module Shortener class ShortenedUrl < ActiveRecord::Base UNIQUE_KEY_LENGTH = 5 URL_PROTOCOL_HTTP = "http://" REGEX_HTTP_URL = /^\s*(http[s]?:\/\/)?[a-z0-9]+([-.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,5}(([0-9]{1,5})?\/.*)?\s*$/i REGEX_LINK_HAS_PROTOCOL ='\Ahttp:\/\/|\Ahttps:\/\/', Regexp::IGNORECASE) REGEX_EMAIL = /^([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i validates_format_of :url, :with => REGEX_HTTP_URL, :allow_blank => true validates_presence_of :url validates_uniqueness_of :unique_key belongs_to :user # allows the shortened link to be associated with a user before_validation :clean_destination_url, :init_unique_key, :on => :create # ensure the url starts with it protocol def clean_destination_url if !self.url.blank? and self.url !~ REGEX_LINK_HAS_PROTOCOL self.url.insert(0, URL_PROTOCOL_HTTP) end end def init_unique_key # generate a unique key for the link begin # has about 50 million possible combos self.unique_key = ShortenedUrl::generate_unique_key end while ShortenedUrl::find_by_unique_key self.unique_key end # generate a shortened link from a url # link to a user if one specified # throw an exception if anything goes wrong def self.generate!(orig_url, user=nil) # don't want to generate the link if it has already been generated # so check the datastore uid = user.nil? ? nil : sl = ShortenedUrl.find_by_url_and_user_id(orig_url, uid) return sl if sl # create the shortened link, storing it sl = ShortenedUrl.create!(:url => orig_url, :user => user) # return the url return sl end # return shortened url on success, nil on failure def self.generate(orig_url, user=nil) sl = nil begin sl = ShortenedUrl::generate!(orig_url, user) rescue sl = nil end return sl end private # generate a random string # future mod to allow specifying a more expansive charst, like utf-8 chinese def self.generate_unique_key(size = UNIQUE_KEY_LENGTH) # not doing uppercase as url is case insensitive charset = ('a'..'z').to_a + (0..9).to_a (0...size).map{ charset.to_a[rand(charset.size)] }.join end end end