettings.moveThreshold && deltaT < jQTSettings.pressDelay) { // e.preventDefault(); // e.stopImmediatePropagation(); $el.trigger('tap', e); } else { $el.unselect(); } } function touchMoveHandler(e) { // _debug(); updateChanges(); var absX = Math.abs(deltaX); var absY = Math.abs(deltaY); var direction; if (absX > absY && (absX > 35) && deltaT < 1000) { if (deltaX < 0) { direction = 'left'; } else { direction = 'right'; } $el.unbind('touchmove',touchMoveHandler).unbind('touchend',touchEndHandler).unbind('touchcancel',touchCancelHandler); $el.trigger('swipe', {direction:direction, deltaX:deltaX, deltaY: deltaY}); } $el.unselect(); clearTimeout(hoverTimeout); if (absX > jQTSettings.moveThreshold || absY > jQTSettings.moveThreshold) { clearTimeout(pressTimeout); } } function updateChanges() { // _debug(); var firstFinger = event.changedTouches[0] || null; deltaX = firstFinger.pageX - startX; deltaY = firstFinger.pageY - startY; deltaT = (new Date).getTime() - startTime; // _debug('deltaX:'+deltaX+';deltaY:'+deltaY+';'); } } // End touch handler // Get the party started init(options); // Document ready stuff $(document).ready(function() { // Store some properties in the jQuery support object $.support.animationEvents = supportForAnimationEvents(); $.support.cssMatrix = supportForCssMatrix(); $.support.touch = supportForTouchEvents(); $.support.transform3d = supportForTransform3d(); if (!$.support.touch) { _log('This device does not support touch interaction, or it has been deactivated by the developer. Some features might be unavailable.'); } if (!$.support.transform3d) { _log('This device does not support 3d animation. 2d animations will be used instead.'); } // Define public jQuery functions $.fn.isExternalLink = function() { var $el = $(this); return ($el.attr('target') == '_blank' || $el.attr('rel') == 'external' || $el.is('a[href^="http://maps.google.com"], a[href^="mailto:"], a[href^="tel:"], a[href^="javascript:"], a[href*="youtube.com/v"], a[href*="youtube.com/watch"]')); } $.fn.makeActive = function() { return $(this).addClass('active'); } $.fn.press = function(fn) { if ($.isFunction(fn)) { return $(this).live('press', fn); } else { return $(this).trigger('press'); } } $.fn.swipe = function(fn) { if ($.isFunction(fn)) { return $(this).live('swipe', fn); } else { return $(this).trigger('swipe'); } } $.fn.tap = function(fn) { if ($.isFunction(fn)) { return $(this).live('tap', fn); } else { return $(this).trigger('tap'); } } $.fn.unselect = function(obj) { if (obj) { obj.removeClass('active'); } else { $('.active').removeClass('active'); } } // Add extensions for (var i=0, max=extensions.length; i < max; i++) { var fn = extensions[i]; if ($.isFunction(fn)) { $.extend(publicObj, fn(publicObj)); } } // Set up animations array if (jQTSettings['cubeSelector']) { _log('NOTE: cubeSelector has been deprecated. Please use cubeleftSelector instead.'); jQTSettings['cubeleftSelector'] = jQTSettings['cubeSelector']; } if (jQTSettings['flipSelector']) { _log('NOTE: flipSelector has been deprecated. Please use flipleftSelector instead.'); jQTSettings['flipleftSelector'] = jQTSettings['flipSelector']; } if (jQTSettings['slideSelector']) { _log('NOTE: slideSelector has been deprecated. Please use slideleftSelector instead.'); jQTSettings['slideleftSelector'] = jQTSettings['slideSelector']; } for (var i=0, max=defaults.animations.length; i < max; i++) { var animation = defaults.animations[i]; if(jQTSettings[animation.name + 'Selector'] !== undefined){ animation.selector = jQTSettings[animation.name + 'Selector']; } addAnimation(animation); } // Create an array of stuff that needs touch event handling touchSelectors.push('input'); // TODO: Ask DK why inputs are considered touch selectors touchSelectors.push(jQTSettings.touchSelector); touchSelectors.push(jQTSettings.backSelector); touchSelectors.push(jQTSettings.submitSelector); $(touchSelectors.join(', ')).css('-webkit-touch-callout', 'none'); // Make sure we have a jqt element $body = $('#jqt'); if ($body.length === 0) { _log('Could not find an element with the id "jqt", so the body id has been set to "jqt". If you are having any problems, wrapping your panels in a div with the id "jqt" might help.'); $body = $('body').attr('id', 'jqt'); } // Add some specific css if need be if ($.support.transform3d) { $body.addClass('supports3d'); } if (jQTSettings.fullScreenClass && window.navigator.standalone == true) { $body.addClass(jQTSettings.fullScreenClass + ' ' + jQTSettings.statusBar); } if (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/ig)) { // Grr... added to postion checkbox labels. Lame I know. - js $body.addClass('android'); } // Bind events $body.bind('touchstart', touchStartHandler) .bind('click', clickHandler) .bind('mousedown', mousedownHandler) .bind('orientationchange', orientationChangeHandler) .bind('submit', submitHandler) .bind('tap', tapHandler) .trigger('orientationchange'); // Determine what the "current" (initial) panel should be if ($('#jqt > .current').length == 0) { currentPage = $('#jqt > *:first'); } else { currentPage = $('#jqt > .current:first'); $('#jqt > .current').removeClass('current'); } // Go to the top of the "current" page $(currentPage).addClass('current'); initialPageId = $(currentPage).attr('id'); setHash(initialPageId); addPageToHistory(currentPage); scrollTo(0, 0); // Make sure none of the panels yank the location bar into view $('#jqt > *').css('minHeight', window.innerHeight); }); // Expose public methods and properties publicObj = { animations: animations, hist: hist, settings: jQTSettings, support: $.support, getOrientation: getOrientation, goBack: goBack, goTo: goTo, addAnimation: addAnimation, submitForm: submitHandler } return publicObj; } // Extensions directly manipulate the jQTouch object, before it's initialized. $.jQTouch.prototype.extensions = []; $.jQTouch.addExtension = function(extension) { $.jQTouch.prototype.extensions.push(extension); } })(jQuery); /* _/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Created by David Kaneda Documentation and issue tracking on Google Code Special thanks to Jonathan Stark and pinch/zoom (c) 2009 by jQTouch project members. See LICENSE.txt for license. */ (function($) { $.fn.transition = function(css, options) { return this.each(function() { var $el = $(this); var defaults = { speed : '300ms', callback: null, ease: 'ease-in-out' }; var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); if (settings.speed === 0) { $el.css(css); window.setTimeout(settings.callback, 0); } else { if ($.browser.safari) { var s = []; for (var i in css) { s.push(i); } $el.css({ webkitTransitionProperty: s.join(", "), webkitTransitionDuration: settings.speed, webkitTransitionTimingFunction: settings.ease }); if (settings.callback) { $el.one('webkitTransitionEnd', settings.callback); } setTimeout(function(el) { el.css(css) }, 0, $el); } else { $el.animate(css, settings.speed, settings.callback); } } }); } })(jQuery); /** * * Find more about the Spinning Wheel function at * http://cubiq.org/spinning-wheel-on-webkit-for-iphone-ipod-touch/11 * * Copyright (c) 2009 Matteo Spinelli, http://cubiq.org/ * Released under MIT license * http://cubiq.org/dropbox/mit-license.txt * * Version 1.4 - Last updated: 2009.07.09 * */ var SpinningWheel = { cellHeight: 44, friction: 0.003, slotData: [], /** * * Event handler * */ handleEvent: function (e) { if (e.type == 'touchstart') { this.lockScreen(e); if (e.currentTarget.id == 'sw-cancel' || e.currentTarget.id == 'sw-done') { this.tapDown(e); } else if (e.currentTarget.id == 'sw-frame') { this.scrollStart(e); } } else if (e.type == 'touchmove') { this.lockScreen(e); if (e.currentTarget.id == 'sw-cancel' || e.currentTarget.id == 'sw-done') { this.tapCancel(e); } else if (e.currentTarget.id == 'sw-frame') { this.scrollMove(e); } } else if (e.type == 'touchend') { if (e.currentTarget.id == 'sw-cancel' || e.currentTarget.id == 'sw-done') { this.tapUp(e); } else if (e.currentTarget.id == 'sw-frame') { this.scrollEnd(e); } } else if (e.type == 'webkitTransitionEnd') { if (e.target.id == 'sw-wrapper') { // this.destroy(); } else { this.backWithinBoundaries(e); } } else if (e.type == 'orientationchange') { this.onOrientationChange(e); } else if (e.type == 'scroll') { this.onScroll(e); } }, /** * * Global events * */ onOrientationChange: function (e) { window.scrollTo(0, 0); this.swWrapper.style.top = window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset + 'px'; this.calculateSlotsWidth(); }, onScroll: function (e) { this.swWrapper.style.top = window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset + 'px'; }, lockScreen: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }, /** * * Initialization * */ reset: function () { this.slotEl = []; this.activeSlot = null; this.swWrapper = undefined; this.swSlotWrapper = undefined; this.swSlots = undefined; this.swFrame = undefined; }, calculateSlotsWidth: function () { var div = this.swSlots.getElementsByTagName('div'); for (var i = 0; i < div.length; i += 1) { this.slotEl[i].slotWidth = div[i].offsetWidth; } }, create: function () { var i, l, out, ul, div; this.reset(); // Initialize object variables // Create the Spinning Wheel main wrapper div = document.createElement('div'); div.id = 'sw-wrapper'; div.style.top = window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset + 'px'; // Place the SW down the actual viewing screen div.style.webkitTransitionProperty = '-webkit-transform'; // div.innerHTML = '
'; div.innerHTML = '
'; document.body.appendChild(div); this.swWrapper = div; // The SW wrapper this.swSlotWrapper = document.getElementById('sw-slots-wrapper'); // Slots visible area this.swSlots = document.getElementById('sw-slots'); // Pseudo table element (inner wrapper) this.swFrame = document.getElementById('sw-frame'); // The scrolling controller // Create HTML slot elements for (l = 0; l < this.slotData.length; l += 1) { // Create the slot ul = document.createElement('ul'); out = ''; for (i in this.slotData[l].values) { out += '
  • ' + this.slotData[l].values[i] + '<' + '/li>'; } ul.innerHTML = out; div = document.createElement('div'); // Create slot container div.className = this.slotData[l].style; // Add styles to the container div.appendChild(ul); // Append the slot to the wrapper this.swSlots.appendChild(div); ul.slotPosition = l; // Save the slot position inside the wrapper ul.slotYPosition = 0; ul.slotWidth = 0; ul.slotMaxScroll = this.swSlotWrapper.clientHeight - ul.clientHeight - 86; ul.style.webkitTransitionTimingFunction = 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)'; // Add default transition this.slotEl.push(ul); // Save the slot for later use // Place the slot to its default position (if other than 0) if (this.slotData[l].defaultValue) { this.scrollToValue(l, this.slotData[l].defaultValue); } } this.calculateSlotsWidth(); // Global events // document.addEventListener('touchstart', this, false); // Prevent page scrolling document.addEventListener('touchmove', this, false); // Prevent page scrolling window.addEventListener('orientationchange', this, true); // Optimize SW on orientation change window.addEventListener('scroll', this, true); // Reposition SW on page scroll // Cancel/Done buttons events // document.getElementById('sw-cancel').addEventListener('touchstart', this, false); document.getElementById('sw-done').addEventListener('touchstart', this, false); // Add scrolling to the slots this.swFrame.addEventListener('touchstart', this, false); }, open: function () { this.create(); this.swWrapper.style.webkitTransitionTimingFunction = 'ease-out'; this.swWrapper.style.webkitTransitionDuration = '400ms'; this.swWrapper.style.webkitTransform = 'translate3d(0, -210px, 0)'; }, /** * * Unload * */ destroy: function () { this.swWrapper.removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false); this.swFrame.removeEventListener('touchstart', this, false); // document.getElementById('sw-cancel').removeEventListener('touchstart', this, false); document.getElementById('sw-done').removeEventListener('touchstart', this, false); // document.removeEventListener('touchstart', this, false); document.removeEventListener('touchmove', this, false); window.removeEventListener('orientationchange', this, true); window.removeEventListener('scroll', this, true); this.slotData = []; this.cancelAction = function () { return false; }; this.cancelDone = function () { return true; }; this.reset(); document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById('sw-wrapper')); }, close: function () { this.swWrapper.style.webkitTransitionTimingFunction = 'ease-in'; this.swWrapper.style.webkitTransitionDuration = '400ms'; this.swWrapper.style.webkitTransform = 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'; this.swWrapper.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false); }, /** * * Generic methods * */ addSlot: function (values, style, defaultValue) { if (!style) { style = ''; } style = style.split(' '); for (var i = 0; i < style.length; i += 1) { style[i] = 'sw-' + style[i]; } style = style.join(' '); var obj = { 'values': values, 'style': style, 'defaultValue': defaultValue }; this.slotData.push(obj); }, getSelectedValues: function () { var index, count, i, l, keys = [], values = []; for (i in this.slotEl) { // Remove any residual animation this.slotEl[i].removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false); this.slotEl[i].style.webkitTransitionDuration = '0'; if (this.slotEl[i].slotYPosition > 0) { this.setPosition(i, 0); } else if (this.slotEl[i].slotYPosition < this.slotEl[i].slotMaxScroll) { this.setPosition(i, this.slotEl[i].slotMaxScroll); } index = -Math.round(this.slotEl[i].slotYPosition / this.cellHeight); count = 0; for (l in this.slotData[i].values) { if (count == index) { keys.push(l); values.push(this.slotData[i].values[l]); break; } count += 1; } } return { 'keys': keys, 'values': values }; }, /** * * Rolling slots * */ setPosition: function (slot, pos) { this.slotEl[slot].slotYPosition = pos; this.slotEl[slot].style.webkitTransform = 'translate3d(0, ' + pos + 'px, 0)'; }, scrollStart: function (e) { // Find the clicked slot var xPos = e.targetTouches[0].clientX - this.swSlots.offsetLeft; // Clicked position minus left offset (should be 11px) // Find tapped slot var slot = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.slotEl.length; i += 1) { slot += this.slotEl[i].slotWidth; if (xPos < slot) { this.activeSlot = i; break; } } // If slot is readonly do nothing if (this.slotData[this.activeSlot].style.match('readonly')) { this.swFrame.removeEventListener('touchmove', this, false); this.swFrame.removeEventListener('touchend', this, false); return false; } this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false); // Remove transition event (if any) this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].style.webkitTransitionDuration = '0'; // Remove any residual transition // Stop and hold slot position var theTransform = window.getComputedStyle(this.slotEl[this.activeSlot]).webkitTransform; theTransform = new WebKitCSSMatrix(theTransform).m42; if (theTransform != this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotYPosition) { this.setPosition(this.activeSlot, theTransform); } this.startY = e.targetTouches[0].clientY; this.scrollStartY = this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotYPosition; this.scrollStartTime = e.timeStamp; this.swFrame.addEventListener('touchmove', this, false); this.swFrame.addEventListener('touchend', this, false); return true; }, scrollMove: function (e) { var topDelta = e.targetTouches[0].clientY - this.startY; if (this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotYPosition > 0 || this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotYPosition < this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotMaxScroll) { topDelta /= 2; } this.setPosition(this.activeSlot, this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotYPosition + topDelta); this.startY = e.targetTouches[0].clientY; // Prevent slingshot effect if (e.timeStamp - this.scrollStartTime > 80) { this.scrollStartY = this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotYPosition; this.scrollStartTime = e.timeStamp; } }, scrollEnd: function (e) { this.swFrame.removeEventListener('touchmove', this, false); this.swFrame.removeEventListener('touchend', this, false); // If we are outside of the boundaries, let's go back to the sheepfold if (this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotYPosition > 0 || this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotYPosition < this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotMaxScroll) { this.scrollTo(this.activeSlot, this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotYPosition > 0 ? 0 : this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotMaxScroll); return false; } // Lame formula to calculate a fake deceleration var scrollDistance = this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotYPosition - this.scrollStartY; // The drag session was too short if (scrollDistance < this.cellHeight / 1.5 && scrollDistance > -this.cellHeight / 1.5) { if (this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotYPosition % this.cellHeight) { this.scrollTo(this.activeSlot, Math.round(this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotYPosition / this.cellHeight) * this.cellHeight, '100ms'); } return false; } var scrollDuration = e.timeStamp - this.scrollStartTime; var newDuration = (2 * scrollDistance / scrollDuration) / this.friction; var newScrollDistance = (this.friction / 2) * (newDuration * newDuration); if (newDuration < 0) { newDuration = -newDuration; newScrollDistance = -newScrollDistance; } var newPosition = this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotYPosition + newScrollDistance; if (newPosition > 0) { // Prevent the slot to be dragged outside the visible area (top margin) newPosition /= 2; newDuration /= 3; if (newPosition > this.swSlotWrapper.clientHeight / 4) { newPosition = this.swSlotWrapper.clientHeight / 4; } } else if (newPosition < this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotMaxScroll) { // Prevent the slot to be dragged outside the visible area (bottom margin) newPosition = (newPosition - this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotMaxScroll) / 2 + this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotMaxScroll; newDuration /= 3; if (newPosition < this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotMaxScroll - this.swSlotWrapper.clientHeight / 4) { newPosition = this.slotEl[this.activeSlot].slotMaxScroll - this.swSlotWrapper.clientHeight / 4; } } else { newPosition = Math.round(newPosition / this.cellHeight) * this.cellHeight; } this.scrollTo(this.activeSlot, Math.round(newPosition), Math.round(newDuration) + 'ms'); return true; }, scrollTo: function (slotNum, dest, runtime) { this.slotEl[slotNum].style.webkitTransitionDuration = runtime ? runtime : '100ms'; this.setPosition(slotNum, dest ? dest : 0); // If we are outside of the boundaries go back to the sheepfold if (this.slotEl[slotNum].slotYPosition > 0 || this.slotEl[slotNum].slotYPosition < this.slotEl[slotNum].slotMaxScroll) { this.slotEl[slotNum].addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false); } }, scrollToValue: function (slot, value) { var yPos, count, i; this.slotEl[slot].removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false); this.slotEl[slot].style.webkitTransitionDuration = '0'; count = 0; for (i in this.slotData[slot].values) { if (i == value) { yPos = count * this.cellHeight; this.setPosition(slot, yPos); break; } count -= 1; } }, backWithinBoundaries: function (e) { e.target.removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false); this.scrollTo(e.target.slotPosition, e.target.slotYPosition > 0 ? 0 : e.target.slotMaxScroll, '150ms'); return false; }, /** * * Buttons * */ tapDown: function (e) { e.currentTarget.addEventListener('touchmove', this, false); e.currentTarget.addEventListener('touchend', this, false); e.currentTarget.className = 'sw-pressed'; }, tapCancel: function (e) { e.currentTarget.removeEventListener('touchmove', this, false); e.currentTarget.removeEventListener('touchend', this, false); e.currentTarget.className = ''; }, tapUp: function (e) { this.tapCancel(e); if (e.currentTarget.id == 'sw-cancel') { this.cancelAction(); } else { this.doneAction(); } // this.close(); //not needed because we control this via the feedback from the query }, setCancelAction: function (action) { this.cancelAction = action; }, setDoneAction: function (action) { this.doneAction = action; }, cancelAction: function () { return false; }, cancelDone: function () { return true; } }; /* Copyright (C) 2008 Charles Ying. All Rights Reserved. This distribution is released under the BSD license. http://css-vfx.googlecode.com/ See the README for documentation and license. */ (function () { // Module pattern var global = this; // CREATE ARRAYS FOR LINKS AND CAPTIONS var imagesArray = Array(); var captionsArray = Array(); // ["This is a caption lorem ipsum"], // ["Here's one that we'll
    make into two lines"], // [""Quotes" and ©s and ™s, oh my!"], // ["Blah Blah Blooey"]); /* Utilities (avoid jQuery dependencies) */ function utils_extend(obj, dict) { for (var key in dict) { obj[key] = dict[key]; } } function utils_setsize(elem, w, h) { elem.style.width = w.toString() + "px"; elem.style.height = h.toString() + "px"; } function utils_setxy(elem, x, y) { elem.style.left = Math.round(x).toString() + "px"; elem.style.top = Math.round(y).toString() + "px"; } /* TrayController is a horizontal touch event controller that tracks cumulative offsets and passes events to a delegate. */ TrayController = function () { return this; } TrayController.prototype.init = function (elem) { this.currentX = 0; this.elem = elem; } TrayController.prototype.touchstart = function (event) { this.startX = event.touches[0].pageX - this.currentX; this.touchMoved = false; window.addEventListener("touchmove", this, true); window.addEventListener("touchend", this, true); this.elem.style.webkitTransitionDuration = "0s"; } TrayController.prototype.touchmove = function (e) { this.touchMoved = true; this.lastX = this.currentX; this.lastMoveTime = new Date(); this.currentX = event.touches[0].pageX - this.startX; this.delegate.update(this.currentX); } TrayController.prototype.touchend = function (e) { window.removeEventListener("touchmove", this, true); window.removeEventListener("touchend", this, true); this.elem.style.webkitTransitionDuration = "0.4s"; if (this.touchMoved) { /* Approximate some inertia -- the transition function takes care of the decay over 0.4s for us, but we need to amplify the last movement */ var delta = this.currentX - this.lastX; var dt = (new Date()) - this.lastMoveTime + 1; /* dx * 400 / dt */ this.currentX = this.currentX + delta * 200 / dt; this.delegate.updateTouchEnd(this); } else { this.delegate.clicked(this.currentX); } } TrayController.prototype.handleEvent = function (event) { this[event.type](event); event.preventDefault(); } /* These variables define how the zflow presentation is made. */ const CSIZE = 150; const CGAP = CSIZE / 2; const FLOW_ANGLE = 70; const FLOW_THRESHOLD = CGAP / 2; const FLOW_ZFOCUS = CSIZE; const FLOW_XGAP = CSIZE / 3; const T_NEG_ANGLE = "rotateY(" + (- FLOW_ANGLE) + "deg)"; const T_ANGLE = "rotateY(" + FLOW_ANGLE + "deg)"; const T_ZFOCUS = "translateZ(" + FLOW_ZFOCUS + "px)"; FlowDelegate = function () { this.cells = new Array(); this.transforms = new Array(); } FlowDelegate.prototype.init = function (elem) { this.elem = elem; } FlowDelegate.prototype.updateTouchEnd = function (controller) { this.lastFocus = undefined; // Snap to nearest position var i = this.getFocusedCell(controller.currentX); controller.currentX = - i * CGAP; this.update(controller.currentX); } FlowDelegate.prototype.clicked = function (currentX) { var i = - Math.round(currentX / CGAP); var cell = this.cells[i]; galleryCell = i; //save the key for use in show_image div // ADDED window.open() - "_self" CAN BE CHANGED TO "_blank" 0R AN EXPLICITLY NAMED WINDOW //window.open(imagesArray[i],"_blank"); } FlowDelegate.prototype.getFocusedCell = function (currentX) { // Snap to nearest position var i = - Math.round(currentX / CGAP); // Clamp to cells array boundary return Math.min(Math.max(i, 0), this.cells.length - 1); } FlowDelegate.prototype.transformForCell = function (cell, i, offset) { /* This function needs to be fast, so we avoid function calls, divides, Math.round, and precalculate any invariants we can. */ var x = (i * CGAP); var ix = x + offset; if ((ix < FLOW_THRESHOLD) && (ix >= -FLOW_THRESHOLD)) { // yangle = 0, zpos = FLOW_ZFOCUS return T_ZFOCUS + " translateX(" + x + "px)"; } else if (ix > 0) { // yangle = -FLOW_ANGLE, x + FLOW_XGAP return "translateX(" + (x + FLOW_XGAP) + "px) " + T_NEG_ANGLE; } else { // yangle = FLOW_ANGLE, x - FLOW_XGAP return "translateX(" + (x - FLOW_XGAP) + "px) " + T_ANGLE; } } FlowDelegate.prototype.setTransformForCell = function (cell, i, transform) { if (this.transforms[i] != transform) { cell.style.webkitTransform = transform; this.transforms[i] = transform; } } FlowDelegate.prototype.update = function (currentX) { this.elem.style.webkitTransform = "translateX(" + (currentX) + "px)"; /* It would be nice if we only updated dirty cells... for now, we use a cache */ for (var i in this.cells) { var cell = this.cells[i]; this.setTransformForCell(cell, i, this.transformForCell(cell, i, currentX)); i += 1; } } var controller = new TrayController(); var delegate = new FlowDelegate(); global.zflow = function (images, selector) { var tray = document.querySelector(selector); controller.init(tray); delegate.init(tray); controller.delegate = delegate; // WE NO LONGER NEED THIS VARIABLE // var imagesLeft = images.length; var cellCSS = { top: Math.round(-CSIZE * 0.65) + "px", left: Math.round(-CSIZE / 2) + "px", width: CSIZE + "px", height: Math.round(CSIZE * 1.5) + "px", opacity: 0, } var i = 0; function makeCell() { var cell = document.createElement("div"); var image = document.createElement("img"); var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); var link = document.createElement("a"); // CREATE caption element var caption = document.createElement("caption"); cell.className = "cell"; cell.appendChild(link); link.appendChild(image); cell.appendChild(canvas); // ADD caption to cell cell.appendChild(caption); // ASSIGN SRC DIRECTLY FROM THE IMAGES ARRAY SINCE IT'S NO LONGER PASSED AS A PARAMETER OF THE FUNCTION image.src = images[i]; imagesArray[i] = images[i]; link.href = "show_image?fName=" + images[i]; link.className = "slide-right"; global.afnc = function () { var iwidth = image.width; var iheight = image.height; var ratio = Math.min(CSIZE / iheight, CSIZE / iwidth); iwidth *= ratio; iheight *= ratio; utils_setsize(image, iwidth, iheight); utils_extend(cell.style, cellCSS); utils_setxy(image, (CSIZE - iwidth) / 2, CSIZE - iheight); utils_setxy(canvas, (CSIZE - iwidth) / 2, CSIZE); // POSITION caption - this can be tweaked to place it where you like utils_setxy(caption, (CSIZE - iwidth) / 2, CSIZE + 10); reflect(image, iwidth, iheight, canvas); // CALL FUNCTION writeCaption() var $tCaption = images[i].match(/(.*)[\/\\]([^\/\\]+)\.\w+$/)[2]; //strip the path $tCaption = $tCaption.replace(/_/g, ' '); //replace the _ with blank $tCaption = $tCaption.replace(/(^|\s)([a-z])/g, function(m, p1, p2) { return p1 + p2.toUpperCase(); }); //cap first word captionsArray[i] = $tCaption; //store the capation in the array writeCaption(caption, iwidth, i); delegate.setTransformForCell(cell, delegate.cells.length, delegate.transformForCell(cell, delegate.cells.length, controller.currentX)); delegate.cells.push(cell); // Start at 0 opacity tray.appendChild(cell); // Set to 1 to fade element in. cell.style.opacity = 1.0; // THIS MAKES THE NEXT CELL IF NECESSARY if (i < (images.length - 1)) { i++; makeCell(); } else { window.setTimeout(function() { window.scrollTo(0, 0); }, 100); galleryInit = 1; } } // end afnc image.addEventListener("load", afnc, true); } ; // INITIATE CELL CREATION makeCell(); tray.addEventListener('touchstart', controller, false); } global.zflowCleanup = function (selector) { var tray = document.querySelector(selector); if (tray) { if (tray.childNodes.length > 0) { delegate.transforms.length = 0; delegate.cells.length = 0; while (tray.hasChildNodes()) { var image = tray.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0]; image.removeEventListener("load", afnc, true); //remove the listener first tray.removeChild(tray.childNodes[0]); } var div = document.getElementById('gallery'); if (div) { div.parentNode.removeChild(div); //take the gallery out so it will reload galleryInit = 0; //reset the init flag galleryCell = 0; //reset the image flag } } } } global.zflowGetImageSource = function (selector, index) { var tray = document.querySelector(selector); var imageSrc = ""; if (tray) { if (tray.childNodes.length > 0) { while (tray.hasChildNodes()) { imageSrc = tray.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[index].src; } } } return imageSrc; } // FUNCTION TO SET WIDTH AND WRITE CAPTION function writeCaption(caption, iwidth, i) { caption.width = iwidth; caption.innerHTML = captionsArray[i]; } function reflect(image, iwidth, iheight, canvas) { canvas.width = iwidth; canvas.height = iheight / 2; var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.save(); ctx.translate(0, iheight - 1); ctx.scale(1, -1); ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, iwidth, iheight); ctx.restore(); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out"; var gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, iheight / 2); gradient.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)"); gradient.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)"); ctx.fillStyle = gradient; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, iwidth, iheight / 2); } })(); /* ##################################################################### jQTouch iCal, 1.0 alpha @created by Bruno Alexandre, 26.03.2010 twitter.com/balexandre balexandre.com bruno.in.dk [at] gmail.com ##################################################################### This is a iCal a-like interface to serve as a calendar/diary, use it at your own will. - To load calendar change the "month.php" to f.ex. "month.php" and create your own calendar, you have the expected markup on the htm file. - To load events change the "events.htm" to f.ex. "events.php"and create your own calendar, you have the expected markup on the htm file. - It handles automatically: Today's date Next and previous month's Loading of events if selected/jumped date contains events - Remember to remove the alert calls... ###################################################################### */ // Global variables var now = new Date(); var url_month = 'month' var url_event = 'events.htm' // Loads the calendar for the passed Month and Year function getCalendar(url1, url2, date) { url_month = url1; url_event = url2; var d = date.getDate(); var m = date.getMonth() + 1; // zero index based var y = date.getFullYear(); $.get(url_month, { month: m, year: y }, function(data) { // clear existing calendar $('#ical').empty(); // append retrieved calendar markup $(data).appendTo('#ical'); // set all clicks (don't use live or tap to avoid bugs) setBindings(); // today if exists setToday(); // verify if selected date has events, if it has, load them setSelectedAndLoadEvents(date); //alert('Calendar loaded with: ' + d + '.' + m + '.' + y); }); } function getEvents(date) { var d = date.getDate(); var m = date.getMonth() + 1; // zero index based var y = date.getFullYear(); $.get(url_event, { day: d, month: m, year: y }, function(data) { // clear existing events $('#ical .events').empty(); // append retrieved events markup $(data).appendTo('#ical .events'); }); } // no events function getNoEvents() { var noEvents = "
  • No Events
  • "; $('#ical .events').empty(); $(noEvents).appendTo('#ical .events'); } // Set's all clicks function setBindings() { // calendar days $('#ical td').bind("click", function() { var btnClass = $(this).attr('class'); var clickedDate = getClickedDate($(this)); // where's the today? let's remove it first RemoveSelectedCell(); setToday(); if (btnClass.indexOf('date_has_event') != -1 || btnClass.indexOf('today_date_has_event') != -1) { // Event Date $(this).attr('class', 'selected_date_has_event'); getEvents(clickedDate); } if (btnClass == '' || btnClass.indexOf('today') != -1) { // Non Event Date $(this).attr('class', 'selected'); getNoEvents(); } if (btnClass.indexOf('prevmonth') != -1 || btnClass.indexOf('nextmonth') != -1) { getCalendar(url, clickedDate); } }); // bottom bar - today $("#ical .bottom-bar .bottom-bar-today").bind("click", function() { getCalendar(url_month, url_event, now); }); // load previous Month $("#ical .goto-prevmonth").bind("click", function() { loadPrevNextMonth(-1); }); // load next Month $("#ical .goto-nextmonth").bind("click", function() { loadPrevNextMonth(1); }); } // Resets today's/chosen day function RemoveSelectedCell() { $('#ical .selected_date_has_event').removeClass('selected_date_has_event'); $('#ical .selected').removeClass('selected'); } // get clicked Date function getClickedDate(cell) { var date = $(cell).find('input').val(); var clickedDate = getDateFromHiddenField(date); return clickedDate; } // Load the previous function loadPrevNextMonth(num) { var day = $('#ical .selected').text(); if (day == "") day = $('#ical .selected_date_has_event').text(); var mmm = parseInt($('#ical > #month').val()); var yyy = $('#ical > #year').val(); var currentDay = new Date(yyy, mmm - 1, day); if (num == 1) currentDay.nextMonth(); else currentDay.prevMonth(); getCalendar(url_month, url_event, currentDay); } // Set Today's date function setToday() { $("#ical :hidden").each(function(index) { var dt = getDateFromHiddenField($(this).val()); if (!isNaN(dt)) { var no = now var da = now.getDate() var db = dt.getDate() var ma = now.getMonth() var mb = dt.getMonth() var ya = now.getFullYear() var yb = dt.getFullYear() if (now.getDate() == dt.getDate() && now.getMonth() == dt.getMonth() && now.getFullYear() == dt.getFullYear()) { var td = $(this).closest('td'); if ($(td).attr('class') == 'date_has_event') $(td).attr('class', 'today_date_has_event'); else $(td).attr('class', 'today'); } } }); } function getDateFromHiddenField(date) { var a = date.split('-'); return new Date(a[0], a[1] - 1, a[2]); } // Set Selected date and Load events if exists function setSelectedAndLoadEvents(date) { RemoveSelectedCell(); $('#ical td').each(function(index) { var css = $(this).attr('class'); var clickedDate = getClickedDate($(this)); // set todays date if ((css != "prevmonth" && css != "nextmonth") && date.getDate() == clickedDate.getDate() && date.getMonth() == clickedDate.getMonth() && date.getFullYear() == clickedDate.getFullYear()) { if (css == "date_has_event") { $(this).attr('class', 'selected_date_has_event'); getEvents(date); } else { $(this).attr('class', 'selected'); getNoEvents(); } } }); setToday(); } /******************* Utilities *******************/ // http://www.webtoolkit.info/javascript-trim.html function trim(str, chars) { return ltrim(rtrim(str, chars), chars); } function ltrim(str, chars) { chars = chars || "\\s"; return str.replace(new RegExp("^[" + chars + "]+", "g"), ""); } function rtrim(str, chars) { chars = chars || "\\s"; return str.replace(new RegExp("[" + chars + "]+$", "g"), ""); } // http://www.ozzu.com/programming-forum/javascript-dateadd-function-t47986.html function dateAddExtention(p_Interval, p_Number) { var thing = new String(); //in the spirt of VB we'll make this function non-case sensitive //and convert the charcters for the coder. p_Interval = p_Interval.toLowerCase(); if (isNaN(p_Number)) { //Only accpets numbers //throws an error so that the coder can see why he effed up throw "The second parameter must be a number. \n You passed: " + p_Number; return false; } p_Number = new Number(p_Number); switch (p_Interval.toLowerCase()) { case "yyyy": {// year this.setFullYear(this.getFullYear() + p_Number); break; } case "q": { // quarter this.setMonth(this.getMonth() + (p_Number * 3)); break; } case "m": { // month this.setMonth(this.getMonth() + p_Number); break; } case "y": // day of year case "d": // day case "w": { // weekday this.setDate(this.getDate() + p_Number); break; } case "ww": { // week of year this.setDate(this.getDate() + (p_Number * 7)); break; } case "h": { // hour this.setHours(this.getHours() + p_Number); break; } case "n": { // minute this.setMinutes(this.getMinutes() + p_Number); break; } case "s": { // second this.setSeconds(this.getSeconds() + p_Number); break; } case "ms": { // second this.setMilliseconds(this.getMilliseconds() + p_Number); break; } default: { //throws an error so that the coder can see why he effed up and //a list of elegible letters. throw "The first parameter must be a string from this list: \n" + "yyyy, q, m, y, d, w, ww, h, n, s, or ms. You passed: " + p_Interval; return false; } } return this; } Date.prototype.dateAdd = dateAddExtention; // http://dansnetwork.com/2008/09/18/javascript-date-object-adding-and-subtracting-months/ function prevMonth() { var thisMonth = this.getMonth(); this.setMonth(thisMonth - 1); if (this.getMonth() != thisMonth - 1 && (this.getMonth() != 11 || (thisMonth == 11 && this.getDate() == 1))) this.setDate(0); } function nextMonth() { var thisMonth = this.getMonth(); this.setMonth(thisMonth + 1); if (this.getMonth() != thisMonth + 1 && this.getMonth() != 0) this.setDate(0); } Date.prototype.nextMonth = nextMonth; Date.prototype.prevMonth = prevMonth; ; (function($) { // secure $ jQuery alias /*******************************************************************************************/ // jquery.event.drag.js - rev 10 // Copyright (c) 2008, Three Dub Media (http://threedubmedia.com) // Liscensed under the MIT License (MIT-LICENSE.txt) // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php // Created: 2008-06-04 | Updated: 2008-08-05 /*******************************************************************************************/ // Events: drag, dragstart, dragend /*******************************************************************************************/ // jquery method $.fn.drag = function(fn1, fn2, fn3) { if (fn2) this.bind('dragstart', fn1); // 2+ args if (fn3) this.bind('dragend', fn3); // 3 args return !fn1 ? this.trigger('mousedown', { which:1 }) // 0 args : this.bind('drag', fn2 ? fn2 : fn1); // 1+ args }; // special event configuration var drag = $.event.special.drag = { distance: 0, // default distance dragged before dragstart setup: function(data) { data = $.extend({ distance: drag.distance }, data || {}); $.event.add(this, "mousedown", drag.handler, data); }, teardown: function() { $.event.remove(this, "mousedown", drag.handler); if (this == drag.dragging) drag.dragging = drag.proxy = null; // deactivate element selectable(this, true); // enable text selection }, handler: function(event) { var returnValue; // mousedown has initialized if (event.data.elem) { // update event properties... event.dragTarget = event.data.elem; // source element event.dragProxy = drag.proxy || event.dragTarget; // proxy element or source event.cursorOffsetX = event.data.x - event.data.left; // mousedown offset event.cursorOffsetY = event.data.y - event.data.top; // mousedown offset event.offsetX = event.pageX - event.cursorOffsetX; // element offset event.offsetY = event.pageY - event.cursorOffsetY; // element offset } // handle various events switch (event.type) { // mousedown, left click case !drag.dragging && event.which == 1 && 'mousedown': // initialize drag $.extend(event.data, $(this).offset(), { x: event.pageX, y: event.pageY, elem: this, dist2: Math.pow(event.data.distance, 2) // x� + y� = distance� }); // store some initial attributes $.event.add(document.body, "mousemove mouseup", drag.handler, event.data); selectable(this, false); // disable text selection return false; // prevents text selection in safari // mousemove, check distance, start dragging case !drag.dragging && 'mousemove': // DRAGSTART >> if (Math.pow(event.pageX - event.data.x, 2) + Math.pow(event.pageY - event.data.y, 2) // x� + y� = distance� < event.data.dist2) break; // distance tolerance not reached drag.dragging = event.dragTarget; // activate element event.type = "dragstart"; // hijack event returnValue = $.event.handle.call(drag.dragging, event); // trigger "dragstart", return proxy element drag.proxy = $(returnValue)[0] || drag.dragging; // set proxy if (returnValue !== false) break; // "dragstart" accepted, stop selectable(drag.dragging, true); // enable text selection drag.dragging = drag.proxy = null; // deactivate element // mousemove, dragging case 'mousemove': // DRAG >> if (drag.dragging) { event.type = "drag"; // hijack event returnValue = $.event.handle.call(drag.dragging, event); // trigger "drag" if ($.event.special.drop) { // manage drop events $.event.special.drop.allowed = ( returnValue !== false ); // prevent drop $.event.special.drop.handler(event); // "dropstart", "dropend" } if (returnValue !== false) break; // "drag" not rejected, stop event.type = "mouseup"; // hijack event } // mouseup, stop dragging case 'mouseup': // DRAGEND >> $.event.remove(document.body, "mousemove mouseup", drag.handler); // remove page events if (drag.dragging) { if ($.event.special.drop) // manage drop events $.event.special.drop.handler(event); // "drop" event.type = "dragend"; // hijack event $.event.handle.call(drag.dragging, event); // trigger "dragend" selectable(drag.dragging, true); // enable text selection drag.dragging = drag.proxy = null; // deactivate element event.data = {}; } break; } } }; // toggles text selection attributes function selectable(elem, bool) { if (!elem) return; // maybe element was removed ? elem.unselectable = bool ? "off" : "on"; // IE elem.onselectstart = function() { return bool; }; // IE if (elem.style) elem.style.MozUserSelect = bool ? "" : "none"; // FF } ; /*******************************************************************************************/ })(jQuery); // confine scope ; (function($) { // secure $ jQuery alias /*******************************************************************************************/ // jquery.event.drop.js - rev 10 // Copyright (c) 2008, Three Dub Media (http://threedubmedia.com) // Liscensed under the MIT License (MIT-LICENSE.txt) // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php // Created: 2008-06-04 | Updated: 2008-08-05 /*******************************************************************************************/ // Events: drop, dropstart, dropend /*******************************************************************************************/ // JQUERY METHOD $.fn.drop = function(fn1, fn2, fn3) { if (fn2) this.bind('dropstart', fn1); // 2+ args if (fn3) this.bind('dropend', fn3); // 3 args return !fn1 ? this.trigger('drop') // 0 args : this.bind('drop', fn2 ? fn2 : fn1); // 1+ args }; // DROP MANAGEMENT UTILITY $.dropManage = function(opts) { // return filtered drop target elements, cache their positions $.extend(drop, { // set new options filter: '*', data: [], tolerance: null }, opts || {}); return drop.$elements .filter(drop.filter) .each(function(i) { drop.data[i] = drop.locate(this); }); }; // SPECIAL EVENT CONFIGURATION var drop = $.event.special.drop = { delay: 100, // default frequency to track drop targets mode: 'intersect', // default mode to determine valid drop targets $elements: $([]), data: [], // storage of drop targets and locations setup: function() { drop.$elements = drop.$elements.add(this); drop.data[ drop.data.length ] = drop.locate(this); }, teardown: function() { var elem = this; drop.$elements = drop.$elements.not(this); drop.data = $.grep(drop.data, function(obj) { return ( obj.elem !== elem ); }); }, // shared handler handler: function(event) { var dropstart = null, dropped; event.dropTarget = drop.dropping || undefined; // dropped element if (drop.data.length && event.dragTarget) { // handle various events switch (event.type) { // drag/mousemove, from $.event.special.drag case 'drag': // TOLERATE >> drop.event = event; // store the mousemove event if (!drop.timer) // monitor drop targets drop.timer = setTimeout(drop.tolerate, 20); break; // dragstop/mouseup, from $.event.special.drag case 'mouseup': // DROP >> DROPEND >> drop.timer = clearTimeout(drop.timer); // delete timer if (!drop.dropping) break; // stop, no drop if (drop.allowed) { event.type = "drop"; // hijack event dropped = $.event.handle.call(drop.dropping, event); // trigger "drop" } dropstart = false; // activate new target, from tolerate (async) case drop.dropping && 'dropstart': // DROPSTART >> ( new target ) event.type = "dropend"; // hijack event dropstart = dropstart === null && drop.allowed ? true : false; // deactivate active target, from tolerate (async) case drop.dropping && 'dropend': // DROPEND >> $.event.handle.call(drop.dropping, event); // trigger "dropend" drop.dropping = null; // empty dropper if (dropped === false) event.dropTarget = undefined; if (!dropstart) break; // stop event.type = "dropstart"; // hijack event // activate target, from tolerate (async) case drop.allowed && 'dropstart': // DROPSTART >> event.dropTarget = this; drop.dropping = $.event.handle.call(this, event) !== false ? this : null; break; } } }, // async, recursive tolerance execution tolerate: function() { var i = 0, drp, winner, // local variables xy = [ drop.event.pageX, drop.event.pageY ], // mouse location drg = drop.locate(drop.event.dragProxy); // drag proxy location drop.tolerance = drop.tolerance || drop.modes[ drop.mode ]; // custom or stored tolerance fn do if (drp = drop.data[i]) { // each drop target location if (drop.tolerance) // tolerance function is defined winner = drop.tolerance.call(drop, drop.event, drg, drp); // execute else if (drop.contains(drp, xy)) winner = drp; // mouse is always fallback } while (++i < drop.data.length && !winner); // loop drop.event.type = ( winner = winner || drop.best ) ? 'dropstart' : 'dropend'; // start ? stop if (drop.event.type == 'dropend' || winner.elem != drop.dropping) // don't dropstart on active drop target drop.handler.call(winner ? winner.elem : drop.dropping, drop.event); // handle events if (drop.last && xy[0] == drop.last.pageX && xy[1] == drop.last.pageY) // no movement delete drop.timer; // idle, don't recurse else drop.timer = setTimeout(drop.tolerate, drop.delay); // recurse drop.last = drop.event; // to compare idleness drop.best = null; // reset comparitors }, // returns the location positions of an element locate: function(elem) { // return { L:left, R:right, T:top, B:bottom, H:height, W:width } var $el = $(elem), pos = $el.offset(), h = $el.outerHeight(), w = $el.outerWidth(); return { elem: elem, L: pos.left, R: pos.left + w, T: pos.top, B: pos.top + h, W: w, H: h }; }, // test the location positions of an element against another OR an X,Y coord contains: function(target, test) { // target { L,R,T,B,H,W } contains test [x,y] or { L,R,T,B,H,W } return ( ( test[0] || test.L ) >= target.L && ( test[0] || test.R ) <= target.R && ( test[1] || test.T ) >= target.T && ( test[1] || test.B ) <= target.B ); }, // stored tolerance modes modes: { // fn scope: "$.event.special.drop" object // target with mouse wins, else target with most overlap wins 'intersect': function(event, proxy, target) { return this.contains(target, [ event.pageX, event.pageY ]) ? // check cursor target : this.modes['overlap'].apply(this, arguments); // check overlap }, // target with most overlap wins 'overlap': function(event, proxy, target) { // calculate the area of overlap... target.overlap = Math.max(0, Math.min(target.B, proxy.B) - Math.max(target.T, proxy.T)) * Math.max(0, Math.min(target.R, proxy.R) - Math.max(target.L, proxy.L)); if (target.overlap > ( ( this.best || {} ).overlap || 0 )) // compare overlap this.best = target; // set as the best match so far return null; // no winner }, // proxy is completely contained within target bounds 'fit': function(event, proxy, target) { return this.contains(target, proxy) ? target : null; }, // center of the proxy is contained within target bounds 'middle': function(event, proxy, target) { return this.contains(target, [ proxy.L + proxy.W / 2, proxy.T + proxy.H / 2 ]) ? target : null; } } }; /*******************************************************************************************/ })(jQuery); // confine scope /** * touch for jQuery * * Copyright (c) 2008 Peter Schmalfeldt (ManifestInteractive.com) * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * @project jquery.touch */ // DEFINE DEFAULT VARIABLES var _target = null, _dragx = null, _dragy = null, _rotate = null, _resort = null; var _dragging = false, _sizing = false, _animate = false; var _rotating = 0, _width = 0, _height = 0, _left = 0, _top = 0, _xspeed = 0, _yspeed = 0; var _zindex = 1000; jQuery.fn.touch = function(settings) { // DEFINE DEFAULT TOUCH SETTINGS settings = jQuery.extend({ animate: true, sticky: false, dragx: true, dragy: true, rotate: false, resort: true, scale: false }, settings); // BUILD SETTINGS OBJECT var opts = []; opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.touch.defaults, settings); // ADD METHODS TO OBJECT this.each(function() { this.opts = opts; this.ontouchstart = touchstart; this.ontouchend = touchend; this.ontouchmove = touchmove; this.ongesturestart = gesturestart; this.ongesturechange = gesturechange; this.ongestureend = gestureend; }); }; function touchstart(e) { _target = this.id; _dragx = this.opts.dragx; _dragy = this.opts.dragy; _resort = this.opts.resort; _animate = this.opts.animate; _xspeed = 0; _yspeed = 0; $(e.changedTouches).each(function() { var curLeft = ($('#' + _target).css("left") == 'auto') ? this.pageX : parseInt($('#' + _target).css("left")); var curTop = ($('#' + _target).css("top") == 'auto') ? this.pageY : parseInt($('#' + _target).css("top")); if (!_dragging && !_sizing) { _left = (e.pageX - curLeft); _top = (e.pageY - curTop); _dragging = [_left,_top]; if (_resort) { _zindex = ($('#' + _target).css("z-index") == _zindex) ? _zindex : _zindex + 1; $('#' + _target).css({ zIndex: _zindex }); } } }); } ; function touchmove(e) { if (_dragging && !_sizing && _animate) { var _lastleft = (isNaN(parseInt($('#' + _target).css("left")))) ? 0 : parseInt($('#' + _target).css("left")); var _lasttop = (isNaN(parseInt($('#' + _target).css("top")))) ? 0 : parseInt($('#' + _target).css("top")); } $(e.changedTouches).each(function() { e.preventDefault(); _left = (this.pageX - (parseInt($('#' + _target).css("width")) / 2)); _top = (this.pageY - (parseInt($('#' + _target).css("height")) / 2)); if (_dragging && !_sizing) { if (_animate) { _xspeed = Math.round((_xspeed + Math.round(_left - _lastleft)) / 1.5); _yspeed = Math.round((_yspeed + Math.round(_top - _lasttop)) / 1.5); } if (_dragx || _dragy) $('#' + _target).css({ position: "absolute" }); if (_dragx) $('#' + _target).css({ left: _left + "px" }); if (_dragy) $('#' + _target).css({ top: _top + "px" }); $('#' + _target).css({ backgroundColor: "#4B880B" }); $('#' + _target + ' b').text('WEEEEEEEE!!!!'); } }); } ; function touchend(e) { $(e.changedTouches).each(function() { if (!e.targetTouches.length) { _dragging = false; if (_animate) { _left = ($('#' + _target).css("left") == 'auto') ? this.pageX : parseInt($('#' + _target).css("left")); _top = ($('#' + _target).css("top") == 'auto') ? this.pageY : parseInt($('#' + _target).css("top")); var animx = (_dragx) ? (_left + _xspeed) + "px" : _left + "px"; var animy = (_dragy) ? (_top + _yspeed) + "px" : _top + "px"; if (_dragx || _dragy) $('#' + _target).animate({ left: animx, top: animy }, "fast"); } } }); $('#' + _target + ' b').text('I am sad :('); $('#' + _target).css({ backgroundColor: "#0B4188" }); setTimeout(changeBack, 5000, _target); } ; function gesturestart(e) { _sizing = [$('#' + this.id).css("width"), $('#' + this.id).css("height")]; } ; function gesturechange(e) { if (_sizing) { _width = (this.opts.scale) ? Math.min(parseInt(_sizing[0]) * e.scale, 300) : _sizing[0]; _height = (this.opts.scale) ? Math.min(parseInt(_sizing[1]) * e.scale, 300) : _sizing[1]; _rotate = (this.opts.rotate) ? "rotate(" + ((_rotating + e.rotation) % 360) + "deg)" : "0deg"; $('#' + this.id).css({ width: _width + "px", height: _height + "px", webkitTransform: _rotate }); $('#' + this.id + ' b').text('TRANSFORM!'); $('#' + this.id).css({ backgroundColor: "#4B880B" }); } } ; function gestureend(e) { _sizing = false; _rotating = (_rotating + e.rotation) % 360; } ; function changeBack(target) { $('#' + target + ' b').text('Touch Me :)'); $('#' + target).css({ backgroundColor: "#999" }); } /** * Use javascript to write in the CSS rules need for the scrolling extension * making the CSS compatible with the dimensions of most (hopefully all) screens * * * @author Sam Shull * Copyright (c) 2009 Sam Shull * Released under MIT license * * */ (function($) { var window = this, jqc = window.jQExtensionsCSS || {}; $(window).load(function() { window.scrollTo(0, 0); var o = window.innerWidth < window.innerHeight ? "profile" : "landscape", toolbarHeight = jqc.toolbarHeight || $("#jqt .toolbar").outerHeight() || 45, parts = {profile:null, landscape:null}, css = $.extend({ defaults: ".horizontal-scroll, \ .horizontal-scroll .scroll-container, \ .horizontal-slide, \ .horizontal-slide .slide-container\ {\ width: {width}px;\ height: 100%;\ overflow: hidden;\ padding: 0;\ }\ .vertical-scroll > div, \ .vertical-slide > div\ {\ margin: 0 auto;\ padding-bottom:{paddingBottom}px;\ }\ #jqt.fullscreen .vertical-scroll.use-bottom-toolbar > div, \ #jqt.fullscreen .vertical-slide.use-bottom-toolbar > div\ {\ padding-bottom:0px;\ }\ .vertical-scroll, .vertical-slide\ {\ position: relative;\ z-index: 1;\ overflow: hidden;\ height: {height}px; \ }\ .vertical-scroll.use-bottom-toolbar, \ .vertical-slide.use-bottom-toolbar\ {\ height: {bottomToolbarHeight}px !important;\ }\n", profile: ".profile .horizontal-scroll, \ .profile .horizontal-scroll .scroll-container, \ .profile .horizontal-slide, \ .profile .horizontal-slide .slide-container\ {\ width: {width}px;\ }\ .profile .vertical-scroll, .profile .vertical-slide\ {\ position: relative;\ z-index: 1;\ overflow: hidden;\ height: {height}px; \ }\ .profile .vertical-scroll.use-bottom-toolbar, \ .profile .vertical-slide.use-bottom-toolbar\ {\ height: {bottomToolbarHeight}px !important;\ }", landscape: ".landscape .horizontal-scroll, \ .landscape .horizontal-scroll .scroll-container, \ .landscape .horizontal-slide, \ .landscape .horizontal-slide .slide-container\ {\ width: {width}px;\ height: 100%;\ overflow: hidden;\ padding: 0;\ }\ .landscape .vertical-scroll, \ .landscape .vertical-slide\ {\ position: relative;\ z-index: 1;\ overflow: hidden;\ height: {height}px;\ }\ .landscape .vertical-scroll.use-bottom-toolbar, \ .landscape .vertical-slide.use-bottom-toolbar\ {\ height: {bottomToolbarHeight}px !important;\ }" }, jqc.css || {}); parts[o] = $.extend({ paddingBottom:5, width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight - toolbarHeight, bottomToolbarHeight: window.innerHeight - (toolbarHeight * 2) }, jqc[o] || {}); parts.defaults = $.extend({}, parts[o], jqc.defaults || {}); $(document.createElement("style")) .attr("type", "text/css") .html( css.defaults.replace(/\{(\w+)\}/g, function (a, b) { return b in parts.defaults ? parts.defaults[b] : a; }) + css[o].replace(/\{(\w+)\}/g, function (a, b) { return b in parts[o] ? parts[o][b] : a; })) .appendTo("head"); $(window).one("orientationchange", function() { var o = window.innerWidth < window.innerHeight ? "profile" : "landscape"; parts[o] = $.extend({ paddingBottom:5, width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight - toolbarHeight, bottomToolbarHeight: window.innerHeight - (toolbarHeight * 2) }, jqc[o] || {}); $(document.createElement("style")) .attr("type", "text/css") .html(css[o].replace(/\{(\w+)\}/g, function (a, b) { return b in parts[o] ? parts[o][b] : a; })) .appendTo("head"); }); }); })(jQuery); /** * Chain.js * jQuery Plugin for Data Binding * * Copyright (c) 2008 Rizqi Ahmad * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ /* core.js */ (function($) { /** * Chain Namespace * * @alias jQuery.Chain * @namespace */ $.Chain = { /** * Version Number * * @alias jQuery.Chain.version * @property {String} */ version: '0.2', /** * Tag for use in @jQuery.Chain.parse@ (which is used in CustomUpdater). * It is can be altered. * * @alias jQuery.Chain.tags * * @property {Array} * * @see jQuery.Chain.parse */ tag: ['{', '}'], /** * Namespace containing all defined services. * * @namespace * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services */ services: {}, /** * Register a service to the service manager. * * @alias jQuery.Chain.service * * @param {String} name Service Name * @param {Object} proto Service Object Prototype * * @example Create a Custom Service * $.Chain.service('test', { * // Default command handler * handler: function(option) * { * // do something * }, * // $(selector).test('what', somearg) * $what: function(somearg) * { * // do something * } * }); * * $('#element').test(); * * @see jQuery.Chain.extend */ service: function(name, proto) { this.services[name] = proto; // Creating jQuery fn module with the service $.fn[name] = function(options) { if (!this.length) { return this; } // Create Chain instance var instance = this.data('chain-' + name); // Extract arguments var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); // Create Instance if it doesn't already exist if (!instance) { // Return immediately if destroyed is called before Instance is created if (options == 'destroy') { return this; } // Create Instance instance = $.extend({element: this}, $.Chain.services[name]); this.data('chain-' + name, instance); // Initialize if possible if (instance.init) { instance.init(); } } var result; // Check whether to execute a command if (typeof options == 'string' && instance['$' + options]) { result = instance['$' + options].apply(instance, args); } // Otherwise try to execute default handler else if (instance['handler']) { result = instance['handler'].apply(instance, [options].concat(args)); } // Otherwise do nothing else { result = this; } // Remove instance on destroy if (options == 'destroy') { this.removeData('chain-' + name); } return result; }; }, /** * Extends service functionalities. * * @alias jQuery.Chain.extend * * @param {String} name Service Name * @param {Object} proto Service Object Prototype * * @see jQuery.Chain.service */ extend: function(name, proto) { if (this.services[name]) { this.services[name] = $.extend(this.services[name], proto); } }, /** * Check whether it is a jQuery Object * * @alias jQuery.Chain.jobject * * @param {Object} obj Object to be checked * * @example Using @jobject@ * $.Chain.jobject($()) // returns true * $.Chain.jobject("test") // returns false * * @return {Boolean} True or False * * @see jQuery.Chain.jindentic */ jobject: function(obj) { return obj && obj.init == $.fn.init; }, /** * Check whether two jQuery Collection identic * * @alias jQuery.Chain.jidentic * * @param {Object} j1 jQuery Object * @param {Object} j2 jQuery Object * * @example Using @jidentic@ * a = $('div'); * b = $('div'); * c = $('div.test'); * * (a == b) //returns false * * $.Chain.jidentic(a, b) // returns true * $.Chain.jidentic(a, c) // returns false * * @return {Boolean} True or False * * @see jQuery.Chain.jobject */ jidentic: function(j1, j2) { if (!j1 || !j2 || j1.length != j2.length) { return false; } var a1 = j1.get(); var a2 = j2.get(); for (var i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) { if (a1[i] != a2[i]) { return false; } } return true; }, /** * Parse string contained @{something}@ to a Function * that when executed replace those with the data it refers to. * You can change the @{}@ tag by modifying @jQuery.Chain.tag@ * * @param {String} text String * * @example Using @ * var fn = $.Chain.parse("My name is {first} {last}"); * fn({first:'Rizqi', last:'Ahmad'}) // returns "My name is Rizqi Ahmad" * * @return {Function} template string. * * @see jQuery.Chain.tag */ parse: function() { var $this = {}; // Function Closure $this.closure = [ 'function($data, $el){' + 'var $text = [];\n' + '$text.print = function(text)' + '{this.push((typeof text == "number") ? text : ((typeof text != "undefined") ? text : ""));};\n' + 'with($data){\n', '}\n' + 'return $text.join("");' + '}' ]; // Print text template $this.textPrint = function(text) { return '$text.print("' + text.split('\\').join('\\\\').split("'").join("\\'").split('"').join('\\"') + '");'; }; // Print script template $this.scriptPrint = function(text) { return '$text.print(' + text + ');'; }; $this.parser = function(text) { var tag = $.Chain.tag; var opener, closer, closer2 = null, result = []; while (text) { // Check where the opener and closer tag // are located in the text. opener = text.indexOf(tag[0]); closer = opener + text.substring(opener).indexOf(tag[1]); // If opener tag exists, otherwise there are no tags anymore if (opener != -1) { // Handle escape. Tag can be escaped with '\\'. // If tag is escaped. it will be handled as a normal text // Otherwise it will be handled as a script if (text[opener - 1] == '\\') { closer2 = opener + tag[0].length + text.substring(opener + tag[0].length).indexOf(tag[0]); if (closer2 != opener + tag[0].length - 1 && text[closer2 - 1] == '\\') { closer2 = closer2 - 1; } else if (closer2 == opener + tag[0].length - 1) { closer2 = text.length; } result.push($this.textPrint(text.substring(0, opener - 1))); result.push($this.textPrint(text.substring(opener, closer2))); } else { closer2 = null; if (closer == opener - 1) { closer = text.length; } result.push($this.textPrint(text.substring(0, opener))); result.push($this.scriptPrint(text.substring(opener + tag[0].length, closer))); } text = text.substring((closer2 === null) ? closer + tag[1].length : closer2); } // If there are still text, it will be pushed to array // So we won't stuck in an infinite loop else if (text) { result.push($this.textPrint(text)); text = ''; } } return result.join('\n'); }; /* * Real function begins here. * We use closure for private variables and function. */ return function($text) { var $fn = function() { }; try { eval('$fn = ' + $this.closure[0] + $this.parser($text) + $this.closure[1]); } catch(e) { throw "Parsing Error"; } return $fn; }; }() }; })(jQuery); /* update.js */ /** * Chain Update Service * * @alias update * * @syntax $(selector).update(parameters); */ (function($) { /** * Chain Update Service Object - Providing methods of @update@. * All method listed here can only be used internally * using @jQuery.Chain.service@ or @jQuery.Chain.extend@ * * @namespace * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.update * * @see jQuery.Chain.service * @see jQuery.Chain.extend */ $.Chain.service('update', { /** * Default Handler * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.update.handler * * @see jQuery.Chain.service * @see jQuery.Chain.services.update.bind * @see jQuery.Chain.services.update.trigger */ handler: function(opt) { if (typeof opt == 'function') { return this.bind(opt); } else { return this.trigger(opt); } }, /** * If you pass a function to update, it will bind it to the update event. * just like jQuerys @click()@ or @mouseover()@. * * @alias update(fn) * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.update.bind * * @param {Function} fn Listener * * @example * // assuming #person is already chained * $('#person').update(function{ * alert($(this).item().name); * }); * * $('#person').item({name: 'Rizqi'}) * * @return {Object} jQuery Object * * @see jQuery.Chain.services.update.handler */ bind: function(fn) { return this.element.bind('update', fn); }, /** * If no argument or "hard" is passed, * it will update the element and trigger the update event. * * @alias update(opt) * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.update.trigger * * @param {String} opt If 'hard', it will update each of items * * @example * $('#person').update(); * * @return {Object} jQuery Object * * @see jQuery.Chain.services.update.handler */ trigger: function(opt) { this.element.items('update'); this.element.item('update'); this.element.triggerHandler('preupdate', this.element.item()); if (opt == 'hard') { this.element.items(true).each(function() { $(this).update(); }); } this.element.triggerHandler('update', this.element.item()); return this.element; } }); })(jQuery); /* chain.js */ /** * Chain Binding Service. * Method to activate the chaining / element rendering service. * * @alias chain * * @syntax $(selector).chain(parameters); */ (function($) { /** * Chain Binding Service Object - Providing methods of @chain@. * All method listed here can only be used internally * using @jQuery.Chain.service@ or @jQuery.Chain.extend@ * * @namespace * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.chain * * @see jQuery.Chain.service * @see jQuery.Chain.extend */ $.Chain.service('chain', { /** * Initializer. Executed once at the first time @chain@ invoked. * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.chain.init * * @see jQuery.Chain.service */ init: function() { this.anchor = this.element; this.template = this.anchor.html(); this.tplNumber = 0; // At Default it uses the first template. this.builder = this.createBuilder(); this.plugins = {}; this.isActive = false; this.destroyers = []; // Add class 'chain-element' as identifier this.element.addClass('chain-element'); }, /** * Default handler. * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.chain.handler * * @param {Object} obj Object to be handled * * @return {Object} jQuery Object * * @see jQuery.Chain.service * @see jQuery.Chain.services.chain.handleUpdater * @see jQuery.Chain.services.chain.handleBuilder */ handler: function(obj) { // Backup items and item, all items will be stored in Buffer this.element.items('backup'); this.element.item('backup'); if (typeof obj == 'object') { this.handleUpdater(obj); } else if (typeof obj == 'function') { this.handleBuilder(obj); } // Empty element, if @item@ it will filled again later this.anchor.empty(); this.isActive = true; this.element.update(); return this.element; }, /** * Updater Handler. * If you pass an object to @chain@, it will treated as a updater object. * The updater is a hash of selector and value string: * like @chain({'my css selector': 'My Content String'})@ * or @chain({'my css selector': {attributes}})@ * * @alias chain(updater) * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.chain.handleUpdater * * @param {Object} rules Updater rules to be parsed * * @example Usage * $(selector) * .chain({ * // Items anchor, where the Item iteration should be placed * anchor: anchor, * // If true, the default updater is overridden * override: false, * // Use custom builder * builder: function(){}, * // Update the element self * self: "This is my {data}", * // Use css selector to update child element * '.element.selector': "Using String Updater", * // Use Function as updater * '.element.selector': function(data, el){}, * // Updating Attributes * '.element.selector': { * attribute1: "{attribute}", * className: "{className}", * content: "This is the {content}", * value: "This is the {value}" * } * }); * * @example Using Default Updater * $('
    ') * .item({name: 'Steve Jobs'}) * .chain() * .appendTo(document.body); * * @example Using Custom Updater * $('
    First Last
    ') * .item({first:'Steve', last:'Jobs'}) * .chain({ * '.name .first': { * style: 'color: blue;', * content: 'First Name: {first}' * }, * '.name .last': 'Family Name: {last}' * }) * .appendTo(document.body); * * @example Attach Builder Inside Updater * $('
    ') * .item({name:'Steve Jobs', address:'Cupertino'}) * .chain({ * builder: function(){ * var data = this.item(); * this.find('.name').click(function(){alert(data.name)}); * this.find('.address').mouseout(function(){alert(data.address)}); * }, * '.name': '{name}', * '.address': '{address}' * }) * .appendTo(document.body); */ handleUpdater: function(rules) { // Extract Builder var builder = rules.builder; delete rules.builder; // Extract Anchor if (rules.anchor) { this.setAnchor(rules.anchor); } delete rules.anchor; // Extract Override var override = rules.override; delete rules.override; for (var i in rules) { // Parse String to Function if (typeof rules[i] == 'string') { rules[i] = $.Chain.parse(rules[i]); } // Parse Attributes Object to Functions else if (typeof rules[i] == 'object') { for (var j in rules[i]) { if (typeof rules[i][j] == 'string') { rules[i][j] = $.Chain.parse(rules[i][j]); } } } } // Create Updater var fn = function(event, data) { var el, val; var self = $(this); for (var i in rules) { // If self, update the element itself if (i == 'self') { el = self; } // Otherwise find element inside self else { el = $(i, self); } // Executing // If no attributes, put the result to html (value if input) if (typeof rules[i] == 'function') { val = rules[i].apply(self, [data, el]); if (typeof val == 'string') { el.not(':input').html(val).end().filter(':input').val(val); } } // If attributes, then execute the function for each attr. else if (typeof rules[i] == 'object') { for (var j in rules[i]) { if (typeof rules[i][j] == 'function') { val = rules[i][j].apply(self, [data, el]); if (typeof val == 'string') { // Some special attributes if (j == 'content') { el.html(val); } else if (j == 'text') { el.text(val); } else if (j == 'value') { el.val(val); } else if (j == 'class' || j == 'className') { el.addClass(val); } // Otherwise fill attribute as normal else { el.attr(j, val); } } } } } } }; var defBuilder = this.defaultBuilder; // Define Builder this.builder = function(root) { if (builder) { builder.apply(this, [root]); } if (!override) { defBuilder.apply(this); } // Here goes the updater this.update(fn); // This prevent infinite recursion // see: jQuery.Chain.services.item.build return false; }; }, /** * Builder Handler. * If you pass a function to @chain@, it will be handled * as @{builder: function}@, enabling you to use the default * updater while customizing the events etc. * * @alias chain(fn) * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.chain.handleBuilder * * @param {Function} fn Builder Function * * @example * $('
    ') * .item({name:'Steve Jobs', address:'Cupertino'}) * .chain(function(){ * this.bind('click', function(){ * var data = this.item(); * alert('name:'+data.name+', address:'+data.address); * }); * * // if you return false, default builder wont be executed * // You don't have to return true; * return true; * }) * .appendTo(document.body); * * @see jQuery.Chain.services.chain.handleUpdater * @see jQuery.Chain.services.chain.createBuilder */ handleBuilder: function(fn) { this.builder = this.createBuilder(fn); }, /** * Default Builder - Automatic Data filler * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.chain.defaultBuilder * * @param {Function} builder Builder Function * @param {Object} root Root Element Object * * @see jQuery.Chain.services.chain.createBuilder */ defaultBuilder: function(builder, root) { // Caution: // @this@ is in this function @this.element@ // if builder return false, res will be false // Otherwise true // Using this, the default updater can be disabled var res = builder ? (builder.apply(this, [root]) !== false) : true; // Default Updater if (res) { this.bind('update', function(event, data) { var self = $(this); // Iterate through data // Find element with the same class as data property // Insert data depending of elemen type for (var i in data) { if (typeof data[i] != 'object' && typeof data[i] != 'function') { // This prevents selector to select inside nested chain-element // Important to support recursion & nested element // NEED OPTIMIZATION self.find('> .' + i + ', *:not(.chain-element) .' + i) .each(function() { var match = $(this); if (match.filter(':input').length) { match.val(data[i]); } else if (match.filter('img').length) { match.attr('src', data[i]); } else { match.html(data[i]); } }); } } }); } }, /** * Builder Generator (Wrapper). * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.chain.createBuilder * * @param {Function} builder Builder * * @return {Function} Wrapped Builder * * @see jQuery.Chain.services.chain.defaultBuilder; */ createBuilder: function(builder) { var defBuilder = this.defaultBuilder; return function(root) { defBuilder.apply(this, [builder, root]); return false; }; }, /** * Set Anchor (Container for @items@ to be populated, default: @this.element@) * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.chain.setAnchor * * @param {Object} anchor Anchor element * * @see jQuery.Chain.services.chain.$anchor */ setAnchor: function(anchor) { this.anchor.html(this.template); this.anchor = anchor == this.element ? anchor : this.element.find(anchor).eq(0); this.template = this.anchor.html(); this.anchor.empty(); }, /** * Set new Anchor and rerender if new anchor passed. * Otherwise return current anchor. * * If you use @items()@ with @chain()@, * you can use @chain('anchor', selector)@ to move the element, * where the items will be generated. * * @alias chain('anchor') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.chain.$anchor * * @param {Object} anchor Anchor element or selector * * @return {Object} current element (if new Anchor passed), otherwise current anchor * * @example * $('#persons').chain('anchor', '.wrapper'); * * // Define Anchor directly while building * $('#persons').items([...]).chain({anchor:'.wrapper', builder: ...}); */ $anchor: function(anchor) { if (anchor) { this.element.items('backup'); this.element.item('backup'); this.setAnchor(anchor); this.element.update(); return this.element; } else { return this.anchor; } }, /** * Getting/Switching Template. * * @alias chain('template') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.chain.$template * * @param {Number, String} arg Argument * * @return {Object} jQuery Object * * @example * $(selector).chain('template') // Returns current Template (jQuery Object) * $(selector).chain('template', 'raw') // Returns raw HTML Templates (all) * $(selector).chain('template', nr) // Switch to template nr (read: Number) * $(selector).chain('template', '.tree-column') // Switch by selector */ $template: function(arg) { // Returns current Template (jQuery Object) if (!arguments.length) { return $('
    ').html(this.template).children().eq(this.tplNumber); } // Returns raw HTML Template if (arg == 'raw') { return this.template; } // Switch template by Number if (typeof arg == 'number') { this.tplNumber = arg; } // Switch template by selector else { var tpl = $('
    ').html(this.template).children(); var node = tpl.filter(arg).eq(0); if (node.length) { this.tplNumber = tpl.index(node); } else { return this.element; } // If not found do nothing } this.element.items('backup'); this.element.item('backup'); this.element.update(); return this.element; }, /** * Get/Change Builder. * If you don't pass any argument, it will return the created builder. * * @alias chain('builder') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.chain.$builder * * @param {Function, Object} builder (Optional) * * @return {Function, Object} returns builder function, or jQuery Object depends on arg * * @example * $('#el').chain('builder') // returns builder function * $('#el').chain('builder', newBuilder) // Replace Builder */ $builder: function(builder) { if (builder) { return this.handler(builder); } else { return this.builder; } }, /** * Check status * * @alias chain('active') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.chain.$active * * @return {Boolean} true if active */ $active: function() { return this.isActive; }, /** * Add/Remove Plugins that extend builder * * @alias chain('plugin') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.chain.$plugin * * @param {String} name Plugin Name * @param {Function, Boolean} fn Plugin Function / False to remove * * @return {Object} jQuery Object */ $plugin: function(name, fn) { if (fn === null) { delete this.plugins[name]; } else if (typeof fn == 'function') { this.plugins[name] = fn; } else if (name && !fn) { return this.plugins[name]; } else { return this.plugins; } if (typeof fn == 'function') { this.element.items(true).each(function() { var self = $(this); fn.call(self, self.item('root')); }); } this.element.update(); return this.element; }, /** * Clone Element unchained, with ID removed. * * @alias chain('clone') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.chain.$clone * * @return {Object} jQuery Object containing cloned Element */ $clone: function() { var id = this.element.attr('id'); this.element.attr('id', ''); var clone = this.element.clone().empty().html(this.template); this.element.attr('id', id); return clone; }, /** * Destroy Chain, restore Element to previous condition. * * @alias chain('destroy') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.chain.$destroy * * @param {Boolean} nofollow If true, it won't destroy nested chain elements * * @return {Object} jQuery Object */ $destroy: function(nofollow) { this.element.removeClass('chain-element'); if (!nofollow) { // Backup to buffer this.element.items('backup'); this.element.item('backup'); // Destroy nested elements this.element.find('.chain-element').each(function() { $(this).chain('destroy', true); }); } // Trigger destroy event this.element.triggerHandler('destroy'); this.isActive = false; // Restore HTML this.anchor.html(this.template); return this.element; } }); })(jQuery); /* item.js */ /** * Chain Item Service. * Method to bind item to object. * * @alias item * * @syntax $(selector).item(parameters); */ (function($) { /** * Chain Item Manager - Providing methods of @item@. * All method listed here can only be used internally * using @jQuery.Chain.service@ or @jQuery.Chain.extend@ * * @namespace * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item * * @see jQuery.Chain.service * @see jQuery.Chain.extend */ $.Chain.service('item', { /** * Initializer. Executed once at the first time @item@ invoked. * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item.init * * @see jQuery.Chain.service */ init: function() { this.isActive = false; this.isBuilt = false; this.root = this.element; this.data = false; this.datafn = this.dataHandler; }, /** * Default handler. * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item.handler * * @param {Object} obj Object to be handled * * @return {Object} jQuery Object * * @see jQuery.Chain.service * @see jQuery.Chain.services.item.handleObject * @see jQuery.Chain.services.item.handleFunction * @see jQuery.Chain.services.item.handleDefault */ handler: function(obj) { if (typeof obj == 'object') { return this.handleObject(obj); } else if (typeof obj == 'function') { return this.handleFunction(obj); } else { return this.handleDefault(); } }, /** * Edit/Bind Item. * If no Object defined, it will bind the object to the Item, otherwise * it will alter the object using the provided object. * * @alias item(object) * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item.handleObject * * @param {Object} obj Object to be inserted * * @return {Object} jQuery Object * * @example * $('#element').item({name:'Rizqi', country:'Germany'}); * $('#element').item({country:'Indonesia'}); * $('#element').item(); // Returns {name:'Rizqi', country:'Indonesia'} * * @see jQuery.Chain.services.item.handler */ handleObject: function(obj) { this.setData(obj); this.isActive = true; this.update(); return this.element; }, /** * Add setter and getter to item. * This function will change the way @item(object)@ and @item()@ works. * * @alias item(fn) * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item.handleFunction * * @param {Function} fn Getter&Setter Function * * @return {Object} jQuery Object * * @example * $(element).item(function(oldval, newval){ * //setter * if(newval) * return $.extend(oldval, newval); * //getter * else * return oldval; * }) */ handleFunction: function(fn) { // datafn stores the getter/setter function this.datafn = fn; return this.element; }, /** * Get Data if no argument passed. * * @alias item() * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item.handleDefault * * @return {Object, Boolean} Returns Data Object if exist, otherwise false */ handleDefault: function() { if (this.isActive) { return this.getData(); } else { return false; } }, /** * Data Getter Wrapper Function * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item.getData * * @return {Object} data */ getData: function() { // Call Getter this.data = this.datafn.call(this.element, this.data); return this.data; }, /** * Data Setter Wrapper Function * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item.setData */ setData: function(obj) { var data; // Determine whether object is a jQuery object or a data object if ($.Chain.jobject(obj) && obj.item()) { data = $.extend({}, obj.item()); } else if ($.Chain.jobject(obj)) { data = {}; } else { data = obj; } // Call Setter this.data = this.datafn.call(this.element, this.data || data, data); // Handle Linked Element if (this.linkElement && this.linkElement[0] != obj[0]) { var el = this.linkFunction(); if ($.Chain.jobject(el) && el.length && el.item()) { el.item(this.data); } } }, /** * Default Getter/Setter * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item.dataHandler * * @param {Object} oldval Old value * @param {Object} newval New Value * * @return {Object} returns data value */ dataHandler: function(oldval, newval) { if (arguments.length == 2) { return $.extend(oldval, newval); } else { return oldval; } }, /** * Update element. Wrapper for @jQuery.Chain.services.item.element.update@ * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item.update * * @return {Object} jQuery Object */ update: function() { return this.element.update(); }, /** * Build item, apply builder and plugins * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item.build * * @see jQuery.Chain.services.item.$update */ build: function() { // IE Fix var fix = this.element.chain('template', 'raw').replace(/jQuery\d+\=\"null\"/gi, ""); this.element.chain('anchor').html(fix); // If item has root (items) if (!$.Chain.jidentic(this.root, this.element)) { // Get plugin from root and apply them var plugins = this.root.chain('plugin'); for (var i in plugins) { plugins[i].apply(this.element, [this.root]); } } // Apply builder this.element.chain('builder').apply(this.element, [this.root]); this.isBuilt = true; }, /** * Item Updater, called within @$(element).update()@ * * @alias item('update') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item.$update * * @return {Object} jQuery Object */ $update: function() { if (this.element.chain('active') && this.isActive && !this.isBuilt && this.getData()) { this.build(); } return this.element; }, /** * Replace Data with new data * * @alias item('replace') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item.$replace * * @param {Object} obj Data Object * * @return {Object} jQuery Object * * @example * $(element).item('replace', data); */ $replace: function(obj) { this.data = {}; this.setData(obj); this.isActive = true; this.update(); return this.element; }, /** * Remove Item And destroy it. * * @alias item('remove') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item.$remove * * @param {Boolean} noupdate If true it won't update the root element */ $remove: function(noupdate) { // Destroy And Remove this.element.chain('destroy'); this.element.remove(); this.element.item('link', null); this.element.item('destroy'); // Update root under certain circumtances if (!$.Chain.jidentic(this.root, this.element) && !noupdate) { this.root.update(); } }, /** * Check Status of @item@ * * @alias item('active') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item.$active * * @return {Boolean} Status */ $active: function() { return this.isActive; }, /** * Get/Set Root element. * * @alias item('root'); * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item.$root * * @param {Object} root New Root element * * @return {Object} If a new root passed, it will be item Element. Otherwise current root. */ $root: function(root) { if (arguments.length) { this.root = root; this.update(); return this.element; } else { return this.root; } }, /** * Backup Item to the state before being built. * * @alias item('backup') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item.$backup * * @return {Object} jQuery Object */ $backup: function() { this.isBuilt = false; return this.element; }, /** * Bind Item to other (chained) element. If one of them is updated, * the linked element will be updated. * * @alias item('link') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item.$link * * @param {Object} element element/selector to be linked with * @param {String} collection Collection to be linked with (has to be @"self"@ if linked to item) * * @return {Object} jQuery Element * * @see jQuery.Chain.services.items.collection */ $link: function(element, collection) { // If there are previous linkElement if (this.linkElement) { this.linkElement.unbind('update', this.linkUpdater); this.linkElement = null; } element = $(element); if (element.length) { var self = this; this.isActive = true; this.linkElement = element; // Function that get the linked item. this.linkFunction = function() { if (typeof collection == 'function') { try { return collection.call(self.element, self.linkElement); } catch(e) { return $().eq(-1); } } else if (typeof collection == 'string') { return self.linkElement.items('collection', collection); } else { return $().eq(-1); } }; // Watch linked element for update, and trigger update in self this.linkUpdater = function() { var res = self.linkFunction(); if (res && res.length) { self.element.item(res); } }; this.linkElement.bind('update', this.linkUpdater); this.linkUpdater(); } return this.element; }, /** * Destroy item service. * * @alias item('destroy') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.item.$destroy * * @return {Object} jQuery Element */ $destroy: function() { return this.element; } }); })(jQuery); /* items.js */ /** * Chain Items Service. * Method to bind items to object. * * @alias items * * @syntax $(selector).items(parameters); */ (function($) { /** * Chain Items Manager - Providing methods of @items@. * All method listed here can only be used internally * using @jQuery.Chain.service@ or @jQuery.Chain.extend@ * * @namespace * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items * * @see jQuery.Chain.service * @see jQuery.Chain.extend */ $.Chain.service('items', { /** * Collection of Function for getting items * * @namespace * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.collections * * @see jQuery.Chain.services.items.collection */ collections: { /** * Get all items, including hidden * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.collections.all * * @return {Object} jQuery Object containing items */ all: function() { return this.element.chain('anchor').children('.chain-item'); }, /** * Get all visible items * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.collections.visible * * @return {Object} jQuery Object containing items */ visible: function() { return this.element.chain('anchor').children('.chain-item:visible'); }, /** * Get all hidden items * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.collections.hidden * * @return {Object} jQuery Object containing items */ hidden: function() { return this.element.chain('anchor').children('.chain-item:hidden'); }, /** * Get self * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.collections.self * * @return {Object} jQuery Object of the element */ self: function() { return this.element; } }, /** * Initializer. Executed once at the first time @items@ invoked. * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.init * * @see jQuery.Chain.service */ init: function() { this.isActive = false; this.pushBuffer = []; this.shiftBuffer = []; this.collections = $.extend({}, this.collections); }, /** * Default handler. * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.handler * * @param {Object} obj Object to be handled * * @return {Object} jQuery Object * * @see jQuery.Chain.service * @see jQuery.Chain.services.items.handleObject * @see jQuery.Chain.services.items.handleElement * @see jQuery.Chain.services.items.handleArray * @see jQuery.Chain.services.items.handleNumber * @see jQuery.Chain.services.items.handleTrue * @see jQuery.Chain.services.items.handleDefault */ handler: function(obj) { // Array if (obj instanceof Array) { return this.handleArray(obj); } // Inactive else if (!this.isActive) { return $().eq(-1); } // jQuery Object else if ($.Chain.jobject(obj)) { return this.handleElement(obj); } // Normal Object else if (typeof obj == 'object') { return this.handleObject(obj); } // Number else if (typeof obj == 'number') { return this.handleNumber(obj); } // True else if (obj === true) { return this.handleTrue(); } // Default else { return this.handleDefault(); } }, /** * If a Data Object is given, it will return the item element * containing the object if it exists, otherwise empty. * * @alias items(object) * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.handleObject * * @param {Object} obj Data Object * * @return {Object} jQuery Object */ handleObject: function(obj) { // Get Element By Data return this.collection('all').filter(function() { return $(this).item() == obj; }); }, /** * If a jQuery Element is given, it will return itself if it is part of the items, * otherwise empty jQuery object. * * @alias items(element) * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.handleElement * * @param {Object} obj jQuery Object * * @return {Object} jQuery Object */ handleElement: function(obj) { // Check element whether it is part of items or not. if (!$.Chain.jidentic(obj, obj.item('root')) && $.Chain.jidentic(this.element, obj.item('root'))) { return obj; } else { return $().eq(-1); } }, /** * If array is given, it will merge it to current items * * @alias items(array) * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.handleArray * * @param {Array} array Array of Data * * @return {Object} jQuery Object */ handleArray: function(array) { // Array will be merged in return this.$merge(array); }, /** * If number is given, it will get the object with the current number. Use -1 to get the last number. * * @alias items(number) * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.handleNumber * * @param {Number} number Index * * @return {Object} jQuery Object */ handleNumber: function(number) { // if -1, it will get the last. if (number == -1) { return this.collection('visible').filter(':last'); } else { return this.collection('visible').eq(number); } }, /** * If @true@ is given, it will get all items including the hidden one. * * @alias items(true) * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.handleTrue * * @return {Object} jQuery Object * * @see jQuery.Chain.services.items.collections.all */ handleTrue: function() { return this.collection('all'); }, /** * If nothing is given, it will get all visible items. * * @alias items(true) * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.handleTrue * * @return {Object} jQuery Object * * @see jQuery.Chain.services.items.collections.visible */ handleDefault: function() { return this.collection('visible'); }, /** * Update element * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.update */ update: function() { this.element.update(); }, /** * Clear all items * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.empty */ empty: function() { var all = this.collection('all'); // Remove items // Make it run in the background. for responsiveness. setTimeout(function() { all.each(function() { $(this).item('remove', true); }); }, 1); // Empty anchor container this.element.chain('anchor').empty(); }, /** * Get collection of items. Define a collection by adding a function argument * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.collection * * @param {String} col Collection name * @param {Function} fn Create a collection function * * @return {Object} jQuery Object */ collection: function(col, fn) { if (arguments.length > 1) { if (typeof fn == 'function') { this.collections[col] = fn; } return this.element; } else { if (this.collections[col]) { return this.collections[col].apply(this); } else { return $().eq(-1); } } }, /** * Items Updater, called by @$(element).update()@ * * @alias items('update') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.$update * * @return {Object} jQuery Element */ $update: function() { if (!this.element.chain('active') || !this.isActive) { return this.element; } var self = this; var builder = this.element.chain('builder'); var template = this.element.chain('template'); var push; var iterator = function() { var clone = template .clone()[push ? 'appendTo' : 'prependTo'](self.element.chain('anchor')) .addClass('chain-item') .item('root', self.element); if (self.linkElement && $.Chain.jobject(this) && this.item()) { clone.item('link', this, 'self'); } else { clone.item(this); } clone.chain(builder); }; push = false; $.each(this.shiftBuffer, iterator); push = true; $.each(this.pushBuffer, iterator); this.shiftBuffer = []; this.pushBuffer = []; return this.element; }, /** * Add item(s). use @items('add', 'shift', item)@ to add item at the top * * @alias items('add') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.$add * * @param {Object} item * * @return {Object} jQuery Object */ $add: function() { if (this.linkElement) { return this.element; } var cmd; var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); // Extract command if (typeof args[0] == 'string') { cmd = args.shift(); } var buffer = (cmd == 'shift') ? 'shiftBuffer' : 'pushBuffer'; this.isActive = true; this[buffer] = this[buffer].concat(args); this.update(); return this.element; }, /** * Merge items with array of item data * * @alias items('merge') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.$merge * * @param {String} cmd Switch for push/shift * @param {Array} items Item Data * * @return {Object} jQuery Element */ $merge: function(cmd, items) { if (this.linkElement) { return this.element; } if (typeof cmd != 'string') { items = cmd; } var buffer = (cmd == 'shift') ? 'shiftBuffer' : 'pushBuffer'; this.isActive = true; if ($.Chain.jobject(items)) { this[buffer] = this[buffer].concat(items.map( function() { return $(this); }).get()); } else if (items instanceof Array) { this[buffer] = this[buffer].concat(items); } this.update(); return this.element; }, /** * Replace items with new items array * * @alias items('replace') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.$replace * * @param {String} cmd Switch for push/shift * @param {Array} items Item Data * * @return {Object} jQuery Element */ $replace: function(cmd, items) { if (this.linkElement && arguments.callee.caller != this.linkUpdater) { return this.element; } if (typeof cmd != 'string') { items = cmd; } var buffer = (cmd == 'shift') ? 'shiftBuffer' : 'pushBuffer'; this.isActive = true; this.empty(); if ($.Chain.jobject(items)) { this[buffer] = items.map( function() { return $(this); }).get(); } else if (items instanceof Array) { this[buffer] = items; } this.update(); return this.element; }, /** * Remove item * * @alias items('remove') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.$remove * * @param {Object, Number} item * * @return {Object} jQuery Object */ $remove: function() { if (this.linkElement) { return this.element; } for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { this.handler(arguments[i]).item('remove', true); } this.update(); return this.element; }, /** * Reorder Item * * @alias items('reorder') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.$reorder * * @param {Object} item1 Item 1 * @param {Object} item2 Item 2 * * @return {Object} jQuery object */ $reorder: function(item1, item2) { if (item2) { this.handler(item1).before(this.handler(item2)); } else { this.handler(item1).appendTo(this.element.chain('anchor')); } this.update(); return this.element; }, /** * Clear all items * * @alias items('empty') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.$empty * * @return {Object} jQuery object */ $empty: function() { if (this.linkElement) { return this.element; } this.empty(); this.shiftBuffer = []; this.pushBuffer = []; this.update(); return this.element; }, /** * Like @items()@ but returns array of data instead of the jQuery object. * * @alias items('data') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.$data * * @return {Array} list of data */ $data: function(x) { return this.handler(x).map( function() { return $(this).item(); }).get(); }, /** * Bind Items to other (chained) element. If one of them is updated, * the linked element will be updated. * * @alias items('link') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.$link * * @param {Object} element element/selector to be linked with * @param {String} collection Collection to be linked with (has to be @"self"@ if linked to item) * * @return {Object} jQuery Element * * @see jQuery.Chain.services.items.collection */ $link: function(element, collection) { // Remove linked element if it already exist if (this.linkElement) { this.linkElement.unbind('update', this.linkUpdater); this.linkElement = null; } element = $(element); // If element exists if (element.length) { var self = this; this.linkElement = element; // Create Collector Function this.linkFunction = function() { if (typeof collection == 'function') { try { return collection.call(self.element, self.linkElement); } catch(e) { return $().eq(-1); } } else if (typeof collection == 'string') { return self.linkElement.items('collection', collection); } else { return $().eq(-1); } }; // Create Updater Function this.linkUpdater = function() { self.$replace(self.linkFunction()); }; // Bind updater to linked element this.linkElement.bind('update', this.linkUpdater); this.linkUpdater(); } return this.element; }, /** * Get index of an Item * * @alias items('index') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.$index * * @param {Object} item * * @return {Number} index */ $index: function(item) { return this.collection('all').index(this.handler(item)); }, /** * Get collection of items. Define a collection by adding a function argument * * @alias items('collection') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.$collection * * @param {String} col Collection name * @param {Function} fn Create a collection function * * @return {Object} jQuery Object */ $collection: function() { return this.collection.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); }, /** * Check Status of @items@ * * @alias items('active') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.$active * * @return {Boolean} Status */ $active: function() { return this.isActive; }, /** * Backup Item to the state before being built. * * @alias items('backup') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.$backup * * @return {Object} jQuery Object */ $backup: function() { if (!this.element.chain('active') || !this.isActive) { return this.element; } var buffer = []; this.collection('all').each(function() { var item = $(this).item(); if (item) { buffer.push(item); } }); this.pushBuffer = buffer.concat(this.pushBuffer); this.empty(); return this.element; }, /** * Destroy items service. * * @alias items('destroy') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.$destroy * * @return {Object} jQuery Element */ $destroy: function() { this.empty(); return this.element; } }); // Filtering extension $.Chain.extend('items', { /** * Filtering subroutine * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.doFilter */ doFilter: function() { var props = this.searchProperties; var text = this.searchText; if (text) { // Make text lowerCase if it is a string if (typeof text == 'string') { text = text.toLowerCase(); } // Filter items var items = this.element.items(true).filter(function() { var data = $(this).item(); // If search properties is defined, search for text in those properties if (props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { if (typeof data[props[i]] == 'string' && !!(typeof text == 'string' ? data[props[i]].toLowerCase() : data[props[i]]).match(text)) { return true; } } } // Otherwise search in all properties else { for (var prop in data) { if (typeof data[prop] == 'string' && !!(typeof text == 'string' ? data[prop].toLowerCase() : data[prop]).match(text)) { return true; } } } }); this.element.items(true).not(items).hide(); items.show(); } else { this.element.items(true).show(); this.element.unbind('preupdate', this.searchBinding); this.searchBinding = null; } }, /** * Filter items by criteria. Filtered items will be hidden. * * @alias items('filter') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.$filter * * @param {String, RegExp} text Search keyword * @param {String, Array} properties Search properties * * @return {Object} jQuery Object */ $filter: function(text, properties) { // If no argument, just refilter if (!arguments.length) { return this.update(); } this.searchText = text; if (typeof properties == 'string') { this.searchProperties = [properties]; } else if (properties instanceof Array) { this.searchProperties = properties; } else { this.searchProperties = null; } // Bind to preupdate if (!this.searchBinding) { var self = this; this.searchBinding = function(event, item) { self.doFilter(); }; this.element.bind('preupdate', this.searchBinding); } return this.update(); } }); // Sorting extension $.Chain.extend('items', { /** * Sorting subroutine * * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.doSort */ doSort: function() { var name = this.sortName; var opt = this.sortOpt; var sorter = { 'number': function(a, b) { return parseFloat(($(a).item()[name] + '').match(/\d+/gi)[0]) - parseFloat(($(b).item()[name] + '').match(/\d+/gi)[0]); }, 'default': function(a, b) { return $(a).item()[name] > $(b).item()[name] ? 1 : -1; } }; if (name) { var sortfn = opt.fn || sorter[opt.type] || sorter['default']; var array = this.element.items(true).get().sort(sortfn); array = opt.desc ? array.reverse() : array; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { this.element.chain('anchor').append(array[i]); } opt.desc = opt.toggle ? !opt.desc : opt.desc; } else { this.element.unbind('preupdate', this.sortBinding); this.sortBinding = null; } }, /** * Sort items by property. * * @alias items('sort') * @alias jQuery.Chain.services.items.$sort * * @param {String} name sorting property * @param {Object} opt {toggle:true/false, desc:true/false, type:'number/default'} * * @return {Object} jQuery Object */ $sort: function(name, opt) { if (!name && name !== null && name !== false) { return this.update(); } if (this.sortName != name) { this.sortOpt = $.extend({desc:false, type:'default', toggle:false}, opt); } else { $.extend(this.sortOpt, opt); } this.sortName = name; if (!this.sortBinding) { var self = this; this.sortBinding = function(event, item) { self.doSort(); }; this.element.bind('preupdate', this.sortBinding); } return this.update(); } }); })(jQuery); /* _/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Created by David Kaneda Documentation and issue tracking on Google Code Special thanks to Jonathan Stark and pinch/zoom (c) 2009 by jQTouch project members. See LICENSE.txt for license. */ (function($) { if ($.jQTouch) { $.jQTouch.addExtension(function AutoTitles(jQT) { var titleSelector = '.toolbar h1'; $(function() { $('#jqt').bind('pageAnimationStart', function(e, data) { if (data.direction === 'in') { var $title = $(titleSelector, $(e.target)); var $ref = $(e.target).data('referrer'); if ($title.length && $ref && $title.html() === '') { $title.html($ref.text()); } } }); }); function setTitleSelector(ts) { titleSelector = ts; } return { setTitleSelector: setTitleSelector } }); } })(jQuery); /* _/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Created by David Kaneda HTML5 database extension by Cedric Dugas Documentation and issue tracking on Google Code Special thanks to Jonathan Stark and pinch/zoom (c) 2009 by jQTouch project members. See LICENSE.txt for license. */ (function($) { if ($.jQTouch) { $.jQTouch.addExtension(function Counter(jQTouch) { var db,dbName; var debugging = false; // Debugging Window function dbOpen(name, version, desc, size) { // Open database dbName = name if (window.openDatabase) { db = openDatabase(name, version, desc, size); if (!db) { debugTxt = ("Failed to open the database on disk. This is probably because the version was bad or there is not enough space left in this domain's quota"); if (debugging) { debug(debugTxt) } } } else { debugTxt = ("Couldn't open the database. Please try with a WebKit nightly with this feature enabled"); if (debugging) { debug(debugTxt) } } } function dbCreateTables(tbJson) { for (x = 0; x < tbJson.createTables.length; x++) { // Loop in the json for every table createQuery(tbJson.createTables[x]); } function createQuery(tbNode) { // Create the SQL that will create the tables debugTxt = "create table " + tbNode.table; var stringQuery = "CREATE TABLE " + tbNode.table + " ("; nodeSize = tbNode.property.length - 1; for (y = 0; y <= nodeSize; y++) { stringQuery += tbNode.property[y].name + " " + tbNode.property[y].type; if (y != nodeSize) { stringQuery += ", " } } stringQuery += ")"; dbExecuteQuery(stringQuery, debugTxt); } } function dbDeleteRow(table, key, value) { // Simple Delete row stringQuery = "DELETE FROM " + table + " WHERE " + key + " = " + value; debugTxt = "delete row" + key + " " + value; dbExecuteQuery(stringQuery, debugTxt); } function dbSelectAll(table, fn) { stringQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + table; debugTxt = "selecting everything in table " + table; dbExecuteQuery(stringQuery, debugTxt, fn); } function dbDropTable(table) { stringQuery = "DROP TABLE " + table; debugTxt = "delete table " + table; dbExecuteQuery(stringQuery, debugTxt); } function dbInsertRows(tbJson) { // Insert Row for (x = 0; x < tbJson.addRow.length; x++) { // loop in every row from JSON createQueryRow(tbJson.addRow[x]); } function createQueryRow(tbNode) { // Create every row SQL debugTxt = "create row " + tbNode.table; stringQuery = "INSERT INTO " + tbNode.table + " (" nodeSize = tbNode.property.length - 1; for (y = 0; y <= nodeSize; y++) { stringQuery += tbNode.property[y].name; if (y != nodeSize) { stringQuery += ", " } } stringQuery += ") VALUES ("; for (y = 0; y <= nodeSize; y++) { stringQuery += '"' + tbNode.property[y].value + '"'; if (y != nodeSize) { stringQuery += ", " } } stringQuery += ")"; dbExecuteQuery(stringQuery, debugTxt); } } function dbExecuteQuery(stringQuery, debugTxtRaw, fn) { // Execute all query, can be called in website script debugTxtRaw += "
    SQL: " + stringQuery; callback = fn; // Callback db.transaction(function(tx) { tx.executeSql(stringQuery, [], function(tx, result) { // Execute SQL if (callback) { callback(result); } // Execute callback if (debugging) { debugTxtRaw += "
    success "; debug(debugTxtRaw); } }, function(tx, error) { debugTxtRaw += "
    " + error.message + " "; if (debugging) { debug(debugTxtRaw); } }); }); } function debug(error) { // Create debug mode window if (!$("#debugMode")[0]) { $("body").append("
    "); } $("#debugMode").append("
    " + error + "
    "); } return { dbOpen: dbOpen, dbDeleteRow: dbDeleteRow, dbDropTable: dbDropTable, dbInsertRows: dbInsertRows, dbSelectAll: dbSelectAll, dbExecuteQuery: dbExecuteQuery, dbCreateTables: dbCreateTables } }); } })(jQuery); /** * JQTouch DynamicHeight Extension * * Purpose: This extension arose out of the need to have a dynamic min-height setting * rather than relying on the static min-height settings in the jqtouch.css file. This * allows for greater cross-browser compatability when aligning items to the bottom * of a page or on background elements. * * Use: This extension adds a function called resetHeight() to JQTouch that should be called * when the page loads, whenever new ajax content is added, and when orientation is changed. * $(function(){ // reset our heights on page load jQT.resetHeight(); }); * * @author Tim Golen tim@golen.net http://www.golen.net/blog/2010/05/07/jqtouch-anyheight-extension/ * @version 1.0 * @version 1.1 * - added an optional parameter to resetHeight() for a hard minimum to be set for the height * for example if you never ever wanted the screen to be less than 420 pixels high. */ (function($) { if ($.jQTouch) { $.jQTouch.addExtension(function Counter(jQTouch) { // gets the height of the browser and sets the min heights accordingly function resetHeight(minHeight) { //alert(minHeight); if (minHeight == null) minHeight = 0; var height = getHeight(minHeight); $('body > *').css('min-height', height + 'px !important'); $('body.fullscreen > *').css('min-height', height + 'px !important'); $('body.fullscreen.black-translucent > *').css('min-height', height + 'px !important'); $('body.landscape > *').css('min-height', height + 'px !important'); } // returns the height of the browser function getHeight(minHeight) { var myHeight = 0; if (typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number') { //Non-IE myHeight = window.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight )) { //IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode' myHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body && ( document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight )) { //IE 4 compatible myHeight = document.body.clientHeight; } if (myHeight < minHeight) myHeight = minHeight; return myHeight; } return { resetHeight: resetHeight } }); } })(jQuery); /* _/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Created by David Kaneda Documentation and issue tracking on Google Code Special thanks to Jonathan Stark and pinch/zoom (c) 2009 by jQTouch project members. See LICENSE.txt for license. */ (function($) { if ($.jQTouch) { $.jQTouch.addExtension(function Floaty(jQT) { $.fn.makeFloaty = function(options) { var defaults = { align: 'top', spacing: 20, time: '.3s' } var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); settings.align = (settings.align == 'top') ? 'top' : 'bottom'; return this.each(function() { var $el = $(this); $el.css({ '-webkit-transition': 'top ' + settings.time + ' ease-in-out', 'display': 'block', 'min-height': '0 !important' }).data('settings', settings); $(document).bind('scroll', function() { if ($el.data('floatyVisible') === true) { $el.scrollFloaty(); } }); $el.scrollFloaty(); }); } $.fn.scrollFloaty = function() { return this.each(function() { var $el = $(this); var settings = $el.data('settings'); var wHeight = $('html').attr('clientHeight'); // WRONG var newY = window.pageYOffset + ((settings.align == 'top') ? settings.spacing : wHeight - settings.spacing - $el.get(0).offsetHeight); $el.css('top', newY).data('floatyVisible', true); }); } $.fn.hideFloaty = function() { return this.each(function() { var $el = $(this); var oh = $el.get(0).offsetHeight; $el.css('top', -oh - 10).data('floatyVisible', false); }); } $.fn.toggleFloaty = function() { return this.each(function() { var $el = $(this); if ($el.data('floatyVisible') === true) { $el.hideFloaty(); } else { $el.scrollFloaty(); } }); } }); } })(jQuery); /* * jQTouch Gestures extension * * Built and maintaned by Tudor M. * email: tudor@grokprojects.com * stalk me: twitter.com/tudorizer * */ (function($) { if ($.jQTouch) { function bindGesture(options) { var end_scale, end_rotation, settings, end_scale, rotation = 0; settings = { element: $('#gesture_test'), onGestureStart: null, onGestureChange: null, onGestureEnd: null, }; settings = $.extend({}, settings, options); settings.element .bind('gesturestart', function(e) { e.originalEvent.preventDefault(); if (settings.onGestureStart) settings.onGestureStart(getScale(e, end_scale), getRotation(e, rotation), e, settings.element); }) .bind('gesturechange', function(e) { if (settings.onGestureChange) settings.onGestureChange(getScale(e, end_scale), getRotation(e, rotation), e, settings.element); }) .bind('gestureend', function(e) { end_scale = e.originalEvent.scale; rotation = (e.originalEvent.rotation + rotation) % 360; if (settings.onGestureEnd) settings.onGestureEnd(getScale(e, end_scale), getRotation(e, rotation), e, settings.element); }); } function getRotation(event, current_rotation) { return event.originalEvent.rotation + current_rotation; } function getScale(event, current_scale) { return event.originalEvent.scale + current_scale; } // PUBLIC methods $.fn.bindGestures = function(obj) { obj.element = this; bindGesture(obj); }; } })(jQuery); /** * * Add support for scrolling horizontally using jQTouch in Webkit Mobile * * Copyright (c) 2010 Sam Shull * Released under MIT license * * Based on the work of * * Copyright (c) 2009 Matteo Spinelli, http://cubiq.org/ * Released under MIT license * http://cubiq.org/dropbox/mit-license.txt * * Find more about the scrolling function at * http://cubiq.org/scrolling-div-for-mobile-webkit-turns-3/16 * * Version 3.2 - Last updated: 2010.05.31 * */ (function($) { var undefined, window = this, document = window.document, CSSMatrix = this.WebKitCSSMatrix, defaults = { selector: ".horizontal-scroll > table", attributesToOptions: attributesToOptions, attributes: { defaultDuration: "slidespeed", preventDefault: "preventdefault", defaultTransform: "defaulttransform", bounce: function(e) { return e.attr("bounce") === "false" ? false : defaults.bounce }, scrollBar: function(e) { return e.hasClass("with-scrollbar") } }, ignoreTags: "SELECT,TEXTAREA,BUTTON,INPUT", eventProperty: "pageX", numberOfTouches: 1, defaultDuration: 500, defaultTransform: "translate3d({0}px,0,0)", defaultOffset: 0, bounceSpeed: 500, preventDefault: true, maxScrollTime: 1000, friction: 3, bounceTimingFunction: "cubic-bezier(0,0,.25,1)", bounce: true, scrollBar: true, scrollBarElement: null, scrollBarOptions: {}, events: { touchstart: touchStart, touchmove: touchMove, touchend: touchEnd, touchcancel: touchEnd, webkitTransitionEnd: transitionEnd, //unload: unload }, setPosition: setPosition, reset: reset, momentum: momentum }, width = function () { return window.innerWidth + "px"; }, height = function (vars) { return (window.innerHeight - vars.toolbar) + "px"; }, cssRules = { variables: { toolbar: 45 }, defaults: { ".horizontal-scroll": { width: width, height: "100%", overflow: "hidden", padding: "0px", position: "relative", height: height }, ".horizontal-scroll > table": { height: "100%" }, ".horizontal-scroll .scrollbar.horizontal": { "-webkit-transition-timing-function": "cubic-bezier(0,0,0.25,1)", "-webkit-transform": "translate3d(0,0,0)", "-webkit-transition-property": "-webkit-transform,opacity", "-webkit-transition-duration": "0,300ms", "-webkit-border-radius": "4px", "pointer-events": "none", opacity: 0, "-webkit-border-image": "-webkit-gradient(radial, 50% 50%, 2, 50% 50%, 8, from(rgba(0,0,0,.5)), to(rgba(0,0,0,.5))) 3 2", //background: "rgba(0,0,0,.5)", //"-webkit-box-shadow": "0 0 2px rgba(255,255,255,.5)", position: "absolute", "z-index": 10, width: "1px", height: "5px", bottom: "1px", left: "1px" } }, portrait: { ".portrait .horizontal-scroll": { width: width } }, landscape: { ".landscape .horizontal-scroll": { width: width } } }; if ($.jQTouch) { $.jQTouch.addExtension(function (jQT) { function binder(e, info) { var horizontal = info.page.find(defaults.selector); horizontal.scrollHorizontally(defaults.attributesToOptions(horizontal, defaults.attributes)); } $(document.body) .bind("pageInserted", binder); $(function() { $(defaults.selector) .each(function() { $(this).scrollHorizontally(defaults.attributesToOptions($(this), defaults.attributes)); }); }); return {}; }); } //$(window).bind("unload", window_unload); /** * * * */ function attributesToOptions(element, attributes) { var options = {}; $.each(attributes, function(name, value) { if ($.isFunction(value)) { options[name] = value(element); } else if (element.attr(value) != undefined) { options[name] = element.attr(value); } }); return options; } /** * * * */ $.fn.scrollHorizontally = function (options) { options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options || {}); return this.each(function () { HorizontalScroll(this, options); }); }; /** * * * */ $.fn.scrollHorizontally.defaults = function (options) { if (options !== undefined) { defaults = $.extend(true, defaults, options); } return $.extend({}, defaults); }; /** * * * */ $.fn.scrollHorizontally.defaultCSS = function (options) { if (options !== undefined) { cssRules = $.extend(true, cssRules, options); } return $.extend({}, cssRules); }; /** * * * */ function HorizontalScroll(element, options) { var $element = $(element).data("jqt-horizontal-scroll-options", options) .css("webkitTransform", format(options.defaultTransform, options.defaultOffset)), matrix = new CSSMatrix($element.css("webkitTransform")); $.each(options.events, function (name, func) { element.addEventListener(name, func, false); }); //store for later use options.currentPosition = matrix.m41; options.parentWidth = $element.parent().width(); if (options.scrollBar && options.scrollBar === true && !options.scrollBarElement) { options.scrollBarElement = $.isFunction(options.scrollBar) ? options.scrollBar($element.parent(), "horizontal", options.scrollBarOptions || {}) : Scrollbar($element.parent(), "horizontal", options.scrollBarOptions || {}); } } /** * * * */ function touchStart(event) { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-horizontal-scroll-options"), matrix, width = $this.outerWidth(), parentWidth = $this.parent().width(), endPoint = -(width - parentWidth), quarter = parentWidth / 6; options.parentWidth = parentWidth; if (!!options.ignoreTags && $(event.target).is(options.ignoreTags) || event.targetTouches.length !== options.numberOfTouches) { return null; } matrix = new CSSMatrix($this.css("webkitTransform")); $this.data("jqt-horizontal-scroll-current-event", { startLocation: event.touches[0][options.eventProperty], startPosition: matrix.m41, currentPosition: matrix.m41, startTime: event.timeStamp, moved: false, lastMoveTime: event.timeStamp, parentWidth: parentWidth, endPoint: endPoint, minScroll: !options.bounce ? 0 : quarter, maxScroll: !options.bounce ? endPoint : endPoint - quarter, timingFunction: options.bounceTimingFunction }); if (options.scrollBarElement) { options.scrollBarElement.init(parentWidth, width); } options.setPosition($this, options, matrix.m41, "0"); if (options.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); //event.stopPropagation(); return false; } else { return true; } } /** * * * */ function touchMove(event) { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-horizontal-scroll-options"), data = $this.data("jqt-horizontal-scroll-current-event"), lastMoveTime = data.lastMoveTime, distance = data.startLocation - event.touches[0][options.eventProperty], point = data.startPosition - distance; data.currentPosition = point; data.moved = true; data.lastMoveTime = event.timeStamp; if ((data.lastMoveTime - lastMoveTime) > options.maxScrollTime) { data.startTime = data.lastMoveTime; } if (options.scrollBarElement && !options.scrollBarElement.visible) { options.scrollBarElement.show(); } options.setPosition($this, options, data.currentPosition, 0); if (options.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); //event.stopPropagation(); return false; } else { return true; } } /** * * * */ function touchEnd(event) { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-horizontal-scroll-options"), data = $this.data("jqt-horizontal-scroll-current-event"), theTarget, theEvent; if (!data.moved) { if (options.scrollBarElement) { options.scrollBarElement.hide(); } theTarget = event.target; if (theTarget.nodeType == 3) { theTarget = theTarget.parentNode; } theEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); theEvent.initEvent("click", true, true); theTarget.dispatchEvent(theEvent); if (options.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return false; } } options.momentum($this, options, data, event); options.setPosition($this, options, data.currentPosition, data.duration); if (options.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return false; } else { return true; } } /** * * * */ function transitionEnd(e) { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-horizontal-scroll-options"), data = $this.data("jqt-horizontal-scroll-current-event"); if (data) { if (data.currentPosition > 0) { data.currentPosition = 0; options.setPosition($this, options, 0, options.bounceSpeed); } else if (data.currentPosition < data.endPoint) { data.currentPosition = data.endPoint; options.setPosition($this, options, data.endPoint, options.bounceSpeed); } else if (options.scrollBarElement) { options.scrollBarElement.hide(); } } else if (options.scrollBarElement) { options.scrollBarElement.hide(); } } /** * * * */ function momentum(object, options, data, event) { var duration = Math.min(options.maxScrollTime, data.lastMoveTime - data.startTime), distance = data.startPosition - data.currentPosition, velocity = Math.abs(distance) / duration, acceleration = duration * velocity * options.friction, momentum = Math.round(distance * velocity), position = Math.round(data.currentPosition - momentum); if (data.currentPosition > 0) { position = 0; } else if (data.currentPosition < data.endPoint) { position = data.endPoint; } else if (position > data.minScroll) { acceleration = acceleration * Math.abs(data.minScroll / position); position = data.minScroll; } else if (position < data.maxScroll) { acceleration = acceleration * Math.abs(data.maxScroll / position); position = data.maxScroll; } data.momentum = position / data.currentPosition; data.currentPosition = position; data.duration = acceleration; } /** * * * */ function reset(object, options) { return options.setPosition(object, options, 0, options.defaultDuration); } /** * * * */ function setPosition(object, options, position, duration, timing) { if (options.scrollBarElement) { var width = (object.parent().width() - object.outerWidth()); if (position > 0) { width += Number(position); } options.scrollBarElement.scrollTo(options.scrollBarElement.maxScroll / width * position, format("{0}ms", duration !== undefined ? duration : options.defaultDuration)); } if (duration !== undefined) { object.css("webkitTransitionDuration", format("{0}ms", duration)); } if (timing !== undefined) { object.css("webkitTransitionTimingFunction", timing); } options.currentPosition = position || 0; return object.css("webkitTransform", format("translate3d({0}px, 0, 0)", options.currentPosition)); } /** * Format a String followed by a set of arguments using the format * {0} is replaced with arguments[1] * * @param String s * @param Object arg1 ... argN * @return String */ function format(s) { var args = arguments; return s.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function(a, b) { return args[Number(b) + 1] + "" }); } /** * * * */ function Scrollbar(object, direction, options) { if (!(this instanceof Scrollbar)) { return new Scrollbar(object, direction, options); } this.direction = direction; this.bar = $(document.createElement("div")) .addClass("scrollbar " + direction) .appendTo(object)[0]; } Scrollbar.prototype = { direction: "horizontal", size: 0, maxSize: 0, maxScroll: 0, visible: false, init: function (scroll, size) { var offset = this.direction == "horizontal" ? this.bar.offsetWidth - this.bar.clientWidth : this.bar.offsetHeight - this.bar.clientHeight; this.maxSize = scroll - 8; // 8 = distance from top + distance from bottom this.size = Math.round(this.maxSize * this.maxSize / size) + offset; this.maxScroll = this.maxSize - this.size; this.bar.style[this.direction == "horizontal" ? "width" : "height"] = (this.size - offset) + "px"; }, setPosition: function (pos) { pos = this.direction == "horizontal" ? "translate3d(" + Math.round(pos) + "px,0,0)" : "translate3d(0," + Math.round(pos) + "px,0)"; this.bar.style.webkitTransform = pos; }, scrollTo: function (pos, runtime) { this.bar.style.webkitTransitionDuration = (runtime || "400ms") + ",300ms"; this.setPosition(pos); }, show: function () { this.visible = true; this.bar.style.opacity = "1"; }, hide: function () { this.visible = false; this.bar.style.opacity = "0"; }, remove: function () { this.bar.parentNode.removeChild(this.bar); return null; } }; $(function() { window.scrollTo(0, 0); var stringRules = "", rules = cssRules, o = window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth ? "portrait" : "landscape", buildProperties = function (name, value) { stringRules += name + ":" + ($.isFunction(value) ? value(rules.variables) : value) + ";"; }, buildRules = function (name, properties) { stringRules += name + "{"; $.each(properties, buildProperties); stringRules += "}"; }; $.each(rules.defaults, buildRules); $.each(rules[o], buildRules); $(document.createElement("style")) .attr({type:"text/css",media:"screen"}) .html(stringRules) .appendTo("head"); $(window).one("orientationchange", function () { //ensure repaint setTimeout(function () { window.scrollTo(0, 0); stringRules = ""; $.each(rules[window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth ? "portrait" : "landscape"], buildRules); $(document.createElement("style")) .attr({type:"text/css",media:"screen"}) .html(stringRules) .appendTo("head"); }, 30) }); }); })(jQuery); /* _/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Created by David Kaneda Documentation and issue tracking on Google Code Special thanks to Jonathan Stark and pinch/zoom (c) 2009 by jQTouch project members. See LICENSE.txt for license. */ (function($) { if ($.jQTouch) { $.jQTouch.addExtension(function Location() { var latitude, longitude, callback; function checkGeoLocation() { return navigator.geolocation; } function updateLocation(fn) { if (checkGeoLocation()) { callback = fn; navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(savePosition); return true; } else { console.log('Device not capable of geo-location.'); fn(false); return false; } } function savePosition(position) { latitude = position.coords.latitude; longitude = position.coords.longitude; if (callback) { callback(getLocation()); } } function getLocation() { if (latitude && longitude) { return { latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude } } else { console.log('No location available. Try calling updateLocation() first.'); return false; } } return { updateLocation: updateLocation, getLocation: getLocation } }); } })(jQuery); /* _/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Created by David Kaneda Documentation and issue tracking on Google Code Special thanks to Jonathan Stark Lots of this code is specifically derived from Jonathan's book, "Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript" (c) 2009 by jQTouch project members. See LICENSE.txt for license. */ (function($) { if ($.jQTouch) { $.jQTouch.addExtension(function Offline() { // Convenience array of status values var cacheStatusValues = []; cacheStatusValues[0] = 'uncached'; cacheStatusValues[1] = 'idle'; cacheStatusValues[2] = 'checking'; cacheStatusValues[3] = 'downloading'; cacheStatusValues[4] = 'updateready'; cacheStatusValues[5] = 'obsolete'; // Listeners for all possible events var cache = window.applicationCache; cache.addEventListener('cached', logEvent, false); cache.addEventListener('checking', logEvent, false); cache.addEventListener('downloading', logEvent, false); cache.addEventListener('error', logEvent, false); cache.addEventListener('noupdate', logEvent, false); cache.addEventListener('obsolete', logEvent, false); cache.addEventListener('progress', logEvent, false); cache.addEventListener('updateready', logEvent, false); // Log every event to the console function logEvent(e) { var online, status, type, message; online = (isOnline()) ? 'yes' : 'no'; status = cacheStatusValues[cache.status]; type = e.type; message = 'online: ' + online; message += ', event: ' + type; message += ', status: ' + status; if (type == 'error' && navigator.onLine) { message += ' There was an unknown error, check your Cache Manifest.'; } console.log(message); } function isOnline() { return navigator.onLine; } if (!$('html').attr('manifest')) { console.log('No Cache Manifest listed on the tag.') } // Swap in newly download files when update is ready cache.addEventListener('updateready', function(e) { // Don't perform "swap" if this is the first cache if (cacheStatusValues[cache.status] != 'idle') { cache.swapCache(); console.log('Swapped/updated the Cache Manifest.'); } } , false); // These two functions check for updates to the manifest file function checkForUpdates() { cache.update(); } function autoCheckForUpdates() { setInterval(function() { cache.update() }, 10000); } return { isOnline: isOnline, checkForUpdates: checkForUpdates, autoCheckForUpdates: autoCheckForUpdates } }); } })(jQuery); /*!* * Provides event handling for iPhone like photo gallery (without thumbnail portion) * * @author Sam Shull * @copyright 2010 Sam Shull * * Special Thanks to Steve Simitzis * * @license * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * Custom Events handled by each gallery: * * jqt-photo-slideto - slide to a given index (e, [index = int [, options = Object [, slides = jQuery ] ] ] ) * jqt-photo-goto - jump to a given index (e, [index = int [, options = Object [, slides = jQuery ] ] ] ) * jqt-photo-play - start the slideshow from the given point * jqt-photo-pause - stop the slideshow * jqt-photo-prev - go to the previous slide * jqt-photo-next - go to the next slide * jqt-photo-hide-toolbars - hide the visibility of the toolbars * jqt-photo-show-toolbars - show the visibility of the toolbars * jqt-photo-toggle-toolbars - toggle the visibility of the toolbars */ (function($) { //we need this in the algorithm if (!"WebKitCSSMatrix" in this) { return null; } /** * * * */ var undefined, /** * keep track of the registered galleries for updates on resize * * @var Array */ galleries = [], /** * Does the browser support Touch * * @var Boolean */ supportsTouch = "Touch" in this, /** * event types * * @var Object */ events = supportsTouch ? { start: "touchstart", move: "touchmove", end: "touchend" } : { start: "mousedown", move: "mousemove", end: "mouseup" }, controlPoints, /** * keep track of whether or not the parsed class rule has been inserted * * @var Boolean */ parseRuleSet = false, //bring into context /** * * * @var Window */ window = this, /** * * * @var Document */ document = window.document, /** * * * @var Object */ Math = window.Math, //simplify access to these functions /** * * * @var Function */ min = Math.min, /** * * * @var Function */ floor = Math.floor, /** * * * @var Function */ sqrt = Math.sqrt, /** * * * @var Function */ pow = Math.pow, /** * * * @var Function */ abs = Math.abs, /** * current orientation * * @var String */ orientation = abs(window.orientation) == 90 ? "landscape" : "portrait", /** * The default options * * @var Object */ defaults = { /** * A list of the images to be displayed in the gallery * * @var Array */ data: [], /** * displays in title bar * - supports format * {0} = current index * {1} = total number of slides * * @var String */ galleryName: "{0} of {1}", /** * where to start the slides in the gallery - reset on pageAnimation out * * @var Number */ defaultIndex: 0, /** * properties to animate * * @var Number */ transitionProperty: "-webkit-transform", /** * timing function * * @var String */ timingFunction: "cubic-bezier(0,0,.25,1)", /** * the reset transform of the table * * @var String */ transform: "translate3d({0}px,0,0)", /** * The template to be used for transforming the IMG tag * * @var String */ imageTransform: "scale({0}) translate3d({1}px, {2}px, 0)", /** * Maximum number of slides to keep in DOM at on time - before current slide * * @var Number */ maxSlidesBefore: 2, /** * Maximum number of slides to keep in DOM at on time - after current slide * * @var Number */ maxSlidesAfter: 2, /** * default delay between transitions for slideshow * * @var Number */ slideDelay: 5000, /** * default speed for slide change * * @var Number */ scrollSpeed: 500, /** * default speed for scale resizing - used on scaleEnd * * @var Number */ scaleSpeed: 500, /** * should we try to dynamically render the CSS rules * * @var Boolean */ useDynamicStyleSheet: true, /** * should a slideshow repeat by default * * @var Boolean */ repeatSlideShow: false, /** * selector for the parent of the gallery * * @var String */ appendTo: "#jqt", /** * the attribute name for storing the index of the slide in the data * * @var String */ dataAttribute: "data-index", /** * tags to ignore * * @var Array */ tagNames: "A,INPUT,SELECT,TEXTAREA", //only used by template generator /** * link to return * * @var String */ backLink: 'Back', /** * a blank image tag's template * * @var String */ blankImage: '', /** * an individual slides template * * @var String */ slideTemplate: '\
    \ \
    \ ', /** * CSS Rule for removing the max-width/max-height properties from the images * * @var String */ parsedClassTemplate: "#jqt .jqt-photo .jqt-photo-image-slide > .{0}{max-width:auto;max-height:auto;}", /** * the overall psuedo page template of a gallery * * @var String */ galleryTemplate: '
    <\/div>\ \ <\/tr>\ <\/table>\
    \ <\/div>\ <\/div>', //psuedo events /** * Handle the pageAnimationEnd event fired by jQTouch * Resets the positions and scales * * @var Function */ pageAnimationEnd: pageAnimationEnd, /** * Handle the pageAnimationStart event fired by jQTouch * Resets the positions and scales * * @var Function */ pageAnimationStart: pageAnimationStart, /** * Handle the transition of slides in a gallery * * @var Function */ slideTo: slideTo, /** * Begin a slideshow on a gallery * * @var Function */ play: play, /** * End a slideshow on a gallery * * @var Function */ pause: pause, /** * Go to the next slide in the list * * @var Function */ next: next, /** * Go to the previous slide in the list * * @var Function */ prev: prev, /** * Go to a specific or implied slide * * @var Function */ goTo: goTo, /** * Reveal the toolbars * * @var Function */ showToolbars: showToolbars, /** * Hide the toolbars * * @var Function */ hideToolbars: hideToolbars, /** * Show/Hide the toolbars where appropriate * * @var Function */ toggleToolbars: toggleToolbars, //mouse events /** * Handle a touchstart event on the gallery * * @var Function */ touchStart: touchStart, /** * Handle a drag start event (triggered by touchstart) - one-finger * * @var Function */ dragStart: dragStart, /** * Event handler - move - one-finger * * @var Function */ drag: drag, /** * Event handler - end - one-finger * * @var Function */ dragEnd: dragEnd, /** * Event handler - start - two-fingers * * @var Function */ scaleStart: scaleStart, /** * Event handler - move - two-fingers * * @var Function */ scale: scale, /** * Event handler - end - two-fingers * * @var Function */ scaleEnd: scaleEnd, /** * An event handler for the IMG load event * * @var Function */ loader: loader, /** * Function provided for generating the slides * * @var Function */ createSlide: createSlide, /** * Function provided for maintaining the sliding window of slides * * @var Function */ rearrange: rearrange, //classes /** * Keep track of preloaded images * * @var String */ presizedClass: "jqt-photo-presized", /** * keep track of images that have data * * @var String */ parsedClass: "jqt-photo-parsed", /** * Class name for identifying the current slide * * @var String */ currentClass: "jqt-photo-current", /** * Class name for designating that a slideshow is in progress * (and cause pause icon to show, not play icon) * * @var String */ playingClass: "jqt-photo-playing", /** * Class name for designating that an image is not currently loaded * * @var String */ notLoadedClass: "jqt-photo-not-loaded", /** * Class name for initiating an animation to show the toolbars * * @var String */ toolbarAnimationInClass: "jqt-photo-toolbar-animation-in", /** * Class name for initiating an animation to hide the toolbars * * @var String */ toolbarAnimationOutClass: "jqt-photo-toolbar-animation-out", /** * Class name for hiding toolbars - applied outside of animation * * @var String */ toolbarHideClass: "jqt-photo-toolbar-hidden", //selectors /** * The selector for the container of the slides * * @var String */ tableSelector: ".jqt-photo-table", /** * The selector for the caption of a slide * * @var String */ captionSelector: ".jqt-photo-caption", /** * The selector of a slide container * * @var String */ slideSelector: ".jqt-photo-image-slide", /** * The selector of the scalable element, relative to a slide * * @var String */ imageSelector: "img.jqt-photo-img", /** * The selector of the title element * * @var String */ titleSelector: ".toolbar-top h1", /** * The selector of row that contains the images * * @var String */ listSelector: ".jqt-photo-slide-list", /** * The selector of the Play Icon * * @var String */ playSelector: ".jqt-photo-play", /** * The selector of the Pause Icon * * @var String */ pauseSelector: ".jqt-photo-pause", /** * The selector of the Next Icon * * @var String */ nextSelector: ".jqt-photo-next", /** * The selector of the Previous Icon * * @var String */ prevSelector: ".jqt-photo-prev", /** * The selector of a gallery element * * @var String */ gallerySelector: ".jqt-photo" }, /** * Calculate the desired position of the caption elements within the galleries * * @var Function */ caption = function(vars) { return (window.innerHeight - vars.caption) + "px"; }, /** * Calculate the desired height of the galleries and the slides * * @var Function */ height = function() { return window.innerHeight + "px"; }, /** * Calculate the desired width of the galleries and the slides * * @var Function */ width = function() { return window.innerWidth + "px" }, /** * Calculate the desired position of the bottom toolbar elements within the galleries * * @var Function */ toolbar = function(vars) { return (window.innerHeight - vars.toolbar) + "px"; }, /** * The default CSS rules for dynamic insertion * * @var Object */ cssRules = { /** * Variables used by the CSS "macros" for dynamically calculating positions and dimensions * * @var Object */ variables : { caption: 90, toolbar: 45 }, /** * Default CSS rules * * @var Object */ defaults: { "#jqt .jqt-photo .toolbar-bottom" : { top: toolbar }, "#jqt .jqt-photo .jqt-photo-image-slide > div" : { width: width, height: height, "line-height": height }, "#jqt .jqt-photo .jqt-photo-image-slide .jqt-photo-caption" : { top: caption, } }, /** * Portrait view CSS rules * * @var Object */ portrait: { "#jqt.portrait .jqt-photo" : { height: height, width: width, }, "#jqt.portrait .jqt-photo .toolbar-bottom" : { top: toolbar }, "#jqt.portrait .jqt-photo .jqt-photo-image-slide > div" : { width: width, height: height, "line-height": height, }, "#jqt .jqt-photo .jqt-photo-image-slide .jqt-photo-caption" : { top: caption, } }, /** * Landscape view CSS rules * * @var Object */ landscape: { "#jqt.landscape .jqt-photo" : { height: height, width: width, }, "#jqt.landscape .jqt-photo .toolbar-bottom" : { top: toolbar, }, "#jqt.landscape .jqt-photo .jqt-photo-table" : { height: height, }, "#jqt.landscape .jqt-photo .jqt-photo-image-slide > div" : { height: height, width: width, "line-height": height, }, "#jqt.landscape .jqt-photo .jqt-photo-image-slide .jqt-photo-caption" : { top: caption, } } }; /* * jQTouch extension */ if ($.jQTouch) { //bind the extension $.jQTouch.addExtension(function(jqt) { /*/event handler function binder (event, info) { if (info.page.is(defaults.gallerySelector)) { info.page.jqtPhoto(); } } //attach $(document.body).bind("pageInserted", binder); //attach to appropriate containers on DOMREADY $(function() { $(defaults.gallerySelector) .each(function() { binder(null, {page: $(this)}); }); }); */ return { generateGallery: generateGallery, /** * Jump to the index of a slide in a gallery * * @param jQuery | String (selector) | Element gallery * @param Number index * @param String | Object animation * @param Boolean reverse * @return jQuery */ goToSlide: function (gallery, index, animation, reverse) { //trigger this first var g = $(gallery), options = g.data("jqt-photo-options"),slides = g.find(options.slideSelector); if (slides.index("." + options.currentClass) != index) { slides.removeClass(options.currentClass).eq(index).addClass(options.currentClass); } if (!g.hasClass("current")) { jqt.goTo(g, animation || "slide", reverse); } g.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-show-toolbars"); return g; } }; }); } /** * Generate a gallery and attach it to the #jqt element, * additionally updates scaling data, so you don't have to * * * images = [{src:"/somewhere1.jpg",caption:"Not Yet Implemented",width:200,height:200}, * {src:"/somewhere2.jpg",caption:"Not Yet Implemented"}]; * * * @param String id * @param Array images * @param Object options - @see defaults * @return jQuery */ function generateGallery(id, images, options) { options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); options.data = images; if (!parseRuleSet) { parseRuleSet = true; var sheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1]; sheet.insertRule( format(options.parsedClassTemplate, options.parsedClass), sheet.cssRules.length ); } options.gallery = $(options.galleryTemplate).appendTo(options.appendTo); var list = options.list = options.gallery.find(options.listSelector), lower = options.defaultIndex - options.maxSlidesBefore, upper = options.defaultIndex + options.maxSlidesAfter, toolbar = options.gallery.attr("id", id) .find(".toolbar-top") .append( $("

    ").html( format(options.galleryName, options.defaultIndex + 1, images.length) ) ); if (options.backLink) { toolbar.append(options.backLink); } $.each(images, function(i, data) { list.append(options.createSlide(data, i, options, i >= lower && i <= upper)); }); return jqtPhoto(options.gallery[0], options); } /* * * jQuery Extensions * */ /** * A jQuery prototype extension for enabling the photo gallery * on a given set of elements * * @param Object options * @return jQuery */ $.fn.jqtPhoto = function(options) { options = $.extend({}, defaults, options || {}); return this.each(function() { jqtPhoto(this, options) }); }; /** * A static jQuery extension for setting and retrieving the jQT-Photo defaults * * */ $.jqtPhoto = { generateGallery: generateGallery, /** * Change and/or retrieve the default options * * @param Object options - optional * @return Object */ defaults: function(options) { if (options) { defaults = $.extend(defaults, options); } return $.extend({}, defaults); }, /** * Change and/or retrieve the default CSS * * @param Object options - optional * @return Object */ defaultCSS: function(options) { if (options !== undefined) { cssRules = $.extend(true, cssRules, options); } return $.extend({}, cssRules); } }; /* * * Functions * */ /** * Intialize the photo gallery * * @param Element | String | jQuery element * @param Object options * @return jQuery */ function jqtPhoto(element, options) { var $elem = $(element), slides = attachEvents($elem, options).find(options.slideSelector), images = slides.find(options.imageSelector); options.list = $elem.find(options.listSelector); options.table = tableData($elem.data("jqt-photo-options", options), options); options.blankImage = parseImageData($elem, $(options.blankImage).load(options.loader), options); if (!slides.filter("." + options.currentClass).length) { if (!slides.filter(format("[{0}={1}]", options.dataAttribute, options.defaultIndex)).addClass(options.currentClass).length) { slides.eq(0).addClass(options.currentClass); } } $elem.find(options.tableSelector).css({ webkitTransitionProperty: options.transitionProperty, webkitTransitionTimingFunction: options.timingFunction, webkitTransitionDuration: options.defaultDuration + "s", webkitTransform: format(options.transform, -slides.filter("." + options.currentClass).attr("offsetLeft") || 0) }); parseImageData($elem, images, options); galleries = galleries.concat($.makeArray($elem)); return $elem; } /** * Record the initial start position of the image list element * * @param jQuery target * @param Object options * @return null */ function tableData(target, options) { var table = target.find(options.tableSelector), transform = window.getComputedStyle(table[0]).webkitTransform, matrix = new WebKitCSSMatrix(transform); return table.data("jqt-photo-position", {x: Number(matrix.m41 || 0), gallery: target}); } /** * Attach event listeners to the gallery * * To Do: refractor event listeners into delegate * * @param jQuery target * @param Object options * @return jQuery */ function attachEvents(target, options) { return target .each(function() { this.addEventListener(events.start, options.touchStart, false) }) .bind("jqt-photo-slideto", options.slideTo) .bind("jqt-photo-goto", options.goTo) .bind("jqt-photo-play", options.play) .bind("jqt-photo-pause", options.pause) .bind("jqt-photo-prev", options.prev) .bind("jqt-photo-next", options.next) .bind("jqt-photo-hide-toolbars", options.hideToolbars) .bind("jqt-photo-show-toolbars", options.showToolbars) .bind("jqt-photo-toggle-toolbars", options.toggleToolbars) .bind("pageAnimationEnd", options.pageAnimationEnd) .bind("pageAnimationStart", options.pageAnimationStart); } /** * Record initial slide data * * @param jQuery images * @param Object options * @return jQuery */ function parseImageData(target, images, options) { return images.each(function() { var t = $(this).addClass(options.parsedClass), matrix = new WebKitCSSMatrix(window.getComputedStyle(this).webkitTransform), scale = Number(matrix.m11), data = t.data("jqt-photo-info") || {}, c = { scale: scale, top: Number(matrix.m42), left: Number(matrix.m41), width: t.width() * scale, height: t.height() * scale, parent: t.parent() }; data.galleryOptions = options; data.gallery = data.gallery || target; data[orientation] = {current: c, original: $.extend({}, c)}; t.data("jqt-photo-info", data); }); } /** * Distributive handling for touchstart events * * To Do: refractor to use all event based triggers * * @context The gallery element * * @param Event event * @return Boolean */ function touchStart(event) { var target = $(event.target.nodeType == 3 ? event.target.parentNode : event.target), $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-photo-options"), tt = supportsTouch ? event.targetTouches : {length: !event.ctrlKey ? 1 : 2}; if (target.is(options.tagNames)) { return null; } if (target.is(options.playSelector)) { if (!$this.hasClass(options.playingClass) && options.play) { return options.play.call(this, event); } return true; } else if (target.is(options.pauseSelector)) { if ($this.hasClass(options.playingClass) && options.pause) { return options.pause.call(this, event); } return true; } else if (target.is(options.nextSelector) && options.next) { return options.next.call(this, event); } else if (target.is(options.prevSelector) && options.prev) { return options.prev.call(this, event); } else if (tt.length == 2 && target.closest(options.imageSelector).length && options.scaleStart) { if ($this.hasClass(options.playingClass) && options.pause) { options.pause.call(this); } return options.scaleStart.call(this, event); } else if (tt.length == 1 && options.dragStart) { if ($this.hasClass(options.playingClass) && options.pause) { options.pause.call(this, event); } return options.dragStart.call(this, event); } return true; } /** * Initialize a drag event * * * @context The gallery element * * @param Event event * @return Boolean */ function dragStart(event) { event.preventDefault(); window.scrollTo(0, 0); var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-photo-options"), table = $this.find(options.tableSelector).css("webkitTransitionDuration", "0s"), position = table.data("jqt-photo-position"), target = $(event.target).closest(options.imageSelector), data = target.data("jqt-photo-info") || false, offset = !!data && data[orientation] || false, current = !!offset && offset.current || {}, tt = supportsTouch ? event.targetTouches[0] : event; this.addEventListener(events.move, options.drag, false); this.addEventListener(events.end, options.dragEnd, false); $this .data("jqt-photo-event", { table: table, position: {current: position.x, original: position.x}, target: target.css("webkitTransitionDuration", "0s"), options: options, slides: table.find(options.slideSelector), moved: false, x: tt.pageX, y: tt.pageY, left: current.left || 0, top: current.top || 0, timeStamp: +new Date }); return true; } /** * Perform a drag event * * * @context The gallery element * * @param Event event * @return Boolean */ function drag(event) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this), original = $this.data("jqt-photo-event"), table = original.table, position = original.position, target = original.target, info = target.data("jqt-photo-info"), data = !!info && info[orientation] || false, current = data.current || false, tt = supportsTouch ? event.targetTouches[0] : event, distanceX = original.x - tt.pageX, distanceY = original.y - tt.pageY, w, h, x, y, l, t, d, s = current.scale; original.moved = true; //image if (data) { $this.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-hide-toolbars", [original.options]); if (distanceX) { x = target.width() * s; w = current.parent.width(); l = original.left; if (x > w) { l -= distanceX / s; distanceX = 0; d = ((x - w) / s) / 2; if (l > d) { distanceX = d - l; l = d; } else if (l < -d) { distanceX = -(l + d); l = -d; } } current.left = floor(l); } if (distanceY) { y = target.height() * s; h = current.parent.height(), t = original.top; if (y > h) { t -= distanceY / s; } current.top = floor(t); } target.css({ webkitTransitionDuration: "0s", webkitTransform: format(original.options.imageTransform, s, current.left, current.top) }); } //table position.current = position.original - distanceX; table.css({ webkitTransitionDuration: "0s", webkitTransform: format(original.options.transform, position.current) }); return true; } /** * End and clean up a drag event * * * * @context The gallery element * * @param Event event * @return Boolean */ function dragEnd(event) { var $this = $(this), original = $this.data("jqt-photo-event"), table = original.table, tablePosition = table.data("jqt-photo-position"), position = original.position, target = original.target, info = target.data("jqt-photo-info"), data = !!info && info[orientation] || false, current = data.current || false, slides = original.slides, h, x, y, t, d, n, w, s = current.scale; this.removeEventListener(events.move, original.options.drag, false); this.removeEventListener(events.end, original.options.dragEnd, false); if (!original.moved) { $this.trigger("jqt-photo-toggle-toolbars"); return dispatchClick(event.target); } event.preventDefault(); //image if (data) { y = target.height() * s; h = current.parent.height(), t = current.top; if (y > h) { d = ((y - h) / s) / 2; if (t > d) { t = d; } else if (t < -d) { t = -d; } } current.top = floor(t); target.css({ webkitTransitionDuration: original.options.scaleSpeed + "ms", webkitTransform: format(original.options.imageTransform, s, current.left, current.top) }); } d = (+new Date() - original.timeStamp); //table if (position.current > 0) { tablePosition.x = 0; } else if (position.current < (slides.eq(slides.length - 1).width() - table.outerWidth())) { tablePosition.x = (slides.eq(slides.length - 1).width() - table.outerWidth()); } else { n = tablePosition.x < position.current ? -1 : 1; x = slides.filter("." + original.options.currentClass); t = abs(x.attr("offsetLeft") + position.current); w = x.width() / 3; if (t > w) { $this.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-slideto", [slides.index(x[0]) + n, (d > 1000 ? 1000 : d), original.options, slides]); return true; } } table.css({ webkitTransitionDuration: (d > 1000 ? 1000 : d) + "ms", webkitTransform: format(original.options.transform, tablePosition.x) }); return true; } /** * Initialize a scaling event * * * @context The gallery element * * @param Event event * @return Boolean */ function scaleStart(event) { event.preventDefault(); window.scrollTo(0, 0); var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-photo-options"), tt = supportsTouch ? event.targetTouches : [ {pageX: controlPoints.x - event.pageX, pageY: controlPoints.y - event.pageY}, event ]; this.addEventListener(events.move, options.scale, false); this.addEventListener(events.end, options.scaleEnd, false); try { this.removeEventListener(events.move, options.drag, false); this.removeEventListener(events.end, options.dragEnd, false); } catch(e) { } $this.data("jqt-photo-event", { target: $(event.target).closest(options.imageSelector).css("webkitTransitionDuration", "0s"), options: options, distance: sqrt( pow((tt[1].pageX - tt[0].pageX), 2) + pow((tt[1].pageY - tt[0].pageY), 2) ) }) .find(".image-list") .css("webkitTransitionDuration", "0s");//end any transform on this table return true; } /** * Perform a scaling event * * * @context The gallery element * * @param Event event * @return Boolean */ function scale(event) { if (event.targetTouches.length != 2) { return true; } event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this), original = $this.data("jqt-photo-event"), target = original.target, info = target.data("jqt-photo-info"), data = !!info && info[orientation] || false, tt = event.targetTouches, distance = sqrt( pow((tt[1].pageX - tt[0].pageX), 2) + pow((tt[1].pageY - tt[0].pageY), 2) ), difference = distance - original.distance, percentChange = (difference / original.distance) / 2, current = data.current, transform; if (!current) { parseImageData($this, target, original.options); info = target.data("jqt-photo-info"); data = !!info && info[orientation] || false; current = data.current; } $this.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-hide-toolbars", [original.options]); transform = format(original.options.imageTransform, (current.scale = (current.scale + (current.scale * percentChange))), current.left, current.top ); original.distance = distance; target.css({webkitTransitionDuration: "0s", webkitTransform: transform}); return true; } /** * End a scaling event * * * @context The gallery element * * @param Event event * @return Boolean */ function scaleEnd(event) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this), original = $this.data("jqt-photo-event"), info = original.target.data("jqt-photo-info"), data = !!info && info[orientation] || false, current = data.current; this.removeEventListener(events.move, original.options.scale, false); this.removeEventListener(events.end, original.options.scaleEnd, false); if (!current) { parseImageData($this, original.target, original.options); info = original.target.data("jqt-photo-info"); data = !!info && info[orientation] || false; current = data.current; } if (current.scale < data.original.scale) { current.scale = data.original.scale; current.left = data.original.left; current.top = data.original.top; } original.target.css({ webkitTransitionDuration: original.options.scaleSpeed + "ms", webkitTransform: format(original.options.imageTransform, current.scale, current.left, current.top) }); return true; } /** * Dispatch a click event on a given target, in the event * a single-target touch event did not result in movement * * @param Element target * @return Boolean */ function dispatchClick(target) { var theEvent = target.ownerDocument.createEvent("MouseEvents"); theEvent.initEvent("click", true, true); target.dispatchEvent(theEvent); return true; } /** * Begin a slideshow * * * @context The gallery element * * @param Event event * @param Number index * @return Boolean */ function play(event, index) { event.preventDefault && event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-photo-options"), slides = $this.find(options.slideSelector), n = index === undefined || index < 0 ? Number(slides.filter("." + options.currentClass).attr(options.dataAttribute)) : abs(index); addHover($this.addClass(options.playingClass), $this.find(options.pauseSelector)[0]); if (n != index) { $this.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-goto", [n, 0, options, slides]); } $this.data("jqt-photo-slide-timer", setInterval(function() { slideInterval($this, slides, options) }, options.slideDelay)); //.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-hide-toolbars", [options]); return true; } /** * Handler for slideshow intervals * * * * @param jQuery target * @param jQuery slides * @param Object options * @return null */ function slideInterval(target, slides, options) { //current index + 1 var index = Number(target.find(options.slideSelector).filter("." + options.currentClass).attr(options.dataAttribute)) + 1, func = "jqt-photo-slideto";//"slideTo"; if (index === options.data.length) { if (!options.repeatSlideShow) { target.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-pause"); return null; } index = 0; func = "jqt-photo-goto";//"goTo"; } //options[func].call(target[0], {}, index, options.scrollSpeed, options); target.triggerHandler(func, [index, options.scrollSpeed, options, slides]); target.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-hide-toolbars", [options]); return null; } /** * End a slideshow * * * @context The gallery element * * @param Event event * @return Boolean */ function pause(event) { event.preventDefault && event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this), timer = $this.data("jqt-photo-slide-timer"), options = $this.data("jqt-photo-options"); addHover($this, $this.find(options.playSelector)[0]); clearInterval(timer); $this.removeClass(options.playingClass) .data("jqt-photo-slide-timer", null) .triggerHandler("jqt-photoshow-toolbars"); return true; } /** * Perform a slide to a given, or inferred next slide, using the data provided * * * * @context The gallery element * * @param Event event * @param Number index * @param Number duration * @param Object options * @param jQuery slides - optional; * @return Boolean */ function slideTo(event, index, duration, options, slides) { event.preventDefault && event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this), table, current, title, last, img; options = options || $this.data("jqt-photo-options"); slides = slides || $this.find(options.slideSelector); table = options.table; index = Number(index || 0); //how long should this particular transition take? duration = duration === undefined || duration < 0 ? options.scrollSpeed : (Number(duration) || 0); if (index >= options.data.length) { $this.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-goto", [0, duration, options, slides]); return true; } if (index < 0) { index = options.data.length + index; } last = slides.filter("." + options.currentClass); //new current current = slides.removeClass(options.currentClass).filter(format("[{0}={1}]", options.dataAttribute, index)); img = current.find(options.imageSelector); if (img.attr("src") != options.data[index].src) { img.parent().addClass(options.notLoadedClass); img.attr("src", options.data[index].src); } //new position position = -current.addClass(options.currentClass).attr("offsetLeft"); if (position > 0) { position = 0; } else if (position < -(table.width() - current.width())) { position = -(table.width() - current.width()); } //trigger slide change event $this.trigger("jqt-photo-slide-change", [index, duration, position]); //save the position table.data("jqt-photo-position").x = position; //atach animation end listener, and set necessary css properties table.one("webkitTransitionEnd", function() { options.rearrange(current, last, options); }) .css({ webkitTransitionDuration: duration + "ms", webkitTransform: format(options.transform, position) }); //update the title of the gallery title = $this.find(options.titleSelector); title.html(format(options.galleryName || title.html(), Number(index) + 1, options.data.length)); return true; } /** * Jump to a given, or inferred next slide, using the data provided * * * * @context The gallery element * * @param Event event * @param Number index - optional; index of the slide to go to * @param Number duration - optional; duration of the transition * @param Object options - optional; the options associated with the gallery * @param jQuery slides - optional; * @return Boolean */ function goTo(event, index, duration, options, slides) { event.preventDefault && event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this), table, current, title, last, img; options = options || $this.data("jqt-photo-options"); slides = slides || $this.find(options.slideSelector); table = options.table; index = Number(index || 0); //how long should this particular transition take? duration = duration === undefined || duration < 0 ? options.scrollSpeed : (Number(duration) || 0); if (index >= options.data.length) { index = 0; } if (index < 0) { index = options.data.length + index; } last = slides.filter("." + options.currentClass); //new current current = slides.removeClass(options.currentClass).filter(format("[{0}={1}]", options.dataAttribute, index)); img = current.find(options.imageSelector); if (img.attr("src") != options.data[index].src) { img.parent().addClass(options.notLoadedClass); img.attr("src", options.data[index].src); } //position of the new current position = -current.addClass(options.currentClass).attr("offsetLeft"); if (position > 0) { position = 0; } else if (position < -(table.width() - current.width())) { position = -(table.width() - current.width()); } //save the position table.data("jqt-photo-position").x = position; //reset scales after slide and set css to cause the slide table.css({ webkitTransitionDuration: "0s", webkitTransform: format(options.transform, position) }); //update the title //title element title = $this.find(options.titleSelector); title.html(format(options.galleryName || title.html(), Number(index) + 1, options.data.length)); options.rearrange(current, last, options); return true; } /** * Reassign the img tags with src attributes in order to maintain the * memory consumption * * @param jQuery current - the current slide * @param jQuery last - the previous slide * @param Object options - the gallery options * @return Boolean */ function rearrange(current, last, options) { var next = current.next() prev = current.prev(); next.length && next.find(options.imageSelector).attr("src", options.data[next.attr(options.dataAttribute)].src); prev.length && prev.find(options.imageSelector).attr("src", options.data[prev.attr(options.dataAttribute)].src); current.prevAll().slice(options.maxSlidesBefore) .find(options.imageSelector) .filter("[src]") .each(function() { var clone = options.blankImage.clone(true), $this = $(this); $this.parent().addClass(options.notLoadedClass); $this.replaceWith(clone); parseImageData($this, clone, options); }); current.nextAll().slice(options.maxSlidesAfter) .find(options.imageSelector) .filter("[src]") .each(function() { var clone = options.blankImage.clone(true), $this = $(this); $this.parent().addClass(options.notLoadedClass); $this.replaceWith(clone); parseImageData($this, clone, options); }); if (last[0] !== current[0]) { resetDimensions(last.find(options.imageSelector)); } return true; } /** * Transition to previous slide (or last slide) in gallery * * * @context The gallery element * * @param Event event * @return Boolean */ function prev(event) { event.preventDefault && event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-photo-options"), slides = $this.find(options.slideSelector), index = Number(slides.filter("." + options.currentClass).attr(options.dataAttribute)); addHover($this, event.target); $this.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-goto", [index - 1, 0, options, slides]); return true; } /** * Transition to next slide (or first slide) in gallery * * * @context The gallery element * * @param Event event * @return Boolean */ function next(event) { event.preventDefault && event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-photo-options"), slides = $this.find(options.slideSelector), index = Number(slides.filter("." + options.currentClass).attr(options.dataAttribute)); addHover($this, event.target); $this.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-goto", [index + 1, 0, options, slides]); return true; } /** * Trigger an animation to slide up/slide down the toobars on a given gallery * using a predetermined class * * * @context The gallery element * * @param Event event * @param Object options * @return null */ function toggleToolbars(event, options) { if (event && event.target && event.target.tagName === "A") { return null; } var gallery = $(this); options = options || gallery.data("jqt-photo-options"); if (gallery.hasClass(options.toolbarHideClass)) { gallery.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-show-toolbars", [options]); } else { gallery.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-hide-toolbars", [options]); } return null; } /** * Trigger an animation to slide up the toobars on a given gallery * using a predetermined class * * * @context The gallery element * * @param Event event * @param Object options * @return null */ function hideToolbars(event, options) { var gallery = $(this); options = options || gallery.data("jqt-photo-options"); if (!gallery.hasClass(options.toolbarHideClass)) { gallery.one("webkitTransitionEnd", function() { gallery.addClass(options.toolbarHideClass) .removeClass(options.toolbarAnimationOutClass); }) .addClass(options.toolbarAnimationOutClass); } return null; } /** * Trigger an animation to slide down the toobars on a given gallery * using a predetermined class * * * @context The gallery element * * @param Event event * @param Object options * @return null */ function showToolbars(event, options) { var gallery = $(this); options = options || gallery.data("jqt-photo-options"); if (gallery.hasClass(options.toolbarHideClass)) { gallery.one("webkitTransitionEnd", function() { gallery.removeClass(options.toolbarAnimationInClass); }) .addClass(options.toolbarAnimationInClass) .removeClass(options.toolbarHideClass); } return null; } /** * The jQTouch animation start event * * @context The gallery element * * @param jQuery.Event event * @param Object info * @return null */ function pageAnimationStart(event, info) { if (info && info.direction == "in") { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-photo-options"), slides = $this.find(options.slideSelector), index = Number(slides.filter("." + options.currentClass).attr(options.dataAttribute)), n = index > -1 ? index : (options.defaultIndex > -1 ? options.defaultIndex : 0); //n = (options.defaultIndex > -1 ? options.defaultIndex : 0); if (slides.index("." + options.currentClass) != n) { $this.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-goto", [n, 0, options, slides]); $this.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-show-toolbars"); } } return null; } /** * The jQTouch animation end event * * @context The gallery element * * @param jQuery.Event event * @param Object info * @return null */ function pageAnimationEnd(event, info) { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-photo-options"), slides = $this.find(options.slideSelector), index,n; //n = (options.defaultIndex > -1 ? options.defaultIndex : 0); if (info && info.direction == "out") { $this.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-goto", [options.defaultIndex, 0, options, slides]); $this.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-show-toolbars"); } else { index = Number(slides.filter("." + options.currentClass).attr(options.dataAttribute)); n = index > -1 ? index : (options.defaultIndex > -1 ? options.defaultIndex : 0) $this.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-goto", [n, 0, options, slides]); } return null; } /** * Create a slide for insertion using the provided information * * @param Object data - the information about the slide * @param Number index - index of the data in the list * @param Object options - the information about the gallery * @param Boolean inWindow - in the slide window */ function createSlide(data, index, options, inWindow) { var slide = $(data.template || options.slideTemplate).attr(options.dataAttribute, index), img = slide.find(options.imageSelector); parseImageData(options.gallery, img.load(options.loader), options); if (inWindow) { img.attr("src", data.src); } if (data.caption) { slide.find(options.captionSelector).html(data.caption); } return slide; } /** * Reset the scale and position of the given images * * @param jQuery images * @return jQuery */ function resetDimensions(images) { return images.each(function(i) { var t = $(this), data = t.data("jqt-photo-info"), d = data[orientation];//,p; /*if (!d) { p = t.parent(defaults.gallerySelector); parseImageData(p, t, p.data("jqt-photo-options")); d = data[orientation]; }*/ //image should be resized? if (d && d.current.scale != 1 && d.current.scale != d.original.scale) { t.css({ webkitTransitionDuration: "0s", webkitTransform: format(data.galleryOptions.imageTransform, d.current.scale = d.original.scale, d.current.left = d.original.left, d.current.top = d.original.top ) }); d.current.width = d.original.width; d.current.height = d.original.height; } return null; }); } /** * Add the hover class to the given element on touchstart * * @param jQuery gallery * @param DOMElement | jQuery element * @return null */ function addHover(gallery, element) { $(element).addClass("hover") gallery.one("touchend", function() { $(element).removeClass("hover") }); return null; } /** * Format a String followed by a set of arguments using the format * {0} is replaced with arguments[1] * * @param String s * @param Object arg1 ... argN * @return String */ function format(s) { var args = arguments; return s.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function(a, b) { return args[Number(b) + 1] + "" }); } /** * window.onorientationchange event handler updates all slide data for the new orientation * (if it doesn't already exist) and resets the scale of the images * * @return null */ function onorientationchange() { orientation = abs(window.orientation) == 90 ? "landscape" : "portrait"; //effectively this shouldn't be necessary, but it appears to be $("#jqt").removeClass("portrait landscape").addClass(orientation); //make sure the slides line up appropriately, use delay to ensure repaint has passed setTimeout(function() { var playing = [], loop = function() { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-photo-options"), slides = $this.find(options.slideSelector), images = slides.find(options.imageSelector); //if ($this.is(":visible")) { alignSlides($this, slides, options); //} if ($this.hasClass(options.playingClass)) { playing.push(this); $this.triggerHandler("jqt-photo-pause"); } //if (!images.data("jqt-photo-info")[orientation]) { // parseImageData($this, images, defaults); //} resetDimensions(images.filter("[src]")); }; $(galleries).filter(":visible").each(loop).end().filter(":not(:visible)").each(loop); $(playing).triggerHandler("jqt-photo-play"); }, 10); controlPoints = {x: window.innerWidth / 2, y: window.innerHeight / 2}; return null; } /** * Reset the transform after an orientation change * to ensure that the slides are correctly aligned * * * * @param jQuery galleries * @return jQuery */ function alignSlides($this, slides, options) { table = $this.find(options.tableSelector), position = -slides.filter("." + options.currentClass).attr("offsetLeft"); table.data("jqt-photo-position").x = position; table.css({ webkitTransitionDuration: "0s", webkitTransform: format(options.transform, position) }); return null; } /** * image onload event handler * * @context An IMG tag * * @return null */ function loader() { var innerWidth = window.innerWidth, innerHeight = window.innerHeight, $this = $(this), w = $this.width(), h = $this.height(), top, left, scale = min(min(w, innerWidth) / w, min(h, innerHeight) / h), width = w * scale, height = h * scale, data = $this.data("jqt-photo-info"), options = data.galleryOptions; $this.parent().removeClass(options.notLoadedClass); if (!$this.is(":visible")) { data.gallery.one("pageAnimationEnd", function() { parseImageData(data.gallery, $this, data.galleryOptions) }); } else if (width > innerWidth || height > innerHeight) { left = -floor(((width - innerWidth) / scale) / 2); top = -floor(((height - innerHeight) / scale) / 2); $this.css({ webkitTransitionDuration: "0s", webkitTransform: format(options.imageTransform, scale, left, top) }) .addClass(options.presizedClass); data = data[orientation]; data.current.scale = data.original.scale = scale; data.current.left = data.original.left = left; data.current.top = data.original.top = top; data.current.width = data.original.width = width * scale; data.current.height = data.original.height = height * scale; } return null; } //load the css on dom ready $(function() { window.scrollTo(0, 0); controlPoints = {x: window.innerWidth / 2, y: window.innerHeight / 2}; if (defaults.useDynamicStyleSheet) { var stringRules = "", rules = cssRules, o = window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth ? "portrait" : "landscape", buildProperties = function(name, value) { stringRules += name + ":" + ($.isFunction(value) ? value(rules.variables) : value) + ";"; }, buildRules = function(name, properties) { stringRules += name + "{"; $.each(properties, buildProperties); stringRules += "}"; }; $.each(rules.defaults, buildRules); $.each(rules[o], buildRules); $(document.createElement("style")) .attr({type:"text/css",media:"screen"}) .html(stringRules) .appendTo("head"); //make sure the css is correct on orientationchange $(window).one("orientationchange", function() { //ensure repaint //setTimeout(function() { window.scrollTo(0, 0); orientation = abs(window.orientation) == 90 ? "landscape" : "portrait"; //effectively this shouldn't be necessary, but it appears to be $("#jqt").removeClass("portrait landscape").addClass(orientation); stringRules = ""; $.each(rules[orientation], buildRules); $(document.createElement("style")) .attr({type:"text/css",media:"screen"}) .html(stringRules) .appendTo("head"); //}, 10); }); } //Orientation event listener bind $(window).bind("orientationchange", onorientationchange); //http://cubiq.org/iscroll-3-3-beta-2 //use resize instead of orientationchange //$(window).bind("resize", onorientationchange); }); })(jQuery); /** * * Add support for scaling using jQTouch * * Copyright (c) 2009 Sam Shull * Released under MIT license * * * *
    * CSS Is Awesome *
    * *
    * * Known issues: * - using a link that is a slideSelector (ie: body > * > ul li a) on the same psuedo-page causes problems during scaling * * * $Revision$ * $Date$ * $LastChangedBy$ * */ (function($) { $.fn.scalable = function (options) { return this.each(function () { new iScale(this, options); }); }; if ($.jQTouch) { $.jQTouch.addExtension(function (jQT) { function binder(e, info) { info.page.find('.scalable').scalable(); } $(document.body) .bind('pageInserted', binder); $(function() { $('body > *') .each(function() { binder({}, {page: $(this)}); }); }); return {}; }); function iScale(el, options) { var that = this; this.numberOfTouches = 2; this.element = el; this.scale(1); this.refresh(); this.scaleLessThanOne = false; el.style.webkitTransitionTimingFunction = 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)'; el.addEventListener('touchstart', this, false); //moved up here because I didnt see any reason to add and remove them el.addEventListener('touchmove', this, false); el.addEventListener('touchend', this, false); window.addEventListener('unload', function () { el.removeEventListener('touchstart', that, false); el.removeEventListener('touchmove', that, false); el.removeEventListener('touchend', that, false); this.removeEventListener('unload', arguments.callee, false); }, false); if (options) { $.extend(this, options); } } iScale.prototype = { handleEvent: function(e) { switch (e.type) { case 'touchstart': return this.onTouchStart(e); break; case 'touchmove': return this.onTouchMove(e); break; case 'touchend': return this.onTouchEnd(e); break; } }, scale: function (scale) { if (scale !== undefined) { this._scale = scale; this.element.style.webkitTransform = 'scale(' + scale + ')'; return; } return this._scale; }, refresh: function() { this.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = '0'; }, onTouchStart: function(e) { if (e.targetTouches.length != this.numberOfTouches) { return; } this.refresh(); this.moved = false; this.startDistance = Math.sqrt( Math.pow((e.targetTouches[1].clientX - e.targetTouches[0].clientX), 2) + Math.pow((e.targetTouches[1].clientX - e.targetTouches[0].clientX), 2) ); return false; }, onTouchMove: function(e) { if (e.targetTouches.length != this.numberOfTouches) return; e.preventDefault(); this.moved = true; this.refresh(); var newDistance = Math.sqrt( Math.pow((e.targetTouches[1].clientX - e.targetTouches[0].clientX), 2) + Math.pow((e.targetTouches[1].clientY - e.targetTouches[0].clientY), 2) ), difference = newDistance - this.startDistance, percentChange = (difference / this.startDistance) / 2; this.scale(this.scale() + (this.scale() * percentChange)); this.startDistance = newDistance; return false; }, onTouchEnd: function(e) { var theTarget,theEvent; if (!this.moved) { theTarget = e.target; if (theTarget.nodeType == 3) theTarget = theTarget.parentNode; theEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); theEvent.initEvent('click', true, true); theTarget.dispatchEvent(theEvent); return; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (!this.scaleLessThanOne && this.scale() < 1) { this.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = '200ms'; this.scale(1); } return false; }, scaleTo: function(dest, runtime) { this.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = runtime ? runtime : '300ms'; this.scale(dest ? dest : 0); } }; } })(jQuery); /*!* * * Add support for scrolling vertically and horizontally using jQTouch in Webkit Mobile * Plus support for slides * * Copyright (c) 2010 Sam Shull * Released under MIT license * * Based on the work of Matteo Spinelli, http://cubiq.org/ * Released under MIT license * http://cubiq.org/dropbox/mit-license.txt * * Find more about the scrolling function at * http://cubiq.org/scrolling-div-for-mobile-webkit-turns-3/16 * * */ (function($) { //we need this in the algorithm if (!"WebKitCSSMatrix" in this) { return null; } var undefined, /** * The global object * * @var Object */ window = this, /** * Just to speed up access * * @var DOMDocument */ document = window.document, /** * Just to speed up access * * @var Function */ Number = window.Number, /** * Just to speed up access * * @var Object */ Math = window.Math, /** * Determine 3d translate support * * @var Boolean */ supports3d = ('m11' in new WebKitCSSMatrix()), /** * Single Object for base options * that is used to extend the defaults * * @var Object */ base = { /** * A function for converting attributes into options @see attributes * * @var Function */ attributesToOptions: attributesToOptions, /** * A dictionary of property/accessor pairs * where the name of the property coincides with the name * of an option, and the value is either a string representing the * name of the attribute where the value will be stored, or * a function that accepts two arguments, the first of the type DOMElement * and the second is a string indicating the desired direction which then * returns the desired value of the property on that object * * @var Object */ attributes: { //use an attribute to set the defaultDuration option defaultDuration: "slidespeed", //use an attribute to determine whether or not you want the default touch event cancelled preventDefault: function(e, d) { return $(e).attr("preventdefault") === "false" ? false : !!defaults[d].preventDefault; }, //use bounce? bounce: function(e, d) { return e.attr("bounce") === "false" ? false : defaults[d].bounce }, //use a scrollbar? scrollBar: function(e, d) { return e.hasClass("with-scrollbar") }, //use slides? useSlides: function(e, d) { return $(e).find(defaults[d].slides.selector).length > 0; } }, /** * Selectors to ignore on touch start * * @var String */ ignore: "SELECT,TEXTAREA,BUTTON,INPUT", /** * Should the container slide to the next container? * * @var Boolean */ useSlides: false, /** * Properties for handling slides * * @var Object */ slides: { /** * jQuery selector for the slide containers * * @var String */ selector: ".slide-container", /** * Identify the current slide container * * @var String */ currentClass: "jqt-slide-current", /** * Portion of the slide that must be moved * before triggerring move to next slide * * @var Number */ portion: 3, /** * Amount of easing to use on slide * * @var Number */ easing: 2, /** * The function to determine position of next slide * * @var Function */ callback: slideTo }, /** * The number of fingers required to activate the slide motion * * @var Number */ numberOfTouches: 1, /** * Amount of the parent container to use for a bounce * * @var Number */ divider: 6, /** * List of touch enevts to listen to. (Hopefully add support for non-touch one day) * * @var Array */ touchEventList: ["touchend","touchmove","touchcancel"], /** * The return speed of a bounce * * @var Number */ bounceSpeed: 300, /** * The duration of a slide * * @var Number */ defaultDuration: 500, /** * Initial container offset in px * * @var Number */ defaultOffset: 0, /** * should the default be prevented on the events? * * @var Boolean */ preventDefault: true, /** * Limit the acceleration velocity * * @var Number */ maxScrollTime: 1000, /** * Friction to apply to the acceleration * * @var Number */ friction: 3, /** * Should the window.scrollTo(0,0) be called each time a touch event starts? * * @var Boolean */ scrollTopOnTouchstart: true, /** * Use bounce? * * @var Boolean */ bounce: true, /** * Show a scrollbar? * * @var Boolean */ scrollBar: true, /** * Object reference to Scrollbar object * * @var ScrollBar */ scrollBarObject: null, /** * Event handlers * * @var Object */ events: { // scrollTo: scrollTo, // reset: reset, // touchstart: touchStart, // touchmove: touchMove, // touchend: touchEnd, // touchcancel: touchEnd, // webkitTransitionEnd: transitionEnd }, /** * Function for actually performing a change to the position of * the slide container * * @var Function */ setPosition: setPosition, /** * Calculate the momentum of a touch event * * @var Function */ momentum: momentum }, /** * * * @var Object */ defaults = { /** * Vertical default settings * * @var Object */ vertical: $.extend({}, base, { /** * direction of the scroll, for internal use, * don't change this * * @var String */ direction: "vertical", /** * The jQuery.fn function name to find * the inner dimension of an element * * @var String */ dimension: "height", /** * The jQuery.fn function name to find * the outer dimension of an element * * @var String */ outerDimension: "outerHeight", /** * The property of a WebKitCSSMatrix Object initialized * with the transform property of the given element * that should be used to determine position * * @var String */ matrixProperty: "m42", /** * CSS/jQuery Selector for jQTouch * * @var String */ selector: ".vertical-scroll > div", /** * The property on the touch property of the event * object for calculating movement * * @var String */ eventProperty: "pageY", /** * The base transform declaration * * @var String */ tranform: supports3d ? "translate3d(0,{0}px,0)" : "translate(0,{0}px)", /** * * * @var String */ slideProperty: "offsetTop" }), /** * Horizontal default settings * * @var Object */ horizontal: $.extend({}, base, { /** * direction of the scroll, for internal use, * don't change this * * @var String */ direction: "horizontal", /** * The jQuery.fn function name to find * the inner dimension of an element * * @var String */ dimension: "width", /** * The jQuery.fn function name to find * the outer dimension of an element * * @var String */ outerDimension: "outerWidth", /** * The property of a WebKitCSSMatrix Object initialized * with the transform property of the given element * that should be used to determine position * * @var String */ matrixProperty: "m41", /** * CSS/jQuery Selector for jQTouch * * @var String */ selector: ".horizontal-scroll > table", /** * The property on the touch property of the event * object for calculating movement * * @var String */ eventProperty: "pageX", /** * The base transform declaration * * @var String */ tranform: supports3d ? "translate3d({0}px,0,0)" : "translate({0}px,0)", /** * slideHandler * * @var String */ slideProperty: "offsetLeft" }) }, /** * Dynamically determine the window height minus twice the toolbar height * for the CSS rule(s) that require specified heights * * @var Function */ bottomToolbar = function(vars) { return (window.innerHeight - (vars.toolbarHeight * 2)) + "px !important" }, /** * Dynamically determine the window height minus the toolbar height * for the CSS rule(s) that require specified heights * * @var Function */ height = function(vars) { return (window.innerHeight - vars.toolbarHeight) + "px" }, /** * Dynamically determine the window width for the CSS rule(s) that require specified widths * * @var Function */ width = function () { return window.innerWidth + "px"; }, /** * * * @var Object */ cssRules = { /** * * * @var Object */ variables : { toolbarHeight: 46 }, /** * Base CSS rules, calculated on page load regardless of orientation * * @var Object */ defaults: { //the parent container ".vertical-scroll": { position: "relative", "z-index": 1, overflow: "hidden", "margin-bottom": "44px", height: height }, //the parent container with a toolbar ".vertical-scroll.use-bottom-toolbar": { height: bottomToolbar }, //the actual container being scrolled ".vertical-scroll > div": { margin: "0 auto", "padding-bottom":"15px", "-webkit-transition-property": "-webkit-transform", "-webkit-transition-timing-function": "cubic-bezier(0,0,.25,1)", //overridden on element "-webkit-transform": "translate3d(0,0,0)", "-webkit-transition-duration": "0s", }, //fullscreen rule ".vertical-scroll.use-bottom-toolbar": { "margin-bottom": "0px" }, //fullscreen rule ".vertical-scroll.use-bottom-toolbar > div": { "padding-bottom":"0px" }, //scrollbar rule ".scrollbar": { "-webkit-transition-timing-function": "cubic-bezier(0,0,.25,1)", "-webkit-transform": "translate3d(0,0,0)", "-webkit-transition-property": "-webkit-transform,opacity", "-webkit-transition-duration": "0,0,0,1s", "-webkit-border-radius": "2px", "pointer-events": "none", opacity: 0, background:"rgba(0,0,0,.5)", //"-webkit-border-image": "-webkit-gradient(radial, 50% 50%, 2, 50% 50%, 4, from(rgba(0,0,0,.5)), to(rgba(0,0,0,.5))) 2", //"-webkit-box-shadow": "0 0 3px rgba(255,255,255,.5)", "-webkit-box-shadow": "0 0 2px rgba(255,255,255,.5)", position: "absolute", "z-index": 10, width: "5px", height: "5px" }, //scrollbar rule ".scrollbar.vertical": { top: "1px", right: "1px" }, //scrollbar horizontal ".scrollbar.horizontal": { bottom: "1px", left: "1px" }, //parent container ".horizontal-scroll": { width: width, height: "100%", overflow: "hidden", padding: "0px", position: "relative", //not actually required height: height, "line-height":height }, //actual element being scrolled ".horizontal-scroll > table": { height: "100%", "-webkit-transition-property": "-webkit-transform", "-webkit-transition-timing-function": "cubic-bezier(0,0,.25,1)", //overridden on element "-webkit-transform": "translate3d(0,0,0)", "-webkit-transition-duration": "0s", } }, /** * Only calculated if in portrait mode * * @var Object */ portrait: { ".portrait .vertical-scroll": { position: "relative", "z-index": 1, overflow: "hidden", height: height, }, ".portrait .vertical-scroll.use-bottom-toolbar,.portrait .horizontal-scroll.use-bottom-toolbar": { height: bottomToolbar }, ".portrait .horizontal-scroll": { width: width }, ".portrait .slide-container": { height: height, width: width } }, /** * Only calculated if in landscape mode * * @var Object */ landscape: { ".landscape .vertical-scroll": { position: "relative", "z-index": 1, overflow: "hidden", height: height, }, ".landscape .vertical-scroll.use-bottom-toolbar,.landscape .horizontal-scroll.use-bottom-toolbar": { height: bottomToolbar }, ".landscape .horizontal-scroll": { width: width }, ".landscape .slide-container": { height: height, width: width } } }; /* * jQTouch extension * */ if ($.jQTouch) { $.jQTouch.addExtension(function (jQT) { var d = defaults; function binder(e, info) { var v = d.vertical, h = d.horizontal, vertical = info.page.find(v.selector), horizontal = info.page.find(h.selector); vertical.verticallyScroll(v.attributesToOptions(vertical, "vertical", v.attributes)); horizontal.horizontallyScroll(h.attributesToOptions(horizontal, "horizontal", h.attributes)); } $(document.body).bind("pageInserted", binder); $(function() { var v = d.vertical, h = d.horizontal; $(v.selector) .each(function() { $(this).verticallyScroll(v.attributesToOptions($(this), "vertical", v.attributes)); }); $(h.selector) .each(function() { $(this).horizontallyScroll(h.attributesToOptions($(this), "horizontal", h.attributes)); }); }); return {}; }); } //$(window).bind("unload", window_unload); /** * Handler for creating options out of attributes on the scroll container * * @param DOMElement element * @param String direction - "vertical" or "horizontal" * @param Object attributes - @see base.attributes * @return Object */ function attributesToOptions(element, direction, attributes) { var options = {}; $.each(attributes, function(name, value) { if ($.isFunction(value)) { options[name] = value(element, direction); } else if (element.attr(value) != undefined) { options[name] = element.attr(value); } }); return options; } /* * jQuery extensions * */ /** * Attach vertical inertia scrolling to one or more objects * * @param Object options - optional * @return jQuery */ $.fn.verticallyScroll = function (options) { return this.inertiaScroll("vertical", options); }; /** * Attach horizontal inertia scrolling to one or more objects * * @param Object options - optional * @return jQuery */ $.fn.horizontallyScroll = function (options) { return this.inertiaScroll("horizontal", options); }; /** * Attach inertia scrolling to one or more objects * * @param Object options - optional * @return jQuery */ $.fn.inertiaScroll = function (direction, options) { options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults[direction], options || {}); return this.each(function () { inertiaScroll(this, options); }); }; /** * Static jQUery property * * * @var Object */ $.inertiaScroll = { /** * Set and/or retrieve the inertia scroll defaults * * @param Object options - @see defaults - optional * @return Object */ defaults: function (options) { if (options !== undefined) { defaults = $.extend(true, defaults, options); } return $.extend({}, defaults); }, /** * Set and/or retrieve the inertia scroll default CSS * * @param Object options - @see cssRules - optional * @return Object */ defaultCSS: function (options) { if (options !== undefined) { cssRules = $.extend(true, cssRules, options); } return $.extend({}, cssRules); } }; /** * Initialize the component, bind event listeners, updates CSS, etc... * * @param DOMElement element * @param Object options - @see defaults * @return null */ function inertiaScroll(element, options) { var $element = $(element).data("jqt-scroll-options", options) .css("webkitTransform", format(options.tranform, options.defaultOffset)), transform = $element.css("webkitTransform"), matrix = transform ? new WebKitCSSMatrix(transform) : {m41:0}; $.each(options.events, function (name, func) { //these events get attatch //if (!name.match(/^touchend|touchcancel|touchmove/)) { element.addEventListener(name, func, false); //} }); //additional bindings for jquery $element.bind("reset", options.events.reset) .bind("scrollTo", options.events.scrollTo); //store for later use options.currentPosition = matrix[options.matrixProperty]; options.parentWidth = $element.parent()[options.dimension](); if (options.scrollBar && options.scrollBar === true && !options.scrollBarObject) { options.scrollBarObject = $.isFunction(options.scrollBar) ? options.scrollBar($element.parent(), options.direction) : Scrollbar($element.parent(), options.direction); } return null; } /** * The default touchstart event handler function, * initializes the data for later use by the touchmove/end event handlers * * @context scroll container * @param Event event * @return Boolean */ function touchStart(event) { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-scroll-options"), location = event.touches[0][options.eventProperty], matrix, mp, dimension = $this[options.outerDimension](), parent = $this.parent()[options.dimension](), //maxScroll endPoint = -(dimension - parent), //a distance to stop inertia from hitting quarter = parent / options.divider; //ignore some stuff if (!!options.ignore && $(event.target).is(options.ignore) || event.targetTouches.length !== options.numberOfTouches) { return null; } options.parentDimension = parent; //sometimes this would be a bad idea if (options.scrollTopOnTouchstart) { window.scrollTo(0, 0); } //figure out the base position matrix = new WebKitCSSMatrix($this.css("webkitTransform")); mp = matrix[options.matrixProperty]; //store data for later $this.data("jqt-scroll-current-event", { startLocation: location, currentLocation: location, startPosition: mp, lastPosition: mp, currentPosition: mp, startTime: event.timeStamp, moved: false, lastMoveTime: event.timeStamp, parentDimension: parent, endPoint: endPoint, minScroll: !options.bounce ? 0 : quarter, maxScroll: !options.bounce ? endPoint : endPoint - quarter, end: false }); if (options.scrollBarObject) { options.scrollBarObject.init(parent, dimension); } options.setPosition($this, options, mp, 0); if (options.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } else { return true; } } /** * The default touchmove event handler, performs * immediate changes to the position of the element * * @context scroll container * @param Event event * @return Boolean */ function touchMove(event) { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-scroll-options"), data = $this.data("jqt-scroll-current-event"), lastMoveTime = data.lastMoveTime, position = event.touches[0][options.eventProperty], distance = data.startLocation - position, point = data.startPosition - distance, duration = 0; //apply friction if past scroll points if (point > 5) { point = (point - 5) / options.friction; } else if (point < data.endPoint) { point = data.endPoint - ((data.endPoint - point) / options.friction); } data.currentPosition = data.lastPosition = Math.floor(point); data.moved = true; data.lastMoveTime = event.timeStamp; data.currentLocation = position; if ((data.lastMoveTime - lastMoveTime) > options.maxScrollTime) { data.startTime = data.lastMoveTime; } if (options.scrollBarObject && !options.scrollBarObject.visible) { options.scrollBarObject.show(); } options.setPosition($this, options, data.currentPosition, duration); if (options.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } else { return true; } } /** * The default touchend event handler, calculates * necessary changes as a result of an event * * @context scroll container * @param Event event * @return Boolean */ function touchEnd(event) { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-scroll-options"), data = $this.data("jqt-scroll-current-event"), theTarget, theEvent; if (!data.moved) { if (options.scrollBarObject) { options.scrollBarObject.hide(); } theTarget = event.target; if (theTarget.nodeType == 3) { theTarget = theTarget.parentNode; } theEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); theEvent.initEvent("click", true, true); theTarget.dispatchEvent(theEvent); if (options.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } } if (options.useSlides && $.isFunction(options.slides.callback)) { options.slides.callback($this, options, data, event); } else { options.momentum($this, options, data, event); } options.setPosition($this, options, data.currentPosition, data.duration); if (options.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } else { return true; } } /** * The default transitionEnd event handler, ensures that * container has not scrolled past its possible dimensions * and returns to those dimensions where appropriate * * @context scroll container * @param Event event * @return null */ function transitionEnd(event) { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-scroll-options"), data = $this.data("jqt-scroll-current-event"); if (data && !data.end) { if (data.currentPosition > 0) { data.currentPosition = 0; options.setPosition($this, options, 0, options.bounceSpeed); } else if (data.currentPosition < data.endPoint) { data.currentPosition = data.endPoint; options.setPosition($this, options, data.endPoint, options.bounceSpeed); } else if (options.scrollBarObject) { options.scrollBarObject.hide(); } data.end = true; } else if (options.scrollBarObject) { options.scrollBarObject.hide(); } return null; } /** * Calculate the momentum of a touch event * * @param jQuery object * @param Object options * @param Object data * @param Event event * @return null */ function momentum(object, options, data, event) { var m = Math duration = m.min(options.maxScrollTime, data.lastMoveTime - data.startTime), distance = data.startPosition - data.currentPosition, velocity = m.abs(distance) / duration, acceleration = duration * velocity * options.friction, momentum = m.round(distance * velocity), position = m.round(data.currentPosition - momentum); if (data.currentPosition > 0) { position = 0; } else if (data.currentPosition < data.endPoint) { position = data.endPoint; } else if (position > data.minScroll) { acceleration = acceleration * m.abs(data.minScroll / position); position = data.minScroll; } else if (position < data.maxScroll) { acceleration = acceleration * m.abs(data.maxScroll / position); position = data.maxScroll; } data.momentum = m.abs(momentum); data.currentPosition = position; data.duration = acceleration; return null; } /** * Calculate the position of the slide which should be showing after a touch event ends * * @param jQuery container * @param Object options * @param Object data * @param Event event * @return null */ function slideTo(container, options, data, event) { var slides = container.find(options.slides.selector), current = slides.filter("." + options.slides.currentClass).eq(0), index, distance = data.startPosition - data.currentPosition, difference = current[options.dimension]() / options.slides.portion, duration; if (!current.length) { current = slides.eq(0); } index = slides.index(current[0]); slides.removeClass(options.slides.currentClass); if (data.currentPosition > 0) { position = 0; slides.eq(0).addClass(options.slides.currentClass); } else if (data.currentPosition < data.endPoint) { position = data.endPoint; slides.eq(slides.length - 1).addClass(options.slides.currentClass); } else if (distance < -difference) { position = -slides.eq(index > 0 ? index - 1 : 0) .addClass(options.slides.currentClass).parent().attr(options.slideProperty); } else if (distance > difference) { position = -slides.eq(index < slides.length - 1 ? index + 1 : slides.length - 1) .addClass(options.slides.currentClass).parent().attr(options.slideProperty); } else { position = -current.addClass(options.slides.currentClass).parent().attr(options.slideProperty); } duration = Math.abs(data.currentPosition - position) * options.slides.easing; data.momentum = duration; data.currentPosition = position; data.duration = duration; return null; } /** * Return the scroll container to its default position * * @context scroll container * @return mixed */ function reset() { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-scroll-options"); return options.setPosition($this, options, options.defaultOffset, options.defaultDuration); } /** * Return the scroll container to its default position * * @context scroll container * * @param Event event * @param Number offset - position to move to * @param Number duration - duration of the scroll * @return mixed */ function scrollTo(event, offset, duration) { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-scroll-options"); return options.setPosition($this, options, offset !== undefined ? offset : (event.detail || options.currentPosition), duration !== undefined ? duration : options.defaultDuration); } /** * Calculate the momentum of a touch event * * @param jQuery object * @param Object options * @param Number position * @param Number duration * @param String timing - timing function * @return jQuery */ function setPosition(object, options, position, duration, timing) { if (options.scrollBarObject) { var dimension = (object.parent()[options.dimension]() - object[options.dimension]()); if (position > 0) { dimension += Number(position); } options.scrollBarObject.scrollTo(options.scrollBarObject.maxScroll / dimension * position, format("{0}ms", duration !== undefined ? duration : options.defaultDuration)); } if (duration !== undefined) { object.css("webkitTransitionDuration", format("{0}ms", duration)); } if (timing !== undefined) { object.css("webkitTransitionTimingFunction", timing); } options.currentPosition = position || 0; return object.css("webkitTransform", format(options.tranform, options.currentPosition)); } /** * Format a String followed by a set of arguments using the format * {0} is replaced with arguments[1] * * @param String s * @param Object arg1 ... argN * @return String */ function format(s) { var args = arguments; return s.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function(a, b) { return args[Number(b) + 1] + "" }); } /** * Entirely the work of Matteo Spinelli * I just took out the overflow restriction and * simplified the DOM creation with jQuery * * */ function Scrollbar(object, direction) { if (!(this instanceof Scrollbar)) { return new Scrollbar(object, direction); } this.direction = direction; this.bar = $(document.createElement("div")) .addClass("scrollbar " + direction) .appendTo(object)[0]; } Scrollbar.prototype = { direction: "vertical", transform: supports3d ? "translate3d({0}px,{1}px,0)" : "translate({0}px,{1}px)", size: 0, maxSize: 0, maxScroll: 0, visible: false, offset: 0, init: function (scroll, size) { this.offset = this.direction == "horizontal" ? this.bar.offsetWidth - this.bar.clientWidth : this.bar.offsetHeight - this.bar.clientHeight; this.maxSize = scroll - 8; // 8 = distance from top + distance from bottom this.size = Math.round(this.maxSize * this.maxSize / size) + this.offset; this.maxScroll = this.maxSize - this.size; this.bar.style[this.direction == "horizontal" ? "width" : "height"] = (this.size - this.offset) + "px"; }, setPosition: function (pos) { this.bar.style.webkitTransform = format(this.transform, this.direction == "horizontal" ? Math.round(pos) : 0, this.direction == "horizontal" ? 0 : Math.round(pos) ); }, scrollTo: function (pos, runtime) { this.bar.style.webkitTransitionDuration = (runtime || "400ms") + ",300ms"; this.setPosition(pos); }, show: function () { this.visible = true; this.bar.style.opacity = "1"; }, hide: function () { this.visible = false; this.bar.style.opacity = "0"; }, remove: function () { this.bar.parentNode.removeChild(this.bar); return null; } }; //load stylesheet(s) $(function() { window.scrollTo(0, 0); var stringRules = "", rules = cssRules, o = window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth ? "portrait" : "landscape", buildProperties = function (name, value) { stringRules += name + ":" + ($.isFunction(value) ? value(rules.variables) : value) + ";"; }, buildRules = function (name, properties) { stringRules += name + "{"; $.each(properties, buildProperties); stringRules += "}"; }; $.each(rules.defaults, buildRules); $.each(rules[o], buildRules); $(document.createElement("style")) .attr({type:"text/css",media:"screen"}) .html(stringRules) .appendTo("head"); $(window).one("orientationchange", function () { //ensure repaint setTimeout(function () { window.scrollTo(0, 0); stringRules = ""; o = window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth ? "portrait" : "landscape"; $.each(rules[o], buildRules); $(document.createElement("style")) .attr({type:"text/css",media:"screen"}) .html(stringRules) .appendTo("head"); }, 30) }); }); })(jQuery); /** * * Add support for scrolling horizontally and vertically using jQTouch in Safari Mobile * * Copyright (c) 2009 Sam Shull * Released under MIT license * * *

    Vertical Scroll Example

    * This is where you insert scollable text *
    * *

    Horizontal Scroll Example

    * * * * * * * * * *
    CSS Is Awesome
    CSS Is Awesome
    CSS Is Awesome
    CSS Is Awesome
    CSS Is Awesome
    CSS Is Awesome
    CSS Is Awesome
    * * * Known issues: * - horizontal scroll flickers without a button above it * - must define a class selector for slideSelector to operate properly within the slide box - depending on version * * Changes: * - Updated horizontal scroll to use translate3d instead of translateX * - Added "preventdefault" attribute detection as a means for allowing the event to bubble. * * $Revision$ * $Date$ * $LastChangedBy$ * */ (function($) { $.fn.scrollVertically = function (options) { return this.each(function () { new iScroll(this, options); }); }; $.fn.scrollHorizontally = function (options) { return this.each(function () { new iScrollHorizontal(this, options); }); }; if ($.jQTouch) { $.jQTouch.addExtension(function (jQT) { function binder(e, info) { var horizontal = info.page.find('.horizontal-scroll > table'), vertical = info.page.find('.vertical-scroll > div'); horizontal.scrollHorizontally({ acceleration: Number(horizontal.attr("slidespeed") || 500) || null, preventdefault: horizontal.attr("preventdefault") !== "false", startposition: Number(horizontal.attr("position") || 0) || 0 }); vertical.scrollVertically({ acceleration: Number(vertical.attr("slidespeed") || 500), preventdefault: vertical.attr("preventdefault") !== "false", startposition: Number(horizontal.attr("position") || 0) || 0 }); } $(document.body) .bind('pageInserted', binder); $(function() { $('body > *') .each(function() { binder({}, {page: $(this)}); }); }); return {}; }); /** * * Find more about the scrolling function at * http://cubiq.org/scrolling-div-on-iphone-ipod-touch/5 * * Copyright (c) 2009 Matteo Spinelli, http://cubiq.org/ * Released under MIT license * http://cubiq.org/dropbox/mit-license.txt * * Version 2.3 - Last updated: 2009.07.09 * Changes - 10/22/09 - cleaned up a little by Sam Shull * */ function iScroll(el, options) { var that = this; this.numberOfTouches = 1; this.preventdefault = true; this.element = el; this.position(options.startposition || 0); this.refresh(); el.style.webkitTransitionTimingFunction = 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)'; this.acceleration = 0.009; el.addEventListener('touchstart', this, false); //moved up here because I didnt see any reason to add and remove them window.addEventListener('unload', function () { el.removeEventListener('touchstart', that, false); window.removeEventListener('unload', arguments.callee, false); }, false); if (options) { $.extend(this, options); } } iScroll.prototype = { handleEvent: function(e) { switch (e.type) { case 'touchstart': this.onTouchStart(e); break; case 'touchmove': this.onTouchMove(e); break; case 'touchend': this.onTouchEnd(e); break; case 'webkitTransitionEnd': this.onTransitionEnd(e); break; } }, //i combined the getter and setter in order to make this //more forward compatible since that is a deprecated api position: function (pos) { if (pos !== undefined) { this._position = pos; this.element.style.webkitTransform = 'translate3d(0, ' + pos + 'px, 0)'; return; } return this._position; }, refresh: function() { this.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = '0'; if (this.element.offsetHeight < this.element.parentNode.clientHeight) this.maxScroll = 0; else this.maxScroll = this.element.parentNode.clientHeight - this.element.offsetHeight; }, onTouchStart: function(e) { if (e.targetTouches.length != this.numberOfTouches) return; if (this.preventdefault) { e.preventDefault(); } this.refresh(); var theTransform = window.getComputedStyle(this.element).webkitTransform; theTransform = new WebKitCSSMatrix(theTransform).m42; if (theTransform != this.position()) this.position(theTransform); this.startY = e.targetTouches[0].clientY; this.scrollStartY = this.position(); this.scrollStartTime = e.timeStamp; this.moved = false; //moved this.element.addEventListener('touchmove', this, false); this.element.addEventListener('touchend', this, false); if (this.preventdefault) { return false; } }, onTouchMove: function(e) { if (e.targetTouches.length != this.numberOfTouches) return; if (this.preventdefault) { e.preventDefault(); } var topDelta = e.targetTouches[0].clientY - this.startY; if (this.position() > 0 || this.position() < this.maxScroll) topDelta /= 2; this.position(this.position() + topDelta); this.startY = e.targetTouches[0].clientY; this.moved = true; // Prevent slingshot effect if (e.timeStamp - this.scrollStartTime > 100) { this.scrollStartY = this.position(); this.scrollStartTime = e.timeStamp; } if (this.preventdefault) { return false; } }, onTouchEnd: function(e) { //moved this.element.removeEventListener('touchmove', this, false); this.element.removeEventListener('touchend', this, false); if (this.preventdefault) { e.preventDefault(); } var newPosition,theTarget,theEvent,scrollDistance,scrollDuration,newDuration,newScrollDistance; // If we are outside of the boundaries, let's go back to the sheepfold if (this.position() > 0 || this.position() < this.maxScroll) { this.scrollTo(this.position() > 0 ? 0 : this.maxScroll); return; } if (!this.moved) { theTarget = e.target; if (theTarget.nodeType == 3) theTarget = theTarget.parentNode; theEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); theEvent.initEvent('click', true, true); theTarget.dispatchEvent(theEvent); if (this.preventdefault) { return false; } } // Lame formula to calculate a fake deceleration scrollDistance = this.position() - this.scrollStartY; scrollDuration = e.timeStamp - this.scrollStartTime; newDuration = (2 * scrollDistance / scrollDuration) / this.acceleration; newScrollDistance = (this.acceleration / 2) * (newDuration * newDuration); if (newDuration < 0) { newDuration = -newDuration; newScrollDistance = -newScrollDistance; } newPosition = this.position() + newScrollDistance; if (newPosition > this.element.parentNode.clientHeight / 2) newPosition = this.element.parentNode.clientHeight / 2; else if (newPosition > 0) newPosition /= 1.5; else if (newPosition < this.maxScroll - this.element.parentNode.clientHeight / 2) newPosition = this.maxScroll - this.element.parentNode.clientHeight / 2; else if (newPosition < this.maxScroll) newPosition = (newPosition - this.maxScroll) / 1.5 + this.maxScroll; else newDuration *= 6; this.scrollTo(newPosition, Math.round(newDuration) + 'ms'); if (this.preventdefault) { return false; } }, onTransitionEnd: function() { this.element.removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false); this.scrollTo(this.position() > 0 ? 0 : this.maxScroll); }, scrollTo: function(dest, runtime) { this.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = runtime ? runtime : '300ms'; this.position(dest ? dest : 0); // If we are outside of the boundaries at the end of the transition go back to the sheepfold if (this.position() > 0 || this.position() < this.maxScroll) this.element.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false); } }; /** * * A horizontal revision of iScroll by Matteo Spinelli, http://cubiq.org/ * * Copyright (c) 2009 Sam Shull * Released under MIT license * * Version 0.1 * */ function iScrollHorizontal(el, options) { var that = this; this.numberOfTouches = 1; this.preventdefault = true; this.element = el; this.position(options.startposition || 0); this.refresh(); el.style.webkitTransitionTimingFunction = 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)'; this.acceleration = 0.009; el.addEventListener('touchstart', this, false); //moved up here because I didnt see any reason to add and remove them window.addEventListener('unload', function () { el.removeEventListener('touchstart', that, false); window.removeEventListener('unload', arguments.callee, false); }, false); if (options) { $.extend(this, options); } } iScrollHorizontal.prototype = { handleEvent: function(e) { switch (e.type) { case 'touchstart': this.onTouchStart(e); break; case 'touchmove': this.onTouchMove(e); break; case 'touchend': this.onTouchEnd(e); break; case 'webkitTransitionEnd': this.onTransitionEnd(e); break; } }, position: function (pos) { if (pos !== undefined) { this._position = pos; this.element.style.webkitTransform = 'translate3d(' + pos + 'px, 0, 0)'; return; } return this._position; }, refresh: function() { this.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = '0'; if (this.element.offsetWidth < this.element.parentNode.clientWidth) this.maxScroll = 0; else this.maxScroll = this.element.parentNode.clientWidth - this.element.offsetWidth; }, onTouchStart: function(e) { if (e.targetTouches.length != this.numberOfTouches) return; if (this.preventdefault) { e.preventDefault(); } this.refresh(); this.startX = e.targetTouches[0].clientX; this.scrollStartX = this.position(); this.scrollStartTime = e.timeStamp; this.moved = false; this.element.addEventListener('touchmove', this, false); this.element.addEventListener('touchend', this, false); if (this.preventdefault) { return false; } }, onTouchMove: function(e) { if (e.targetTouches.length != this.numberOfTouches) return; if (this.preventdefault) { e.preventDefault(); } var topDelta = e.targetTouches[0].clientX - this.startX; if (this.position() > 0 || this.position() < this.maxScroll) topDelta /= 2; this.position(this.position() + topDelta); this.startX = e.targetTouches[0].clientX; this.moved = true; // Prevent slingshot effect if (e.timeStamp - this.scrollStartTime > 100) { this.scrollStartX = this.position(); this.scrollStartTime = e.timeStamp; } if (this.preventdefault) { return false; } }, onTouchEnd: function(e) { this.element.removeEventListener('touchmove', this, false); this.element.removeEventListener('touchend', this, false); if (this.preventdefault) { e.preventDefault(); } var newPosition,theTarget,theEvent,scrollDistance,scrollDuration,newDuration,newScrollDistance; if (!this.moved) { theTarget = e.target; if (theTarget.nodeType == 3) theTarget = theTarget.parentNode; theEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); theEvent.initEvent('click', true, true); theTarget.dispatchEvent(theEvent); if (this.preventdefault) { return false; } } // Lame formula to calculate a fake deceleration scrollDistance = this.position() - this.scrollStartX; scrollDuration = e.timeStamp - this.scrollStartTime; newDuration = (2 * scrollDistance / scrollDuration) / this.acceleration; newScrollDistance = (this.acceleration / 2) * (newDuration * newDuration); if (newDuration < 0) { newDuration = -newDuration; newScrollDistance = -newScrollDistance; } newPosition = this.position() + newScrollDistance; if (newPosition > this.element.parentNode.clientWidth / 2) { newPosition = this.element.parentNode.clientWidth / 2; } else if (newPosition < this.maxScroll - this.element.parentNode.clientWidth / 2) { newPosition = this.maxScroll - this.element.parentNode.clientWidth / 2; } else if (newPosition < this.maxScroll) { newPosition = (newPosition - this.maxScroll) / 1.5 + this.maxScroll; } else { newDuration *= 6; } this.scrollTo(newPosition, Math.round(newDuration) + 'ms'); if (this.preventdefault) { return false; } }, onTransitionEnd: function() { this.element.removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false); this.scrollTo(this.position() > 0 ? 0 : this.maxScroll); }, scrollTo: function(dest, runtime) { this.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = runtime ? runtime : '300ms'; this.position(dest ? dest : 0); // If we are outside of the boundaries at the end of the transition go back to the sheepfold if (this.position() > 0 || this.position() < this.maxScroll) this.element.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false); } }; } })(jQuery); /** * * Add support for sliding horizontally and vertically using jQTouch in Safari Mobile * * Copyright (c) 2009 Sam Shull * Released under MIT license * * * *

    Vertical Slide Example

    * This is where you insert scollable text *
    * *

    Horizontal Slide Example

    * * * * * * * * * * *
    CSS Is Awesome
    CSS Is Awesome
    CSS Is Awesome
    CSS Is Awesome
    CSS Is Awesome
    CSS Is Awesome
    CSS Is Awesome
    * * Known issues: * - horizontal scroll flickers without a button above it * - must define a class selector for slideSelector to operate properly within the slide box - depending on version * * Changes: * - Updated horizontal scroll to use translate3d instead of translateX * - Added "preventdefault" attribute detection as a means for allowing the event to bubble. * * $Revision$ * $Date$ * $LastChangedBy$ * */ (function($) { $.fn.slideVertically = function (options) { return this.each(function () { new iSlide(this, options); }); }; $.fn.slideHorizontally = function (options) { return this.each(function () { new iSlideHorizontal(this, options); }); }; if ($.jQTouch) { $.jQTouch.addExtension(function (jQT) { function binder(e, info) { var horizontal = info.page.find('.horizontal-slide > table'), vertical = info.page.find('.vertical-slide > div'); horizontal.slideHorizontally({ acceleration: Number(horizontal.attr("slidespeed") || 500) || null, preventdefault: horizontal.attr("preventdefault") !== "false", startposition: Number(horizontal.attr("position") || 0) || 0 }); vertical.slideVertically({ acceleration: Number(vertical.attr("slidespeed") || 500), preventdefault: vertical.attr("preventdefault") !== "false", startposition: Number(horizontal.attr("position") || 0) || 0 }); } $(document.body) .bind('pageInserted', binder); $(function() { $('body > *') .each(function() { binder({}, {page: $(this)}); }); }); return {}; }); /** * * Modified version of * http://cubiq.org/slideing-div-on-iphone-ipod-touch/5 * * Copyright (c) 2009 Matteo Spinelli, http://cubiq.org/ * Released under MIT license * http://cubiq.org/dropbox/mit-license.txt * * * Modifications by Sam Shull * Released under MIT license */ function iSlide(el, options) { var that = this; this.numberOfTouches = 1; this.acceleration = 500; this.preventdefault = true; this.element = el; this.position(options.startposition || 0); this.refresh(); el.style.webkitTransitionTimingFunction = 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)'; el.addEventListener('touchstart', this, false); //moved up here because I didnt see any reason to add and remove them window.addEventListener('unload', function () { el.removeEventListener('touchstart', that, false); window.removeEventListener('unload', arguments.callee, false); }, false); if (options) { $.extend(this, options); } } iSlide.prototype = { handleEvent: function(e) { switch (e.type) { case 'touchstart': this.onTouchStart(e); break; case 'touchmove': this.onTouchMove(e); break; case 'touchend': this.onTouchEnd(e); break; case 'webkitTransitionEnd': this.onTransitionEnd(e); break; } }, //i combined the getter and setter in order to make this //more forward compatible since that is a deprecated api position: function (pos) { if (pos !== undefined) { this._position = pos; this.element.style.webkitTransform = 'translate3d(0, ' + pos + 'px, 0)'; return; } return this._position; }, refresh: function() { this.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = '0'; if (this.element.offsetHeight < this.element.parentNode.clientHeight) this.maxSlide = 0; else this.maxSlide = this.element.parentNode.clientHeight - this.element.offsetHeight; }, onTouchStart: function(e) { if (e.targetTouches.length != this.numberOfTouches) return; if (this.preventdefault) { e.preventDefault(); } this.refresh(); var theTransform = window.getComputedStyle(this.element).webkitTransform; theTransform = new WebKitCSSMatrix(theTransform).m42; if (theTransform != this.position()) this.position(theTransform); this.startY = e.targetTouches[0].clientY; this.slideStartY = this.position(); this.slideStartTime = e.timeStamp; this.moved = false; this.element.addEventListener('touchmove', this, false); this.element.addEventListener('touchend', this, false); if (this.preventdefault) { return false; } }, onTouchMove: function(e) { if (e.targetTouches.length != this.numberOfTouches) return; if (this.preventdefault) { e.preventDefault(); } var topDelta = e.targetTouches[0].clientY - this.startY; if (this.position() > 0 || this.position() < this.maxSlide) topDelta /= 2; this.position(this.position() + topDelta); this.startY = e.targetTouches[0].clientY; this.moved = true; if (this.preventdefault) { return false; } }, onTouchEnd: function(e) { if (this.preventdefault) { e.preventDefault(); } this.element.removeEventListener('touchmove', this, false); this.element.removeEventListener('touchend', this, false); var newPosition = this.position(),theTarget,theEvent,slideDistance; // If we are outside of the boundaries, let's go back to the sheepfold if (newPosition > 0 || newPosition < this.maxSlide) { this.slideTo(newPosition > 0 ? 0 : this.maxSlide); return; } if (!this.moved) { theTarget = e.target; if (theTarget.nodeType == 3) theTarget = theTarget.parentNode; theEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); theEvent.initEvent('click', true, true); theTarget.dispatchEvent(theEvent); if (this.preventdefault) { return false; } } if (newPosition > 0) { slideDistance = 0; } else if (newPosition < this.maxSlide) { slideDistance = this.maxSlide; } else { slideDistance = this.snapTo(this.position(), this.slideStartY < this.position()); } this.slideTo(slideDistance, this.acceleration + 'ms'); if (this.preventdefault) { return false; } }, onTransitionEnd: function() { this.element.removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false); this.slideTo(this.position() > 0 ? 0 : this.maxSlide); }, slideTo: function(dest, runtime) { this.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = runtime ? runtime : this.acceleration + 'ms'; this.position(dest ? dest : 0); // If we are outside of the boundaries at the end of the transition go back to the sheepfold if (this.position() > 0 || this.position() < this.maxSlide) this.element.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false); }, snapTo: function (dest, dir) { if (dest != 0) { var opposite = -dest, elements = this.element.querySelectorAll('.vertical-slide-snapto'), i = 0, l = elements.length; for (l = elements.length; i < l; ++i) { //console.log('element['+i+']: '+ elements[i].offsetTop); if (elements[i].offsetTop >= opposite) { return !dir ? -elements[i].offsetTop : -(elements[i - 1] || elements[0] || {offsetTop:dest}).offsetTop; } } } return dest; } }; /** * * Modified version of * http://cubiq.org/slideing-div-on-iphone-ipod-touch/5 * * Copyright (c) 2009 Matteo Spinelli, http://cubiq.org/ * Released under MIT license * http://cubiq.org/dropbox/mit-license.txt * * * Modifications by Sam Shull * Released under MIT license */ function iSlideHorizontal(el, options) { var that = this; this.numberOfTouches = 1; this.acceleration = 500; this.preventdefault = true; this.element = el; this.position(options.startposition || 0); this.refresh(); el.style.webkitTransitionTimingFunction = 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)'; this.acceleration = null; el.addEventListener('touchstart', this, false); window.addEventListener('unload', function () { el.removeEventListener('touchstart', that, false); window.removeEventListener('unload', arguments.callee, false); }, false); if (options) { $.extend(this, options); } } iSlideHorizontal.prototype = { handleEvent: function(e) { switch (e.type) { case 'touchstart': this.onTouchStart(e); break; case 'touchmove': this.onTouchMove(e); break; case 'touchend': this.onTouchEnd(e); break; case 'webkitTransitionEnd': this.onTransitionEnd(e); break; } }, position: function (pos) { if (pos !== undefined) { this._position = pos; this.element.style.webkitTransform = 'translate3d(' + pos + 'px, 0, 0)'; return; } return this._position; }, refresh: function() { this.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = '0'; if (this.element.offsetWidth < this.element.parentNode.clientWidth) this.maxSlide = 0; else this.maxSlide = this.element.parentNode.clientWidth - this.element.offsetWidth; }, onTouchStart: function(e) { if (e.targetTouches.length != this.numberOfTouches) return; if (this.preventdefault) { e.preventDefault(); } this.refresh(); this.slideStartX = this.startX = e.targetTouches[0].clientX; this.slideStartTime = e.timeStamp; this.moved = false; this.element.addEventListener('touchmove', this, false); this.element.addEventListener('touchend', this, false); if (this.preventdefault) { return false; } }, onTouchMove: function(e) { if (e.targetTouches.length != this.numberOfTouches) return; if (this.preventdefault) { e.preventDefault(); } var topDelta = e.targetTouches[0].clientX - this.startX; this.position(this.position() + topDelta); this.startX = e.targetTouches[0].clientX; this.moved = true; if (this.preventdefault) { return false; } }, onTouchEnd: function(e) { if (this.preventdefault) { e.preventDefault(); } var newPosition,theTarget,theEvent,slideDistance,slideDuration,newDuration,newSlideDistance; this.element.removeEventListener('touchmove', this, false); this.element.removeEventListener('touchend', this, false); // If we are outside of the boundaries, let's go back to the sheepfold if (this.position() > 0 || this.position() < this.maxSlide) { this.slideTo(this.position() > 0 ? 0 : this.maxSlide); return; } if (!this.moved) { theTarget = e.target; if (theTarget.nodeType == 3) theTarget = theTarget.parentNode; theEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); theEvent.initEvent('click', true, true); theTarget.dispatchEvent(theEvent); if (this.preventdefault) { return false; } } newPosition = this.position() + ((this.startX - this.slideStartX) / 2); if (newPosition > 0) { newPosition = 0; } else if (newPosition < this.maxSlide) { newPosition = this.maxSlide; } else { newPosition = this.snapTo(this.position(), newPosition > this.position()); } this.slideTo(newPosition, this.acceleration + 'ms'); if (this.preventdefault) { return false; } }, onTransitionEnd: function() { this.element.removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false); this.slideTo(this.position() > 0 ? 0 : this.maxScroll); }, slideTo: function(dest, runtime) { this.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = runtime ? runtime : this.acceleration + 'ms'; this.position(dest ? dest : 0); if (this.position() > 0 || this.position() < this.maxSlide) this.element.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false); }, snapTo: function (dest, dir) { if (dest != 0) { //the children of the first row of the table - in case of nested tables var opposite = -dest, i = 0, elements = this.element.querySelectorAll('.horizontal-slide-snapto'), l = elements.length; for (; i < l; ++i) { if (elements[i].offsetLeft >= opposite) { return !dir ? -elements[i].offsetLeft : -(elements[i - 1] || elements[0] || {offsetLeft:dest}).offsetLeft; } } } return dest; } }; } })(jQuery); /** * * Add support for scrolling vertically using jQTouch in Webkit Mobile * * Copyright (c) 2010 Sam Shull * Released under MIT license * * Based on the work of * * Copyright (c) 2009 Matteo Spinelli, http://cubiq.org/ * Released under MIT license * http://cubiq.org/dropbox/mit-license.txt * * Find more about the scrolling function at * http://cubiq.org/scrolling-div-for-mobile-webkit-turns-3/16 * * Version 3.2 - Last updated: 2010.05.31 * */ (function($) { var undefined, /** * * * */ window = this, /** * * * */ document = window.document, /** * * * */ defaults = { /** * * * */ selector: ".vertical-scroll > div", /** * * * */ attributesToOptions: attributesToOptions, /** * * * */ attributes: { defaultDuration: "slidespeed", preventDefault: "preventdefault", bounce: function(e) { return e.attr("bounce") === "false" ? false : defaults.bounce }, scrollBar: function(e) { return e.hasClass("with-scrollbar") } }, /** * * * */ ignoreTags: "SELECT,TEXTAREA,BUTTON,INPUT", /** * * * */ eventProperty: "pageY", /** * * * */ numberOfTouches: 1, /** * * * */ touchEventList: ["touchend","touchmove","touchcancel"], /** * * * */ bounceSpeed: 300, /** * * * */ defaultDuration: 500, /** * * * */ defaultTransform: "translate3d({0}px,0,0)", /** * * * */ defaultOffset: 0, /** * * * */ preventDefault: true, /** * * * */ maxScrollTime: 1000, /** * * * */ friction: 3, /** * * * */ scrollTopOnTouchstart: true, /** * * * */ bounce: true, /** * * * */ scrollBar: true, /** * * * */ scrollBarElement: null, /** * * * */ scrollBarOptions: {}, /** * * * */ events: { touchstart: touchStart, touchmove: touchMove, touchend: touchEnd, touchcancel: touchEnd, webkitTransitionEnd: transitionEnd, //unload: unload }, /** * * * */ setPosition: setPosition, /** * * * */ reset: reset, /** * * * */ momentum: momentum }, /** * * * */ bottomToolbar = function(vars) { return (window.innerHeight - (vars.toolbarHeight * 2)) + "px !important" }, /** * * * */ height = function(vars) { return (window.innerHeight - vars.toolbarHeight) + "px" }, /** * * * */ cssRules = { variables : { toolbarHeight: 45 }, defaults: { ".vertical-scroll": { position: "relative", "z-index": 1, overflow: "hidden", height: height }, ".vertical-scroll.use-bottom-toolbar": { height: bottomToolbar }, ".vertical-scroll > div": { margin: "0 auto", "padding-bottom":"5px", "-webkit-transition-property": "-webkit-transform", "-webkit-transition-timing-function": "cubic-bezier(0,0,.25,1)", "-webkit-transform": "translate3d(0,0,0)", "-webkit-transition-duration": 0, }, "#jqt.fullscreen .vertical-scroll.use-bottom-toolbar > div": { "padding-bottom":"0px" }, ".vertical-scroll .scrollbar.vertical": { "-webkit-transition-timing-function": "cubic-bezier(0,0,.25,1)", "-webkit-transform": "translate3d(0,0,0)", "-webkit-transition-property": "-webkit-transform,opacity", "-webkit-transition-duration": "0,1s", "-webkit-border-radius": "4px", "pointer-events": "none", opacity: 0, "-webkit-border-image": "-webkit-gradient(radial, 50% 50%, 2, 50% 50%, 4, from(rgba(0,0,0,.5)), to(rgba(0,0,0,.5))) 3", position: "absolute", "z-index": 10, width: "1px", height: "5px", top: "1px", right: "1px" } }, portrait: { ".portrait .vertical-scroll": { position: "relative", "z-index": 1, overflow: "hidden", height: height, }, ".portrait .vertical-scroll.use-bottom-toolbar": { height: bottomToolbar } }, landscape: { ".landscape .vertical-scroll": { position: "relative", "z-index": 1, overflow: "hidden", height: height, }, ".landscape .vertical-scroll.use-bottom-toolbar": { height: bottomToolbar } } }; /* * * * */ if ($.jQTouch) { $.jQTouch.addExtension(function (jQT) { function binder(e, info) { var vertical = info.page.find(defaults.selector); vertical.scrollVertically(defaults.attributesToOptions(vertical, defaults.attributes)); } $(document.body).bind("pageInserted", binder); $(function() { $(defaults.selector) .each(function() { $(this).scrollVertically(defaults.attributesToOptions($(this), defaults.attributes)); }); }); return {}; }); } //$(window).bind("unload", window_unload); /** * * * @param DOMElement element * @param Object attributes * @return Object */ function attributesToOptions(element, attributes) { var options = {}; $.each(attributes, function(name, value) { if ($.isFunction(value)) { options[name] = value(element); } else if (element.attr(value) != undefined) { options[name] = element.attr(value); } }); return options; } /** * * * @param Object options - optional * @return jQuery */ $.fn.scrollVertically = function (options) { options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options || {}); return this.each(function () { VerticalScroll(this, options); }); }; /** * * * @param Object options - @see defaults - optional * @return Object */ $.fn.scrollVertically.defaults = function (options) { if (options !== undefined) { defaults = $.extend(true, defaults, options); } return $.extend({}, defaults); }; /** * * * @param Object options - @see cssRules - optional * @return Object */ $.fn.scrollVertically.defaultCSS = function (options) { if (options !== undefined) { cssRules = $.extend(true, cssRules, options); } return $.extend({}, cssRules); }; /** * * * @param DOMElement element * @param Object options - @see defaults */ function VerticalScroll(element, options) { var $element = $(element).data("jqt-vertical-scroll-options", options) .css("webkitTransform", format(options.defaultTransform, options.defaultOffset)), transform = $element.css("webkitTransform"), matrix = transform ? new WebKitCSSMatrix(transform) : {m41:0}; $.each(options.events, function (name, func) { //these events get attatch if (!name.match(/^touchend|touchcancel|touchmove/)) { element.addEventListener(name, func, false); } }); //setup an event delegate for touchend/cancel/move events //safari doesn't fire a touchend event if the finger moves off the screen onto the toolbar //thought this would help - sadly no //detecting the location of the last touchmove event was useless //got any ideas? options.delegate = function (event) { if (options.events[event.type]) { return options.events[event.type].call(element, event); } return null; }; //store for later use options.currentPosition = matrix.m41; options.parentWidth = $element.parent().width(); if (options.scrollBar && options.scrollBar === true && !options.scrollBarElement) { options.scrollBarElement = $.isFunction(options.scrollBar) ? options.scrollBar($element.parent(), "vertical", options.scrollBarOptions || {}) : Scrollbar($element.parent(), "vertical", options.scrollBarOptions || {}); } return null; } /** * * * */ function touchStart(event) { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-vertical-scroll-options"), location = event.touches[0][options.eventProperty], matrix, height = $this.outerHeight(), parentHeight = $this.parent().height(), endPoint = -(height - parentHeight), quarter = parentHeight / 6; options.parentHeight = parentHeight; if (options.scrollTopOnTouchstart) { window.scrollTo(0, 0); } if (!!options.ignoreTags && $(event.target).is(options.ignoreTags) || event.targetTouches.length !== options.numberOfTouches) { return null; } matrix = new WebKitCSSMatrix($this.css("webkitTransform")); $this.data("jqt-vertical-scroll-current-event", { startLocation: location, currentLocation: location, startPosition: matrix.m42, lastPosition: matrix.m42, currentPosition: matrix.m42, startTime: event.timeStamp, moved: false, lastMoveTime: event.timeStamp, parentHeight: parentHeight, endPoint: endPoint, minScroll: !options.bounce ? 0 : quarter, maxScroll: !options.bounce ? endPoint : endPoint - quarter, end: false }); if (options.scrollBarElement) { options.scrollBarElement.init(parentHeight, height); } options.setPosition($this, options, matrix.m42, "0"); $.each(options.touchEventList, function (index, name) { window.addEventListener(name, options.delegate, false); }); if (options.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); //event.stopPropagation(); return false; } else { return true; } } /** * * * */ function touchMove(event) { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-vertical-scroll-options"), data = $this.data("jqt-vertical-scroll-current-event"), lastMoveTime = data.lastMoveTime, position = event.touches[0][options.eventProperty], distance = data.startLocation - position, point = data.startPosition - distance, duration = 0; //apply friction if past scroll points if (point > 5) { point = (point - 5) / options.friction; } else if (point < data.endPoint) { point = data.endPoint - ((data.endPoint - point) / options.friction); } data.currentPosition = data.lastPosition = Math.floor(point); data.moved = true; data.lastMoveTime = event.timeStamp; data.currentLocation = position; if ((data.lastMoveTime - lastMoveTime) > options.maxScrollTime) { data.startTime = data.lastMoveTime; } if (options.scrollBarElement && !options.scrollBarElement.visible) { options.scrollBarElement.show(); } options.setPosition($this, options, data.currentPosition, duration); if (options.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); //event.stopPropagation(); return false; } else { return true; } } /** * * * */ function touchEnd(event) { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-vertical-scroll-options"), data = $this.data("jqt-vertical-scroll-current-event"), theTarget, theEvent; if (!data.moved) { if (options.scrollBarElement) { options.scrollBarElement.hide(); } theTarget = event.target; if (theTarget.nodeType == 3) { theTarget = theTarget.parentNode; } theEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); theEvent.initEvent("click", true, true); theTarget.dispatchEvent(theEvent); if (options.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); //event.stopPropagation(); return false; } } options.momentum($this, options, data, event); options.setPosition($this, options, data.currentPosition, data.duration); $.each(options.touchEventList, function (index, name) { window.removeEventListener(name, options.delegate, false); }); if (options.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); //event.stopPropagation(); return false; } else { return true; } } /** * * * */ function transitionEnd(e) { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data("jqt-vertical-scroll-options"), data = $this.data("jqt-vertical-scroll-current-event"); if (data && !data.end) { if (data.currentPosition > 0) { data.currentPosition = 0; options.setPosition($this, options, 0, options.bounceSpeed); } else if (data.currentPosition < data.endPoint) { data.currentPosition = data.endPoint; options.setPosition($this, options, data.endPoint, options.bounceSpeed); } else if (options.scrollBarElement) { options.scrollBarElement.hide(); } data.end = true; } else if (options.scrollBarElement) { options.scrollBarElement.hide(); } return null; } /** * * * */ function momentum(object, options, data, event) { var duration = Math.min(options.maxScrollTime, data.lastMoveTime - data.startTime), distance = data.startPosition - data.currentPosition, velocity = Math.abs(distance) / duration, acceleration = duration * velocity * options.friction, momentum = Math.round(distance * velocity), position = Math.round(data.currentPosition - momentum); if (data.currentPosition > 0) { position = 0; } else if (data.currentPosition < data.endPoint) { position = data.endPoint; } else if (position > data.minScroll) { acceleration = acceleration * Math.abs(data.minScroll / position); position = data.minScroll; } else if (position < data.maxScroll) { acceleration = acceleration * Math.abs(data.maxScroll / position); position = data.maxScroll; } data.momentum = Math.abs(momentum); data.currentPosition = position; data.duration = acceleration; return null; } /** * * * * function momentum (object, options, data, event) { var duration = Math.min(options.maxScrollTime, data.lastMoveTime - data.startTime), distance = data.startPosition - data.currentPosition, velocity = Math.abs(distance) / duration, acceleration = duration * velocity * options.friction, momentum = Math.round(distance * velocity), position = Math.round(data.currentPosition - momentum); if (data.currentPosition > 0) { position = 0; } else if (data.currentPosition < data.endPoint) { position = data.endPoint; } else if (position > data.minScroll) { acceleration = acceleration * Math.abs(data.minScroll / position); position = data.minScroll; } else if (position < data.maxScroll) { acceleration = acceleration * Math.abs(data.maxScroll / position); position = data.maxScroll; } data.momentum = position / data.currentPosition; data.currentPosition = position; data.duration = acceleration; return null; } /** * * * */ function reset(object, options) { return options.setPosition(object, options, 0, options.defaultDuration); } /** * * * */ function setPosition(object, options, position, duration, timing) { if (options.scrollBarElement) { var height = (object.parent().height() - object.height()); if (position > 0) { height += Number(position); } options.scrollBarElement.scrollTo(options.scrollBarElement.maxScroll / height * position, format("{0}ms", duration !== undefined ? duration : options.defaultDuration)); } if (duration !== undefined) { object.css("webkitTransitionDuration", format("{0}ms", duration)); } if (timing !== undefined) { object.css("webkitTransitionTimingFunction", timing); } options.currentPosition = position || 0; return object.css("webkitTransform", format("translate3d(0, {0}px, 0)", options.currentPosition)); } /** * Format a String followed by a set of arguments using the format * {0} is replaced with arguments[1] * * @param String s * @param Object arg1 ... argN * @return String */ function format(s) { var args = arguments; return s.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function(a, b) { return args[Number(b) + 1] + "" }); } /** * * * */ function Scrollbar(object, direction, options) { if (!(this instanceof Scrollbar)) { return new Scrollbar(object, direction, options); } this.direction = direction; this.bar = $(document.createElement("div")) .addClass("scrollbar " + direction) .appendTo(object)[0]; } Scrollbar.prototype = { direction: "vertical", size: 0, maxSize: 0, maxScroll: 0, visible: false, init: function (scroll, size) { var offset = this.direction == "horizontal" ? this.bar.offsetWidth - this.bar.clientWidth : this.bar.offsetHeight - this.bar.clientHeight; this.maxSize = scroll - 8; // 8 = distance from top + distance from bottom this.size = Math.round(this.maxSize * this.maxSize / size) + offset; this.maxScroll = this.maxSize - this.size; this.bar.style[this.direction == "horizontal" ? "width" : "height"] = (this.size - offset) + "px"; }, setPosition: function (pos) { pos = this.direction == "horizontal" ? "translate3d(" + Math.round(pos) + "px,0,0)" : "translate3d(0," + Math.round(pos) + "px,0)"; this.bar.style.webkitTransform = pos; }, scrollTo: function (pos, runtime) { this.bar.style.webkitTransitionDuration = (runtime || "400ms") + ",300ms"; this.setPosition(pos); }, show: function () { this.visible = true; this.bar.style.opacity = "1"; }, hide: function () { this.visible = false; this.bar.style.opacity = "0"; }, remove: function () { this.bar.parentNode.removeChild(this.bar); return null; } }; //load stylesheet(s) $(function() { window.scrollTo(0, 0); var stringRules = "", rules = cssRules, o = window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth ? "portrait" : "landscape", buildProperties = function (name, value) { stringRules += name + ":" + ($.isFunction(value) ? value(rules.variables) : value) + ";"; }, buildRules = function (name, properties) { stringRules += name + "{"; $.each(properties, buildProperties); stringRules += "}"; }; $.each(rules.defaults, buildRules); $.each(rules[o], buildRules); $(document.createElement("style")) .attr({type:"text/css",media:"screen"}) .html(stringRules) .appendTo("head"); $(window).one("orientationchange", function () { //ensure repaint setTimeout(function () { window.scrollTo(0, 0); stringRules = ""; $.each(rules[window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth ? "portrait" : "landscape"], buildRules); $(document.createElement("style")) .attr({type:"text/css",media:"screen"}) .html(stringRules) .appendTo("head"); }, 30) }); }); })(jQuery);