# # Fluentd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'fluent/config' require 'fluent/event' require 'fluent/event_router' require 'fluent/msgpack_factory' require 'fluent/root_agent' require 'fluent/time' require 'fluent/system_config' require 'fluent/plugin' module Fluent class EngineClass include Fluent::MessagePackFactory::Mixin def initialize @root_agent = nil @event_router = nil @default_loop = nil @engine_stopped = false @log_emit_thread = nil @log_event_loop_stop = false @log_event_queue = [] @suppress_config_dump = false @system_config = SystemConfig.new end MAINLOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL = 0.3 MATCH_CACHE_SIZE = 1024 LOG_EMIT_INTERVAL = 0.1 attr_reader :root_agent attr_reader :matches, :sources attr_reader :system_config def init(system_config) @system_config = system_config suppress_interval(system_config.emit_error_log_interval) unless system_config.emit_error_log_interval.nil? @suppress_config_dump = system_config.suppress_config_dump unless system_config.suppress_config_dump.nil? @without_source = system_config.without_source unless system_config.without_source.nil? @root_agent = RootAgent.new(log: log, system_config: @system_config) MessagePackFactory.init self end def log $log end def suppress_interval(interval_time) @suppress_emit_error_log_interval = interval_time @next_emit_error_log_time = Time.now.to_i end def parse_config(io, fname, basepath = Dir.pwd, v1_config = false) if fname =~ /\.rb$/ require 'fluent/config/dsl' Config::DSL::Parser.parse(io, File.join(basepath, fname)) else Config.parse(io, fname, basepath, v1_config) end end def run_configure(conf) configure(conf) conf.check_not_fetched { |key, e| parent_name, plugin_name = e.unused_in if parent_name message = if plugin_name "section <#{e.name}> is not used in <#{parent_name}> of #{plugin_name} plugin" else "section <#{e.name}> is not used in <#{parent_name}>" end $log.warn message next end unless e.name == 'system' unless @without_source && e.name == 'source' $log.warn "parameter '#{key}' in #{e.to_s.strip} is not used." end end } end def configure(conf) # plugins / configuration dumps Gem::Specification.find_all.select{|x| x.name =~ /^fluent(d|-(plugin|mixin)-.*)$/}.each do |spec| $log.info "gem '#{spec.name}' version '#{spec.version}'" end @root_agent.configure(conf) @event_router = @root_agent.event_router unless @suppress_config_dump $log.info "using configuration file: #{conf.to_s.rstrip}" end end def add_plugin_dir(dir) Plugin.add_plugin_dir(dir) end def emit(tag, time, record) raise "BUG: use router.emit instead of Engine.emit" end def emit_array(tag, array) raise "BUG: use router.emit_array instead of Engine.emit_array" end def emit_stream(tag, es) raise "BUG: use router.emit_stream instead of Engine.emit_stream" end def flush! @root_agent.flush! end def now # TODO thread update Fluent::EventTime.now end def log_event_loop $log.disable_events(Thread.current) while sleep(LOG_EMIT_INTERVAL) break if @log_event_loop_stop next if @log_event_queue.empty? # NOTE: thead-safe of slice! depends on GVL events = @log_event_queue.slice!(0..-1) next if events.empty? events.each {|tag,time,record| begin @event_router.emit(tag, time, record) rescue => e $log.error "failed to emit fluentd's log event", tag: tag, event: record, error: e end } end end def run begin worker_id = ENV['SERVERENGINE_WORKER_ID'] $log.info "starting fluentd worker", pid: Process.pid, ppid: Process.ppid, worker: worker_id start if @event_router.match?($log.tag) $log.enable_event @log_emit_thread = Thread.new(&method(:log_event_loop)) end $log.info "fluentd worker is now running" # TODO: worker number sleep MAINLOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL until @engine_stopped rescue Exception => e $log.error "unexpected error", error: e $log.error_backtrace raise end $log.info "shutting down fluentd worker" # TODO: worker number shutdown if @log_emit_thread @log_event_loop_stop = true @log_emit_thread.join end end def stop @engine_stopped = true nil end def push_log_event(tag, time, record) return if @log_emit_thread.nil? @log_event_queue.push([tag, time, record]) end private def start @root_agent.start end def shutdown @root_agent.shutdown end end Engine = EngineClass.new end