#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'smallvictories' def help %Q( Usage: sv [COMMAND] [OPTIONS] Commands: watch Watch for changes and compile files help Prints this help document version Prints the small victories gem version Options: -h, --help Prints this help document -v, --version Prints the siteleaf gem version See https://github.com/xxix/smallvictories-gem for additional documentation. ) end def watch config = SmallVictories::Configuration.new config.setup compiler = SmallVictories::Compiler.new(config: config) watcher = SmallVictories::Watcher.new(compiler: compiler) watcher.watch end case ARGV[0] when '-v', '--version', 'version' puts SmallVictories::VERSION when '-h', '--help', 'help' puts help when 'hello' hello when 'watch' watch else puts "`#{ARGV[0]}` command not found.\n" puts help end