# FIXME: Lower by refactoring biggest offenders Metrics/AbcSize: Max: 26 # FIXME: Lower by refactoring biggest offenders Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: Max: 8 # FIXME: No clue how to fix that one line… Metrics/LineLength: Max: 100 # FIXME: Lower by refactoring biggest offenders Metrics/MethodLength: Max: 22 # FIXME: Lower by refactoring biggest offenders Metrics/PerceivedComplexity: Max: 10 # Don’t check temp and Lotus-generated files AllCops: Exclude: - spec/dummy/Rakefile - spec/dummy/config/**/* - spec/dummy/db/schema.rb - spec/dummy/db/seeds.rb - tmp/**/* - vendor/**/* # The enforced style doesn’t match Vim’s defaults Style/AlignParameters: Enabled: false # UTF-8 is perfectly fine in comments Style/AsciiComments: Enabled: false # Allow using braces for value-returning blocks Style/Blocks: Enabled: false Style/BracesAroundHashParameters: Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: context_dependent # Documentation checked by Inch CI Style/Documentation: Enabled: false # This is a shim file for those who require 'rom-lotus' Style/FileName: Exclude: - lib/rom-lotus.rb # Early returns have their vices Style/GuardClause: Enabled: false # Multiline block chains are ok Style/MultilineBlockChain: Enabled: false # Model::Validator uses Model::ValidationError for this Style/RaiseArgs: Exclude: - lib/rom/model.rb # Even a single escaped slash can be confusing Style/RegexpLiteral: MaxSlashes: 0 # Don’t introduce semantic fail/raise distinction Style/SignalException: EnforcedStyle: only_raise # Accept both single and double quotes Style/StringLiterals: Enabled: false