# frozen_string_literal: true
module ActionText
# = Action Text \RichText
# The RichText record holds the content produced by the Trix editor in a serialized +body+ attribute.
# It also holds all the references to the embedded files, which are stored using Active Storage.
# This record is then associated with the Active Record model the application desires to have
# rich text content using the +has_rich_text+ class method.
# class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
# has_rich_text :content
# end
# message = Message.create!(content: "
Funny times!
# message.content #=> # "
Funny times!
# message.content.to_plain_text # => "Funny times!"
class RichText < Record
self.table_name = "action_text_rich_texts"
serialize :body, coder: ActionText::Content
delegate :to_s, :nil?, to: :body
belongs_to :record, polymorphic: true, touch: true
has_many_attached :embeds
before_save do
self.embeds = body.attachables.grep(ActiveStorage::Blob).uniq if body.present?
# Returns the +body+ attribute as plain text with all HTML tags removed.
# message = Message.create!(content: "
Funny times!
# message.content.to_plain_text # => "Funny times!"
def to_plain_text
# Returns the +body+ attribute in a format that makes it editable in the Trix
# editor. Previews of attachments are rendered inline.
# content = "
def to_trix_html
delegate :blank?, :empty?, :present?, to: :to_plain_text
ActiveSupport.run_load_hooks :action_text_rich_text, ActionText::RichText