require "true" require "clip" module SeedDump class Perform def initialize @opts = {} @ar_options = {} @indent = "" @models = [] @last_record = [] @seed_rb = "" @id_set_string = "" @model_dir = 'app/models/**/*.rb' end def setup(env) # config @opts['verbose'] = env["VERBOSE"].true? || env['VERBOSE'].nil? @opts['debug'] = env["DEBUG"].true? @opts['with_id'] = env["WITH_ID"].true? @opts['timestamps'] = env["TIMESTAMPS"].true? || env["TIMESTAMPS"].nil? @opts['no-data'] = env['NO_DATA'].true? @opts['skip_callbacks'] = env['SKIP_CALLBACKS'].true? @opts['models'] = env['MODELS'] || (env['MODEL'] ? env['MODEL'] : "") @opts['file'] = env['FILE'] || "#{Rails.root}/db/seeds.rb" @opts['append'] = (env['APPEND'].true? && File.exists?(@opts['file']) ) @opts['max'] = env['MAX'] && env['MAX'].to_i > 0 ? env['MAX'].to_i : nil @ar_options = env['LIMIT'].to_i > 0 ? { :limit => env['LIMIT'].to_i } : {} @indent = " " * (env['INDENT'].nil? ? 2 : env['INDENT'].to_i) @opts['models'] = @opts['models'].split(',').collect {|x| x.underscore.singularize.camelize } @opts['schema'] = env['PG_SCHEMA'] @opts['model_dir'] = env['MODEL_DIR'] || @model_dir @opts['create_method'] = env['CREATE_METHOD'] || 'create' end def log(msg) puts msg if @opts['debug'] end def load_models log("Searching in #{@opts['model_dir']} for models") Dir[File.join(Dir.pwd, @opts['model_dir'])].sort.each do |f| log("Processing file #{f}") dirname, basename = File.split(f) dir_array = dirname.split(File::SEPARATOR) # Find index of last occurence of 'models' in path models_index = nil dir_array.each_with_index {|x, i| models_index = i if x == 'models'} model_dir_array = dir_array[models_index + 1..-1] # Initialize nested model namespaces model_dir_array.inject(Object) do |parent, child| child = child.camelize if parent.const_defined?(child) parent.const_get(child) else parent.const_set(child, end end require f model = File.join(model_dir_array + [File.basename(basename, '.rb')]).camelize log("Detected model #{model}") @models << model if @opts['models'].include?(model) || @opts['models'].empty? end end def models @models end def last_record @last_record end def dump_attribute(a_s, r, k, v) pushed = false if v.is_a?(BigDecimal) v = v.to_s else v = attribute_for_inspect(r,k) end unless k == 'id' && !@opts['with_id'] if (!(k == 'created_at' || k == 'updated_at') || @opts['timestamps']) a_s.push("#{k.to_sym.inspect} => #{v}") pushed = true end end pushed end def dump_model(model) @id_set_string = '' @last_record = [] create_hash = "" options = '' rows = [] arr = nil unless @opts['no-data'] arr = model.all arr.limit(@ar_options[:limit]) if @ar_options[:limit] end arr = arr.empty? ? [] : arr arr.each_with_index { |r,i| attr_s = []; r.attributes.each do |k,v| pushed_key = dump_attribute(attr_s,r,k,v) @last_record.push k if pushed_key end rows.push "#{@indent}{ " << attr_s.join(', ') << " }" } if @opts['max'] splited_rows = rows.each_slice(@opts['max']).to_a maxsarr = [] splited_rows.each do |sr| maxsarr << "\n#{model}.#{@opts['create_method']}([\n" << sr.join(",\n") << "\n]#{options})\n" end maxsarr.join('') else "\n#{model}.#{@opts['create_method']}([\n" << rows.join(",\n") << "\n]#{options})\n" end end def dump_models @seed_rb = "" @models.sort.each do |model| m = model.constantize if m.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base) && !m.abstract_class puts "Adding #{model} seeds." if @opts['verbose'] if @opts['skip_callbacks'] @seed_rb << "#{model}.reset_callbacks :save\n" @seed_rb << "#{model}.reset_callbacks :create\n" puts "Callbacks are disabled." if @opts['verbose'] end @seed_rb << dump_model(m) << "\n\n" else puts "Skipping non-ActiveRecord model #{model}..." if @opts['verbose'] end end end def write_file['file'], (@opts['append'] ? "a" : "w")) { |f| f << "# encoding: utf-8\n" f << "# Autogenerated by the db:seed:dump task\n# Do not hesitate to tweak this to your needs\n" unless @opts['append'] f << "#{@seed_rb}" } end #override the rails version of this function to NOT truncate strings def attribute_for_inspect(r,k) value = r.attributes[k] if value.is_a?(String) && value.length > 50 "#{value}".inspect elsif value.is_a?(Date) || value.is_a?(Time) %("#{value.to_s(:db)}") else value.inspect end end def set_search_path(path, append_public=true) path_parts = [path.to_s, ('public' if append_public)].compact ActiveRecord::Base.connection.schema_search_path = path_parts.join(',') end def run(env) setup env set_search_path @opts['schema'] if @opts['schema'] load_models puts "Appending seeds to #{@opts['file']}." if @opts['append'] dump_models puts "Writing #{@opts['file']}." write_file puts "Done." end end end