require 'bundler/gem_tasks' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' task :default => [:spec] run_commands = [ 'rm -f /var/tmp/hello_rundock;' \ 'echo \'Hello Rundock.\' > /var/tmp/hello_rundock' ] def execute(command, clean_env, errexit) puts "[EXECUTE:] #{command}" if clean_env Bundler.with_clean_env do system command end else system command end raise 'Execute Error.' if $?.to_i != 0 && errexit end def setup_docker(platform, timeout, interval) execute("./spec/integration/platforms/#{platform}/ &", false, true) found = false (timeout / interval).times do system 'sudo docker ps | grep rundock' if $?.to_i == 0 found = true break end sleep interval end raise 'Docker Error.' unless found end def do_rundock_ssh(commands, platform) base_dir = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.rundock/#{platform}" groups_files_pattern = ["#{base_dir}/groups/*.yml"] if platform == 'localhost' commands.each do |cmd| execute("bundle exec exe/rundock ssh -c \"#{cmd}\" -h localhost -l debug", true, true) end else host = `cat #{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/config_rundock_spec_#{platform} | grep 'HostName ' | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '\n'` port = `cat #{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/config_rundock_spec_#{platform} | grep 'Port ' | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '\n'` commands.each do |cmd| execute('bundle exec exe/rundock' \ " ssh -c \"#{cmd}\" -h #{host} -p #{port} -u tester" \ " -i #{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/id_rsa_rundock_spec_#{platform}_tmp -l debug", true, true) Dir.glob(groups_files_pattern).each do |g| execute('bundle exec exe/rundock' \ " ssh -c \"#{cmd}\" -g #{g} -p #{port} -u tester" \ " -i #{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/id_rsa_rundock_spec_#{platform}_tmp -l debug", true, true) end end end end def do_rundock_scenarios(platform) if platform == 'localhost' base_dir = './spec/integration/platforms/localhost' scenario_files_pattern = ['./spec/integration/platforms/localhost/scenarios/*.yml'] else base_dir = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.rundock/#{platform}" scenario_files_pattern = ["#{base_dir}/scenarios/*.yml"] end Dir.glob(scenario_files_pattern).each do |scenario| default_ssh_opt = if scenario =~ /use_default_ssh/ && platform != 'localhost' " -d #{base_dir}/integration_default_ssh.yml" else '' end options = '' if scenario =~ %r{^*scenarios/(.*hooks_by_option)_scenario.yml$} options = " -k ./spec/integration/hooks/#{Regexp.last_match(1)}.yml" elsif scenario =~ %r{^*scenarios/(.*task_by_option)_scenario.yml$} options = " -t ./spec/integration/tasks/#{Regexp.last_match(1)}.yml" elsif scenario =~ %r{^*scenarios/(.*target_by_option)_scenario.yml$} options = " -g #{base_dir}/targets/#{Regexp.last_match(1)}.yml" end execute('bundle exec exe/rundock' \ " do #{scenario}#{default_ssh_opt}#{options} -l debug", true, true) end end desc 'Cleaning environments' task :clean do execute('rm -fr /var/tmp/hello_rundock*', false, false) Dir.glob('./spec/integration/platforms/*').each do |platform| next if platform =~ /localhost$/ execute("#{platform}/ --clean", false, true) end end desc 'execute rubocop' task :rubocop do execute('rubocop', false, true) end desc 'Run all tests.' task :spec => ['rubocop', 'spec:integration:all'] namespace :spec do desc 'Run all tests for localhost.' task :local => 'integration:localhost:all' namespace :integration do targets = ['localhost'] Dir.glob('./spec/integration/platforms/*').each do |result| targets << File.basename(result) end desc 'Run all tests for all platforms.' task :all => { |t| "spec:integration:#{t}:all" } targets.each do |target| namespace target.to_sym do desc "Run rundock and serverspec tests for #{target}" if target != 'localhost' task :all => %i[docker rundock serverspec] else task :all => %i[rundock serverspec] end unless target == 'localhost' desc "Setup Docker for #{target}" task :docker do # timeout 3 minutes and wait interval 10 seconds setup_docker(target, 180, 10) end end desc "Run rundock for #{target}" task :rundock do do_rundock_ssh(run_commands, target) do_rundock_scenarios(target) end desc "Run serverspec tests for #{target}" do |t| ENV['TARGET_HOST'] = target t.ruby_opts = '-I ./spec/integration' t.pattern = ['./spec/integration/recipes/*_spec.rb'] end end end end end