module Misc COLOR_LIST = %w(#BC80BD #CCEBC5 #FFED6F #8DD3C7 #FFFFB3 #BEBADA #FB8072 #80B1D3 #FDB462 #B3DE69 #FCCDE5 #D9D9D9) def self.colors_for(list) unused = COLOR_LIST.dup used = {} colors = list.collect do |elem| if used.include? elem used[elem] else color = unused.shift used[elem]=color color end end [colors, used] end def self.format_seconds(time, extended = false) seconds = time.to_i str = [seconds/3600, seconds/60 % 60, seconds % 60].map{|t| "%02i" % t }.join(':') str << ".%02i" % ((time - seconds) * 100) if extended str end def self.format_paragraph(text, size = 80, indent = 0, offset = 0) i = 0 re = /((?:\n\s*\n\s*)|(?:\n\s*(?=\*)))/ text.split(re).collect do |paragraph| i += 1 str = if i % 2 == 1 words = paragraph.gsub(/\s+/, "\s").split(" ") lines = [] line = " "*offset word = words.shift while word word = word[0..size-indent-offset-4] + '...' if word.length >= size - indent - offset while word and Log.uncolor(line).length + Log.uncolor(word).length <= size - indent line << word << " " word = words.shift end lines << ((" " * indent) << line[0..-2]) line = "" end (lines * "\n") else paragraph end offset = 0 str end*"" end def self.format_definition_list_item(dt, dd, size = 80, indent = 20, color = :yellow) dd = "" if dd.nil? dt = Log.color color, dt if color dt = dt.to_s + ":" unless dd.empty? len = Log.uncolor(dt).length if indent < 0 text = format_paragraph(dd, size, indent.abs-1, 0) text = dt << "\n" << text else offset = len - indent offset = 0 if offset < 0 text = format_paragraph(dd, size, indent.abs+1, offset) text[0..len-1] = dt end text end def self.format_definition_list(defs, size = 80, indent = 20, color = :yellow) entries = [] defs.each do |dt,dd| text = format_definition_list_item(dt,dd,size,indent,color) entries << text end entries * "\n\n" end def self.camel_case(string) return string if string !~ /_/ && string =~ /[A-Z]+.*/ string.split(/_|(\d+)/).map{|e| (e =~ /^[A-Z]{2,}$/ ? e : e.capitalize) }.join end def self.camel_case_lower(string) string.split('_').inject([]){ |buffer,e| buffer.push(buffer.empty? ? e.downcase : (e =~ /^[A-Z]{2,}$/ ? e : e.capitalize)) }.join end def self.snake_case(string) return nil if string.nil? string = string.to_s if Symbol === string string. gsub(/([A-Z]{2,})([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/\s/,'_').gsub(/[^\w_]/, ''). split("_").collect{|p| p.match(/[A-Z]{2,}/) ? p : p.downcase } * "_" end # source: # author: Ethan Kramer ( def self.humanize(value, options = {}) if options.empty? options[:format] = :sentence end values = [] values = value.split('_') values.each_index do |index| # lower case each item in array # Miguel Vazquez edit: Except for acronyms values[index].downcase! unless values[index].match(/[a-zA-Z][A-Z]/) end if options[:format] == :allcaps values.each do |value| value.capitalize! end if options.empty? options[:seperator] = " " end return values.join " " end if options[:format] == :class values.each do |value| value.capitalize! end return values.join "" end if options[:format] == :sentence values[0].capitalize! unless values[0].match(/[a-zA-Z][A-Z]/) return values.join " " end if options[:format] == :nocaps return values.join " " end end def self.fixascii(string) if string.respond_to?(:encode) self.fixutf8(string).encode("ASCII-8BIT") else string end end def self.to_utf8(string) string.encode("UTF-16BE", :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => "?").encode('UTF-8') end def self.fixutf8(string) return nil if string.nil? return string if (string.respond_to? :valid_encoding? and string.valid_encoding?) or (string.respond_to? :valid_encoding and string.valid_encoding) if string.respond_to?(:encode) string.encode("UTF-16BE", :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => "?").encode('UTF-8') else require 'iconv' @@ic ||='UTF-8//IGNORE', 'UTF-8') @@ic.iconv(string) end end end