module TaggableModel # for inclusion into ActiveRecord::Base def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.class_eval { @@taggable_models = [] cattr_accessor :taggable_models } end module ClassMethods def is_taggable? false end def is_taggable return if is_taggable? has_many :taggings, :as => :tagged has_many :attached_tags, :through => :taggings, :source => :tag # can't be just has_many :tags because that stomps on the radius tags in Page. named_scope :from_tag, lambda { |tag| tag = Tag.find_by_title(tag) unless tag.is_a? Tag { :joins => "INNER JOIN taggings as tt on tt.tagged_id = #{self.table_name}.id AND tt.tagged_type = '#{self.to_s}'", :conditions => ["tt.tag_id = ?",], :readonly => false } } named_scope :from_tags, lambda { |tags| { :joins => "INNER JOIN taggings as tt on tt.tagged_id = #{self.table_name}.id AND tt.tagged_type = '#{self.to_s}'", :conditions => ["tt.tag_id in(#{{ '?' }.join(',')})"] +, :group => { |n| table_name + '.' + n }.join(','), # postgres is strict and requires that we group by all selected (but not aggregated) columns :order => "count( DESC", :readonly => false } } named_scope :from_all_tags, lambda { |tags| { :joins => "INNER JOIN taggings as tt on tt.tagged_id = #{self.table_name}.id AND tt.tagged_type = '#{self.to_s}'", :conditions => ["tt.tag_id in(#{{ '?' }.join(',')})"] +, :group => { |n| table_name + '.' + n }.join(','), # postgres is strict and requires that we group by all selected (but not aggregated) columns :having => "count( >= #{tags.length}", :readonly => false } } do # count is badly sugared here: it omits the group and having clauses. # length performs the query and looks at the array: less neat, but more right # this gives us back any? and empty? as well. def count length end end # creates eg. tag.pages, tag.assets # (returning the from_tag scope defined above) Tag.define_retrieval_methods(self.to_s) class_eval { extend TaggableModel::TaggableClassMethods include TaggableModel::TaggableInstanceMethods alias_method "related_#{self.to_s.underscore.pluralize}".intern, :related alias_method "closely_related_#{self.to_s.underscore.pluralize}".intern, :closely_related } ActiveRecord::Base.taggable_models.push(self.to_s.intern) end end module TaggableClassMethods def tagged_with(somewords=[]) if somewords.is_a?(Tag) self.from_tag(somewords) elsif somewords.is_a?(Array) self.from_all_tags(somewords) else self.from_all_tags( Tag.from_list(somewords) ) end end def is_taggable? true end def tags_for_cloud_from(these, limit=50) Tag.attached_to(these).most_popular(limit) # here popularity is use-count *within the group* end end module TaggableInstanceMethods def add_tag(word=nil) self.attached_tags << Tag.for(word) if word && !word.blank? end def remove_tag(word=nil) tag = Tag.find_by_title(word) if word && !word.blank? self.attached_tags.delete(tag) if tag end def related self.attached_tags.empty? ? [] : self.class.from_tags(self.attached_tags) - [self] end def closely_related self.attached_tags.empty? ? [] : self.class.from_all_tags(self.attached_tags) - [self] end # in the case of pages and anything else that keywords in the same way this overrides the existing column # the rest of the time it's just another way of specifying tags. def keywords {|t| t.title}.join(', ') end def keywords=(somewords="") if somewords.blank? self.attached_tags.clear else self.attached_tags = Tag.from_list(somewords) end end def keywords_before_type_cast # for form_helper keywords end def tags_from_keywords if self.class.column_names.include?('keywords') && keys = read_attribute(:keywords) self.attached_tags = Tag.from_list(keys) end end end end