# **AmpleAssets** is drag and drop file management for Rails applications. # class window.AmpleAssetsToolbar extends CoffeeCup default_options: debug: false expanded: false id: "ample-assets" handle_text: 'Assets' expanded_height: 180 collapsed_height: 0 base_url: '/ample_assets' search_url: '/files/search' thumb_url: '/files/thumbs' show_url: '/files/{{ id }}' touch_url: '/files/{{ id }}/touch' gravity_url: '/files/{{ id }}/gravity' onInit: -> onExpand: -> onCollapse: -> panels_options: debug: false width: 950 height: 100 orientation: 'vertical' key_orientation: 'vertical' keyboard_nav: true auto: false parent: 'div' children: 'div.page' pages_options: interval: 5000 width: 81 height: 81 enabled: true distance: 10 auto: false orientation: 'horizontal' key_orientation: 'horizontal' per_page: 10 pages: [ { id: 'recent-assets', title: 'Recently Viewed', url: '', panels: false } ] # Initialize product toolbar and drop targets. init: -> @options.onInit() super @setup() @events() # Setup global parameters & class options. set_options: (opts) -> @current = 0 @keys_enabled = true @reloading = false @searching = false @loaded = false super # Build structure and stylize layout of toolbar, setup drag, drop and search logic. # Opens first tab if toolbar is expanded on init. setup: -> id = @options.id layout = Mustache.to_html(@tpl('layout'),{ id: id, pages: @get_pages(), tabs: @get_pages('tab') }) @handle = Mustache.to_html(@tpl('handle'),{ id: id, title: @options.handle_text }) html = $(layout) $('body').append(html).append(@handle) @style() @drag_drop() @search() @goto(0) if @options.expanded # Set initial styles on toolbar elements. style: -> handle_opts = position: 'absolute' bottom: 0 right: 0 $("##{@options.id}-handle").css(handle_opts) @loading = $("##{@options.id}-tabs span.asset-loading") $("##{@options.id} .container").css('height',200) if @options.expanded $("##{@options.id}").css({height:@options.expanded_height}); # Reloads tab identified by `i` reload: (i) -> @log "reload(#{i})" @reloading = true if i < @options.pages.length - 1 @empty(i) @options.pages[i]['loaded'] = false @options.pages[i]['pages_loaded'] = false @options.pages[i]['last_request_empty'] = false $(@options.pages[i]['panel_selector']).amplePanels('goto', 0) @goto(i) @enable_panel(i) # Empties the contents of the page identified by `i` empty: (i) -> @log "empty(#{i})" selector = "##{@options.id} .pages .page:nth-child(#{(i+1)})" selector += " ul" if @options.pages[i]['panels'] $(selector).empty() # Hide and deactivate current page, load next page identified by `i` goto: (i) -> @log "goto(#{i})" @show(i) @disable_panels() @activate(i) @load(i) unless @already_loaded(i) @enable_panel(i) if @already_loaded(i) # Hide all pages, show page identified by `i` show: (i) -> $("##{@options.id} .pages .page").hide() $("##{@options.id} .pages .page:nth-child(#{i+1}), ##{@options.id} .pages .page:nth-child(#{i+1}) ul").show() # Implement drag & droppable instances, with appropriate callbacks. drag_drop: -> base_url = @options.base_url thumb_url = @options.thumb_url ref = this # Note the use of liveDraggable here. See extended plugin at the bottom of this file. $(".draggable").liveDraggable appendTo: "body" helper: "clone" start: -> $('div.ui-droppable, textarea.ui-droppable').addClass('asset-drop-target') stop: -> $('div.ui-droppable, textarea.ui-droppable').removeClass('asset-drop-target') $("textarea").droppable activeClass: "asset-notice" hoverClass: "asset-success" accept: ".draggable" drop: (event, ui) -> unless $(ui.helper).data('role') == 'gravity' ref.target_textarea = this ref.resize_modal(ui.draggable) $(".droppable").droppable activeClass: "asset-notice" hoverClass: "asset-success" accept: ".draggable" drop: (event, ui) -> unless $(ui.helper).data('role') == 'gravity' $(this).html ui.draggable.clone() asset_id = $(ui.draggable).attr("id").split("-")[1] $(this).parent().children().first().val asset_id $(this).parent().find('a.asset-remove').removeClass('hide').show() # Build html for modal windows wherein users can resize the asset's dimensions & geometry. # Executes when dropping a file into a textarea. The first argument is the response # from the droppable callbacks defined above. resize_modal: (el) -> uid = $(el).attr("data-uid") size = $(el).attr("data-size") orientation = $(el).attr("data-orientation") base_url = @options.base_url thumb_url = @options.thumb_url geometry = '100x>' opts = src: "#{base_url}#{thumb_url}/#{geometry}?uid=#{uid}" orientation: orientation dimensions: size uid: uid html = Mustache.to_html(@tpl('drop'), opts) $.facebox("
") # Removes active state from all tabs, adds it back for tab identified by `i` activate: (i) -> @log "activate(#{i})" @current = i tabs = $("##{@options.id} a.tab") tabs.removeClass('on') tabs.eq(i).addClass('on') # Highlight & load next tab (right) by incrementing `@current` next: -> if @current < @options.pages.length - 1 @log "next()" @current += 1 @goto(@current) # Highlight & load previous tab (left) by decrementing `@current` previous: -> unless @current == 0 @log "previous()" @current -= 1 @goto(@current) # Loops through all pages, generates HTML and returns concatenated string of everything. get_pages: (tpl = 'page') -> html = '' $.each @options.pages, (idx,el) => el['classes'] = 'first-child' if idx == 0 html += Mustache.to_html @tpl(tpl), el html # Expands and collapses asset toolbar. toggle: -> el = $("##{@options.id}") if @options.expanded @options.expanded = false $('body').animate {'padding-bottom': 0}, "fast" el.animate {height: @options.collapsed_height}, "fast", => @collapse() @options.onCollapse() el.trigger('collapse') else $("##{@options.id}-handle").hide() @options.expanded = true $('body').animate {'padding-bottom': @options.expanded_height}, "fast" el.animate {height: @options.expanded_height}, "fast", => @expand() @options.onExpand() el.trigger('expand') # Loads contents of page identified by `i` load: (i) -> @log "load(#{i})" ref = this load_next_page = true load_next_page = false if @options.pages[i]['last_request_empty'] load_next_page = true if @reloading if @options.pages[i]['url'] && load_next_page @loading.show() url = @next_page_url(i) data_type = @options.pages[i]['data_type'] if @options.pages[i]['data_type'] $.get url, (response, xhr) -> ref.loading.hide() ref.options.pages[i]['loaded'] = true # If response is empty, let users know by loading an empty notification. if $.trim(response) == '' || response.length == 0 ref.options.pages[i]['last_request_empty'] = true ref.load_empty(i) if ref.reloading || !ref.options.pages[i]['panel_selector'] else switch data_type when "json" # Parse json for requests of that type. ref.load_json i, response when "html" else # Parse html by default or for requests of that specific type. ref.load_html i, response , data_type else # Notify console if we couldn't load a page due to a missing URL. @log "ERROR --> Couldn't load page because there was no url" unless @options.pages[i]['last_request_empty'] # For empty requests, insert notification text into page identified by `i` load_empty: (i) -> @log "load_empty(#{i})" empty = Mustache.to_html(@tpl('empty')) @load_html(i, empty) @loading.hide() $('li.empty').css('width',$('.ampn').first().width()) $('li.empty a').click => @goto(@options.pages.length-2) # Load html content returned as `response` by XHR request into page identified by `i` load_html: (i, response) -> @log "load(#{i}) html" selector = "##{@options.id} .pages .page:nth-child(#{(i+1)})" selector += " ul" if @options.pages[i]['panels'] || @searching $(selector).html(response).show() @panels(i) # Parse `response` as json data and build list-items for each element contained therein. # This method assumes page identified by `i` contains an ample_panels instance. load_json: (i, response) -> @log "load(#{i}) json" panels_loaded = if @options.pages[i]['panel_selector'] then true else false ref = this selector = "##{@options.id} .pages .page:nth-child(#{(i+1)}) ul" $.each response, (j,el) -> link = ref.build(el) li = $('
  • ').append(link) if panels_loaded $(selector).amplePanels('append', li) else $(selector).append(li) ref.load_img(li.find('a'), el.sizes.tn) $(selector).show() @panels(i) unless panels_loaded if @reloading @reloading = false @controls() # Parse `response` from search results as json data. load_results: (response) -> @log "load_results()" i = @options.pages.length - 1 if response.length > 0 # Build list-item for each item returned from search query. $.each response, (j,el) => link = @build(el) li = $('
  • ').append(link) $("#asset-results ul").amplePanels('append', li) @load_img(link, el.sizes.tn) else # No results were returned, inject no-results verbiage. no_results = Mustache.to_html(@tpl('no_results')) @load_html(i, no_results) @loading.hide() $('li.empty').css('width',$('.ampn').first().width()) @options.pages[i]['panel_selector'] = "#asset-results ul" @active_panel = $(@options.pages[i]['panel_selector']) @searching = false @loading.hide() @controls() # Builds each asset instance with proper attributes. build: (el) -> ref = this show_url = Mustache.to_html @options.show_url, { id: el.id } link = $("") .attr('id',"file-#{el.id}") .attr('data-uid',"#{el.uid}") .attr('data-filename',"#{el.filename}") .attr('data-gravity', el.gravity) .addClass('draggable') if el.document == 'true' link.addClass('document') else link.attr('data-orientation',el.orientation) link.attr('data-size',el.size) link.click -> # Open a modal window on any asset instance's click event. ref.modal_open(el) false link # Opens modal window instance for asset detail. modal_open: (data) -> @modal_active = true if data.document == 'true' # Asset is a document, so lets instantiate PDFObject for viewing inline. delete_url = Mustache.to_html @options.show_url, { id: data.id } html = Mustache.to_html @tpl('pdf'), filename: data.uid, id: data.id, delete_url: "#{@options.base_url}#{delete_url}", mime_type: data.mime_type, url: data.url $.facebox("
    ") myPDF = new PDFObject( url: data.url pdfOpenParams: view: "Fit" ).embed("pdf") else # Asset is an image, lets display it inline, according to its orientation. geometry = if data.orientation == 'portrait' then 'x300>' else '480x>' url = "#{@options.base_url}#{@options.thumb_url}/#{geometry}?uid=#{data.uid}" delete_url = Mustache.to_html @options.show_url, { id: data.id } gravity_url = Mustache.to_html @options.gravity_url, { id: data.id } gravity = $("a[data-uid='#{data.uid}']").first().attr('data-gravity') keywords = "" html = Mustache.to_html @tpl('show'), filename: data.filename, size: data.size, mime_type: data.mime_type, keywords: keywords, src: url, orientation: data.orientation, id: data.id, uid: data.uid, gravity: gravity, delete_url: "#{@options.base_url}#{delete_url}", gravity_url: "#{@options.base_url}#{gravity_url}" $.facebox("
    ") # Instantiate Clippy $('.clippy').clippy clippy_path: '/assets/ample_assets/clippy.swf' # Update the asset timestamp. @touch(data) # Create new image element from `src`, insert into `el` and fadeIn opacity. load_img: (el,src) -> img = new Image() $(img).load(-> $(this).hide() $(el).html this $(this).fadeIn() ).attr src: src # Generates the next URL for paginated record sets. next_page_url: (i) -> @options.pages[i]['pages_loaded'] = 0 unless @options.pages[i]['pages_loaded'] @options.pages[i]['pages_loaded'] += 1 "#{@options.pages[i]['url']}?page=#{@options.pages[i]['pages_loaded']}" # By touching asset records, we update the timestamp value which ensures our recently # viewed tab contains accurate results. Called from `modal_open()` touch: (el) -> @log "touch()" touch_url = Mustache.to_html @options.touch_url, { id: el.id } $.post "#{@options.base_url}#{touch_url}" # Instantiate an amplePanels instance within page `i` if `@options.pages[i]['panels']` is true. panels: (i) -> ref = this if @options.pages[i]['panels'] @log "panels(#{i})" el = "##{@options.id} .pages .page:nth-child(#{(i+1)}) ul" @options.pages[i]['panel_selector'] = el @active_panel = el @options.pages[i][''] = $(el).attr('id',"#{@options.pages[i]['id']}-panel") $(el).parent().addClass('panels') @controls() $(el).amplePanels(@options.pages_options) .bind 'slide_horizontal', (e,d,dir) -> ref.load(i) if dir == 'next' # Disable all panels, preventing any loading or key-driven actions from taking place within any amplePanels instance. disable_panels: -> @log "disable_panels()" ref = this @controls(false) $.each @options.pages, (i,el) -> $(ref.options.pages[i]['panel_selector']).amplePanels('disable') if ref.options.pages[i]['panel_selector'] # Enable panels instance contained with page identified by `i`. # This allows key-events and previous/next actions to be executed. enable_panel: (i) -> @log "enable_panel(#{i})" if @options.pages[i]['panel_selector'] @active_panel = @options.pages[i]['panel_selector'] $(@options.pages[i]['panel_selector']).amplePanels('enable') @controls() # Toggles display of left/right arrows which control amplePanels paging event, determined by `display`. controls: (display=true) -> @log "controls(#{display})" display = false if $(@active_panel).find('li').length < @options.pages_options.per_page switch display when true $('nav.controls').show() when false $('nav.controls').hide() # Evaluates whether URL attached to page `i` has been loaded yet. Returns `boolean`. already_loaded: (i) -> typeof @options.pages[i]['loaded'] == 'boolean' && @options.pages[i]['loaded'] # Removes the asset from drop-target identified by `el`. remove: (el) -> parent = $(el).parent() parent.find('.droppable').empty().html('Drag Asset Here') parent.find('input').val('') $(el).hide() # Called upon successful DELETE request for a specific asset. Removes any instances of # asset identified by `id`, closes the modal window and reloads the first tab. delete: (id) -> @log "delete(#{id})" $("a#file-#{id}").parent().remove() $(document).trigger('close.facebox') @reload(0) false # Upon collapse, we disable panels. collapse: -> $("##{@options.id}-handle").css('bottom',-35).show().animate({'bottom': 0},'fast') @disable_panels() # Expands the asset toolbar and reenables the currently loaded tab. expand: -> @goto(@current) # Setup all associated events. events: -> @modal_events() @global_events() @field_events() @drop_events() @drag_events() @reload_events() @resize_events() @key_events() @tab_events() ref = this # Collapse toolbar $("##{@options.id} a.collapse").live 'click', => @toggle() # Reload the first tab following a successful upload. $('body').bind 'ample_uploadify.complete', => @reload(0) # Bind event to succesful deletion of an asset. $("a.asset-delete").live 'ajax:success', -> id = parseInt $(this).attr('data-id') ref.delete(id) # Bind live event to any asset-remove element. $("a.asset-remove").live 'click', -> ref.remove(this) false # Bind `toggle()` method to toolbar handle. $("##{@options.id}-handle").live 'click', => @toggle() false # Bind events for global left/right arrows to currently active panel's `previous()` and `next()` methods. global_events: -> $('a.global.next').click => $(@active_panel).amplePanels('next') $('a.global.previous').click => $(@active_panel).amplePanels('previous') # TODO: kill key events during drag? drag_events: -> @log "drag_events()" # Open modal window when clicking an asset contained with a drop-target. drop_events: -> ref = this $('.asset-drop .droppable a').live 'click', -> id = $(this).attr("href") $.get $(this).attr("href"), (response) -> ref.modal_open(response) , 'json' false # Toggle the active state of key_events when user focuses / blurs on textareas or input fields. field_events: -> @log "field_events()" $('textarea, input').live 'blur', => @keys_enabled = true $('textarea, input').live 'focus', => @keys_enabled = false # Bind `reload()` method to assets-reload button. reload_events: -> @log "reload_events()" reload = $('') reload.appendTo('.asset-refresh').click (e) => @reload(@current) # Builds the markup for an asset dropped into a textarea. resize_events: -> $('.asset-resize').live 'click', => constraints = $('#asset-constraints').val() uid = $('#asset-uid').val() width = $('#asset-width').val() height = $('#asset-height').val() alt = $('#asset-alt').val() geometry = "#{width}x#{height}#{constraints}" if constraints == '#' && (width == '' || height == '') alert 'Can\'t resize image using this geometry. Please select another option or supply a value for both width and height.' else url = encodeURI "#{@options.base_url}#{@options.thumb_url}/#{geometry}?uid=#{uid}" url = url.replace('#','%23') textile = "!#{url}(#{alt})!" html = "\"#{alt}\"" $(@target_textarea).insertAtCaret (if $(@target_textarea).hasClass('textile') then textile else html) $(document).trigger('close.facebox') # Toggles params when modal window is opened or closed. modal_events: -> @modal_active = false $(document).bind 'afterClose.facebox', => @keys_enabled = true @modal_active = false $(document).bind 'loading.facebox', => @keys_enabled = false @modal_active = true # Setup amplePanels instance for search results and bind search field to methods that # execute request and parse response. search: -> @log 'search()' search_url = "#{@options.base_url}#{@options.search_url}" i = ($("##{@options.id} .pages .page").length - 1) ref = this $('#asset-results ul').attr('id','assets-result-list').amplePanels(@options.pages_options) @options.pages[i] = { loaded: true } $('#asset-search').bind 'change', -> $("#asset-results ul").amplePanels('empty') ref.loading.show() ref.controls(false) ref.show(i) ref.activate(i) ref.searching = true $('.asset-results').show() $.post search_url, $(this).serialize(), (response) -> ref.load_results(response) , 'json' # Bind events to tabs. tab_events: -> tabs = $("##{@options.id} a.tab") ref = this $.each tabs, (idx, el) -> $(this).addClass('on') if idx == 0 $(el).click -> ref.goto(idx) false # Controls all user keyboard events. Binds as neccesary and # prevents interaction when key functions are disabled. key_events: -> ref = this previous = 37 next = 39 up = 38 down = 40 escape = 27 # Why does this need to be on keyup? $(document).keyup (e) => return unless @keys_enabled switch e.keyCode when escape @toggle() unless @modal_active e.stopPropagation(); # Keydown events. $(document).keydown (e) => return unless @keys_enabled if @active_panel switch e.keyCode when previous $(@active_panel).amplePanels('previous') when next $(@active_panel).amplePanels('next') when up @previous() when down @next() e.stopPropagation(); # Returns Mustache template for template defined by `view` tpl: (view) -> @tpls()[view] # Returns object containing all Mustache templates. tpls: -> # Layout returns the HTML structure of the main asset toolbar. layout: '
    {{{ tabs }}} Results
    {{{ pages }}}
      ' # Handle returns HTML for the asset toolbar toggle handle. handle: '{{ title }}' # Tab returns HTML for each tab instance. tab: '{{ title }}' # Page returns generic HTML structure for each page. page: '
      ' # Show represents the HTML used within the modal window detail view for non-document assets. show: '
      Asset updated successfully.
      Delete This Asset?

      {{ filename }} {{ src }}

      {{ keywords }}

      ' # PDF represents the HTML used within the modal window detail view for document assets. pdf: '
      Delete This Asset?

      {{ filename }} {{ url }}

      {{ keywords }}

      ' # There's no content within this panels instance... empty: '
    • Oops. There\'s nothing here. You should upload something.
    • ' # Your search query returned an empty result set... no_results: '
    • Sorry. Your search returned zero results.
    • ' # Drop returns HTML used in the modal window resize view. This is used when dropping an asset onto a textarea. drop: '

      ({{ dimensions }}, {{ orientation }})


      ' # Extend draggable to elements added to the DOM after page load. jQuery.fn.liveDraggable = (opts) -> @live "mouseover", -> $(this).data("init", true).draggable opts unless $(this).data("init") # Insert `value` at the cursor position of the currently focused textarea or input field. jQuery.fn.insertAtCaret = (value) -> @each (i) -> if document.selection @focus() sel = document.selection.createRange() sel.text = value @focus() else if @selectionStart or @selectionStart is "0" startPos = @selectionStart endPos = @selectionEnd scrollTop = @scrollTop @value = @value.substring(0, startPos) + value + @value.substring(endPos, @value.length) @focus() @selectionStart = startPos + value.length @selectionEnd = startPos + value.length @scrollTop = scrollTop else @value += value @focus()