// // Copyright (c) 2015 Artyom Beilis (Tonkikh) // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #ifndef BOOST_NOWIDE_UTF8_CODECVT_HPP #define BOOST_NOWIDE_UTF8_CODECVT_HPP #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace nowide { // // Make sure that mbstate can keep 16 bit of UTF-16 sequence // BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(std::mbstate_t)>=2); #if defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER < 1700 // MSVC do_length is non-standard it counts wide characters instead of narrow and does not change mbstate #define BOOST_NOWIDE_DO_LENGTH_MBSTATE_CONST #endif template class utf8_codecvt; template class utf8_codecvt : public std::codecvt { public: utf8_codecvt(size_t refs = 0) : std::codecvt(refs) { } protected: typedef CharType uchar; virtual std::codecvt_base::result do_unshift(std::mbstate_t &s,char *from,char * /*to*/,char *&next) const { boost::uint16_t &state = *reinterpret_cast(&s); #ifdef DEBUG_CODECVT std::cout << "Entering unshift " << std::hex << state << std::dec << std::endl; #endif if(state != 0) return std::codecvt_base::error; next=from; return std::codecvt_base::ok; } virtual int do_encoding() const throw() { return 0; } virtual int do_max_length() const throw() { return 4; } virtual bool do_always_noconv() const throw() { return false; } virtual int do_length( std::mbstate_t #ifdef BOOST_NOWIDE_DO_LENGTH_MBSTATE_CONST const #endif &std_state, char const *from, char const *from_end, size_t max) const { #ifndef BOOST_NOWIDE_DO_LENGTH_MBSTATE_CONST char const *save_from = from; boost::uint16_t &state = *reinterpret_cast(&std_state); #else size_t save_max = max; boost::uint16_t state = *reinterpret_cast(&std_state); #endif while(max > 0 && from < from_end){ char const *prev_from = from; boost::uint32_t ch=boost::locale::utf::utf_traits::decode(from,from_end); if(ch==boost::locale::utf::incomplete || ch==boost::locale::utf::illegal) { from = prev_from; break; } max --; if(ch > 0xFFFF) { if(state == 0) { from = prev_from; state = 1; } else { state = 0; } } } #ifndef BOOST_NOWIDE_DO_LENGTH_MBSTATE_CONST return from - save_from; #else return save_max - max; #endif } virtual std::codecvt_base::result do_in( std::mbstate_t &std_state, char const *from, char const *from_end, char const *&from_next, uchar *to, uchar *to_end, uchar *&to_next) const { std::codecvt_base::result r=std::codecvt_base::ok; // mbstate_t is POD type and should be initialized to 0 (i.a. state = stateT()) // according to standard. We use it to keep a flag 0/1 for surrogate pair writing // // if 0 no code above >0xFFFF observed, of 1 a code above 0xFFFF observerd // and first pair is written, but no input consumed boost::uint16_t &state = *reinterpret_cast(&std_state); while(to < to_end && from < from_end) { #ifdef DEBUG_CODECVT std::cout << "Entering IN--------------" << std::endl; std::cout << "State " << std::hex << state <::decode(from,from_end); if(ch==boost::locale::utf::illegal) { from = from_saved; r=std::codecvt_base::error; break; } if(ch==boost::locale::utf::incomplete) { from = from_saved; r=std::codecvt_base::partial; break; } // Normal codepoints go direcly to stream if(ch <= 0xFFFF) { *to++=ch; } else { // for other codepoints we do following // // 1. We can't consume our input as we may find ourselfs // in state where all input consumed but not all output written,i.e. only // 1st pair is written // 2. We only write first pair and mark this in the state, we also revert back // the from pointer in order to make sure this codepoint would be read // once again and then we would consume our input together with writing // second surrogate pair ch-=0x10000; boost::uint16_t vh = ch >> 10; boost::uint16_t vl = ch & 0x3FF; boost::uint16_t w1 = vh + 0xD800; boost::uint16_t w2 = vl + 0xDC00; if(state == 0) { from = from_saved; *to++ = w1; state = 1; } else { *to++ = w2; state = 0; } } } from_next=from; to_next=to; if(r == std::codecvt_base::ok && (from!=from_end || state!=0)) r = std::codecvt_base::partial; #ifdef DEBUG_CODECVT std::cout << "Returning "; switch(r) { case std::codecvt_base::ok: std::cout << "ok" << std::endl; break; case std::codecvt_base::partial: std::cout << "partial" << std::endl; break; case std::codecvt_base::error: std::cout << "error" << std::endl; break; default: std::cout << "other" << std::endl; break; } std::cout << "State " << std::hex << state <=2 in order // to be able to store first observerd surrogate pair // // State: state!=0 - a first surrogate pair was observerd (state = first pair), // we expect the second one to come and then zero the state /// boost::uint16_t &state = *reinterpret_cast(&std_state); while(to < to_end && from < from_end) { #ifdef DEBUG_CODECVT std::cout << "Entering OUT --------------" << std::endl; std::cout << "State " << std::hex << state <::width(ch); if(to_end - to < len) { r=std::codecvt_base::partial; break; } to = boost::locale::utf::utf_traits::encode(ch,to); state = 0; from++; } from_next=from; to_next=to; if(r==std::codecvt_base::ok && from!=from_end) r = std::codecvt_base::partial; #ifdef DEBUG_CODECVT std::cout << "Returning "; switch(r) { case std::codecvt_base::ok: std::cout << "ok" << std::endl; break; case std::codecvt_base::partial: std::cout << "partial" << std::endl; break; case std::codecvt_base::error: std::cout << "error" << std::endl; break; default: std::cout << "other" << std::endl; break; } std::cout << "State " << std::hex << state < class utf8_codecvt : public std::codecvt { public: utf8_codecvt(size_t refs = 0) : std::codecvt(refs) { } protected: typedef CharType uchar; virtual std::codecvt_base::result do_unshift(std::mbstate_t &/*s*/,char *from,char * /*to*/,char *&next) const { next=from; return std::codecvt_base::ok; } virtual int do_encoding() const throw() { return 0; } virtual int do_max_length() const throw() { return 4; } virtual bool do_always_noconv() const throw() { return false; } virtual int do_length( std::mbstate_t #ifdef BOOST_NOWIDE_DO_LENGTH_MBSTATE_CONST const #endif &/*state*/, char const *from, char const *from_end, size_t max) const { #ifndef BOOST_NOWIDE_DO_LENGTH_MBSTATE_CONST char const *start_from = from; #else size_t save_max = max; #endif while(max > 0 && from < from_end){ char const *save_from = from; boost::uint32_t ch=boost::locale::utf::utf_traits::decode(from,from_end); if(ch==boost::locale::utf::incomplete || ch==boost::locale::utf::illegal) { from = save_from; break; } max--; } #ifndef BOOST_NOWIDE_DO_LENGTH_MBSTATE_CONST return from - start_from; #else return save_max - max; #endif } virtual std::codecvt_base::result do_in( std::mbstate_t &/*state*/, char const *from, char const *from_end, char const *&from_next, uchar *to, uchar *to_end, uchar *&to_next) const { std::codecvt_base::result r=std::codecvt_base::ok; // mbstate_t is POD type and should be initialized to 0 (i.a. state = stateT()) // according to standard. We use it to keep a flag 0/1 for surrogate pair writing // // if 0 no code above >0xFFFF observed, of 1 a code above 0xFFFF observerd // and first pair is written, but no input consumed while(to < to_end && from < from_end) { #ifdef DEBUG_CODECVT std::cout << "Entering IN--------------" << std::endl; std::cout << "State " << std::hex << state <::decode(from,from_end); if(ch==boost::locale::utf::illegal) { r=std::codecvt_base::error; from = from_saved; break; } if(ch==boost::locale::utf::incomplete) { r=std::codecvt_base::partial; from=from_saved; break; } *to++=ch; } from_next=from; to_next=to; if(r == std::codecvt_base::ok && from!=from_end) r = std::codecvt_base::partial; #ifdef DEBUG_CODECVT std::cout << "Returning "; switch(r) { case std::codecvt_base::ok: std::cout << "ok" << std::endl; break; case std::codecvt_base::partial: std::cout << "partial" << std::endl; break; case std::codecvt_base::error: std::cout << "error" << std::endl; break; default: std::cout << "other" << std::endl; break; } std::cout << "State " << std::hex << state <::width(ch); if(to_end - to < len) { r=std::codecvt_base::partial; break; } to = boost::locale::utf::utf_traits::encode(ch,to); from++; } from_next=from; to_next=to; if(r==std::codecvt_base::ok && from!=from_end) r = std::codecvt_base::partial; #ifdef DEBUG_CODECVT std::cout << "Returning "; switch(r) { case std::codecvt_base::ok: std::cout << "ok" << std::endl; break; case std::codecvt_base::partial: std::cout << "partial" << std::endl; break; case std::codecvt_base::error: std::cout << "error" << std::endl; break; default: std::cout << "other" << std::endl; break; } std::cout << "State " << std::hex << state <