/** * Copyright 2005-2007 Xue Yong Zhi, Ye Zheng * Distributed under the BSD License */ package com.xruby.runtime.lang; import j2me.util.HashMap; import j2me.util.Iterator; import j2me.util.Map; import com.xruby.runtime.builtin.AttrReader; import com.xruby.runtime.builtin.AttrWriter; import com.xruby.runtime.builtin.ObjectFactory; import com.xruby.runtime.builtin.RubyArray; import com.xruby.runtime.builtin.RubyMethodValue; import com.xruby.runtime.lang.RubyKernelModule; import com.xruby.runtime.builtin.RubyProc; import com.xruby.runtime.builtin.RubyString; import com.xruby.runtime.builtin.RubyTypesUtil; //import com.xruby.runtime.lang.annotation.DummyMethod; //import com.xruby.runtime.lang.annotation.RubyAllocMethod; //import com.xruby.runtime.lang.annotation.RubyLevelClass; //import com.xruby.runtime.lang.annotation.RubyLevelMethod; /*@RubyLevelClass(name="Module", superclass="Object", dummy={ @DummyMethod(name="included", privateMethod=true), @DummyMethod(name="extended", privateMethod=true), @DummyMethod(name="method_added", privateMethod=true), @DummyMethod(name="method_removed", privateMethod=true), @DummyMethod(name="method_undefined", privateMethod=true) })*/ public class RubyModule extends RubyObject { protected String name_; private RubyModule scope_ = null;//where is the module is defined under. protected RubyClass superclass_; private int current_access_mode_ = RubyMethod.PUBLIC; private boolean module_methods_mode_ = false; // protected Map/**/ instance_varibles_ = null; protected Map/**/ methods_ = new HashMap/**/(); protected Map/**/ constants_ = new HashMap/**/(); public RubyModule() { super(null); this.name_ = null; scope_ = null; } public RubyModule(String name, RubyModule owner) { super(null); this.name_ = name; scope_ = owner; } public RubyValue clone() { RubyModule cl = null; try{ cl = (RubyModule)(this.getClass().newInstance()); cl.doClone(this); }catch(Exception e){ throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.ExceptionClass, e.toString()); } return cl; } protected void doClone(RubyValue orig){ RubyModule m = (RubyModule)orig; name_ = m.name_; scope_ = m.scope_; superclass_ = m.superclass_; current_access_mode_ = m.current_access_mode_; //instance_varibles_ = m.instance_varibles_; methods_ = m.methods_; constants_ = m.constants_; super.doClone((RubyObject)orig); } public String getName() { return name_; } public void setName(String name) { name_ = name; } void setScope(RubyModule owner) { this.scope_ = owner; } public boolean isRealModule() { return true; } public boolean isRealClass() { return false; } public void setAccessPublic() { current_access_mode_ = RubyMethod.PUBLIC; } public void setAccessPrivate() { current_access_mode_ = RubyMethod.PRIVATE; } public void setAccessMode(int access) { current_access_mode_ = access; } protected RubyValue getOwnConstant(String name) { return (RubyValue)constants_.get(name); } public RubyValue setConstant(String name, RubyValue value) { constants_.put(name, value); if (value instanceof RubyModule) { ((RubyModule)value).setName(name); } return value; } //@RubyAllocMethod public static RubyModule allocModule(RubyValue receiver) { RubyModule module = new RubyModule(); module.setRubyClass((RubyClass)receiver); return module; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="initialize") public RubyValue initializeModule(RubyBlock block) { if (block != null) { this.module_eval(null, block); } return RubyConstant.QNIL; } public RubyValue defineMethod(String name, RubyMethod m) { if ( module_methods_mode_ ) this.getSingletonClass().defineMethod(name, m); return addMethod(RubyID.intern(name), m, this.current_access_mode_); } public RubyValue defineMethod(RubyID mid, RubyMethod m) { if ( module_methods_mode_ ) this.getSingletonClass().defineMethod(mid, m); return addMethod(mid, m, this.current_access_mode_); } public RubyValue definePrivateMethod(String name, RubyMethod m) { return addMethod(RubyID.intern(name), m, RubyMethod.PRIVATE); } public void defineModuleMethod(String name, RubyMethod m) { this.definePrivateMethod(name, m); this.getSingletonClass().defineMethod(name, m.clone()); } protected RubyMethod findOwnMethod(RubyID mid) { RubyModule klass = this; do { RubyMethod m = (RubyMethod)klass.methods_.get(mid); if (m != null) { return m; } klass = klass.superclass_; } while (klass != null); return null; } protected RubyMethod findOwnPublicMethod(RubyID mid) { RubyModule klass = this; do { RubyMethod m = (RubyMethod)klass.methods_.get(mid); if (m != null && RubyMethod.PUBLIC == m.getAccess()) { return m; } klass = klass.superclass_; } while (klass != null); return null; } public void undefMethod(String method_name) { RubyID mid = RubyID.intern(method_name); if (findOwnMethod(mid) == null) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.NameErrorClass, "undefined method " + mid.toString() + " for class `Object'"); } addMethod(mid, UndefMethod.getInstance(), RubyMethod.PUBLIC); } public void aliasMethod(String newName, String oldName) { RubyID oldId = RubyID.intern(oldName); RubyMethod m = findOwnMethod(oldId); if (null == m) { if (this instanceof RubyModule) { //TODO may be we should just overide this method in RubyModule m = RubyRuntime.ObjectClass.findPublicMethod(oldId); } if (null == m) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.NameErrorClass, "undefined method " + oldName + " for class `Object'"); } } RubyID newId = RubyID.intern(newName); methods_.put(newId, m); } public void collectOwnMethodNames(RubyArray a, int mode) { // for (Map.Entry/**/ entry : methods_.entrySet()) { for (Iterator iter = methods_.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Map.Entry/**/ entry = (Map.Entry/**/)iter.next(); if (entry.getKey() == RubyID.ID_ALLOCATOR) { continue; } int access_mode = ((RubyMethod)entry.getValue()).getAccess(); if (RubyMethod.ALL == mode || (RubyMethod.NON_PRIVATE == mode && RubyMethod.PRIVATE != access_mode) || access_mode == mode) { a.add(ObjectFactory.createString(entry.getKey().toString())); } } } protected RubyValue addMethod(RubyID id, RubyMethod m, int attribute) { m.setScope(this); m.setID(id); m.setAccess(attribute); if ( id != null && id.toString() != null && id.toString().equals("pretty_inspect")) methods_.put(id, m); else methods_.put(id, m); if (RubyRuntime.running && id != RubyID.ID_ALLOCATOR) { RubyAPI.callOneArgMethod(this, id.toSymbol(), null, RubyID.methodAddedID); } return RubyConstant.QNIL; } public boolean isMethodBound(RubyID id, boolean check) { RubyMethod m = this.findOwnMethod(id); if (null != m && !UndefMethod.isUndef(m)) { return true; } return false; } public boolean isKindOf(RubyModule klass) { RubyModule m = this; while (m != null) { if (m == klass || m.methods_ == klass.methods_) { return true; } m = m.superclass_; } return false; } private boolean isKindOf(RubyValue v) { RubyClass cl = v.getRubyClass(); while (cl != null) { if (cl == this || cl.methods_ == this.methods_) { return true; } cl = cl.superclass_; } return false; } /// This method is only used by java classes in package 'com.xruby.runtime.builtin'. /// It has less overhead than 'defineClass' (no hash table lookup). /// This method is NOT used by classes compiled from ruby script. public RubyClass defineNewClass(String name, RubyClass parent) { if (parent == null) { parent = RubyRuntime.ObjectClass; } RubyClass klass = ClassFactory.makeRubyClass(parent); if (null != name) { //Class can be nameless when they are created by Struct.new (e.g. Struct.new(:name, :address)) klass.setScope(this); klass.setName(name); constants_.put(name, klass); } ClassFactory.inheritedClass(parent, klass); ObjectSpace.add(klass); return klass; } private RubyClass defineClass(String name, RubyClass parent) { RubyValue v = null; if (null != name) { v = (RubyValue)constants_.get(name); } if (null == v) { return defineNewClass(name, parent); } if (!(v instanceof RubyClass)) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, name + " is not a class"); } RubyClass c = (RubyClass)v; if (null != parent) { //RHO : TODO:superclass mismatch for class - mspec/pp.rb /*if (!c.isMyParent(parent)){ throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, "superclass mismatch for class "+ name); }*/ //RHO } c.setAccessPublic(); return c; } /// define a new class or get a old one public RubyClass defineClass(String name, RubyValue parent) { if (null != parent && !(parent instanceof RubyClass)) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, "superclass must be a Class (" + parent.getRubyClass().getName() + " given)"); } return defineClass(name, null == parent ? null : (RubyClass)parent); } public RubyModule defineNewModule(String name) { RubyModule m = new RubyModule(name, this); m.setName(name); m.setRubyClass(RubyRuntime.ModuleClass); constants_.put(name, m);//NOTE, do not use ObjectFactory.createClass, it will cause initialization issue return m; } public RubyModule defineModule(String name) { RubyValue v = (RubyValue)constants_.get(name); if (null == v) { return defineNewModule(name); } if (!(v instanceof RubyModule) || (v instanceof RubyClass)) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, name + " is not a module"); } return (RubyModule)v; } public RubyValue getConstant(String name) { RubyValue v = this.getOwnConstant(name); if (null != v) { return v; } if (null != scope_) { v = this.scope_.getConstant(name); if (null != v) { return v; } } if (null != this.superclass_) { v = this.superclass_.getConstant(name); if (null != v) { return v; } } return null; } public void to_s(RubyString s) { if (null != scope_) { scope_.to_s(s); if (s.length() > 0) { s.appendString("::"); } } String name = this.getName(); if (name != null) { s.appendString(getName()); } } /* * Include Module */ public void includeModule(RubyModule module) { if (module == null) { return; } RubyModule c = this; boolean changed = false; while (module != null) { boolean superclassSeen = false; if (c.methods_ == module.methods_) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.ArgumentErrorClass, "cyclic include detected"); } boolean skip = false; for (RubyClass p = this.superclass_; p != null; p = p.superclass_) { if (p instanceof RubyIncludeClass) { if (p.methods_ == module.methods_) { if (!superclassSeen) { c = p; skip = true; break; } } } else if (p.isRealClass()) { superclassSeen = true; break; } } if (!skip) { c.superclass_ = new RubyIncludeClass(module, c.superclass_); c = c.superclass_; changed = true; } module = module.superclass_; } if (changed) { RubyClass.resetCache(); } } public final void collectIncludedModuleNames(RubyArray a) { for (RubyModule m = this; m != null; m = m.superclass_) { if (m.isRealModule()) { a.add(m); } else if (m instanceof RubyIncludeClass) { a.add(((RubyIncludeClass)m).getIncludedModule()); } } } // Class object instance variable /* public RubyValue getInstanceVariable(RubyID id) { if (null == instance_varibles_) { return RubyConstant.QNIL; } RubyValue v = (RubyValue)instance_varibles_.get(id); return (null != v) ? v : RubyConstant.QNIL; } public RubyValue setInstanceVariable(RubyValue value, RubyID id) { if (null == instance_varibles_) { instance_varibles_ = new HashMap();//(); } instance_varibles_.put(id, value); return value; }*/ // Class Variable public RubyValue getClassVariable(String name) { RubyModule klass = this; RubyID id = RubyID.intern(name); while (klass != null) { if (klass.instance_varibles_ != null) { RubyValue v = (RubyValue)klass.instance_varibles_.get(id); if (v != null) { return v; } } klass = klass.superclass_; } throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.NameErrorClass, "uninitialized class variable " + name + " in " + (null == name_ ? "Object" : name_)); } public RubyValue setClassVariable(RubyValue value, String name) { RubyModule klass = this; RubyID id = RubyID.intern(name); while (klass != null) { if (klass.instance_varibles_ != null) { klass.instance_varibles_.put(id, value); return value; } klass = klass.superclass_; } this.setInstanceVariable(value, id); return value; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="attr_reader", privateMethod=true) public RubyValue attrReader(RubyArray args) { // for (RubyValue v : args) { for (Iterator iter = args.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { RubyValue v = (RubyValue)iter.next(); RubyID id = v.toID(); this.defineMethod(id, new AttrReader(id)); } return RubyConstant.QNIL; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="attr_writer", privateMethod=true) public RubyValue attrWriter(RubyArray args) { // for (RubyValue v : args) { for (Iterator iter = args.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { RubyValue v = (RubyValue)iter.next(); RubyID id = v.toID(); this.defineMethod(id + "=", new AttrWriter(id)); } return RubyConstant.QNIL; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="attr_accessor", privateMethod=true) public RubyValue attrAccessor(RubyArray args) { // for (RubyValue v : args) { for (Iterator iter = args.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { RubyValue v = (RubyValue)iter.next(); RubyID id = v.toID(); this.defineMethod(id, new AttrReader(id)); this.defineMethod(id + "=", new AttrWriter(id)); } return RubyConstant.QNIL; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="attr", privateMethod=true) public RubyValue attr(RubyValue arg) { RubyID id = arg.toID(); this.defineMethod(id, new AttrReader(id)); return RubyConstant.QNIL; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="attr", privateMethod=true) public RubyValue attr(RubyValue arg0, RubyValue arg1) { RubyID id = arg0.toID(); this.defineMethod(id, new AttrReader(id)); if (arg1 != RubyConstant.QFALSE && arg1 != RubyConstant.QNIL) { this.defineMethod(id + "=", new AttrWriter(id)); } return RubyConstant.QNIL; } private RubyMethod setAccess(RubyID mid, int access) { RubyMethod m = findOwnMethod(mid); if (null == m) { if (this instanceof RubyModule) { //TODO may be we should just overide this method in RubyModule m = RubyRuntime.ObjectClass.findPublicMethod(mid); } } if ((null != m) && (m.getAccess() != access)) { //RHO_COMMENT: addMethod(mid, m.clone(), access); //addMethod(mid, m.clone(), access); addMethod(mid, m, RubyMethod.PUBLIC); } return m; } private static void setAccess(int access, RubyModule c, RubyArray args) { if (null == args) { c.setAccessMode(access); return; } // for (RubyValue arg : args) { for (Iterator iter = args.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { RubyValue arg = (RubyValue)iter.next(); String method_name; if (arg instanceof RubyString) { method_name = arg.toString(); } else if (arg instanceof RubySymbol) { method_name = arg.toString(); } else { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, arg.toString() + " is not a symbol"); } RubyID mid = RubyID.intern(method_name); if (c.setAccess(mid, access) == null) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.NameErrorClass, "undefined method '" + method_name + "' for " + c.getName()); } } } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="public", privateMethod=true) public RubyValue modPublic(RubyArray args) { setAccess(RubyMethod.PUBLIC, this, args); return this; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="protected", privateMethod=true) public RubyValue modProtected(RubyArray args) { setAccess(RubyMethod.PROTECTED, this, args); return this; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="private", privateMethod=true) public RubyValue modPrivate(RubyArray args) { setAccess(RubyMethod.PRIVATE, this, args); return this; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="private_class_method") public RubyValue private_class_method(RubyArray args) { setAccess(RubyMethod.PRIVATE, this.getSingletonClass(), args); return this; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="public_class_method") public RubyValue public_class_method(RubyArray args) { setAccess(RubyMethod.PUBLIC, this.getSingletonClass(), args); return this; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="to_s", alias="name") public RubyValue modName() { RubyString s = ObjectFactory.createString(); this.to_s(s); return s; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="inspect") public RubyValue rubyInspect() { return RubyAPI.callNoArgMethod(this, null, RubyID.toSID); } private void checkType(RubyValue arg, RubyClass type) { RubyClass c = arg.getRubyClass().getRealClass(); if (c != type) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, "wrong argument type " + c.getName() + " (expected Module)"); } } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="append_features") public RubyValue append_features(RubyValue arg) { ((RubyModule)arg).includeModule(this); return this; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="include", privateMethod=true) public RubyValue include() { return this; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="include", privateMethod=true) public RubyValue include(RubyValue arg) { checkType(arg, RubyRuntime.ModuleClass); RubyAPI.callOneArgMethod(arg, this, null, RubyID.append_featuresID); RubyAPI.callOneArgMethod(arg, this, null, RubyID.includedID); return this; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="include", privateMethod=true) public RubyValue include(RubyArray args) { // for (RubyValue arg : args) { for (Iterator iter = args.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { RubyValue arg = (RubyValue)iter.next(); checkType(arg, RubyRuntime.ModuleClass); RubyAPI.callOneArgMethod(arg, this, null, RubyID.append_featuresID); RubyAPI.callOneArgMethod(arg, this, null, RubyID.includedID); } return this; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="extend_object") public RubyValue extendObject(RubyValue arg) { arg.getSingletonClass().includeModule(this); return arg; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="<=>") public RubyValue opSpaceship(RubyValue arg) { if (this == arg) { return ObjectFactory.FIXNUM0; } if (!(arg instanceof RubyModule)) { return RubyConstant.QNIL; } RubyModule other_module = (RubyModule) arg; // FIXME: could be Module if (this instanceof RubyClass && other_module instanceof RubyClass) { RubyClass c1 = (RubyClass) this; RubyClass c2 = (RubyClass) other_module; if (c1.isKindOf(c2)) { return ObjectFactory.FIXNUM_NEGATIVE_ONE; } else if (c2.isKindOf(c1)) { return ObjectFactory.FIXNUM1; } } return RubyConstant.QNIL; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="<") public RubyValue opLt(RubyValue arg) { if (!(arg instanceof RubyModule)) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, "compared with non class/module"); } return compareModule(this, arg); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name=">") public RubyValue opGt(RubyValue arg) { if (!(arg instanceof RubyModule)) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, "compared with non class/module"); } return compareModule(arg, this); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name=">=") public RubyValue opGe(RubyValue arg) { if (!(arg instanceof RubyModule)) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, "compared with non class/module"); } if (arg == this) { return RubyConstant.QTRUE; } return compareModule(arg, this); } private static RubyValue compareModule(RubyValue module, RubyValue other_module) { if (module == other_module) { return RubyConstant.QFALSE; } if (module instanceof RubyClass && other_module instanceof RubyClass) { RubyClass c1 = (RubyClass) module; RubyClass c2 = (RubyClass) other_module; if (c1.isKindOf(c2)) { return RubyConstant.QTRUE; } else if (c2.isKindOf(c1)) { return RubyConstant.QFALSE; } } return RubyConstant.QNIL; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="===") public RubyValue caseEqual(RubyValue arg) { return ObjectFactory.createBoolean(this.isKindOf(arg)); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="ancestors") public RubyValue ancestors() { RubyArray r = new RubyArray(); this.collectIncludedModuleNames(r); return r; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="instance_methods") public RubyValue instance_methods(RubyArray args) { return get_instance_methods(this, args, RubyMethod.NON_PRIVATE); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="instance_method") public RubyValue instance_method(RubyValue arg) { RubyMethod m = (RubyMethod)methods_.get(arg.toID()); if ( m!= null ) return ObjectFactory.createMethod(this, arg.toStr(), m); throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.NameErrorClass, arg.toStr() + " is undefined"); //return get_instance_methods(this, args, RubyMethod.NON_PRIVATE); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="public_instance_methods") public RubyValue public_instance_methods(RubyArray args) { return get_instance_methods(this, args, RubyMethod.PUBLIC); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="protected_instance_methods") public RubyValue protected_instance_methods(RubyArray args) { return get_instance_methods(this, args, RubyMethod.PROTECTED); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="private_instance_methods") public RubyValue private_instance_methods(RubyArray args) { return get_instance_methods(this, args, RubyMethod.PRIVATE); } private RubyValue get_instance_methods(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, int mode) { boolean include_super = false; if (args != null && args.get(0).isTrue()) { include_super = true; } RubyArray a = new RubyArray(); if (include_super) { ((RubyClass)receiver).collectClassMethodNames(a, mode); } else { ((RubyModule)receiver).collectOwnMethodNames(a, mode); } return a; } private void module_function(String method_name) { RubyID mid = RubyID.intern(method_name); RubyMethod m = findOwnMethod(mid); if (null == m || UndefMethod.isUndef(m)) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.NoMethodErrorClass, "undefined method '" + method_name + "' for " + getName()); } getSingletonClass().defineMethod(method_name, m); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="module_function") public RubyValue module_function() { //module_methods_mode_ = true; return this; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="module_function") public RubyValue module_function(RubyArray args) { // for (RubyValue v : args) { for (Iterator iter = args.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { RubyValue v = (RubyValue)iter.next(); RubySymbol s = (RubySymbol) v; this.module_function(s.toString()); } return this; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="module_eval", alias="class_eval") public RubyValue module_eval(RubyArray args, RubyBlock block) { //TODO duplicated code: instance_eval if (null == args && null == block) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.ArgumentErrorClass, "block not supplied"); } if (null != args) { RubyBinding binding = new RubyBinding(); binding.setScope(this); binding.setSelf(this); return RubyKernelModule.eval(args.get(0).toStr(), binding); } else { block.setScope(this); block.setSelf(this); return block.invoke(this); } } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="const_get") public RubyValue constGet(RubyValue arg) { RubySymbol s = RubyTypesUtil.convertToSymbol(arg); return RubyAPI.getConstant(this, s.toString()); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="const_set") public RubyValue constSet(RubyValue arg1, RubyValue arg2) { RubySymbol s = RubyTypesUtil.convertToSymbol(arg1); return RubyAPI.setConstant(arg2, this, s.toString()); } //RHO_COMMENT: //@RubyLevelMethod(name="const_defined?") public RubyValue isConstDefined(RubyValue arg) { RubySymbol s = RubyTypesUtil.convertToSymbol(arg); return RubyAPI.isConstantDefined(this, s.toString()); } public RubyValue getConstants() { RubyArray arRes = new RubyArray(); j2me.util.Set keys = constants_.keySet(); Iterator iter = keys.iterator(); while( iter.hasNext() ) { arRes.add( ObjectFactory.createSymbol((String)iter.next())); } return arRes; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="method_defined?") public RubyValue isMethodDefined(RubyValue arg) { RubySymbol s = RubyTypesUtil.convertToSymbol(arg); return RubyAPI.isDefinedNonPrivateMethod(this, s.toString()) != RubyConstant.QNIL ? RubyConstant.QTRUE : RubyConstant.QFALSE; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="method_defined?") public RubyValue isPublicMethodDefined(RubyValue arg) { RubySymbol s = RubyTypesUtil.convertToSymbol(arg); return RubyAPI.isDefinedPublicMethod(this, this, s.toString()) != RubyConstant.QNIL ? RubyConstant.QTRUE : RubyConstant.QFALSE; } private static class RubyVarArgMethodImpl extends RubyVarArgMethod{ RubyBlock b_; RubyVarArgMethodImpl(RubyBlock b) { b_ = b; } protected RubyValue run(RubyValue _receiver, RubyArray _args, RubyBlock _block) { b_.setSelf(_receiver); b_.setArgsOfCurrentMethod(_args); return b_.invoke(_receiver, _args); } public RubyMethod clone() { RubyVarArgMethodImpl cl = new RubyVarArgMethodImpl(b_); cl.doClone(this); return cl; } }; //@RubyLevelMethod(name="define_method") public RubyValue define_method(RubyArray args, RubyBlock block) { final RubyBlock b; if (null != args && args.size() == 1 && null != block) { b = block; } else { b = ((RubyProc)args.get(1)).getBlock(); } String name = RubyTypesUtil.convertToJavaString(args.get(0)); /* RubyMethod method = new RubyVarArgMethod() { protected RubyValue run(RubyValue _receiver, RubyArray _args, RubyBlock _block) { b.setSelf(_receiver); b.setArgsOfCurrentMethod(_args); return b.invoke(_receiver, _args); } };*/ //RHO_COMMENT: RubyVarArgMethod RubyMethod method = new RubyVarArgMethodImpl(b); b.setCurrentMethod(method); return this.defineMethod(name, method); } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="remove_method") public RubyValue remove_method(RubyArray args) { // for (RubyValue arg : args) { for (Iterator iter = args.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { RubyValue arg = (RubyValue)iter.next(); String method_name = RubyTypesUtil.convertToJavaString(arg); this.undefMethod(method_name); } return this; } // //@RubyLevelMethod(name="new") // public static RubyValue newModule(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block) { // return RubyAPI.defineModule(""); // } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="alias_method") public RubyValue alias_method(RubyValue arg1, RubyValue arg2) { aliasMethod(arg1.toStr(), arg2.toStr()); return this; } //@RubyLevelMethod(name="undef_method") public RubyValue undef_method(RubyValue symbol) { undefMethod(symbol.toStr()); return this; } public static void initDummyMethods(RubyClass klass){ klass.definePrivateMethod("included", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block) { return RubyConstant.QNIL; } } ); klass.definePrivateMethod("extended", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block) { return RubyConstant.QNIL; } } ); klass.definePrivateMethod("method_added", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block) { return RubyConstant.QNIL; } } ); klass.definePrivateMethod("method_removed", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block) { return RubyConstant.QNIL; } } ); klass.definePrivateMethod("method_undefined", new RubyOneArgMethod(){ protected RubyValue run(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block) { return RubyConstant.QNIL; } } ); } }