# A visitor for converting a dynamic Sass tree into a static Sass tree. class Sass::Tree::Visitors::Perform < Sass::Tree::Visitors::Base # @param root [Tree::Node] The root node of the tree to visit. # @param environment [Sass::Environment] The lexical environment. # @return [Tree::Node] The resulting tree of static nodes. def self.visit(root, environment = Sass::Environment.new) new(environment).send(:visit, root) end protected def initialize(env) @environment = env end # If an exception is raised, this add proper metadata to the backtrace. def visit(node) super(node.dup) rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e e.modify_backtrace(:filename => node.filename, :line => node.line) raise e end # Keeps track of the current environment. def visit_children(parent) with_environment Sass::Environment.new(@environment) do parent.children = super.flatten parent end end # Runs a block of code with the current environment replaced with the given one. # # @param env [Sass::Environment] The new environment for the duration of the block. # @yield A block in which the environment is set to `env`. # @return [Object] The return value of the block. def with_environment(env) old_env, @environment = @environment, env yield ensure @environment = old_env end # Sets the options on the environment if this is the top-level root. def visit_root(node) @environment.options = node.options if @environment.options.nil? || @environment.options.empty? yield rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e e.sass_template ||= node.template raise e end # Removes this node from the tree if it's a silent comment. def visit_comment(node) return [] if node.invisible? if node.evaluated? node.value.gsub!(/(^|[^\\])\#\{([^}]*)\}/) do |md| $1+Sass::Script.parse($2, node.line, 0, node.options).perform(@environment).to_s end node.value = run_interp([Sass::Script::String.new(node.value)]) end node end # Prints the expression to STDERR. def visit_debug(node) res = node.expr.perform(@environment) res = res.value if res.is_a?(Sass::Script::String) if node.filename $stderr.puts "#{node.filename}:#{node.line} DEBUG: #{res}" else $stderr.puts "Line #{node.line} DEBUG: #{res}" end [] end # Runs the child nodes once for each value in the list. def visit_each(node) list = node.list.perform(@environment) with_environment Sass::Environment.new(@environment) do list.to_a.map do |v| @environment.set_local_var(node.var, v) node.children.map {|c| visit(c)} end.flatten end end # Runs SassScript interpolation in the selector, # and then parses the result into a {Sass::Selector::CommaSequence}. def visit_extend(node) parser = Sass::SCSS::CssParser.new(run_interp(node.selector), node.line) node.resolved_selector = parser.parse_selector(node.filename) node end # Runs the child nodes once for each time through the loop, varying the variable each time. def visit_for(node) from = node.from.perform(@environment) to = node.to.perform(@environment) from.assert_int! to.assert_int! to = to.coerce(from.numerator_units, from.denominator_units) range = Range.new(from.to_i, to.to_i, node.exclusive) with_environment Sass::Environment.new(@environment) do range.map do |i| @environment.set_local_var(node.var, Sass::Script::Number.new(i, from.numerator_units, from.denominator_units)) node.children.map {|c| visit(c)} end.flatten end end # Loads the function into the environment. def visit_function(node) @environment.set_function(node.name, Sass::Callable.new(node.name, node.args, @environment, node.children)) [] end # Runs the child nodes if the conditional expression is true; # otherwise, tries the else nodes. def visit_if(node) if node.expr.nil? || node.expr.perform(@environment).to_bool yield node.children elsif node.else visit(node.else) else [] end end # Returns a static DirectiveNode if this is importing a CSS file, # or parses and includes the imported Sass file. def visit_import(node) if path = node.css_import? return Sass::Tree::DirectiveNode.new("@import url(#{path})") end @environment.push_frame(:filename => node.filename, :line => node.line) root = node.imported_file.to_tree node.children = root.children.map {|c| visit(c)}.flatten node rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e e.modify_backtrace(:filename => node.imported_file.options[:filename]) e.add_backtrace(:filename => node.filename, :line => node.line) raise e ensure @environment.pop_frame end # Loads a mixin into the environment. def visit_mixindef(node) @environment.set_mixin(node.name, Sass::Callable.new(node.name, node.args, @environment, node.children)) [] end # Runs a mixin. def visit_mixin(node) handle_include_loop!(node) if @environment.mixins_in_use.include?(node.name) original_env = @environment original_env.push_frame(:filename => node.filename, :line => node.line) original_env.prepare_frame(:mixin => node.name) raise Sass::SyntaxError.new("Undefined mixin '#{node.name}'.") unless mixin = @environment.mixin(node.name) passed_args = node.args.dup passed_keywords = node.keywords.dup raise Sass::SyntaxError.new(< e if original_env # Don't add backtrace info if this is an @include loop e.modify_backtrace(:mixin => node.name, :line => node.line) e.add_backtrace(:line => node.line) end raise e ensure original_env.pop_frame if original_env end # Runs any SassScript that may be embedded in a property. def visit_prop(node) node.resolved_name = run_interp(node.name) val = node.value.perform(@environment) node.resolved_value = val.to_s yield end # Returns the value of the expression. def visit_return(node) throw :_sass_return, node.expr.perform(@environment) end # Runs SassScript interpolation in the selector, # and then parses the result into a {Sass::Selector::CommaSequence}. def visit_rule(node) parser = Sass::SCSS::StaticParser.new(run_interp(node.rule), node.line) node.parsed_rules ||= parser.parse_selector(node.filename) yield end # Loads the new variable value into the environment. def visit_variable(node) return [] if node.guarded && !@environment.var(node.name).nil? val = node.expr.perform(@environment) @environment.set_var(node.name, val) [] end # Prints the expression to STDERR with a stylesheet trace. def visit_warn(node) @environment.push_frame(:filename => node.filename, :line => node.line) res = node.expr.perform(@environment) res = res.value if res.is_a?(Sass::Script::String) msg = "WARNING: #{res}\n" @environment.stack.reverse.each_with_index do |entry, i| msg << " #{i == 0 ? "on" : "from"} line #{entry[:line]}" << " of #{entry[:filename] || "an unknown file"}" msg << ", in `#{entry[:mixin]}'" if entry[:mixin] msg << "\n" end Sass::Util.sass_warn msg [] ensure @environment.pop_frame end # Runs the child nodes until the continuation expression becomes false. def visit_while(node) children = [] with_environment Sass::Environment.new(@environment) do children += node.children.map {|c| visit(c)} while node.expr.perform(@environment).to_bool end children.flatten end def visit_directive(node) if node.value['#{'] node.value = run_interp(Sass::Engine.parse_interp(node.value, node.line, 0, node.options)) end yield node end private def run_interp(text) text.map do |r| next r if r.is_a?(String) val = r.perform(@environment) # Interpolated strings should never render with quotes next val.value if val.is_a?(Sass::Script::String) val.to_s end.join.strip end def handle_include_loop!(node) msg = "An @include loop has been found:" mixins = @environment.stack.map {|s| s[:mixin]}.compact if mixins.size == 2 && mixins[0] == mixins[1] raise Sass::SyntaxError.new("#{msg} #{node.name} includes itself") end mixins << node.name msg << "\n" << Sass::Util.enum_cons(mixins, 2).map do |m1, m2| " #{m1} includes #{m2}" end.join("\n") raise Sass::SyntaxError.new(msg) end end