<% can_edit = @can_edit && params[:status].in?(['pending', 'waiting']) %> <% priority_map = { nil => 0, 'L' => 1, 'M' => -1, 'H' => -2 } %>
<% if @tasks.empty? and params[:status] == 'pending' %>

Congrats, you're in the clear!


You've finished all of the things you need to do. Enjoy a nice break.

<% else %> <% if params[:status] == 'pending' %><% end %> <%= case params[:status] when 'waiting' then '' when 'completed' then '' when 'deleted' then '' end %> <% if can_edit %><% end %> <% @tasks.each do |task| %> > <% if params[:status] == 'pending' %> <% end %> <%= case params[:status] when 'waiting' then '' when 'completed', 'deleted' then '' end %> <% if can_edit %><% end %> <% end %>
Description Project DueHidden untilCompleted onDeleted onTags Priority
<%= task.description %> <% unless task.annotations.empty? %>
    <% task.annotations.each do |annotation| %>
  • <%= format_date(annotation.entry) %>: <%= auto_link(annotation.description) %>  
  • <% end %>
<% end %>
<%= task.project %> <%= format_date(task.due) unless task.due.nil? %>' + (format_date(task.wait) unless task.wait.nil?) + '' + (format_date(task.end) unless task.end.nil?) + '<%= format_tags(task.tags) unless task.tags.nil? %> <%= task.priority unless task.priority.nil? %><%= crud_links(task) %>
<% end %>
<% if can_edit %> <% end %>