module Stomper # A low level connection to a Stomp message broker. # Instances of Connection are not synchronized and thus not # directly thread safe. This is a deliberate decision as instances of # Stomper::Client are the preferred way of communicating with # Stomp message broker services. class Connection attr_reader :uri attr_reader :socket # Creates a new connection to the Stomp broker specified by +uri+. # The +uri+ parameter may be either a URI object, or something that can # be parsed by URI.parse, such as a string. # Some examples of acceptable +uri+ forms include: # [stomp:///] Connection will be made to 'localhost' on port 61613 with no login credentials. # [stomp+ssl:///] Same as above, but connection will be made on port 61612 and wrapped by SSL. # [stomp://user:pass@host.tld] Connection will be made to 'host.tld', authenticating as 'user' with a password of 'pass'. # [stomp://user:pass@host.tld:86753] Connection will be made to 'host.tld' on port 86753, authenticating as above. # [stomp://host.tld:86753] Connection will be made to 'host.tld' on port 86753, with no authentication. # # In order to wrap the connection with SSL, the schema of +uri+ must be 'stomp+ssl'; # however, if SSL is not required, the schema is essentially ignored. # The default port for the 'stomp+ssl' schema is 61612, all other schemas # default to port 61613. # # The +opts+ parameter is a hash of options, and can include: # # [:connect_now] Immediately connect to the broker when a new instance is created (default: true) def initialize(uri, opts = {}) connect_now = opts.delete(:connect_now) { true } @uri = (uri.is_a?(URI) && uri) || URI.parse(uri) @use_ssl = (@uri.scheme == "stomp+ssl") ||= 'localhost' if @use_ssl @uri.port ||= 61612 @ssl_context = @ssl_context.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE else @uri.port ||= 61613 end @uri.freeze @connected = false connect if connect_now end # Connects to the broker specified by the +uri+ attribute. # By default, this method is invoked when a new Stomper::Connection # is created. # # See also: new def connect stomp_socket =, @uri.port) if @use_ssl stomp_socket =, @ssl_context) stomp_socket.sync_close = true stomp_socket.connect end @socket = stomp_socket transmit, @uri.password) # Block until the first frame is received connect_frame = receive(true) @connected = connect_frame.instance_of?(Stomper::Frames::Connected) end # Returns true when there is an open connection # established to the broker. def connected? # FIXME: @socket.eof? appears to block or otherwise "wonk out", not sure # why yet. #!(@socket.closed? || @socket.eof?) @connected && @socket && !@socket.closed? end # Immediately closes the connection to the broker. # # See also: disconnect def close @socket.close if @socket ensure @connected = false end # Transmits a Stomper::Frames::Disconnect frame to the broker # then terminates the connection by invoking +close+. # # See also: close def disconnect transmit( ensure close end # Converts an instance of Stomper::Frames::ClientFrame into # a string conforming to the Stomp protocol and sends it # to the broker. def transmit(frame) @socket.write(frame.to_stomp) end # Receives a single Stomper::Frames::ServerFrame from the broker. # If the frame received is known to the Stomper library, an instance of # the appropriate subclass will be returned (eg: Stomper::Frames::Message), # otherwise an instance of Stomper::Frames::ServerFrame is returned with # the +command+ attribute set to the frame type. # If the +blocking+ parameter is set to true, +receive+ will # block until there is a frame available from the server, otherwise if no frame # is currently available, +nil+ is returned. # # If an incoming message is malformed (not terminated with a NULL (\0) # character, or has an incorrectly specified +content+-+length+ header, # this method will raise an exception. [Type the exception, don't rely on # a basic RuntimeError or whatever the default is.] def receive(blocking=false) command = '' while (ready? || blocking) && (command = @socket.gets) command.chomp! break if command.size > 0 end # If we got a command, continue on, potentially blocking until # the entire message is received, otherwise we bail out now. return nil if command.nil? || command.size == 0 headers = {} while (line = @socket.gets) line.chomp! break if line.size == 0 delim = line.index(':') if delim key = line[0..(delim-1)] val = line[(delim+1)..-1] headers[key] = val end end body = nil # Have we been given a content length? if headers['content-length'] body =['content-length'].to_i) raise "Invalid message terminator or content-length header" if socket_c_to_i(@socket.getc) != 0 else body = '' # We read until we find the first nil character while (c = @socket.getc) # Both Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 should support this even though the behavior # of getc is different between the two. However, jruby is particular # about this. And that sucks. break if socket_c_to_i(c) == 0 body << socket_c_to_chr(c) end end # Messages should be forever immutable., headers, body).freeze end private def ready? (@use_ssl) ? : @socket.ready? end def socket_c_to_i(c) (c.respond_to?(:ord)) ? c.ord : c end def socket_c_to_chr(c) (c.respond_to?(:chr)) ? c.chr : c end end end