# encoding: UTF-8 require 'csv' module RailsAdmin class CSVConverter def initialize(objects = [], schema = {}) return self if (@objects = objects).blank? @model = objects.dup.first.class @abstract_model = RailsAdmin::AbstractModel.new(@model) @model_config = @abstract_model.config @methods = [(schema[:only] || []) + (schema[:methods] || [])].flatten.compact @fields = @methods.collect { |m| export_fields_for(m).first } @empty = ::I18n.t('admin.export.empty_value_for_associated_objects') schema_include = schema.delete(:include) || {} @associations = schema_include.each_with_object({}) do |(key, values), hash| association = association_for(key) model_config = association.associated_model_config abstract_model = model_config.abstract_model methods = [(values[:only] || []) + (values[:methods] || [])].flatten.compact hash[key] = { association: association, model: abstract_model.model, abstract_model: abstract_model, model_config: model_config, fields: methods.collect { |m| export_fields_for(m, model_config).first }, } hash end end def to_csv(options = {}) encoding_to = Encoding.find(options[:encoding_to]) if options[:encoding_to].present? csv_string = generate_csv_string(options) if encoding_to csv_string = csv_string.encode(encoding_to, invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '?') end # Add a BOM for utf8 encodings, helps with utf8 auto-detect for some versions of Excel. # Don't add if utf8 but user don't want to touch input encoding: # If user chooses utf8, they will open it in utf8 and BOM will disappear at reading. # But that way "English" users who don't bother and chooses to let utf8 by default won't get BOM added # and will not see it if Excel opens the file with a different encoding. csv_string = "\xEF\xBB\xBF#{csv_string}" if encoding_to == Encoding::UTF_8 [!options[:skip_header], (encoding_to || csv_string.encoding).to_s, csv_string] end private def association_for(key) export_fields_for(key).detect(&:association?) end def export_fields_for(method, model_config = @model_config) model_config.export.fields.select { |f| f.name == method } end def generate_csv_string(options) generator_options = (options[:generator] || {}).symbolize_keys.delete_if { |_, value| value.blank? } method = @objects.respond_to?(:find_each) ? :find_each : :each CSV.generate(generator_options) do |csv| csv << generate_csv_header unless options[:skip_header] @objects.send(method) do |object| csv << generate_csv_row(object) end end end def generate_csv_header @fields.collect do |field| ::I18n.t('admin.export.csv.header_for_root_methods', name: field.label, model: @abstract_model.pretty_name) end + @associations.flat_map do |_association_name, option_hash| option_hash[:fields].collect do |field| ::I18n.t('admin.export.csv.header_for_association_methods', name: field.label, association: option_hash[:association].label) end end end def generate_csv_row(object) @fields.collect do |field| field.with(object: object).export_value end + @associations.flat_map do |association_name, option_hash| associated_objects = [object.send(association_name)].flatten.compact option_hash[:fields].collect do |field| associated_objects.collect { |ao| field.with(object: ao).export_value.presence || @empty }.join(',') end end end end end