require "bundler/gem_tasks" begin require 'rspec/core/rake_task' # these specs test syntax and language features syntax_specs = FileList['spec/syntax/*_spec.rb'] # these specs use mocking to test entities without calling a real API component_specs = FileList['spec/component/*_spec.rb'] # these specs call the API, but in a read-only manner functional_good_citizen_specs = FileList['spec/functional/*_spec.rb'] # these specs call the API, leaving lasting side-effects functional_bad_citizen_specs = FileList['spec/functional/bad_citizen/*_spec.rb'] # these specs call the API, and also require prior setup (for example, ensure an invoice exists beforehand) # we do not consider these part of the main run, as they're particularly bad citizens functional_situational_specs = FileList['spec/functional/bad_citizen/situational/*_spec.rb'] # offline tests fast_specs = FileList[] fast_specs.concat(syntax_specs) fast_specs.concat(component_specs) # offline tests + main functional run main_specs = FileList[] main_specs.concat(fast_specs) puts functional_good_citizen_specs main_specs.concat(functional_good_citizen_specs) main_specs.concat(functional_bad_citizen_specs) # offline tests + main functional run + situational functional all_specs = FileList[] all_specs.concat(main_specs) all_specs.concat(functional_situational_specs) do |t| spec_files = FileList[] spec_files.concat(fast_specs) # trick t.pattern into accepting a list of files (otherwise deprecated) # otherwise globbing does not work on Windows (only first file is matched) t.pattern = spec_files t.rspec_opts = "--color --format documentation" end do |t| spec_files = FileList[] spec_files.concat(main_specs) # trick t.pattern into accepting a list of files (otherwise deprecated) # otherwise globbing does not work on Windows (only first file is matched) t.pattern = spec_files t.rspec_opts = "--color --format documentation" end do |t| spec_files = FileList[] spec_files.concat(all_specs) # trick t.pattern into accepting a list of files (otherwise deprecated) # otherwise globbing does not work on Windows (only first file is matched) t.pattern = spec_files t.rspec_opts = "--color --format documentation" end # Make 'Rspec test run' the default task task :default => :spec_offline rescue LoadError # no rspec available end