open Core open OUnit2 open Model open Codegen open Ocaml_special_cases open Yojson.Basic let ae exp got _ctxt = assert_equal exp got let tuples_printer kvs = String.concat ~sep:";" @@ ~f:(fun (k,v) -> "(" ^ k ^ "," ^ v ^ ")") kvs let stringify = function | `Bool true -> "stringified" | _ -> failwith "Bad type for stringify" let ocaml_special_cases_tests = [ "for a non special cased slug convert the parameter to a string" >:: (fun _ctx -> assert_equal "stringified" @@ ocaml_edit_expected ~stringify ~slug:"some-slug" ~value:(`Bool true) ); "an optional int parameter is converted to none if it matches the special value" >:: (fun _ctx -> assert_equal "None" @@ optional_int ~none:88 (`Int 88) ); "an optional int parameter is converted to (Some value) if it does not match the special value" >:: (fun _ctx -> assert_equal "(Some 0)" @@ optional_int ~none:88 (`Int 0) ); "default_value does not provide a default for a list that has the given key already" >:: (fun _ctx -> let ps = [("key", "value")] in assert_equal ps @@ default_value ~key:"key" ~value:"value2" ps ); "default_value does provides a default for a list that does not have the given key" >:: (fun _ctx -> assert_equal [("key", "value")] @@ default_value ~key:"key" ~value:"value" [] ); "optional_strings replace value with Some(value)" >:: (fun _ctx -> assert_equal ~printer:tuples_printer [("key", "(Some \"value\")"); ("key2", "\"value2\"")] @@ optional_strings ~f:(fun x -> x = "key") [("key", `String "value"); ("key2", `String "value2")] ); ]