module ScopeComposer class Scope class << self def define_scope_composer( parent_class, scope_type ) # define a class method for adding scopes to the composer scope_subclass = define_scope_subclass( parent_class, scope_type ) # eg. dataset_scope :limit parent_class.send(:define_singleton_method, "#{scope_type}_scope") do |*args| # act as getter if args are nil return scope_subclass if args.first.nil? # delegate the scope definition to the sub-class scope_subclass.define_scope(*args) scope_subclass.define_scope_delegate(parent_class, scope_type, *args) end parent_class.send(:define_singleton_method, "#{scope_type}_helper") do |*args| scope_subclass.define_helper(*args) end end def define_scope(*args) args[1].is_a?(Proc) ? define_proc_scope(*args) : define_simple_scopes(*args) end def define_helper(name, proc, *args) # ensure symbol name = name.to_sym # define method define_method(name) do |*args| # otherwise set the value instance_exec(*args, &proc) end # add to scope list helpers[name] = proc end def define_scope_delegate(parent_class, scope_type, *args) # options options = args.extract_options! scope_subclass = self # for each scope name args.each do |scope_name| # skip non text scopes next unless scope_name.is_a?(String) || scope_name.is_a?(Symbol) # add prefix if required method_name = scope_name method_name = "#{method_name}_#{scope_type}" if options[:prefix] == true # define method parent_class.send(:define_singleton_method, method_name) do |*args| # delegate the scope to an instance of this scope scope_name, *args ) end end end def scope_names @scope_names ||= scopes.keys end def helper_names @helper_names ||= helpers.keys end def scopes @scopes ||= {} end def helpers @helpers ||= {} end protected def define_scope_subclass(parent_class, scope_type) # the class name class_name = "#{scope_type.to_s.camelize}Scope" # define the class if it doesn't exist unless parent_class.const_defined?(class_name) # the new scope class inherits from Scope scope_class = # the class is attached the parent class parent_class.const_set class_name, scope_class end # return the scope class "#{}::#{class_name}".constantize end def define_proc_scope(name, proc, *args) # ensure symbol name = name.to_sym # define method define_method(name) do |*args| # if no value is given, act as a getter and retrieve the value return attributes[name] if args.first.nil? # otherwise set the value instance_exec(*args, &proc) # and return self for chaining self end define_method("#{name}=") do |value| self.send( name, value ) end # add to scope list scopes[name] = proc end def define_simple_scopes(*args) options = args.extract_options! args.each { |name| define_simple_scope(name, options) } end def define_simple_scope(name, options) # ensure symbol name = name.to_sym # define method define_method(name) do |*args| # init value = args.first # if no value is given, act as a getter return attributes[name] if value.nil? # otherwise set the value where( name => value ) # and return self for chaining return self end define_method("#{name}=") do |*args| self.send( name, *args ) end # add to scoping list scopes[name] = nil end end delegate :to_param, to: :attributes def assign_attributes(*attrs) attrs = attrs.extract_options! attrs.each do |key, value| self.send("#{key}=", value) if self.respond_to?("#{key}=") end end def attributes self.class.scopes.keys.inject({}){|m,k| m.merge( k => attributes[k] ) } end def where(*args) attrs = args.extract_options! attrs.symbolize_keys! self.attributes = attrs self end def attributes @attributes ||= {} end def attributes=(attrs) @attributes = self.attributes.merge(attrs) end end end